At this moment, the tornado couldn’t help but be stunned.

I originally thought that I would be devoured by the ten dragons, but at that moment, the ten dragons turned into sand and fog and disappeared.

What’s going on?

The tornado who escaped from death couldn’t help but look at Liu Yun with some strange eyes.

But seeing Liu Yun at this time, the pitch-black wind energy that originally lingered around his body also suddenly converged.

He fell to the ground from mid-air, his thoughts and motivation subsided, and the whole person returned to the ordinary appearance of a passerby teenager.


Tornado suddenly frowned, a little confused about Liu Yun’s thoughts.

Is this a drain on the mind?

How can it be?

It couldn’t have been that coincidental, but why did he stop again?

At this moment, even Hell Blowing Snow and the others were shocked.

“Why did he stop?”

“I don’t know.”

“It’s kind of weird!”

Although at the beginning, Liu Yun did not say that he wanted to kill the tornado or the like.

But from the scene, there is no doubt that both of them have played real fire, especially Liu Yun.

That furious look caused Hell Blowing Snow and the others to really think that the tornado was going to be killed.

But what I didn’t expect was that at the last moment, Liu Yun actually stopped sadism!?

At this moment, even the Hero Association and the others who had not yet arrived were strange.

Suddenly, the ten abyssal black dragons that abused heaven and earth disappeared like this.

What the hell is going on here!?

At this time, Liu Yun did not have the mood to explain, and after retracting his motivation and exiting the furious state, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just looking at the devastation in front of him, he couldn’t help but feel a little heavy.

Although the fury stopped, the damage caused now is still not light.

The entire ruined area was reduced to dust, and the surrounding area was also damaged by terror.

“Can it be fixed?”

At this moment, Liu Yun suddenly had this thought.

Unlike other forces, if it is another force that causes damage, it should not be able to be changed.

But if it is motivation, it seems that there is a possibility of turning things around?

Thinking of this, Liu Yun’s spirit lifted, and he quickly mobilized his mental power and spread out!

At this moment, a magical scene appeared!

I saw where Liu Yunnian’s power passed, and the surrounding ground began to miraculously recover!

The dust solidified and turned into dirt, which gathered and turned into the ground, and on the ground, intricate buildings began to rise.

“What is he doing?”

At this moment, seeing such a scene, Hell Blowing Snow and others couldn’t help but wonder again.

Tornado is a gaze moving.

Of course she knew what Liu Yun was doing.

There is no doubt that this is intended to use the power of thought to restore everything around you!

Such a move, tornado is no stranger.

After messing up those things at home, she often used her thoughts to return to her place.

But it’s clear that recovery is harder than destruction!

And now Liu Yun’s kind of is even more difficult!

Followed by.

As if to confirm the idea of the tornado, the recovery of Liu Yun is difficult to sustain after proceeding to a certain distance!

Recovery, indeed, is more difficult than destruction! And it’s still much harder!

The amount of thought power that needs to be consumed is difficult to estimate, so it lasted for a short while, and Liu Yun was already a little overwhelmed!

“That’s not right!”

“In addition to the fact that recovery is more difficult than destruction, there is also the reason why my current motivation is not the peak!”

Liu Yun suddenly realized this, and his heart couldn’t help but sink.

Recovery, it can still be restored, but it can’t recover so much!

Because his motivation is not enough!

Realizing this problem, Liu Yun’s face couldn’t help but feel a little strange.

Is his motivation really not enough?

No, it’s just that because he is not in a state of rage now, so the power of Nian has fallen again.

If he returns to the peak of Nian Power again, he should be able to completely restore the damage he has caused.

But in that case, Liu Yun must return to the berserk state, and back to the berserk state, if the consciousness is isolated again, won’t it not be recovered yet, and will cause new damage?

There is no doubt that this is an endless cycle.

There seems to be no solution to this problem at all.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

In fact, he could have left it alone and left directly.

I believe that with his performance just now, no one will blame him for the damage here.

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s the influence of playing the role of Shigeo Kageyama, Liu Yun always feels guilty of walking away like this!

Since that’s the case, do your best.

Thinking like this, Liu Yun’s few thoughts swept out again.

His body flew again, and wherever his body flew, the ground began to regain its condensation.

Only at the same time, Liu Yun’s face also began to turn pale, which was a manifestation of excessive power consumption and even overdraft.

The tornado suddenly looked even more surprised.

And Hell Blowing Snow and the others naturally understood Liu Yun’s behavior at this time.

But they were still a little strange, why did Liu Yun have to restore the battlefield, and even the surrounding area?

And still want to overdraft the motivation to recover?

Hell Blowing Snow and others, and even tornadoes, are all puzzled.

However, Liu Yun suddenly had an understanding in the process of reading the power overdraft.

“Maybe it’s because of responsibility?”

With great power comes great responsibility, perhaps that’s what it means?

Liu Yun smiled bitterly, and the power was about to run out, but at this moment, the system’s prompt tone suddenly sounded.

“Ding! Current role-playing completion +20%! ”

“Ding! The current role-playing is 100% complete, gaining the power to surpass Shigeo Kageyama! ”

At this moment, his playing completion has actually improved again! Thorough to 100%!

What the!?

Liu Yun was stunned, and he felt that infinite power surged in his body.

This feeling is exactly the same as when he entered a state of rage!

The original almost exhausted power of thought is like a terrifying wave at this time, filling the entire mind!

However, at this moment, he clearly retained a clear consciousness!

“This is!?”

Liu Yun froze suddenly.


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