The wind around Hell Blowing Snow was fierce, and he rushed to the scene.

She had just arrived at the scene, and she also saw the passerby boy in the mouth of her eyelashes.

It’s just that the passerby teenager at this time, the surrounding power is rolling, and the momentum is very amazing.

“I, my name is Shigeo Kageyama, just call me a passerby.”

“Uncle Yellow Ape suddenly summoned me over, just let me deal with you, right?”

“Let’s have a showdown of power!”

Hearing this, Hell Blowing Snow suddenly froze.

Passerby? Shigeo Kageyama?

What is his relationship with that yellow ape Borusalino, summoned?

How is this summoned?

At this moment, the three of them were naturally very puzzled.

Looking at Shigeo Kageyama in front of him, the dragon scroll did not strike at the first time, but asked with a small frown: “What about the yellow ape?” ”

“Also, what does summoning mean? Who are you and where are you from? ”

While saying this, the huge power of the tornado swept in all directions again, but the figure of the yellow ape was never found.

At this time, those pillars of light in all directions had all disappeared.

The yellow ape seems to have really disappeared!

Tornado had to refocus on Shigeo Kageyama in front of him.

It’s just that she is more curious about the yellow ape Borusalino, and the identity of the passerby in front of her, Shigeo Kageyama.

Whether it is the yellow ape or this Shigeo Kageyama, it is too mysterious.

The former has a strange and unfathomable ability of light, and this Shigeo Kageyama, although he has not really started a war, has also shown a strong mental power.

Judging from Shigeo Kageyama’s words, it seems that these two still know each other?

Are they from the same place?

But it’s strange that the two have great abilities but don’t have any fame, right? It’s even weirder than a weirdo!

And hearing the series of questions of the tornado, Yanagun, who played Shigeo Kageyama, couldn’t help but laugh secretly.

Let’s not talk about how complete his current role is, but this achievement of pretending to be a ghost has already reached the pinnacle!

I didn’t see that the tornado was made suspicious by his few words.

However, the words of the tornado also suddenly reminded Liu Yun.

Yes, the existence of his various characters is indeed even stranger than the weirdo!

It is clear that the strength is high, but there is not the slightest fame, it seems …. I can’t explain it!

Although Liu Yun doesn’t care, in the long run, it will not affect his play.

Take the suspicion of hell blowing snow, for example.

Just imagine, if you really let Hell Blowing Snow know that Hawkeye Mihawk is played by him Liu Yun, then in the future, a character who is not famous, partial and powerful, even if he plays a lot, Hell Blowing Snow will probably suspect that it is Liu Yun dressed, right?

In this way, it is very likely to have an impact on his completion of the role.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun suddenly felt that it was necessary to install an identity that would not make people think about the characters that appeared before and the characters that appeared later, or simply make up an organization similar to the Hero Association.

In this way, as long as the organization is famous, in the future, a certain character will say that it came from that organization, others will not think much, but will transfer all doubts to that organization!

But what should the name of the organization be?

Hawkeye Mihawk’s King Nanabukai? Or the naval government of the yellow ape, or the passers-by gang? Alliance of the Strong?

Liu Yun’s mind turned, and he soon had an idea.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the tornado and replied lightly: “Why do you ask so, didn’t Uncle Huang Ape tell you that we are all members of the dimensional union?” ”

“Dimensional… Trade union? ”

At this moment, whether it was the dragon scroll, or the atomic samurai and others, they subconsciously chanted the name of the organization deliberately revealed from Liu Yun’s mouth.

Yes, it is the dimensional union, the part-time worker!

The president of this union is, undoubtedly, the ontology of Liu Yun.

And the other characters are naturally the existence of working for him.

This name was exactly what Liu Yun thought of when he moved, and he thought it was very appropriate.

And sure enough, as soon as Liu Yun revealed that Yellow Ape and Shigeo Kageyama were both from the Dimensional Union, the focus of Dragon Scroll and the others was suddenly shifted.

“Dimensional union? Never heard of it? ”

“Where is this organization, I haven’t heard of it!”

“But this organization, there is such a powerful guy as the yellow ape, and this teenager, it is obviously not simple!”

At this time, even Hell Blowing Snow couldn’t help but speak out and asked Liu Yun: “Hey, do you know Hawkeye Mihawk, is he also from your dimensional union?” ”

When Liu Yun heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: “Oh, you mean that the world’s number one sword lord, of course, is our union!” ”

Hearing Liu Yun’s words, Hell Blowing Snow suddenly shook his heart again.

Unexpectedly, even that Hawkeye Mihawk is a member of the dimensional union!?

At this moment, her train of thought was also deflected, and now her mind is full of speculations and conjectures of this dimensional union, and she doesn’t know how to be strong!

It’s just that just when Hell was blowing snow, even more shocking words suddenly spit out from the mouth of Shigeo Kageyama in front of her.

“By the way, we will grow up and you should have seen it, it is Liu Yun.”

Hell Blowing Snow was stunned.

That beautiful face suddenly appeared in her mind, and then an unparalleled shock surged up.

The president of the dimensional union turned out to be Liu Yun!?


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