Jiyuu " I would like to take a leave for the next 2 months and train my mind to adapt to such a situation in a better manner, after that I will join the anbu..."

Hokage " As you wish, after dealing with that event I am also of the opinion that you should take some time off... and I also suspect something amiss with that incident, there is no definite proof but I have put someone on investigation..."


Leaving the hokage's office he went back to the shop, but a surprise was waiting for him there. An anbu from the root was waiting for him outside the weapon shop.

Anbu " Lord danzo has asked to deliver the documents that you asked for... here..."

Jiyuu received the scroll and replied.

"please convey my thanks to lord Danzo.... the weapons that we agreed upon will be ready after 2 weeks you can come here to collect..."

Anbu " then I will be taking my leave ..."

Jiyuu[ interesting danzo took the initiative to deliver what I asked for, he is showing goodwill why... system analyze the current situation...]

{Beep.... The current situation is out of the norm, danzo never takes initiative to show goodwill, unless he sees some future profit for himself or he thinks something else will affect hosts relationship with him...

But the probability of danzo not knowing the change in team Hiruzen is low, that would mean root is not efficient which is close to nil, the other possibility is someone in root failed their task or someone in root deliberately failed the task to not deliver the updated information to the mist... there by putting host in danger... Probably has connection to Akemi's death}

jiyuu[ hmm... I suspected someone's interference, and danzo is the one who will benefit most if the hokage was hurt or killed... but he doesn't have any motive to kill me, unless it's related to that guy Akemi, But I have left behind no evidence.... If he had some kind of technique or diviner it would be possible... but if he was confident that I was the murderer then he would not have left me off like that or to an uncertain mission of the mist... and now he is showing good will ..... probably one of Akemi's friends or comrades doubts that it was me and did this with their on private intentions.... hah, what is the point of deliberating over this, I will wait for the enemy to make his next move and counter... system keep analyzing all the possible steps the enemy would take...]

After doing routine visit to the shop he went to his room and opened the scroll that was delivered. It was filled with documents a lot mores than jiyuu was hoping for. But the information and research data where all, buried inside the large amount of misinformation.

But this was no problem for jiyuu with the help of the system, jiyuu didn't even have to read through all this information system would automatically scan through it and then analyze.

This was not the first time that the System did something like this. Jiyuu;s frequent visit to hokage's office had its on hidden agendas, while he was there he would let system scan all the mission report and any other data that was accessible without getting detected. This didn't just stop at Hokage's office, system collected information from wherever it could, like hospital, library, academy, even account books of shops...

This helped system to match data with each other and analyze it more efficiently. The more information system had, better its analyzes was and more correct conclusions it arrived at.

Scanning only took half an hour but analyzing took two more days. Jiyuu was indulged in his meditation even though his progress was very slow.

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