"~~~~~~~(Eleno has a serious expression on his face)"

"Will it threaten the Earth?"

In the conference hall, Eleno frowned and stared at the three bird-shaped fireballs on the screen, and slowly asked the question that everyone was most concerned about.

"After calculation, yes. This weirdo has been showing signs of moving towards the Earth. According to the distance from the satellite, he will definitely come to Earth within the next week!"

The relevant staff explained to Eleno in a serious tone.

"~~~~~~~(Senior executives with ugly faces)"

"This is bad."

"Yes, that’s three!"

"Gulu~, it won't be the same terrifying existence as before, right?"

"Stop, stop fantasizing. How could there be so many of those things?"

"What kind of existence are these three this time? Oh~, our Earth..."

"This is really very bad news."

"..........(Different voices)" x7Listening to the analyst's explanation, the senior executives in the conference hall couldn't help but speculate on various possibilities. When the senior executives recalled the scene when Uchiha Madara descended, they couldn't help but tremble. Obviously, a small number of senior executives believed that Uchiha Madara was an alien, and these three bird-shaped fireballs were also aliens, so they thought that all aliens had cheating powers.

"~~~~~~~(Eleno looks angry)"

"Pah~. (sound of clapping on the table) Quiet"

"Can you detect the strength of these three outer space weirdos?"

Listening to the self-destructive remarks of the senior executives around him, Eleno slammed the table and shouted for silence, and then asked the relevant staff whether they could find out the strength of these three weirdos. After all, only after knowing the strength can everyone have a bottom line in their hearts, and the unknown is often the most frightening.

"Yes, the energy fluctuations of these three weirdos are very obvious. We can use satellites to determine their approximate strength!"

The analyst replied in a serious tone.

"How strong?"

"What level can be reached?"

"How strong are you?"

"......(Different inquiries)" x12

Hearing the analyst's affirmation, the surrounding high-level people asked loudly.

Originally, everyone thought that what Eleno said just now was a waste of time, because the satellite did not have the function of detecting the level of monsters, but they did not expect that the analyst could actually say that it could be done. This also made everyone who was originally disappointed suddenly happy.

"~~~~~~~(The analyst has a look of fear on his face)"

"Gurgle~. (Swallowing saliva)"

"Judging from the energy fluctuations, they should all be at the peak of Dragon Level!"

The analyst couldn't help swallowing his saliva as he looked at the data displayed on the screen, and then he told everyone the strength of the three outer space weirdos.

"~~~~~~~~(Senior executives look a little pale)"

"What, three peak dragon levels!"

"It’s so scary. Three of them came at once. Is this the catastrophe that the earth should face?"

"Gulu~. (Swallowing) How should we resist this crisis?"

"Three top dragons! The power of the Hero Association is hard to stop!"

"......(Different voices)" x17

Hearing that the strength of each of the monsters this time was at the peak of Dragon level, the senior officials were all shocked. You know, Dragon-level disasters are the strongest disasters at present, not to mention that there are three of them at once!

In the past, when encountering a peak Dragon-level monster, the Hero Association might invite all S-level heroes to negotiate together!

"~~~~~~~(Eleno's expression gradually relaxes)"

""Huhu~, it's good that they are not god-level."

Unlike other high-level reactions, Eleno was not too nervous. Instead, he was relieved after hearing the analyst say that the three monsters had the strength of the peak dragon level, because in Eleno's opinion, if there were only three dragon-level monsters, the Hero Association would be fully capable of destroying them all.

According to Eleno's own analysis, at present, each S-level hero in the Hero Association basically has the strength that is not weaker than the dragon-level monsters, and several of them are super killers of the entire Hero Association.

For example; casual blast, the strongest man on the surface of the earth King, trembling tornado, silver fang Bang, these super S heroes are the most powerful weapons of the Hero Association against monsters, not to mention that the current Hero Association has a terrifying existence that is more terrifying than God!

So when Eleno heard that there were only three dragon-level monsters, he was not too panicked. Obviously, like the previous high-level executives, Eleno also regarded Uchiha Madara as an alien, thinking that all aliens have the god-like strength of Uchiha Madara. Now that Eleno has received a negative answer, he naturally has no worries.

"~~~~~~(Senior executives look curious)"

"Lord Eleno, you don't seem nervous at all. These are three dragon-level monsters."

"Yes, Eleno, are you too confident? You know, Dragon-level monsters are the highest-level monsters at the moment, not to mention that these three are at the top of the Dragon level!"

"......(Same voice)" x11 looked at the confident Eleanor and the senior executives around him were obviously confused. You know, the analyst just mentioned three Dragon-level monsters, not three Wolf-level monsters. Fighting against Dragon-level monsters would cost a lot. Why did Eleanor say it was a good idea?

"Don't forget, we still have powerful heroes!"

Looking at the confused expressions of the senior executives around him, Eleno quickly explained.

"I know there are S-level heroes, but dragon-level monsters are not so easy to fight against!"

"Yes, fighting against dragon-level monsters comes at a great cost. The heroes on the front line will face unknown dangers, and even the people around them will suffer incalculable disasters."

"I know that there are many S-class heroes who are very strong, especially Blast, King, the strongest man on earth, Tornado and others, who are all good at fighting one against a hundred. But this time, the attackers are three completely unknown dragon-level monsters from outer space!"

"Yes, and although S-class heroes are strong, they all have many flaws. Who knows what kind of trouble will happen at that time."

The high-level people around are naturally aware of the strength of S-class heroes, but they also have big problems. Basically, every S-class hero is disobedient. It may be okay in nearby cities, but if the distance is too far, those troublemakers may not come to help you.

"Believe in our heroes. Although heroes have some temper, that is what strong people should have, isn't it?"

Eleno looked at the pessimistic expressions of the high-level people around him and raised his voice a little.

It would be the strangest thing for people with great power to listen to the orders of the weak.

They have chosen to become heroes, which must be because they love the people and the earth.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be better for these heroes to be free? With great power, they can completely change the fate of the rise and fall of a region or even a city.

After all, anything those heroes do cannot be stopped by ordinary people.

Eleno believes that these heroes are normal and those little tempers are just different personalities. Ordinary people have bad tempers, let alone them with great power. However, they still choose to be heroes to protect everyone. This is the biggest point.

"~~~~~~~(Senior executive with an ugly look)"

"But what about that terrifying existence?"

One of the senior executives suddenly thought of Uchiha Madara and said it in an unfathomable tone. Maybe he was afraid that Uchiha Madara would not help humans or that he would turn against them and help the alien monster.

"~~~~~~~(Senior executives in deep thought)"

"Yes, that terrifying being doesn't seem to be from Earth either...."

"We have to be on guard against this. Oh~, one wave after another comes."

"No way, if that horrible existence wants to help the weirdo, then we can only wait for death, right?"

"......(Different voices)" x11

Hearing the hesitation of the senior executive, the other senior executives couldn't help but ponder deeply. The result of their deep thinking was that they got stuck in a dead end and an infinite loop. It seemed that these senior executives had classified all the outer space weirdos as the same kind as Uchiha Madara.

"Don't talk nonsense. That terrifying being will never help a weirdo."

"Yes, don't let your imagination run wild. The fact that that terrifying existence hasn't harmed the Earth yet is enough to prove the point."

"That is, don't judge others by your own standards."

"........(Different persuasive voices)" x9 heard some of the high-level people’s concerns, and some of the optimistic high-level people immediately started to argue

"But didn’t that lord also dig a canyon in Z City? With that canyon, the Jingmao area of Z City will be uninhabitable by humans for decades. If it needs to be repaired, the cost of construction alone will be no less than rebuilding a low-level city!"

"That's right, why didn't it destroy the Earth? Have you all forgotten the blue-white beam that reached the sky in City A, or have you forgotten what the analyst said? If that strike had not been upwards but downwards, it would have been enough to penetrate the Earth! This means that that terrifying existence almost destroyed the Earth!!"

"Yes, the power of that terrifying existence is too terrifying. It is so terrifying that we can neither defeat it nor hide from it. I am really worried that this terrifying existence will know these three outer space weirdos."

"Yeah, it's too dangerous."

"Yes, these are problems."

"This is terrible, these are the problems"

".........(Different discussion sounds)" x16

Hearing the terrible remarks of the previous few senior executives, other senior executives were also infected, and for a while, almost all of them sighed.

"~~~~~~~~(Eleno looks serious)"

""Pah~." (Pah) I believe that Lord Madara will not be like you think."

The negative voices around him were getting more and more intense. Eleno slapped the conference table heavily. With a slap, everyone suddenly became quiet and looked at Eleno.

"We cannot figure out what Madara-sama is thinking, so don't think too much about it and just do your part."

"Your worries are totally unnecessary. That terrifying being is extremely arrogant and will definitely not be friends with three dragon-level monsters. Moreover, it is not clear whether those three dragon-level monsters are real or not. Why are you making wild guesses? As for whether the Earth will be harmed by mistake, it is even more unnecessary. After all, that terrifying being has lived on Earth for a week, and the Earth is still safe and stable, isn't it?"

"With the power of that terrifying being, if he wants, the whole earth is just a place of entertainment in his hands. After all, that terrifying being has the ability to overturn the whole world in an instant, but isn't everything still normal now? That terrifying being can completely rule as a dictator, but isn't the earth still the same now? I don't know what you are worried about, I only know that if that terrifying being is really as you think, we are powerless to stop it~!"

Eleno glanced at all the senior executives before speaking in a deep voice. After speaking, he also looked at the senior executives who had spoken the most fiercely before, as if he was giving them a warning and it seemed to have some other meaning.

"Lord Eleno is right. We shouldn't make blind guesses."

"Although no one wants to admit the answer, the fact is indeed as Eleno said, we currently do not have the power to stop that terrifying existence. In this case, let's not waste time thinking about those meaningless things."




"......(Different voices)" x21

After listening to Eleanor's explanation, the senior executives all nodded in agreement. The small number of senior executives who liked to disagree with Eleanor had no choice but to agree after seeing the majority of senior executives take sides.

"~~~~~~~~~(Eleno with a serious face)"

"In this case, notify all S-level heroes immediately and have them assemble urgently!"

"The disaster of the earth is coming!!"

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