"~~~~~~~~~(Looking ironic, the uninformed S-class heroes)"

"Special? He is indeed special. If he wasn't, we wouldn't have waited for him."

"He is only the third place, but he dared to make us all wait for so long."

"Huh~, a guy I've never heard of can suddenly become the third place? You don't have any inside information, right?"

"Are you kidding me? Are you crazy to make me wait so long just for a mere third place?"

"......(Different sarcastic voices)" x4Listening to Eleno's voice, these S-class heroes not only did not restrain themselves but became even more sarcastic, combing to the back and including the Hero Association

"~~~~~~~~~~(Eleno looks serious)"

"Madara-sama is as powerful as a god, and there is no problem with his title being called"God-like Man". Madara-sama was directly ranked third by virtue of his powerful strength. Please believe the decision of the Hero Association. The Hero Association will not take such a big thing as a joke. Madara-sama can also be ranked third by virtue of his strength. There is absolutely no water in it."

Eleno stood up and walked to the front of the conference table before slowly turning around and speaking to those S-class heroes who were unaware of the situation in a serious voice. In order to consider the face of these S-class heroes, Eleno did not say in front of these S-class heroes that Uchiha Madara was the strongest hero in the S-class.

"Like a god? This word is very interesting. God? What god? Is he very powerful?"

"Hehe~ Yes, are gods very strong? This third place is really interesting."

"Tsk~, what gods? I can kill a bunch of those pretending to be gods with just one punch!"

".......(Different sarcastic voices)" x4

Hearing Eleno say that the third place was as powerful as a god, the uninformed S-class heroes almost laughed out loud and asked Eleno in a sarcastic tone.

God? The uninformed S-class heroes naturally wouldn't believe this word, because in their eyes, gods are the supreme existence and such existence should only appear in myth books.

Besides, if one really has the power of a god, is it necessary to be an S-class hero? After all, no matter how strong a hero is, he still belongs to the category of human beings.

Since he has the power as strong as a god, why would he be an S-class hero? And he's not the first place, but only the third place.

Is this any different from lowering one's status and bringing humiliation upon oneself?

"I'm not lying to you. Madara-sama is absolutely as powerful as a god. If you have to say how powerful he is, then I can only say that Madara-sama is definitely the strongest!"

Seeing the disbelief of the crowd, Eleanor knew that these S-class heroes would not believe that a being with the power of a god would become an S-class hero, not to mention that this S-class hero was not the first but only the third. Eleanor had no choice but to reiterate once again that this god was the god in the myth book, the kind of god with supreme power and supreme existence!

"The strongest? Hey, Mr. King, it looks like your title of the strongest is about to be taken away."

"Haha~ Yes, Mr. King, now the strongest one suddenly appears in the Hero Association. What do you think about it, as the man who is known as the strongest on earth?"

"The strongest? I have never heard of this third place, but Mr. King's record is well documented."

As he spoke, the uninformed S-class heroes also turned their eyes to King, as if they wanted to see how this man who was called the strongest on earth would deal with the situation where his title of the strongest was taken away.

"~~~~~~~~(With the gazes and tone of the surrounding S-level heroes, the pretentious King was instantly frightened and turned on the Emperor Engine)"

"Ta-ta-ta-ta~...(The Emperor Engine starts instantly)"

Being watched by several unsuspecting S-class heroes, King involuntarily activates the Emperor Engine again.

King is indeed a man who can dominate the Bald Demon King's record with the help of a lucky buff. He is already scared to death in his heart, but his face remains calm and even has a calm aura inside.

"~~~~~~~~(The S-class heroes were all excited when they heard the sound of the Emperor Engine starting up)"

"Oh~, it seems that Mr. King also wants to have a showdown between the strongest and the strongest with this so-called"god-like man"?"

"Haha~, I knew Mr. King wouldn't just sit there and watch the title of the strongest being snatched away."

"Haha~, I am now very worried about the so-called"strongest man". After all, Mr. King's record is always to kill monsters with one punch. Do you think this guy who dares to compete with King for the strongest will be defeated in which move? Oh, no, he will be beaten to death."

"Beat him to death? Not really. Mr. King has never hurt a human being. Even if it was the guy who was competing with Mr. King for the title of the strongest, he should have shown mercy."

"I didn't expect that instead of waiting for the meeting, there would be a good show. This is not a loss. A battle between the strongest and the strongest? I just hope that the guy who calls himself"the god-like man" won't lose too quickly, otherwise there will be nothing to watch."

Hearing the sound of King starting the Emperor Engine, these uninformed S-class heroes thought that King wanted to challenge the third place who was called the strongest by Eleno, so they all looked at Eleno with teasing eyes and kept praising King and belittling Uchiha Madara.

After all, these uninformed S-class heroes did not understand Uchiha Madara's strength and record, but they had heard of the deeds of King, the strongest man on the face of the earth, who defeated powerful monsters with one punch many times. One was completely unheard of and the other was a well-known one-punch monster. With this comparison, the uninformed S-class heroes naturally preferred King.

"~~~~~~~(Bang could n't help shaking his head after hearing the sound of the Emperor Engine)"Unlike the uninformed S-class heroes, Bang was one of the few heroes who knew about it, so when many uninformed S-class heroes mocked Uchiha Madara, Bang didn't join in, because Bang knew that the title of"God-like man" was completely appropriate for that terrifying existence and it was not an exaggeration at all.

Bang looked at King who started the Emperor Engine, and also thought that King wanted to challenge Uchiha Madara to defend the title of the strongest, but after comparing the strength of both sides, Bang couldn't help shaking his head.

As for the battle between that terrifying existence and King, Bang was not optimistic about King at all, because although King and that terrifying existence Both of them can kill monsters in one hit, but the strength of the monsters they defeated is very different.

The monsters that the terrifying existence killed in one hit are all peak dragon-level monsters.

Bang believes that he may not be the opponent of those monsters.

And the difference in destructive power is even greater.

The data shows that King can only penetrate a few buildings at most, but the terrifying existence has the supreme power to change the terrain at will.

After comparing various data and the power comparison shown in relevant data, Bang can definitely come to an answer, that is, the terrifying existence is at least ten times stronger than King, the man known as the strongest man in the landmark!

This is still the case when the terrifying existence is playing, after all, the terrifying existence has never used its full strength!

"~~~~~~~~(The disdainful look from the arrogant Tornado)"

Another S-class hero Tornado who knew the situation also thought so, and even more thoroughly.

Tornado believed that King's desire to challenge Uchiha Madara was simply courting his own destruction.

Although King could kill monsters with one punch, relevant data showed that the monsters that were killed in one second were not particularly strong. Tornado believed that he could also kill them in one second, so Tornado never believed that King was really qualified to be called the strongest.

However, when facing Uchiha Madara, Tornado could only feel powerlessness and despair. The gap between the different dimensions could not be compared at all. If one had to describe it in one sentence, it would be that the other party only needed to entertain himself and he would die countless times!

In fact, the reason for this was very simple.---

First of all, Tornado is the supreme power that has been seen in the Tsukuyomi space. In that space, let alone the Bald Demon King, even if a bunch of all-kings appear, equivalent to the original state of Madara, they can be killed to pieces with just one thought. This has nothing to do with level and strength. In the Tsukuyomi space, Uchiha Madara is a cheater who is in the Creator God mode.

It can be said that as long as the opponent is pulled into the Tsukuyomi space by Uchiha Madara, the battle is over.

Secondly, King's record is the strength shown by the Bald Demon King.

The reason is very simple.

The monsters that the Bald Demon King met before were not very strong, so this also made Tornado, a top hero in the S-level, have an idea that King (Bald Demon King) is not the strongest.

After all, those monsters can also be killed instantly by Tornado.

The most important thing is that the Bald Demon King has never used a powerful force.

It is basically a normal punch to kill monsters in seconds.

He is too lazy to use a serious punch.

This is why King can only penetrate several buildings in his record.

To sum up, Tornado saw the god-like power at the wrong time, while King only got the results of ordinary punches from the bald devil. Uchiha Madara's current strength is completely equivalent to the bald devil's serious mode with full firepower, not to mention the addition and subtraction.

This directly led to everyone who knew the situation to believe that King, who was driving the emperor engine, was courting his own destruction, but in fact, King was really just scared by the surrounding S-class heroes and had no intention of competing for the strongest. After all, King could fool everyone but not himself, and King naturally knew his own strength best.

"~~~~~~~(Eleno with a hesitant expression)"

"Mr. King,..."

"Madara-sama's title is"God-like Man", which does not conflict with your title of"The Strongest on Earth."

Eleno was indeed shocked when he heard the sound of King starting the Emperor Engine. Eleno never knew that the usually kind King still had the heart to compete for the title of the strongest, so he had to argue hard and try to resolve King's idea of challenging.

After all, from the battle data of the two, Eleno could also draw an answer, that is, King could not be compared with that terrifying existence at all. If he really challenged, there was a 99.999% probability that King would be killed instantly by that terrifying existence!

Although King is not far from that terrifying existence, King is still one of the strongest trump cards of the Hero Association Headquarters. Eleno did not want this trump card to go to death like this, so he had to act as a peacemaker in the middle, praising King when Uchiha Madara was not around, and acknowledging his title of the strongest.

"~~~~~~~(S-class heroes with sarcastic expressions)"

"What? Even though he is known as a"god-like man", he still doesn't dare to fight against the strongest man on earth?"

"Haha~, I am dying of laughter, the two strongest ones don't conflict? Eleno, you are really trying too hard to protect that guy."

"There can only be one title of the strongest, right, Mr. King?"

Hearing Eleanor's tone of making light of a big matter, the uninformed S-class heroes thought that Eleanor was trying to protect the mysterious third place, so they mocked him even harder, and after mocking him, they gave King a positive look, as if telling King with their eyes not to give up the fight for the title of the strongest.

"~~~~~~~~(Eleno with a dark face)"

"Bang~. (Slap the table)"

""That's enough. Do you really want Mr. King to die?"

Listening to the vicious remarks of these uninformed S-class heroes, Eleno stood up and slammed the table. Slamming the table at an S-class hero was something Eleno had never dared to think of before. Even if Eleno was the leader of the Hero Association, he didn't dare to ignore the S-class heroes, because every hero played a key role in determining the rise and fall of the Hero Association.

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