The eerie silence lasted for a while, then it was Danzo who spoke first...

Danzo "... speak kid what proposal do you have for me...."

jiyuu " I am no business man, so i will put forward my terms, if you agree we will have an agreement ..... otherwise we will part ways here..."

Before Danzo could speak, it was the Anbu who attacked first that spoke.... His name was Akemi, he was a jonin level ninja , if he was not caught of guard by jiyuu he would have never be in such a miserable state and his pride was hurt now...

Akemi " kid just because you caught us of guard, don't think high and mighty of yourself.... The root has many ways to get it's things done... you maybe strong and intelligent... but how about your loved ones, i have heard that there is a beauty in your house and another little girl, do you think you can always protect them..... Every genius, will slip up one day and when you do i will be there..."

Jiyuu just looked at this guy with a face that didn't show any emotion, and then smiled at him .... Akemi didn't feel anything, but Danzo and another sensory type ninja felt a chill run through their spine... From that moment on-wards Danzo stopped looking at the kid in front of him as a kid anymore.... the fear that Danzo felt was not due to jiyuu's killing intent, but jiyuu unknowingly released a small bit of the savage aura of the Ancient demon in his killing intent.

jiyuu continued to speak as if he didn't hear what the other guy said.... Danzo also gestured the Anbu to stay quiet.

jiyuu " here is the deal, i will provide you with weapons at half the market price and some new toy's that i invent... i need you to provide me with all the intel, on the kumogakure that you have collected so far .... and information on different ninjutsu from all the villages ... you will also have to include me in any mission to kumogakure that doesn't involve any innocent civilians.... you should know i am a pretty good medic ninja and can ȧssist in different kinds of missions .... I know you won't be providing me any core information on forbidden or secret jutsu's from leaf... but i guess general information on those jutsu's and research on forbidden jutsus from other villages won't be a problem for you... but please don't provide me with fake info ... i have my own ways of verifying it, and it would also be the end of our cooperation... we can negotiate in the future if there are any changes..."

Danzo was pondering, at first he thought of declining. Even though he was a shady person, he still treated the secrets regarding the village with utmost importance. But as he further contemplated, he felt that the deal was little alluring.

Since the root was still in it's developing stage he needed as much support as he could get , to transform the root into a hegemon ..... and Danzo knew that this kid was doing all this to gain more power and get his revenge on kumogakure. Further more he could keep a close eye on the kids growth and tactics, to make sure that if one day a need arise for this guy to be eliminated it can be done more swiftly.... Danzo also considered the option of further manipulating the information that he provides by mixing truth and lies together, so that digging out the right information and verifying it would be extremely hard and time consuming.

Danzo " i will agree, if you will also put in the whole research on the new weapons that you will develop in the future, including those shuriken that you just used and the method of reducing the cost of weapon production ..."

jiyuu " i will add the creation method of the dynamic shuriken , with what i said earlier ... you can forget about the rest .... take it or leave it.."

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