“What’s going on here?”

A familiar faint female voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Hell Blowing Snow.

When Hell Blowing Snow heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then turned his head sharply to look.

At this moment, a green-haired loli-like figure came into her sight!

The green-haired loli was also floating in mid-air, the small black cheongsam on her body was windless and automatic, her small face was arrogant, but her body exuded a frightening temperament!


Seeing the appearance of the green-haired loli clearly, Hell Blowing Snow suddenly glared at her beautiful eyes.

This green-haired loli, no one else, is her sister, the 2nd ranked S-class hero, the trembling tornado!

How could she be here!?

Since Hell Blowing Snow has not yet reached the A level, he does not know about the opening of the association’s residency, let alone the news of the S-class meeting.

Suddenly seeing the tornado appear, she couldn’t help but be stunned.

Instead, the tornado, seeing Hell Blowing Snow, was stunned, and immediately hated iron and steel: “Why, my stupid sister, can you be here, can’t I appear?” ”

“Did you hear me, what the hell is going on here!?”

Dragon Scroll, like Atomic Samurai and Flash Frys, also came to City A to prepare for the S-Class Heroes Conference.

She knew about the follow-up to the Vaccine Man campaign, but she didn’t have any interest in that Hawkeye Mihawk.

After learning that Hell Blowing Snow was fine, she stayed at the headquarters of the Hero Guild with peace of mind.

But just now, her motivation caught the battle movement here, so she was curious and rushed to check the situation.

What surprised her a little was that this guy from Hell Blowing Snow was actually here, but after seeing that she was not injured, Dragon Scroll suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

And Hell Blowing Snow heard the words of the tornado and immediately came back to his senses.

But she snorted coldly: “Hmph, what happens, you won’t watch it yourself!” ”

Hell Blowing Snow was too lazy to explain, quickly turned his head and continued to look towards the battlefield.

Tornado suddenly frowned slightly, and had to look at the battlefield as well.

Immediately afterwards, whether it was Hell Blowing Snow or a tornado, their expressions moved.

At this time, the strong light spreading in the battlefield had already converged, and the dust stirred up by the power had almost dissipated.

So, the two of them saw at a glance Liu Yun standing in the center of the battlefield, and a embarrassed figure that fell not far away!

It’s an atomic samurai!

He was slashed by Liu Yun!

Hell Blowing Snow suddenly felt cold in his heart.

Seeing this scene, the dragon scroll also flashed his eyes and vaguely understood something.

However, the fallen atomic samurai was obviously not completely defeated, and at this time the figure suddenly moved, and stood up again.

The originally neat samurai uniform on his body was stained with mud and dust at this time, and even cracked a little.

“Yellow Ape Borusalino…”

At this moment, the atomic warrior chanted the name of the yellow ape, and the look in his eyes was already solemn to the extreme.

In the slashing duel just now, he fell behind!

Although in a hurry, the atomic warrior did not exert his full strength, but this was enough to prove that the man in front of him called Yellow Ape Borusalino had extraordinary swordsmanship!

“I lost my respect just now, Your Excellency Yellow Ape, I didn’t expect you to be a powerful swordsman!”

Thinking of this, the atomic warrior suddenly turned pale and made a swordsman salute to Liu Yun in this world.

Originally, when he thought about it, Liu Yun should return to etiquette.

But at this time, the yellow ape played by Liu Yun said lazily with a bad face: “Hey Yigu, the old man is not a swordsman, but he just happens to know a little swordsmanship.” ”

The atomic warrior’s face suddenly turned dark.

Liu Yun was overjoyed.

At this time, he suddenly received the system’s prompt tone again.

“Ding! Current role-playing completion +5%! ”

It’s getting closer and closer to the next level of power!

A smile flashed in Liu Yun’s eyes, and it seemed that he could brush enough on the atomic warrior.

Thinking like this, he suddenly turned into light again, and then the Heavenly Conglomerate Cloud Sword in his hand once again swept towards the atomic warrior.

This time, Liu Yun was not in a hurry to perform god-level sword skills, but simply swung his sword, and then combined with the light fruit ability to perfunctory the atomic warrior.

Yes, perfunctory.

Liu Yun knew that the real yellow ape had never fought desperately.

In the pirate world, whether it is when suppressing pirate supernovae or when fighting on top, it is paddled seriously.

So Liu Yun knows very well that the trick to playing the yellow ape is to paddle!

And after knowing that the atomic warrior could not help himself, and his god-level sword skills could suppress the other party, Liu Yun naturally began to row with confidence.

As a result, the atomic samurai soon sensed that something was wrong.

Liu Yun, who was still extremely powerful just now, suddenly seemed to have changed a person, not only his speed was greatly reduced, but his sword skills were not as amazing as just now, but he fought steadily.

“Shouldn’t it be that the magical power is released too much, causing the strength to run out? Golden opportunity! ”

At the beginning, the atomic warrior thought that Liu Yun’s power was declining, and he was overjoyed, and he tried to use his swordsmanship and wanted to kill a wave.

And he really succeeded in counter-killing, and several times beheaded Liu Yun’s waist or cut off his body parts.

It’s just that every time it is immune to its elementalization.

After a long time, the atomic warrior finally came to his senses.

“Damn guys, get me serious!”

The face of the atomic warrior turned red rarely, holding a long sword in his hand, and suddenly cast an atomic slash!

It just still doesn’t help.

After Liu Yun was beheaded, he recovered with a beaten face.

At the same time, after this play, he also got his wish, and the completion of the play reached the next level.

“Ding! The current role-playing completion rate is 60%! Once again, gain part of the power of the yellow ape Borusalino! ”

Liu Yun suddenly lifted his spirits and began to feel the flow of power in his body.

But what he didn’t know was that when he was perfunctory to the atomic samurai, the hell blowing snow and tornado watching the battle in mid-air, his expression gradually changed.

Hell blows snow is okay, but it’s a little weird, but the little face of the tornado directly becomes icy and covered with frost.

This guy called Yellow Ape dares to tease S-class heroes!?

Does he want to die!?

Thinking like this, the tornado suddenly descended on the battlefield without saying a word.


PS: Thank you, thank you a lot!!! Thanks for the 5,000 tips from the good ones! Thanks to the Grey Duck Down Brothers for their yet more generous donations! The total amount of tips is close to 10,000 points, right? Thank you so much, the comment area has almost been brushed ah, there is no way to report ah, can only try to update, let you see enough.

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