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"~~~~~~~(Zogros with an angry expression)"

"Roar, roar, roar, roar~ (Not bad, it can actually hurt me when I use all my strength)"

At this time, Zogros was also slightly injured by the violent superpower attack just now. Zogros looked at the bloodstains on his body and roared in a sarcastic tone.

You should know that Zogros's strength in the state of Burning Dragon Soul is twice as strong as before, but he was still injured by Tornado, which is enough to show how terrible Tornado's strength is after the full burst. Although it was only a minor injury, it was enough to be proud, because at this time Zogros's strength was well-deserved and there was no rival below the god level!

"(Tsundere Little Tornado looked at the insignificant scars on Zogros' body and curled his eyes in displeasure.)"

"~~~~~~~~(The proud little Tornado stretched out her white arms and raised them to the sky.)"

"Buzz~....(A super power invisible to the naked eye rushed straight into the sky and into space)"

Watch the attack and���It worked, and Tornado increased the release of her super powers again, starting to summon (pull) meteorites!

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(Three meteorites with flames roared from the sky)"

"whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(Three meteorites fell rapidly towards Zogros)"

A moment later, three powerful meteorites appeared in the sky above City X under the call of Tornado, and the target of the meteorites was also directly aimed at Zogros in the air.

"Whoosh~....(Meteorite moving)"

"Boom boom boom~....(The meteorite fell too fast, causing a gas explosion)"

As soon as the meteorite appeared, it left a long trail of flames. The speed that exceeded the speed of sound also caused the sound of sonic booms to continue to sound around the meteorite. The power of this attack alone seemed extraordinary.

"~~~~~~~~~(S-class heroes with shocked expressions)"

"I didn't expect Miss Tornado to be so powerful. She is worthy of being the ultimate weapon recommended by the Hero Association. Her strength is not inferior to that of Mr. King."

"It's not that exaggerated."

"It turns out that Sister Tornado is so strong"

"Is this the trembling Tornado? Is this the second strongest person in the Hero Association?"

"Incredible power, the trembling tornado, it seems that he also relied on his strength to get the second place. Thinking about it this way, I dare not explode my strength"

"......(Different voices)" x4Looking at the powerful Tornado, the surrounding S-class heroes also widened their eyes and stared at the flying meteorite with shock. This was the first time these S-class heroes saw Tornado's true strength. These S-class heroes were also shocked. They had never thought that Tornado's true strength would be so much stronger than what was recorded in the battle record.

"~~~~~~~(The S-class heroes gradually regain their fighting spirit)"

"It seems we can still fight the dragon."

"Yes~, we can't let a second place overshadow all of our S-class heroes!"

"In this case, I have no choice but to do my best."

"The vest and fighting spirit are about to burn!"

"The charm of muscles is not inferior to the dragon in the storybook"

"......(Different battle declarations)" x3

Many S-class heroes who were originally in despair gradually regained their fighting spirit after seeing the mighty Tornado. They swept away all their previous decadence and turned into serious expressions of going all out. Although the strength of the Skyfire Dragon made them despair before, the sudden burst of strength of Tornado now made them see hope again.

This is completely different from them lowering their faces to beg Uchiha Madara, because Tornado is a human being in their eyes. Since Tornado can do it, they are naturally unwilling to lose to Tornado, who is also S-class, and their fighting spirit is naturally aroused. After all, it is not shameful to lose to a god-like existence, but it is shameful to lose to a human-like existence!

"~~~~~~~(Zogros looks slightly surprised)"

"(It can also summon small meteorites. It seems that there are masters among ants. However, the great Skyfire Dragon is even more powerful!)"

"Roar~ (Scorching Dragon Flame!)"

Looking at the meteorite that was about to hit him, Zogros also directly released his ultimate move

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(The terrifying orange flame column)"

"Boom boom boom~....(Explosion sound)"

"~~~~~~~(The terrifying high temperature caused the temperature within tens of meters of the flame column to rise by nearly 100 degrees.)"

Zogros in the Burning Dragon Soul state released this terrifying orange flame column again, which was several times more terrifying than before!

The terrifying orange flame column ejected in the Burning Dragon Soul state was not only several times larger in size and power than before, but also under Uchiha Madara's gaze, he could see a few tiny irregular blue flames in the orange flame column.

Seeing those blue flames, Uchiha Madara couldn't help but frowned.

Obviously, the power of these blue flames was extremely terrifying!

As soon as the terrifying and violent orange flames were ejected, the air within a few meters around it was burned with a gas explosion sound, and the temperature of the surrounding dozens of meters was instantly raised by nearly 100 degrees!

It is no exaggeration to say that this terrifying orange light column does not need to hit the S-class hero. It only needs to approach within five meters to torture the average S-class hero to death within ten seconds!

"Whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh~....(A terrifying orange column of flames rushes towards the meteorite)"

"Whoosh whoosh~....(Meteorite falling down)"

"Boom~. (The two collide)"

"boom~....(A visible airflow circle instantly emerges from the collision point and spreads out in all directions at the speed of sound.)"

"Boom~..Boom boom boom~.....(The airflow circle quickly swept in all directions with a harsh sound.)"

"~~~~~~~~~~(The air currents in the clouds in the sky dispersed, revealing the blue sky.)"

"~~~~~~~(Buildings on the ground impacted by the airflow circle, all)"

"Click, click, click~....(After the tremor, no matter what building or object was affected by the airflow circle, several cracks slowly appeared on all of them.)"

"Boom boom boom~....(At this time, the pillar is still facing the meteorite)"

"Squeak squeak squeak~....(The flames scattered by the orange flame column hit the meteorite and spread downwards)"

"Boom boom boom~....(The already abandoned city of X was once again engulfed by the scattered flames, and hundreds of buildings were burned down by the flames.)"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom~.....(The flame pillar and the meteorite are still colliding violently)"

"Click, click, click~....(Several cracks gradually appeared on the meteorite, which grew larger and larger.)"

"Boom boom boom~....(After a few seconds, the orange flame column pierced through the meteorite.)"

"Boom, boom, boom, boom~.....(The pierced meteorite gradually splits into countless huge flints, smashing down)"

Suddenly, the meteorite with extraordinary momentum collided with the terrifying orange flame column.

As soon as the meteorite and the flame column came into contact, there was a violent roar, and a visible airflow circle was immediately generated, spreading around at the speed of sound.

The surrounding clouds were all dispersed by this blow, revealing the original blue sky.

Everything affected by the airflow circle trembled, whether it was buildings, ruins, flowers, plants, or trees, all of them had cracks after the tremor, as if they had been attacked by a tiger-level monster.

This airflow circle spread nearly 10,000 meters!

The meteorite with extraordinary momentum was directly pierced and destroyed a few seconds after colliding with the terrifying orange flame column!

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(The orange flame pillar is moving)"

Obviously, the power of the terrifying orange flame pillar in the state of the Burning Dragon Soul is far greater than the meteorite summoned by Tornado. As the meteorite was destroyed, Zogros also slowly moved the terrifying orange flame pillar in his mouth and attacked in the direction of the S-level hero.

"~~~~~~~(S-class heroes with extremely cautious expressions)"

"Here we go again, be careful"

"Be careful to avoid this move, don't go head-on"

"I know."

Looking at the slowly moving terrifying orange flame column, the S-class heroes in the air also cleverly adopted a strategy of dodging, because these S-class heroes knew that their strength was not enough to withstand this attack head-on.

"~~~~~~~(Disdain from the tsundere little Tornado)"

"Humph~, you want to hit me with this kind of attack, it's ridiculous."

Tornado and the S-class heroes easily dodged this fatal blow, and after dodging it, Tornado also said it with a disdainful voice.

Although the terrifying orange flame column spewed out by Zogros is incredibly destructive and powerful, if it does not hit directly, it is very difficult to achieve a second hit by moving. Although this terrifying orange flame column is powerful and lasts for a long time, it is not flexible. It is almost impossible to hit the S-class heroes who can move flexibly in the air with this speed.

"Whoosh whoosh~.....(Both want to help���The giant skyfire dragon flew towards Zogros.)"

"Hoo hoo hoo? (Have you ants forgotten about us?)"

"Roar, roar, roar~. (Zogros, we are here to help you)"

The other two Skyfire dragons also rushed over quickly, obviously intending to join forces with Zogros in the Burning Dragon Soul state to quickly annihilate the S-level heroes in the air.


"Roar~ (Scorching Dragon Flame!)"

"Roar~ (Scorching Dragon Flame!)"

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(Two orange flame pillars attack the S-class heroes in the air)"

Two weak and terrifying orange flame pillars also roared towards the S-class heroes in the air who were busy dodging.

"(Bara-sama glanced at the Skyfire Dragon that was about to join forces)"

"Whoosh~. (The Art of Instantaneous Movement)"

"~~~~~~~~~(Ban-ye's figure instantly appeared in the middle of the S-class heroes)"

Uchiha Madara looked at the three Skyfire Dragons who were planning to join forces to deal with the S-class heroes, and directly used the Instant Body Technique to move to the middle of the S-class heroes.

After Uchiha Madara had understood the strength of both sides during this period of time, he basically knew the gap between the two sides. This group of S-class heroes could only defeat one Skyfire Dragon in the Burning Dragon Soul state at most, but they definitely had no ability to deal with two Skyfire Dragons in the Burning Dragon Soul state.

If we have to make a comprehensive analysis, this group of S-class heroes can only be equivalent to one Skyfire Dragon in the Burning Dragon Soul state at most. The Fire Dragon and a Skyfire Dragon that had not activated the Burning Flame state. Moreover, this was the result obtained after all the current S-class heroes had exhausted all their means and efforts. If there were any mistakes, the result of failure would only come early!

As for facing a Skyfire Dragon that activated the Burning Flame Dragon Soul state and two Skyfire Dragons that did not activate the Burning Flame Dragon Soul state, the current S-class heroes were absolutely incapable of dealing with it, and they could not even hold on for a while. So when Uchiha Madara saw the other two Skyfire Dragons attacking at the same time and preparing to join the battle, he instantly moved over.

"~~~~~~~(From Madara-sama's disdain)"

"Have you forgotten my existence?"

"Boom~. (Madara explodes with energy)"

"~~~~~~~(There is a layer of blue energy on Madara-sama's body that looks like real flames, and lightning flashes from time to time. It can be said that it comes with explosive special effects and BMG)"

Uchiha Madara teleported in front of the S-class hero and said something contemptuously to the two skyfire dragons that wanted to join the melee. At the same time, he once again burst out with terrifying energy. In an instant, the blue energy that was like a real flame enveloped Uchiha Madara.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(Two terrifying flame pillars)"

""Shua~." (Energy gathering)"

Looking at the two terrifying orange flame pillars that were about to attack, Uchiha Madara quickly gathered a terrifying energy in his hands.

"Sizzle~....(An unnamed small lightsaber that emits aurora and flashes lightning from time to time)"

"~~~~~~~(Madara holds an unnamed small lightsaber and points it at the two incoming flame pillars)"

This time, Uchiha Madara quickly integrated the power of Lightning Release, Dust Release, and Susanoo's bloodline form, and temporarily made a 2-meter-long small Susanoo lightsaber. Because it was made, Uchiha Madara did not give this move a name, and this move was not worth naming for Uchiha Madara.

"Whoosh whoosh~....(Two terrifying flame pillars attack quickly)"

"Swoosh~. (Midnight gently waved the unnamed small lightsaber in his hand)"

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(The two orange flame pillars were instantly split in half)"

"Whoosh whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(Four weakening orange flame pillars randomly attack the surroundings)"

"Boom boom boom~ (deafening explosion)"

"Boom boom boom boom~.....(The already ruined city of X was once again attacked with extraordinary force.)"

"~~~~~~~~(The four flame pillars not only caused a lot of damage when they landed, but also produced thick dust and smoke.)"

Looking at the two terrifying orange flame pillars in close proximity, Uchiha Madara gently waved the lightsaber in his hand and directly split the two terrifying orange flame pillars in half.

The two terrifying orange flame pillars that were split in half also crashed into the buildings on both sides after reducing their power.

The deafening roar came from the already broken ground again, and at the same time stirred up thick dust and smoke produced by high temperature.

When the smoke dissipated, four scratches appeared on the ground that were a kilometer long and dozens of meters deep.

"~~~~~~~(The Skyfire Dragon with an ugly expression)"

"(Are you determined to go to war with the three of us brothers?)"

"Roar~. (Get out of the way)"

Seeing the terrifying existence that suddenly appeared in front of a group of ants, the two giant fire dragons had no choice but to step forward and question Uchiha Madara with angry roars, as if they were trying to gain the last chance of reconciliation.

"~~~~~~~~~(Ban Ye looks disdainful)"

"Use whatever trump cards you have, otherwise you may not stand a chance.~"

"Boom boom boom~....(Madara increases his energy again)"

"Click~..Boom boom boom~....(As Madara-sama's energy continued to increase, the ground began to crack, and even the clouds in the sky were shattered by Madara-sama's terrifying energy, forming waves of air.)"

Uchiha Madara looked at the two giant dragons with disdain, and at the same time increased his energy again.

As Uchiha Madara continued to increase the energy he released, even the clouds in the sky were stirred into the shape of waves by the terrifying energy he released.

"(It seems there is no possibility of reconciliation. Let’s get serious, Zogsas!)"

"I've been waiting for this moment. I want to see how strong this scary guy is.)"

Seeing Uchiha Madara's disdainful expression and unnegotiable tone, the two Skyfire Dragons also became angry.

"Roar! Roar!! (Scorching Dragon Soul! Release!!!)"

"Roar! Roar! (Scorching Flame Dragon Soul! Release!!!)"

Facing the ignorant Uchiha Madara, the two Skyfire Dragons also directly activated the state of the Scorching Flame Dragon Soul.

The two Skyfire Dragons found that if they did not activate the state of the Scorching Flame Dragon Soul, they would not even have the courage to take action, because the gap in strength between the two sides was too big.

So far, the two Skyfire Dragons have not seen part of Uchiha Madara's strength.

The more they looked at him, the more creepy they felt, as if what they saw was not a living creature but a god!

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