
Unable to hit the target, Uba Madara (Avatar No. 2) curled his lips in contempt, then controlled the blue giant to slowly approach Bang.


"Boom boom boom~..."

Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2), who was inside the blue giant, walked slowly towards Bang with a moderate pace.

As Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) moved, the blue giant also moved like a bulldozer, destroying the surrounding buildings, ruins, etc....All pushed away, as Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) moved, the ground was like a steamroller, and a 20-meter-wide and immeasurable length of crushed road appeared. This crushed road continued to extend as Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) moved!


"Trample tread tread~..."

As the blue giant got closer, Bang became more cautious and moved quickly.

It was obvious that Bang was a master of technique, not power. Of course, Bang's strength and speed were also excellent. Knowing that his strength was not as good as Susanoo's, Bang naturally chose guerrilla warfare based on speed.

"Flowing Water Rock-Breaking Fist!"

Bang dodged several times and got close to the Susanoo again, punching hard on many Susanoos.


Bang's punch still failed to break the armor of Susanoo, and it didn't even create a crack.

Obviously, with the increase in the power of Uchiha Madara (the second clone), Bang's current strength is no longer able to hurt Susanoo. Unless Bang's power increases again, it is impossible to destroy Susanoo.

"Such an attack is completely meaningless. If you have no other tricks, then die."

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) looked at Susanoo, which did not even have a crack, and said to Bang with a contemptuous tone. After saying that, Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) immediately controlled Susanoo and slashed at Bang.

""Swish~!" (Sword ringing)"

The huge blue sword flashed with cold light and slashed towards Bang at high speed. Obviously, the power of this sword was at least twice as strong as the previous attack!

"Phew~, it seems that this time, I really can't hold back any more!"

Banggu exhaled heavily, but did not dodge, but took a horse stance on the spot.

"Huh~, huh~"


Inhale, exhale, shout, and punch out!

"Flowing Rock Fist: Super Heavy Attack"

"Click, click, click~...(Sound of cracking ground)"

This punch showed extraordinary destructive power and penetration as soon as it was thrown. Before it even touched Susanoo's giant blue lightsaber, it had already caused a devastating blow to the surrounding ground!

Before Bang's punch even hit Susanoo, it had already caused a crushing blow to the ground within 30 meters. Bang's terrifying fist wind was like a cutting machine, constantly cutting the ground.

With a crackling sound, the ground within 30 meters had been destroyed into a mess.

"~~~~~~(From Madara's smile.GIF)"

Looking at the powerful punch, Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2)'s unchanged indifferent expression slowly showed a hint of smile

"The power is good, but it's still not good enough!"

The blue chakra on Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) also surged violently, and the violent chakra energy became more and more intense, reflecting the eyes of Susanoo and flashing coldly.

"Chakra Attachment!"

With a clenched movement of Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2), the originally huge blue lightsaber became two or three feet larger.

The blue light on the blue lightsaber became more and more dazzling, like a light of death that would kill anyone who touched it.


As soon as the two sides' attacks came into contact, the ground within a radius of 100 meters was completely destroyed, forming a huge pit, as if a small meteorite had hit here.

"Click, click, click~...(Lightsaber cracking)"

"Bang~ (Sound of lightsaber breaking)"

The huge blue lightsaber that was shining with cold light before was now broken into two halves and fell to the ground. Bang was also knocked back several steps and there was an obvious blood mark on his fist.

"Oops, I actually underestimated your attack. Not bad, you can actually interrupt the lightsaber in the Susanoo bloodline form, your strength is pretty good."

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) glanced lightly at the blue lightsaber that was broken in half, and praised Bang in a flattering tone.

In the eyes of Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone), Bang's ability to interrupt the lightsaber was considered to be quite good. Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) knew that not everyone was like his original body or the bald demon, and that the two of them were cheating. Being able to interrupt the lightsaber in the Susanoo bloodline state, Bang already had a good strength!

"However, if you cannot destroy Susanoo in an instant, then Susanoo's infinite recovery ability will make you fall into despair!"

""Shua~." (Sound of energy covering)"

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) first praised Bang, and then said something to Bang in a somewhat contemptuous tone. As Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone)'s contemptuous words fell, the huge lightsaber that had been broken before suddenly recovered.

"Damn, is the recovery so strong? I really hope this is just a joke.~!"

Bang looked at the huge blue lightsaber that had suddenly returned to its original state, and said something in a tone of despair.

Anyone facing such a terrifying existence with super strength, destructive power, and even horrible recovery ability would despair. Bang, who was somewhat desperate, could only comfort himself, hoping that all this was just an illusion, just an illusion created by Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) to paralyze himself.

What a pity....

The scars on Bang's fists and the holes on the ground caused by collisions are constantly reminding Bang that everything before his eyes is real!

"Trample Trample~..."

"Thunder Shadow Lightning Roar!"

"Sizzle~...(Electric current sound)"

Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2)'s actions did not stop because of Bang's words.

Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) controlled Susanoo and approached Bang again. Layers of lightning appeared on the already huge blue lightsaber. The lightning current continued to entangle on the huge blue lightsaber, making the already powerful huge lightsaber even more extraordinary.

"Come, try the power of this sword!"

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) said with a slightly sarcastic voice while looking at Bang in front of him, and then slashed down with a sword!

"sou~...(Swords ringing)"

Susanoo slashed down with one sword, and this time the attack speed was obviously much faster than before.

Four huge lightsabers with lightning instantly attacked Bang!

"Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle~...(Electric current sound)"

As soon as the attack was launched, Bang could already feel the slightest electric light from the lightsaber. Looking at the rapidly falling lightning lightsaber and feeling the danger signal from the lightsaber, Bang's injured fist began to ache again.

"Trample Trample~..."

Facing this powerful attack, Bangu did not intend to withstand it head-on, so he began to move quickly. Bangu intended to use fast movement to dodge this attack.

"boom~...(Sound of sword hitting the ground)"

"Boom~...(Sound of sword hitting the ground)"

"Swoosh, bang. (The sound of a sword hitting the ground)"

"sou~!! (Swords chime)"

The first sword didn't hit, and the second sword didn't hit either, but Uchiha Madara (clone No. 2) watched Bang's moving angle, and the bloody and evil eternal Mangekyō Sharingan flashed with a cold light, and suddenly changed his moves!

The third sword directly cut off Bang's retreat, and the fourth sword slashed towards Bang!

"Damn it.

Bangu, whose retreat was cut off, had no choice but to defend himself.


The fourth sword of Susanoo attacked Bang at a very fast speed. As soon as the huge lightning sword touched Bang's arm, there was a bang. The huge power formed a blast that blew away all the ruins within a hundred meters. The terrifying power even smashed Bang directly into the ground!


It was obvious that Bang had still underestimated the power of this sword. This sword was not only extremely sharp, but also had the paralysis attribute unique to lightning attacks.

After this sword fell, in addition to causing several cracks more than ten meters deep in the town that had been destroyed into ruins, it also left a bloody mark on Bang's arm. The lightning attached to the lightsaber even made Bang's hair stand up!

"Hey, is this all? If you have a strong back-up plan, then let's go!"

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) looked at Bang who was attacked and in a state of humiliation and looked very dissatisfied.

"Hehehe~ (laughing weakly)"

"Your Excellency is too strong."

"But I don't want to go on the road yet.��

Bang, who was severely injured by the blow, responded to Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) in a weak tone while relieving the injury on his arm.

Looking at the cold-faced and extremely powerful Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) in front of him, Bang became more cautious and serious.

Now Bang no longer has the confidence to say that he can defeat Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone). After these few moves, Bang only feels that the guy in front of him is really unfathomable and powerful, as if there is no upper limit to his horror!

When he heard that Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) wanted to send him to death, Bang also responded in a weak tone. Then he stood in the same place and took a horse stance again!

"Whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh~....(Take a deep breath)"

"This punch consumes a lot of energy. After this, I may not have the strength to fight again...."

"Since you insist on fighting, then I can only fight with all my strength!!"

Bang, who was standing in horse stance, adjusted his breath again, took a deep breath, and then slowly said to Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone)

"Are there really stronger tricks? You should have used them long ago!"

Uchiha Madara (the second clone) looked a little ferocious, obviously very dissatisfied with Bang for not using a stronger trick before.

"Chakra, attach!"

This time, Uchiha Madara (the second clone) attached the lightsaber with the energy of fire!

"It’s not over yet!"

"Whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh~....(Energy sound on lightsabers)"

As the cold voice of Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) fell, Susanoo also changed.

The original four huge blue lightsabers were now combined into two. Although the number was reduced by half, anyone with a discerning eye could see that the two lightsabers were not only larger in size, but also had about twice the energy as before!

"Susanoo's normal sword technique: Corona Light!!"

Uchiha Madara (clone No. 2) once again imitated the Bald Demon King's catchphrase with a bad expression.

The orange flames attached to the two huge blue lightsabers became even hotter and more violent, reflecting the huge Susanoo into a fire god holding a flaming giant sword, as if divine punishment was about to come!

Before the formal attack, the violent flaming lightsabers had already baked the air, ground, and ruins within a hundred meters around to an unbearable degree.

It is no exaggeration to say that this scorching breath alone can directly burn some tiger-level monsters or B-level heroes to death!....

At this time, Bang entered his own state, and did not care about the changes in the surroundings or the changes in Susanoo. Instead, he gently closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, and then took a horse stance to start accumulating power.

Through the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) could clearly see the current changes in Bang. Now Bang was like an energy absorber, and the surrounding energy continued to gather in Bang's arms and fists.


Looking at Bang who was still accumulating power, Uchiha Madara (clone No. 2) did not attack, but waited patiently for Bang to finish accumulating power. This is not arrogance but absolute confidence in his own strength!

"Phew, sorry for the wait!"

"Come on, use this full-strength attack to end this battle!"

Bang originally thought that Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) would take the opportunity to attack, but he didn't expect that the other party would wait for him to finish charging. Bang, who had almost charged up, opened his eyes and said to Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone). If the two sides were not in different positions, Bang would now want to make friends with this terrifying guy in front of him. Bang had never seen such a confident person before, nor had he seen such a strong person.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~...(Sound of lightsaber fire)"

"I've been waiting impatiently for a long time, come on!"

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) said, and then he controlled Susanoo, which was holding two huge flaming lightsabers, and slashed at Bang!

"Flowing Water Rock-Breaking Fist - Secret"


Seeing the fierce and violent lightsaber coming, Bang did not panic at all and directly threw out his previously charged fist!

"Boom…Boom boom boom……"

As soon as the powerful fist and the sharp sword came into contact, a violent explosion occurred. Half of the town was reduced to ruins!

The ground was cracked inch by inch, and a huge pit was formed directly at the place where the battle took place. From the high-altitude perspective, it can be seen that it is as if someone has dug a small hole on the map!!

"Bang, snap……"

The moment of collision, the flaming giant sword was shattered by the fist, and the fist landed heavily on Susanoo. Unfortunately, it did not break the armor of Susanoo in the blood state. This punch only caused a few cracks.

"Haha~, I was looking forward to it, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even break the bloodline form."

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) looked at the cracks on Susanoo and said sarcastically with contempt.

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) thought that this attack was so terrifying, but he didn't expect that after accumulating power for so long and waiting for so long, it only caused such a little damage....

Looking at the cracks on Susanoo, Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) just wanted to say loudly: You are the legendary idiot! Rumor has it that there is a kind of idiot who is amazing~~!

This kind of idiot is called a tiger in operation, and the record is 0-5!!

Obviously, Bang in front of him was classified as this kind of idiot by Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2)...

Fortunately, Bang didn't know. If Bang knew, he would definitely scold Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) for being shameless! Bang said: Do you think everyone is a cheater like you and the bald devil? You cheater, shut up! You are all gods, okay? I am just an ordinary person.~

"In that case, you better get on the road!"

""Shua~." (Sound of energy repair)"

Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) looked at Bang on the ground and sneered, and the two broken giant swords began to condense and recover.

"Damn it! I don't have an heir yet. I can't accept this!"


Listening to the mocking words of Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2), and looking at the giant lightsaber that was gradually recovering, Bang, who was still attacking Susanoo, roared.

Suddenly, Bang's veins bulged, and even the muscles on Bang's body seemed to have grown a little bigger.

"Click, click, click, click, click~...(Cracking sound)"

Bang’s angry punch seemed to be surprisingly powerful. Bang’s previous attack could only create a few cracks, but this time the attack almost directly broke Susanoo in the bloodline state!

"Sure enough, human potential is limitless!"

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) looked at the Susanoo with more and more cracks with a calm look, without any worry or fear, but praised Bang. It was as if this punch that almost broke the blood state of Susanoo was just worth a look!

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) did not praise Bang's strength, but the willpower that Bang burst out. This kind of strength was only at the level of being pleasing to the eye in Uchiha Madara's (No. 2 clone), and it was far from the word strong.

"Ninja Technique: The Art of Summoning Spirits"


Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) took the initiative to cancel the gradually shattering Susanoo due to the huge energy consumption.

After canceling Susanoo, Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) quickly formed seals with both hands while falling from the air. With a bang, the white mist dissipated. The Uchiha fan on the back of the original body has appeared in the hands of Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2)

"Chakra, attach"

Looking at the upcoming terrifying punch, Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone) was not panicked at all. He first attached rich chakra to his arms and Uchiha fan.

"Human potential is indeed limitless. However, strength can crush everything!"

Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone), holding the Uchiha fan, looked at Bang and said contemptuously, and directly held the Uchiha fan horizontally in front of him to block the incoming fist.



Bang's punch hit the Uchiha fan. Except for the appearance of white ripples on the surface of the Uchiha fan, nothing else happened. There was no loud explosion as expected, and no damage was caused.

The collision of the two was like an ordinary person hitting the water with ordinary force.


Banggu could feel that this punch was like hitting a sponge.


The Uchiha fan under attack began to fluctuate as the energy of Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) was injected.

"Haha~, I’ll give it back to you!"

"Uchiha Rebound"

As Uchiha Madara (Avatar No. 2) spoke, the Uchiha fan also formed a white ball of light that became increasingly brighter.

"Not good!"

Bang, who had just realized something was wrong, became even more anxious when he saw the actions of Uchiha Madara (No. 2 clone). Unfortunately, Bang was unable to move at this time, let alone dodge the upcoming attack.


"Bang! Bang!~...(Sound of bullets hitting a building)"

"tu~.......(Sound of friction on the ground)"

The Uchiha fan blessed by Uchiha Madara (clone No. 2) showed a huge rebound impact force that directly sent Bang flying, crashing through two buildings on the way, and sliding for dozens of meters after hitting the ground heavily!

Through the power of Bang's punch, plus the power added by Uchiha Madara (clone No. 2) using the Uchiha fan, the impact force of this rebound reached at least one-third of the impact force of the previous"Pseudo-Earth-Bakuten Star·Falling"!

However, the difference is that there were many heroes helping to resist before, and the meteorite also fell on a fixed trajectory. Unless Bang himself tried his best to resist and refused to retreat, it was basically impossible for him to receive the full impact force. But this time, the power of the Uchiha rebound was completely and severely hit on Bang's body!


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