"~~~~~~~(The bald devil who scares weirdos and vendors)"

"~~~~~~(The bald devil chops wildly at the vendors)"

".......(Time is speeding up)"

Then, Saitama's shopping speed increased significantly, but his bargaining skills did not fall behind at all.

After more than ten minutes of hard work, Saitama managed to bargain down the price of seven or eight kinds of ingredients that originally cost more than 3,000 yuan to 1,900 yuan!

"Oh~, the price I gave was too high just now."

Saitama, who was walking in front, completely ignored the shocked looks of the people around him and instead said something that would make people who can't bargain angry.

"~~~~~~~~(Madara is speechless)"

Uchiha Madara looked at the Bald Demon King walking in front of him and truly realized the terrifying nature of the title of Bald Demon King. Not only is this guy the Bald Demon King to monsters, but Saitama is also the Bald Demon King to ordinary vendors!

"It seems there is nothing to buy, let's go home."

Saitama walked around the food section again before turning around and saying to Uchiha Madara


Uchiha Madara glanced at the bald devil in front of him and slowly uttered a word.

When he left, there were not many people watching. Maybe it was because the people around were used to this big bald man wearing weird clothes.

"Tap tap tap~..(The two are on their way)"

In order to make it easier to travel, Uchiha Madara and Saitama did not take the highway, but chose a mountain path.

""Saitama, can you fly?"

Uchiha Madara suddenly remembered that Saitama said in the original book that he couldn't fly, so he joked.

"~~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil has a look on his face that says"You must be a fool")"

"Idiot, how can humans fly? You are dreaming..."

"~~~~~~~~(The bald devil with his mouth wide open)"

But before Saitama could finish the rest of his words, reality immediately gave Saitama a hard slap in the face.

"撇~. (The floating Madara-sama has a sarcastic expression on his face)"

"Are you trying to say that humans can't fly?"

Uchiha Madara simply used earth escape to reduce his weight and floated in the air easily. If Uchiha Madara wanted to, he could even walk in the air!

"~~~~~~(The bald devil with this unscientific expression)"

"Are you really a human?!"

Saitama asked hesitantly as he looked at Uchiha Madara flying in the air. It was obvious that flying was impossible for Saitama, especially without any ability or external force.

"I guess so."

Uchiha Madara did not tell the bald devil clearly, but just gave a vague answer.

"Sure enough, he is not a human."

After hearing that Uchiha Madara's answer was"sort of", not"definitely", Saitama instantly classified Uchiha Madara as a non-human.

"No, from your perspective, I am completely a human being."

Uchiha Madara's body is shaped by data and is recognized by the universe like all bodies. So from the perspective of humans, Uchiha Madara is also a human being, at least his body is.

"Then why can you fly? Humans can't fly!"

Saitama still looked at Uchiha Madara with disbelief, and the words"I don't believe it" were almost written on his face.

"First use your ability to eliminate your own weight and then use your ability to drag yourself into the air. It's very simple."

Uchiha Madara simply explained the principle of his flight to the bald devil.

In fact, the principle of Uchiha Madara's flight is very simple. As long as you use earth escape to reduce your weight, you can float. Then use energy to create airflow to easily move up, down, left and right. Of course, you can also use lightning escape or other attributes of chakra to increase your speed again.

"~~~~~~~~(The bald devil scratches his head with a confused look on his face)"

"Huh? I don't understand it at all, it seems very complicated."

Listening to Uchiha Madara's concise explanation, Saitama still had a confused expression on his face. Obviously, for Saitama, anything that he didn't often come into contact with in daily life was difficult to understand.

"You don't need to understand, you just need to know that humans can also fly."

Uchiha Madara has not yet told the bald devil about the second S-class hero of the Hero Association, the arrogant little Tornado. Although Tornado also relies on superpowers to achieve floating flight, she is one of the few people who can maintain floating or flying for a long time.

Floating and flying are just low-level abilities in Uchiha Madara's eyes. They are basically useless and not fast. At most, they can be used to show off. Of course, being able to show off is very good.

"Are you flying fast? I don't think you're flying fast."

Saitama, who couldn't understand it at all, didn't ask any more questions. He looked at Uchiha Madara flying in the air and said bluntly:

"Flying ability is just an ability. I didn't say it's fast. Besides, the feeling of flying in the air is different from that of walking on the ground."

Uchiha Madara's flying speed is not very fast, at least not very fast at present. Uchiha Madara's main means of movement is to use the Flickering Technique or other teleportation techniques to achieve short and medium distance instant transfer.

In Uchiha Madara's view, flying ability can only be said to be a form of entertainment and a kind of enjoyment. The feeling of flying in the air is completely different from that of walking on the ground. Of course, the most important thing is that flying in the air is more impressive!

"It seems that it is of no use at all."

Hearing that flying ability is not Uchiha Madara's main means of movement, Saitama instantly lost interest.

"~~~~~~~(A mockery from Madara-sama)"

"Yes, I can fly, but you can't~!"

Uchiha Madara was flying from high in the sky, looking down at the bald devil on the ground, and said in a teasing tone:

"~~~~~~~~(The bald devil pauses)"

"Tsk, it's just meaningless"

"Step~....(The bald devil is moving at an accelerated speed)"

Hearing this familiar teasing tone, Saitama did not get angry this time, but his speed increased a lot.

"Bang~. (The familiar way of Madara landing)"

Looking at the bald devil who suddenly accelerated, Uchiha Madara did not fly but fell directly from the air in the familiar way.

"Step~....Tap tap tap~.....(Two people moving quickly)"

"......(Time is speeding up)"

Soon Uchiha Madara and Saitama walked half of the way.

As they walked, Uchiha Madara suddenly felt an energy fluctuation not far away. This energy fluctuation was very familiar to Uchiha Madara. It was the data fluctuation of a monster, but this monster was very weak, probably only about the strength of a tiger.

"Saitama, are you interested in weirdos?"

Uchiha Madara stopped and said to the bald devil in front of him.

"Well, a weirdo? Where is he?"

After hearing Uchiha Madara say there was a weirdo, Saitama immediately stopped and turned around to look at Uchiha Madara behind him in confusion.

"Where is it?"

Uchiha Madara pointed to a small town on the left and said to the bald devil.

"Is this true? Why can't I see anything?

Saitama asked doubtfully, looking at the peaceful and tranquil town in the distance.


Uchiha Madara didn't say much, just uttered two words lightly

"What kind of weirdo? Is he strong?"

Looking at Uchiha Madara with a confident expression, Saitama asked what kind of weirdo he was and whether he was strong.

"I don't know what kind of monster it is, but he's not very strong."

Although Uchiha Madara can feel the fluctuations of data energy, he can't analyze the appearance of the monster from the fluctuations. After all, the purpose of the fluctuations is only to find the monster, not to see the monster's appearance clearly.

"Ha~, it turns out to be a weak monster, I was looking forward to it."

After hearing that this monster is not strong, Saitama's interest dropped instantly.

Saitama has three purposes for looking for monsters. The first purpose is to kill monsters and eat meat, the second purpose is to protect the people, and the third purpose is to find a strong opponent. Unfortunately, Saitama does not know that he is a cheater.

"~~~~~~~~~~(Madara looks serious)"

"It is almost impossible for you to find a strong enemy on Earth!"

Uchiha Madara, who knew the strength of the Bald Demon King, also unceremoniously issued a final judgment on the Bald Demon King's fantasy.

"Yes, aren't you?"

Saitama has been thinking about the fact that he lost to Uchiha Madara in speed until now. When he heard Uchiha Madara say that he couldn't find a strong enemy on Earth, Saitama looked at Uchiha Madara with ill intentions, as if to say,"Aren't you that person?"

"~~~~~~~(From Madara-sama's eyes of"caring for mentally retarded children")"

"I'm not a weirdo."

Uchiha Madara looked at the bald devil with eyes that looked like a child's love.

"~~~~~~~~~(The bald devil looks full of fighting spirit)"

"It's okay if you're not a monster. How about a passionate fight with me?"

Thinking of Uchiha Madara's unfathomable strength, Saitama's passion was instantly ignited. You know, since a year ago, Saitama has gradually found no opponents, and almost all monsters were knocked out by Saitama with one punch.

How lonely it is to be invincible, invincible is really lonely, so lonely that Saitama, as a cheater, has no interest in anything.

"~~~~~~(From Madara-sama's gaze)"


Uchiha Madara did not move, but just glanced at the bald devil in front of him.

""Hey, now? Forget it, I'll go and kill that monster you mentioned first."

Saitama didn't agree immediately after hearing that Uchiha Madara agreed to fight him. After all, the time was not right. The monster in the distance hadn't been fought yet, and he hadn't eaten yet.

"Oh~, that's fine."

Uchiha Madara was not surprised to hear that the bald devil did not immediately agree to fight.

After all, the bald devil is a hero who fights out of interest. There is a weirdo in the town next to him who may threaten the people around him at any time. How can Saitama calm down and fight?

What's more, the two of them haven't eaten yet, so they naturally can't fight. The most important thing in the world is eating!

This law is applicable to both Saitama and Uchiha Madara. For Uchiha Madara, as long as it doesn't disturb his collection of data energy, then food and tsundere little tornado are the most important. For Saitama, as long as it doesn't disturb his life and doesn't threaten the people around him, then food is the most important.


After that, the two of them quickly walked towards the town.

Before they entered the town, they heard the arrogant voice of the weirdo.

"Hahahaha~, I am a leek weirdo!"

"Leeks are the most delicious food in the world, and you bastards don’t eat leeks!! ?"

"Do you know how delicious leeks are?!!"

"Chives can be made into fried snails, fried rice and shrimp, fried pork shreds, fried tofu, fried eggs, fried vermicelli, fried lilies, fried edamame

, fried mushrooms, fried bean curd, fried chicken shreds, fried mung bean sprouts, fried wild rice stem shreds, fried kelp, do you bastards know how delicious food made from chives is?!"

"The most important thing is that if you eat too much leeks and you particularly love eating leeks, you may become a leek person like me!"

"That’s right, after you become a leek man, you can eat the freshest leeks!"

The leek man kept saying this, and at the same time, he conjured a handful of leeks from his hand and put them into his mouth to chew. The scene was so brutal that it was unimaginable.

"~~~~~~~(People in panic)"


"Weird guy, there's a weird guy out there"

"Hero, come and save me!"

"Woo woo woo~....Mom, I want to find mom"

"The monster is coming, run!"

"Help!~....The weirdo is out"

".......(Different cries for help)" x19

With the high-profile appearance of the leek people, the surrounding people fell into panic again

"Don't run, you guys. If you want to run, take my leek punch."

"~~~~~~(The leek man throws a leek fist)"

Looking at the people around him who were fleeing without giving him face, the leek man directly stretched out his leek fist and punched them

"~~~~~~~~~~(The leek man's fist quickly extends)"

"Bang~. (An unlucky citizen was unfortunately hit)"

"puff~....(People spitting and being knocked away)"

"ah~....(People flying in the air screaming and crying)"

"Bang~. (Sound of hitting the wall)"

"Uh~. (The people screamed, and then there was no more movement.)"

Since the leek monster's fist was very long and could stretch to seven or eight meters, an unlucky citizen was hit by his fist. The unlucky citizen was knocked four or five meters away on the spot, hit the wall, screamed, and then lost consciousness.

"~~~~~~~~(An excited leek man)"

"Chives Chives Chives~"

The leek weirdo is indeed a leek weirdo, even his laughter is leek, leek, leek...

"You can't escape, as a leek man, I am the strongest."

The leek man who turned into a leek monster because of eating too much leek, instantly thought that he had counterattacked and became the strongest king after gaining power!

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