The gangsters in front of them like to brag about their own strength. After all, there is nothing more satisfying than talking down those famous people.

But I don't know what kind of expression they would have if Fang Xuan was really standing here.

Seeing that the people below were led away from the direction of the meeting by Sonic's topic, the big-nosed Xiqi hurriedly stopped them.

"Mr. Fang Xuan is not currently at the Hero Association headquarters. As for his address, I'm sorry I don't have the right to tell you."

"Unexpectedly, all the information collected about Fang Xuan these days is wrong."After thinking for a while, Sonic turned around and was about to leave:"Since Fang Xuan is not here, there is nothing for me to do."

As a ninja, cool is his synonym. No matter what time, cool is right, even if the information collected before is wrong.

And this is the ninja creed.

"Hey, where are you going? The meeting isn't over yet, are you leaving?"

Qingyan was very annoyed looking at Sonic who just ignored him. Although he was not an S-class hero, he was at least above the A-class heroes, so he was not so easy to talk to, especially to this arrogant guy in front of him.

Since such a person has come, he should not leave, but send him directly to prison. This is what Qingyan wanted to do now.

Hearing Qingyan's words, Sonic, who was walking towards the gate, stopped. He turned his head and glanced at Qingyan, revealing Sonic's signature smile, and then the whole person instantly disappeared from the spot.

"What a fast speed, did this guy escape?!"

Looking at Sonic disappearing from his sight in an instant, Qingyan was also a little surprised, because he didn't catch Sonic's movements at all just now, and just barely saw a little afterimage of the other party before disappearing.

While Qingyan was still surprised, Sonic's figure appeared again at the same place without knowing when, but this time Sonic had something more in his hand.

It was some paper with information engraved on it.

"The frequency of disasters with a Tiger-level or higher rating has increased abnormally recently. The number of disasters this month is dozens of times the average of the past three years."

"The great prophet, the great prophecy left by Lady Sibabawa before her death......"

"The heroes are too busy to take care of anything....."

"Therefore, in order to deal with this disaster, the Hero Association decided to integrate all the combat forces on Earth, regardless of good or evil, as human beings on Earth, even prisoners, bounty criminals, killers and the like, all need to provide support."

"Well, that's about it for this meeting!"

Sonic read out all the information in his hand, and then scattered it in the sky.

The papers fluttered in the air like white doves, and then slowly fell to the ground.......

"When did that guy steal the information that hadn't been distributed yet?"

Looking at the empty box of information on his right hand, Xiqi's eyes widened, looking at Sonic in disbelief.

"Although this meeting is about the dangers to the earth, I still refuse!"

"Because what I hate most is playing games with heroes like you. I will throw up."

The reason why Sonic refused was that whenever he thought of heroes, his mind would involuntarily think of Fang Xuan's figure. When he thought of the fact that he was beaten by this guy and had no chance to fight back, he felt annoyed. He didn't know why.

"Well, I have finished what I was going to say next. You can go now."


After showing off, Sonic disappeared from the spot, and the three A-level heroes present could only watch Sonic leave. After all, if he wanted to leave, apart from Fang Xuan and Saitama who could stop him, only Auntie with bangs and Flash could stop him, but the problem was that these three people were not there now.

However, the heroes at the scene did not care about Sonic's departure, because they had more important things to do, which was to ask Xiqi what Sonic had just said.

Qingyan's face was bulging with veins, he turned to look at Xiqi on the stage and asked loudly:"Hey, Xiqi, was what that guy just said true?"

"Asking these scoundrels for help, is this the decision of the Hero Association?"

At this point, Qing Yan felt that what he had done before was a little ridiculous. He became a hero to protect the most important thing, but now he had to fight side by side with the person he hated the most.

What a joke, Qing Yan would not fight side by side with such a person even if he died in battle or died of exhaustion. After all, you can tell whether these guys will suddenly turn against you during the battle.

The other two heroes were also very resistant to this.

"That’s right!"

"Human beings now need to unite, otherwise they will not be able to overcome this difficulty!"

"Now, among the heroes recorded in the Hero Association, there are 390 C-class heroes, 107 B-class heroes, 40 A-class heroes, and 18 S-class heroes. Do you think these people alone can solve the huge crisis that the earth is about to face?"

"And we don't know where the top-ranked S-class blaster is right now, and we are seriously short of manpower."

Xiqi also roared loudly.

"To be honest, I don't want to approve of these murderers and arsonists, but now we have reached a point where we have no other options!"

"Although these people are unreliable, there are indeed many people in the underworld who are as powerful as heroes."

"We won't let you work for nothing. As long as you are willing to defeat the monsters, the Hero Association will pay you accordingly."

After explaining to Qingyan, Big Nose Xiqi continued to say to the gangsters below.

"Forget it, it's just a waste of money. These guys are not reliable at all. Once there is danger, they will definitely be the ones running the fastest."

Class A hero Heavy Tank Crotch Cloth crossed his arms and calmly expressed his opinion. To be honest, he really looked down on these hooligans and gangsters.

"Hey, bearded uncle, you better be careful when you say that.

A killer with a strange tattoo also pointed the dagger in his hand at the abdomen of the crotch cloth.

"When it comes to killing people, I have killed many more than you......"


Before the thug could finish his words, the crotch cloth punched him, knocking him unconscious on the spot.

"As you can see, these guys are totally useless."

"Can...But the scale of the disaster that will happen next......."

Xiqi was about to say something when he was interrupted by a voice.

"Hey, hey, hey! After I read this information just now, I was thinking that what this information says is so accurate!"

"It is really very accurate. It is amazing. Who is this great prophet? He actually knew that an unprecedented god-level disaster was about to come!"

A white-haired young man said as he was looking at a piece of information.......

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