jiyuu [ Hokage is hokage..... he can hide his presence to such an extend... even after scanning i was bȧrėly able to detect the guy... now that i think about it, the root anbu that spied on me has ... stopped following me a few days ago, and the subjects taught in the academy was changing drastically, like some one was helping me by giving me the knowledge on ninjutsu .... maybe this guy did it all, and is testing for the result...poor Duy , i feel pity for the guy, smoke was coming out of his head while listening to the class.... It is better if i show this guy my worth, he will be able to provide me with resources and knowledge to enhance myself , and he will also be shield against those like danzo until i gain enough strength.... system show their weakness ...]

But before he finished...

orochimaru " ..Wind Release.."

jiyuu [ you think i don't know any ninjutsu and that is my weakness...]

while jiyuu was affected by the strong wind Tsunade appeared from the left to land a punch, but jiyuu had already calculated this...

jiyuu " .. fire release.."

with the effect of wind fire grew larger and enveloped tsunade who was trying to attack...

the attackers were stunned for a second... they never thought that this guy has already adept in ninjutsu... But jiraya used water release to save tsunade ... but certain parts of her clothes were already burned and she was extremely angry.

Jiyuu [i will take out jiraya first... he is holding his attack back and he thinks i won't attack with full power...]

the smoke created when the water and fire release came into contact was a good cover for jiyuu to sneak up to jiraya... but to his surprise jiraya was not that easy to take down ..

jiyuu had attacked him from the side to find that he was just a shadow clone... two hands came from below and caught jiyuu's legs... tsunade who was already angry appeared before him and threw a punch... Boom

But the whole area was silent for a while, because something extraordinary has happened ... jiyuu met tsunade's punch head on with his on punch... even third became a little tensed, he knew how powerful tsunade's punches were .... but to every ones surprise the one to get hurt was tsunade, she was pushed back 10 feet with her hand hurt... but jiyuu didn't wait for anyone to recover ...he caught both of jirayas hand, not allowing him to form any seal and pulled him out of the ground.... and threw him into the ground with force.... jiraya didn't move anymore, foam was coming out of his mouth....

Before jiyuu could do anything else .... three snakes were trying coil him up and bite him.... but jiyuu has already stopped holding back... he used his hands like a knife with air element coated around ... the three snakes were cut into pieces within no time.... but orochimaru was not some one who easily gave he had already taken the half snake form and reached jiyuu instantly ... orochimaru coiled around him and locked him down completely.... orochimaru knew his strength was not enough to take jiyuu down, but could hold him down for some time....

orochimaru " tsunade now.."

Tsunade moved fast even though one of her hands were hurt, but as her punch was going for jiyuu's face to knock him out .... but Orochimaru and tsunade started feeling hot all of a sudden and an explosion .... jiyuu was in tattered clothes ..... usually ninjas didn't use elements like this on their body because it would hurt their body more than the enemy ... but jiyuu's body was different .... he combined lightning and earth to create the explosion release....

the results were obvious Orochimaru was in really bad state .... Tsunade was a little better but she was also hurt badly...

" stop....."

Hokage was already besides orochimaru giving him the first aid....

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