
Soon, a big KO sign appeared on King's screen.

Obviously, King's gaming skills are really superb. Just as everyone thought, King in the game is strong enough to rival the bald devil.

"Where are we going to participate in the competition?"

Saitama asked a player next to him curiously. Obviously, in Saitama's eyes, the competition reward is the most important thing.

"Ah? Oh~, competition, where can I sign up?"

Saitama pulled the player back to his senses, and then turned around and pointed to the direction of the sign-up and said to Saitama


"Come on, I'll take you to sign up."

After getting the answer, Saitama thanked him and turned to Uchiha Madara and said something, then walked towards the sign-up area.

"Step~..(Madara followed silently)"

Uchiha Madara did not say anything, but just followed silently to the registration area

""You two, do you want to sign up?"

I don't know if it's because everyone is watching King or for some other reason, but there's no one in the sign-up area at this moment.

The video game lady in charge of player sign-ups looked at Saitama and Uchiha Madara walking towards the sign-up area and asked enthusiastically.

"Well, we two want to sign up."

Before Uchiha Madara could speak, Saitama said it on his own initiative.

"OK, please fill in the game name, both players."

Obviously, this competition is just an offline instant competition, not a large-scale long-term competition, and there is no need to provide ID cards, mobile phone numbers, home addresses, etc....Complicated related information

""Heroes of Interest."

Saitama patted his bald head and thought for a long time but couldn't think of a good name for the game. In the end, he had to use the casual title of"Heroes of Interest".

"Another Dimension."

Uchiha Madara, who was also not good at naming, also casually said a game name.

"OK, this is your license plate."

"I wish you two a happy game~"

After Saitama and Uchiha Madara wrote the game name, the video game lady also took out two number plates and handed them to the two.

"......(Time is accelerating)"

Uchiha Madara and Saitama walked back to the previous competition area holding the number plates marked with player No. 26's alternate dimension and player No. 27's hero of interest.

"......(Time is accelerating)"

"......(Time is accelerating)"

"Now, all the registered players are invited to step onto the stage. The competition is about to begin."

After Uchiha Madara and the others waited for several minutes, the broadcast in the competition area finally sounded. It seemed that the competition was about to begin.

"Step~..Trample Trample~...."

Dozens of players came to the ring, including Uchiha Madara and Saitama. There were 50 video game machines on the ring, and each game could accommodate up to 100 players.

"Please remember the random number on the screen."

"The rules of the competition are as follows. The competitive competition is based on King of Fighters 97. The competition system adopts a best-of-three system. Please be mentally prepared."

"......(Time is accelerating)"

"......(Time is accelerating)"

"......(Time is accelerating)"

Uchiha Madara looked up and found his corresponding player number, player 17.

Soon Uchiha Madara saw player 17 on a video game machine with his number on it. It was a young man who was not very old. He did not have any Shamatte style but had a literary look in his eyes.

"Hello, I am player number 17, and you must be player number 26."

Looking at Uchiha Madara, who was dressed in black and looked very domineering, player number 17 also stood up politely and greeted him.

"Hello, I'm No. 26."

Uchiha Madara also replied calmly, and then sat on the other side.

Then the competitive fighting game began...

Uchiha Madara chose the popular Kusanagi Kyo, Yagami Iori, and Daimon.

Player 17 chose the unpopular Ralph, Clark, and Azuma.

The game started;

"......(Madara is brutally beating his opponent)"

"......(Madara is brutally beating his opponent)"

"......(Madara is beating his opponent)"

As a hacker, Uchiha Madara is naturally many times stronger than ordinary players.

At the end of the game, Uchiha Madara finally defeated player No. 17 with an absolute advantage of 3:0

"Tap tap tap~....(Madara is moving)"

With the end of the game, Uchiha Madara also stood up and walked to the ring to wait for the next lottery.

Before he even reached the ring, Uchiha Madara saw the dejected bald devil. It was obvious that the noob had lost again and lost so quickly and naturally.


Uchiha Madara walked to the side of the lost bald devil and said jokingly.

"~~~~~~~(The bald devil looks a little embarrassed)"

"Just a little bit, I just made a mistake."

Saitama glared at Uchiha Madara in anger, and then loudly explained the reason for his failure.

"Oh, so that's a shame."

Uchiha Madara did not expose the bald devil's self-consoling lies.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the mistake I would have been able to get into the top three."

Said Saitama as if he even believed in the illusion that he could get into the top three.


"The game is about to start, I'm going."

Uchiha Madara looked helplessly at the bald devil in front of him who was trapped in the illusion of life and thought he could kill with a little health, and then he walked towards the ring under the pretext that I wanted to continue the game.

"......(In the hands of Madara-sama's violent team)"

"......(In the hands of Madara-sama's violent team)"


Soon, Uchiha Madara once again defeated his opponent with an absolute advantage of 3:0 and entered the final round.

"Wow~, you are really good at playing games. You knocked out your opponent so quickly."

Seeing Uchiha Madara defeat his opponent with absolute advantage and leave the stage, Saitama also stepped forward to compliment him.

"You want the reward for the competition, right?"

Uchiha Madara glanced at the bald devil with a seductive expression, and without changing his expression, he directly told Saitama his beautiful idea.

"Hahahaha~, as long as you know"

"Since you are not short of money, just treat it as a game and give me the reward."

After hearing Uchiha Madara speak out his thoughts so bluntly, Saitama simply admitted it.

"Let's not talk about the game not being over yet. Even if it's over and I win, why should I give it to you? No one thinks money is too much."

Uchiha Madara glanced at the bald devil, and then said lightly

"But you don't need money, so why not give it to me?"

"If it doesn't work, I'll treat you to dinner every day from now on!"

Hearing Uchiha Madara's refusal, Saitama had no choice but to use his trump card cooking skills.

"Okay, deal."

Hearing the bald devil say that he would treat him to a meal in the future, Uchiha Madara, who had already achieved his goal, naturally agreed to the deal of exchanging rewards for food. After all, Uchiha Madara had no shortage of money and game coins. The reason why he didn't agree to the bald devil's request just now was just to make him pay a little price.

""Okay, deal!"

Saitama was also very happy, just like Uchiha Madara, because Saitama thought that all the food expenses would be paid by Uchiha Madara in the future, and he could buy whatever he wanted to eat.

In this way, Uchiha Madara and Saitama both thought that they had made a great bargain.

"Players No. 26 and No. 7, please come on stage and get ready. The final is about to begin!"

Soon the broadcast in the competition area sounded, reminding that the final is coming.

Soon Uchiha Madara saw his final opponent on the video game console of the final. He was a young gangster who was dressed in a very Shamatte style with four colors of hair dyed and standing up.

"Please take your seats and get ready."

As the announcement of the finals began, the big screen in the competition room switched to the game screen of the finals arcade machine.

"......(Madara is brutally beating his opponent)"

"......(Madara is brutally beating his opponent)"

"......(Madara is brutally beating his opponent)"

"Look, that player number 26 is so strong"

"Yes, that trick is so essential."

"Do you think this alien dimension can fight against Ken?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of No. 26's deeds, but it seems that he can completely defeat his opponent in the game. As for whether he can fight with Ken, it's hard to say at the moment."

"It shouldn't be possible, after all, Ken is a man who has won more than 300 games in a row."

"I think it's okay. Didn't you see the almost uninjured operation of No. 26? This technique is absolutely invincible!"

"Is that really too much? It's just one match, and Ken can win more than 300 matches in a row, so I think Ken is stronger."

"Bullshit~, with this skill control and combo techniques, I don’t believe Ken can defeat this scary guy!"

"Yes, this combo, I really don't believe Ken can���Defeat this other dimension. I think this other dimension should also be a hidden super master!"

"Ken is a video game legend. You can't conclude that this alien is stronger than Ken based on one match."

"It is true that we cannot just watch one game, but three consecutive games were all KOed within 9 seconds. I really don’t believe Ken can do it, especially since the last character of No. 7 was on the defense the whole time, but this alien was still able to break his defense and kill him in 9 seconds. Ken can’t do this either, so I think this alien is the real strongest video game god!"

"Yes, this is a true master! This combo from another dimension is so amazing that as long as you are hit hard enough, you can lose half of your health. If you have enough energy, you can kill him with one combo. It's really terrifying!"

"Ken has also done it before, he killed his opponents in one move, I don't deny that this other dimension is very powerful, but don't belittle Ken."

"We are not belittling Ken, but the fact is that this Dimensional Technique is better than Ken. The reason is simple, the game you mentioned where Ken killed his opponent with one move was just a recreational game, while this Dimensional Technique game was the final game of the competition, there is no comparison between the two."

"Yes, we admit that Ken is very strong, but this god from another dimension is even stronger!"

"That's right, Ken's matches were crushing, while the other dimension's matches were slaughtering, and up to now, in the three consecutive matches of this other dimension, it is said that the character's health has never dropped to 90%!

You know, any skill can consume about 30% or even more of the health, and a light punch or kick can also consume about 5% of the health.

In other words, in the 9 games so far, all the opponents in this other dimension have not been hit once with skills, and even ordinary attacks have not hit twice.


"......(Different controversial voices)" x17

"......(Different controversial voices)" 15

The surrounding video game fans were also excited as they watched Uchiha Madara’s brutal match. They all compared Uchiha Madara with Ken, and most people thought that Uchiha Madara was more powerful!

"Congratulations to player No. 26 for winning first place in this competitive game!"

"Player No. 26, please come up to the stage to receive the prize."

As the game ended, the person in charge of the game also took out the check and game coins and came up.

"Tap tap tap~..(Madara is moving)"

Uchiha Madara walked onto the podium before he even stepped off the competition stage.

"Congratulations to this player for winning the 89th championship of Z City Arcade!"


"Snap Snap~......(Applause)"

"God of another dimension, you are so awesome"



"Master from another dimension, please teach me how to play games"

"Too strong"

".........(Different cheers)" x22

As the person in charge mentioned the champion, the other players in the audience also applauded and cheered!

"This is the reward for this competition. I hope everyone will continue to support our arcade in various cities. Finally, I wish all players a happy game."

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