“Ding! Current role-playing completion +5%! ”

Hearing the system’s prompt tone, Liu Yun was overjoyed.

Very well, it seems that these people have begun to have an impression of the yellow ape he played.

And next, what he has to do is to deepen his impression and continue to improve the completion of the role!

“Your Excellency?”

The scene suddenly became tense, and the atomic warrior stared at Liu Yun and suddenly asked.

Originally, he and the shining Fryx didn’t care much about the yellow ape after hearing that the eyelashes were not the dangerous man.

But after hearing that the yellow ape lazily wanted to fight the two of them, his expression suddenly became serious.

Listening to each other’s words, it is not unclear about the identities of their two S-class heroes, but it is not arrogant to be able to say such words… It’s self-confidence.

Confidence in your own strength!

But neither he nor the shining Fryx are very unfamiliar with the person in front of them.

Where did this strong man come from?

Thinking like this, the atomic warrior suddenly thought of something, and continued to ask: “Could it be that Your Excellency is Hawkeye Mihawk?” ”

Hearing this, the shining Frys’s eyes suddenly flashed.

The eyelashes were even more stunned.

His level was too low, and Hell Blowing Snow didn’t tell him, so he didn’t know what Hawkeye Mihawk was, and now listening to the atomic samurai, he suddenly had a feeling of being in the clouds.

Who is Hawkeye Mihawk?

And for this problem, Liu Yun is certainly clear.

Hearing the words of the atomic samurai, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that the Atomic Samurai and the Shining Fries were called by the eyelashes to find trouble with Liu Yun.

But now, it doesn’t seem like it.

After all, eyelashes are not qualified to drive two S-class heroes.

But if it was to come to Hawkeye Mihawk, it would be more reasonable.

But no matter what, the current Liu Yun naturally couldn’t find them Hawkeye Mihawk, so he immediately responded: “The old man is Borusalino, codenamed Yellow Ape.” ”

“If you are looking for Hawkeye Mihawk, the old man advises you to forget it.”

Saying this, Liu Yun’s gaze fell on the sword on the waist of the atomic warrior and the shining Frys, and continued: “That guy is the world’s number one swordsman, if you meet him, you will doubt life!” ”

Hearing this, the eyelashes suddenly became even more stunned.

The world’s number one sword hao, why hasn’t he heard of it?

Instead, the atomic warrior and the shining Frys, their eyes burst into light when they heard this.

The first in the world… Great Sword Hao!?

Especially the atomic samurai.

Although he hadn’t heard of it, it didn’t mean that he doubted it, because according to the intelligence of Hell Blowing Snow, that guy’s sword skills had indeed reached the point of shocking.

As for who is stronger and weaker than him, you still have to fight in person.

Thinking like this, the atomic warrior was even more interested, and immediately looked at Liu Yun and said: “If you say so, you should know where that Hawkeye Mihawk is, right?” ”

“What to do, the old man is not willing to show you the way, it’s too far.”

When Liu Yun heard this, he immediately confirmed the intentions of the two atomic warriors, but lazily refused.

“Ding! Current role-playing completion +5%! ”

Perhaps the atomic warrior and others were more impressed by Liu Yun now, and in his mind, there was a system prompt sound again.

Hearing Liu Yun’s words, the atomic warrior raised his eyebrows: “Oh, Your Excellency Yellow Ape, then I don’t know how you are willing?” ”

Saying this, he thought of Liu Yun’s words just now, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes: “Is it to win you?” ”

When the flashing Fries heard this, he was more direct, directly drew the sword instantaneous killing pill on his waist, and said to the atomic samurai: “Let me come.” ”

After saying this, he suddenly looked at Liu Yun.

Liu Yun suddenly raised his hands with a lewd look: “Don’t don’t, I’ll surrender.” ”

The flashing Fries were stunned.

But at this moment, the abnormality abruptly occurred.

Liu Yun’s raised hand suddenly pointed out a finger.

The light flashed, and a shining beam burst out from his fingertips, suddenly shooting towards the flashing Frys.


The flashing Frys’s face suddenly changed.

Liu Yun’s attack was not only sudden, but also amazingly fast, almost in the blink of an eye, in front of him!

Fortunately, the flashing Fries is also a speed flow master, and at this time, he didn’t want to think about it, so he quickly and lightning-fast sword came out.

A brush.

The instantaneous killing pill suddenly resisted the laser emitted by Liu Yun.

But at this moment, the laser was stimulated and suddenly exploded.


The power burst out, and the flashing Flais suddenly retreated with his sword.

At the same time, the entire room was swept away by the aftermath, as if it had been blown by a storm, and became disheveled.

“What’s that? Flash? ”

At this time, the eyelashes were not only frightened by Liu Yun’s sudden move, but also surprised by the laser he burst out.

Why does it look so similar to the abilities of the shining Frys?

At the same time, the flashing Frys, as well as the atomic samurai, were naturally a little surprised. For a while, I couldn’t figure out what Liu Yun’s ability was.

At this time, Liu Yun smiled secretly.

There is no doubt that what he exerts is the ability of the light fruit.

Although he is only in the state of having just eaten the ability of the light fruit, he naturally can’t use the ability at all like a stunned blue.

The laser he just gave is imitating the laser of the yellow ape, although the power is not as good, but it is also a little like it.

Using the ability of the Light Fruit for the first time, this feeling made Liu Yunxie a novelty.

At the same time, he suddenly had a lot of expectations.

As you can see from the eyelashes, his light fruit ability, and the shining Frys, do have similarities.

And such a them, when they fight, it should be interesting, right?

Thinking like this, Liu Yun entered a photon state all over his body!


PS: Buddy who reads books, give some flowers and evaluation encouragement, isolating codewords at home really needs strength.

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