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"Whoosh~ (Flash Body Technique)"

However, the result was still to make the two Skyfire Dragons despair. Just when the two Skyfire Dragons were just a few meters away from Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara's figure disappeared again.

"(You bastard, if you have the guts, don't hide. If you have the guts, come and fight the great Skyfire Dragon Warrior face to face, you coward, you trash, you useless person who only knows how to hide.)"

"(Are you afraid to face us? We thought you were a strong man, but we didn't expect you to be such a coward who can only hide but not fight.)"

The two Skyfire Dragons, who were hit by -99999999 critical strikes again, also forgot about Uchiha Madara's terrifying power and his usual great catchphrases, and started to curse Uchiha Madara's shameless behavior in dragon language.

"Swish~. (Although Madara still did not move, the energy exploded.)"

"Whoosh whoosh~...."Weakling". (The flame effect text condensed by Madara in the void)"

"~~~~~~~~(Madara pushes taunting to a new height)"

Uchiha Madara still did not make any movement, just standing quietly in the void.

However, after teleporting, Uchiha Madara also used flames to condense two large characters"weak chicken" in the air that were seven or eight meters high. Although he did not speak, Uchiha Madara believed that this kind of taunting effect was much more useful than speaking in person.

"~~~~~~~~(Two enraged skyfire dragons)"

"I am so angry, you despicable creature, you dare not face the great Skyfire Dragon, you are simply a waste, the word"weak" is so appropriate to describe you."

"(You, an ant who dares not face the great Skyfire Dragon, can only survive by dodging? If you have the courage, don't hide.)"

The two giant fire dragons looked at the two words"weakling" written in flames in the sky, and just as Uchiha Madara had expected, they became even more angry. The two angry giant fire dragons had completely forgotten the terrifying image of Uchiha Madara before. At this time, Uchiha Madara had become a wretched and cowardly image in the eyes of the two giant fire dragons.

"(You are just a jerk, a jerk. You don't have the courage to face the powerful Skyfire Dragon Warrior.)"

"(I never thought you were such a coward. You don’t even have the courage to face a strong person. You should commit suicide now!)"

"Whoosh~....(The purple flame gradually extinguished)"

At this time, the two skyfire dragons in the air also gradually extinguished the purple flames burning on their bodies, because the two skyfire dragons knew that this attack could not hit Uchiha Madara in front of them at all, and continuing to maintain the purple flames on their bodies was just a waste of energy. Therefore, the two skyfire dragons could only change from fighting to scolding, mocking Uchiha Madara's shameful dodging behavior.

"Whoosh whoosh~~...."You can't even hit me, you don't even have the qualifications to let me make a move." (Uchiha Madara once again used words to mock Lord Madara)"

Uchiha Madara still had his back to the two giant dragons of skyfire, he didn't speak, didn't turn around, didn't make any movement, but the flames in the air turned into new mocking words as Uchiha Madara thought.

"(You despicable fellow, it is obvious that you are afraid to face the great Skyfire Dragon Warrior. Your behavior is just to cover up your cowardice.)"

"Roar, roar...~(***#@*(I was so angry that I couldn’t speak clearly....)"

Seeing the changes in the flames in the air, the two Skyfire Dragons were once again hit by -9999999 points of critical damage.

Facing Uchiha Madara's silent and terrifying taunting, one Skyfire Dragon could barely speak a complete sentence, while the other unlucky Skyfire Dragon couldn't even speak clearly. At this time, the two Skyfire Dragons had only one word in their minds, which was how to kill this bastard in front of them.

"Roar~ (Scorching Dragon Flame!)"

"Roar~ (Scorching Dragon Flame!)"

The two giant skyfire dragons were stunned for a while and did not notice the changes in Uchiha Madara and the words in the air. They did not wait and directly spit out a terrifying orange flame column from their mouths to attack Uchiha Madara who had his back to them.

"Whoosh whoosh~....(Orange Flame Pillars)"

Two terrifying orange flame pillars tens of meters thick rushed towards Uchiha Madara in the air with an endless aura of terror.

"Whoosh~. (Instantaneous Body Technique)"

Uchiha Madara moved to another direction after feeling the energy fluctuations behind him.

The two terrifying orange flame pillars did not cause any damage to Uchiha Madara or the ground except for causing two large damages to the clouds in the sky.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(Orange Flame Pillar)"

The two Skyfire Dragons that missed the target also turned around and aimed their two terrifying orange flame pillars at Uchiha Madara again.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(Orange flame pillar attacks again)"

"Whoosh~. (Ban Ye disappears)"

"Whoosh~..Whoosh whoosh~....(Orange flame pillar that keeps moving)"

"Whoosh~. (Bara-sama disappears again)"

"........(Time is accelerating)"

"Whoosh whoosh~.....Whoosh~..(The orange flame pillar gradually dissipated)"

After more than ten seconds, the two skyfire dragons also stopped using the orange flame pillar, because this move was the same as the previous flaming wings, and it could not touch the corner of Uchiha Madara's clothes at all.

The two terrifying orange flame pillars of the two skyfire dragons only cut the clouds in the sky into irregular shapes in the past ten seconds, but did not cause any damage to Uchiha Madara.

Because Uchiha Madara had been flying relatively high, the two skyfire dragons did not sweep the attack to the ground, otherwise the ten seconds just now would be enough to cause another devastating blow to X City.

However, now X City is basically in a situation where humans cannot live without emergency repairs.

"What should we do? We can’t hit this bastard, this damn guy. He keeps dodging. It’s so annoying.)"

""Roar, roar, roar! (I have an idea!)"

At this time, the two Skyfire Dragons had attacked many times, but they did not hurt Uchiha Madara at all, except for wasting a lot of energy.

Now they had to resign themselves to their fate and stop attacking in the air, silently enduring Uchiha Madara's silent ridicule.

One of the Skyfire Dragons asked the other Skyfire Dragon in an angry tone, and it seemed that he wanted to ask his companion's opinion, but he didn't expect that the other Skyfire Dragon actually said directly,"I have an idea.

" Hearing this question, the Skyfire Dragon hurriedly flew to the side of the other Skyfire Dragon, and it seemed that he wanted to secretly discuss countermeasures.

"(Doesn't that guy want us to get involved in the fight with those ants? Then let's intervene and attack the group of ants. If he still hides, then we will ignore him and directly help Zogros destroy the group of ants. If he wants to stop us, then we will continue to fight him.))"

""Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar~ (Zogkas, you are still smart. Let's do it according to your method. Let's see if this guy will hide or not!)"

Zogsas agreed with Zogkas' plan. Obviously, Zogsas also thought that Zogkas' method was very useful. After all, that guy came to stop the two dragons from supporting Zogros. If his two dragons went to make trouble, he would definitely come forward to stop him. Naturally, he would not be able to hide at that time. Thinking about it, Zogsas felt that this method was more feasible. Zogsas expressed his desire to give a thumbs up to his companion Zogkas.

After some discussion, the two skyfire dragons immediately took action.

"Roar~ (Scorching Dragon Flame!)"

"Roar~ (Scorching Dragon Flame!)"

Two terrifying orange flames spewed out from the mouths of the two dragons again, but this time the target of the attack was not Uchiha Madara who was facing away from the two dragons, but the S-class heroes who were fighting Zogros in the distance.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(Flame Pillar)"

"Boom boom boom~....(Air Explosion)"

Two terrifying orange flame pillars carried terrifying energy and rushed towards the S-class heroes in the distance. The terrifying high temperature and terrifying speed, the two terrifying orange flame pillars continued to detonate the air during the flight, as if they were breaking through countless invisible obstacles.

"Can't wait to die? Well, I'm almost done playing."

"Next, let's go."

Uchiha Madara turned around when he felt the direction of the two terrifying flame pillars. After turning around, Uchiha Madara said something in a contemptuous and lazy tone. When he said the second half of the sentence, Uchiha Madara's tone became cold and cold, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously outlined a dangerous range.

"Whoosh~. (The Art of Instantaneous Movement)"

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~....(Flame Pillar)"

"Snap~. (Sword ringing)"

"Squeak squeak squeak~....(Water vapor)"

Uchiha Madara used the instant body technique to move to the side of the two skyfire dragons, and condensed a 4-meter-long water sword and stretched it towards the two terrifying orange flame pillars.

With a snap, the two terrifying orange flame pillars were directly cut in half by Uchiha Madara.

As soon as the water sword and the flame pillars came into contact, a hissing sound similar to that of water dripping into fire was heard.

At the same time, due to the huge temperature difference between the two, thick smoke and water vapor filled the air.

Although this water sword was condensed by Uchiha Madara, its power is not inferior at all. This water sword is actually formed by Uchiha Madara's highly compressed water escape, and it is also injected with the power of Susanoo bloodline form.

""Swish~ (Sword ringing)"

After Uchiha Madara cut off the two terrifying orange flame pillars, he once again raised the 4-long water sword and slashed at the two skyfire dragons.

"(Be careful, this guy is serious.)"

"Roar, roar, roar~. (You can see)"

Seeing the incoming Uchiha Madara, the two Skyfire Dragons quickly flew back.

""A casual strike, cut!"

Uchiha Madara looked at the two rapidly retreating skyfire dragons and said something in the tone of the bald devil.

As the word"cut" fell from Uchiha Madara's mouth, the original 4-meter-long water sword also underwent a huge change. The original 4-meter-long water sword in Uchiha Madara's hand also turned into a 40-meter-long water line.


"My hands,~)"

"Squeak squeak squeak~....(Sound of rapid water flow on the waterline)"

As the waterline was thrown out by Uchiha Madara, Zogsas, who was unable to dodge, was instantly cut off one arm by Uchiha Madara. However, the sharpness of the waterline was far more than that. It not only easily took away Zogsas's arm, but also left a smooth cutting mark on the building and the ground.

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