Pig God and others, and Lily.

Stay there again.

Liu Yun actually wanted to be alone and deal with the vest Venerable and the sexy prisoner at the same time!?

Alone, against two S-class heroes!?

At this moment, they were all shocked by Liu Yun’s bold words.

The vest Venerable’s face sank, and he became even more angry.

Although he planned to make a move on Liu Yun, he also agreed with the words of the sexy prisoner just now.

That is, Liu Yun is a B-class hero, no matter how perverted he is, he is still a little too much for an S-class shot!

But what he never expected was that Liu Yun would now be the other way around, going to deal with him and the sexy prisoner at the same time!?

This kid in a straw hat is also too arrogant, right!?

The vest Venerable was furious and was about to rush towards Liu Yun.

However, a figure is faster than him!

It’s a sexy prisoner!

“Wow, Brother Luffy, you actually want to face the Vest Venerable and me at the same time? It’s so sad to me, but it’s super manly! ”

He said as his eyes lit up as he flew towards the willow clouds.

“It seems that I am really in love with you!”

“Accept this loving hug from me!”

Speaking of this, the sexy prisoner figure suddenly jumped, and then opened his hands, pouted red lips, and rushed towards Liu Yun!

It’s a loving grappling!

The vest Venerable was stunned.

Lily and the pig god and others also have super strange expressions.

But in the next moment, a scene that made their faces change slightly appeared!

I saw that the sexy prisoner’s flying figure had not yet approached Liu Yun, and a fist mark suddenly appeared on his face, and then his whole body flew out with a bang!


This time, the aftermath was even much stronger than just now, directly smashing the building they were in, and a big hole appeared.

The figure of the sexy prisoner is directly drowned in smoke.


Seeing this, Lily suddenly gasped.

Sexy prisoner, flown off again!?

Was it done by Liu Yun? But this time, she couldn’t even see Liu Yun’s movements clearly!

However, the pig god and others were more sensitive to induction, and they were surprised to find that the moment the sexy prisoner flew upside down just now, there was indeed a change in Liu Yun’s body.

But what makes them cold in their hearts is that even they can’t see clearly!

The vest Venerable was closer, but he could see clearly, Liu Yun just now, it was clear that he was punching.

It’s just that the punching speed is too fast, so it will cause him to seem to not move!

“What is this ability!?”

Realizing this, the vest Venerable suddenly became a little surprised.

Liu Yun’s rubber ability is all right, but now he is full of smoke, and his skin is red?

In this state, his strength, as well as speed, has increased significantly!

But the vest Venerable naturally would not retreat like this, he came back to his senses, and suddenly stepped on his feet, and his muscles tightened towards Liu Yun to kill!

Just a second before approaching Liu Yun, his shoulders covered with muscles on the side of his figure suddenly burst out with amazing power and rushed out!

Only in the next moment, the vest Venerable was stunned again.


His collision actually failed!

Liu Yun, who was still in front of him a second ago, actually disappeared!

Immediately afterwards, the vest Venerable suddenly changed his face again, turned around sharply, and crossed his hands!

But it was Liu Yun, who disappeared, suddenly appeared beside him, and a fist with steam attached to it struck fiercely!

The vest Venerable reacted quickly and finally resisted Liu Yun’s surprise fist.

But then, just when he wanted to fight back, Liu Yun’s body, brushed again, suddenly disappeared!

“So fast!”

In the next instant, the vest Venerable suddenly felt the strong wind behind him.

There was no doubt that it was definitely Liu Yun who struck again, but this speed of movement made the vest Venerable feel even more awe-inspiring.

For a while, he couldn’t keep up with Liu Yun’s speed!

And seeing this, Lili and the pig god and others naturally became surprised.

Although it was only a short encounter, Liu Yun’s powerful strength had already been undoubtedly revealed!

First shot away the sexy prisoner, and now he is still fighting fiercely with the Vest Venerable!

Most importantly, his speed was much faster than that of the Vest Venerable!

Whether it is Lili, or Pig God and others, they all know very well what fast means!

Especially for a physically strong person like the vest Venerable, speed is even more important than strength!

Because no matter how strong the power is, there is no point in not being able to hit, but the speed is different.

When the speed is fast, it can not only increase strength, but also attack freely!

Just like this moment, although the strength of the vest Venerable was not weak, after fighting with Liu Yun, who was not small in strength and faster, he quickly fell behind!

The vest Venerable who was an S-class hero was actually suppressed by the B-class Liu Yun!

Of course, as an S-class hero, the vest Venerable certainly couldn’t lose just because of his slower speed!

After he found that his speed was not as good as Liu Yun, he quickly fought steadily, and even switched to attack and defense!

While defending, he also analyzed Liu Yun’s state at this time.

“Monchi D Luffy!”

“Your current state should be a lot of consumption, right?”

“It feels like you’re overdrawing your strength, your ability is similar to elasticity, your hands, feet, and body are probably the same…”

“Shouldn’t the whole body be able to elasticize, and then pump to the heart, accelerate blood flow, and temporarily improve the body’s functions?”

It is worthy of the strong cultivation of the flesh school, and in a short period of time, the vest Venerable really saw the details of Liu Yun.

Then he began to cheer up: “It may be true, ordinary people may not be able to withstand the stimulation of blood speeding up, but if your heart is also elastic, it can withstand it.” ”

“Of course, it’s not completely bearable, so you’re really overdrawing your power!”

“This state of skyrocketing speed should not last long!”

After analyzing this, the vest Venerable suddenly increased his confidence.

“In this case, you can’t win me, just have speed, but the strength is not strong enough for me, you will be consumed by me sooner or later!”

Hearing the analysis of the vest Venerable, Lili’s face suddenly changed.

Is that so!?

Pig God and the others nodded secretly, especially the super alloy black light.

In his opinion, the analysis of the vest Venerable is very in place, almost to the point.

However, at this time, Liu Yun was dumbfounded.

“Good analysis!”

At this moment, he simply stopped moving quickly.

There is no doubt that his current state of skin turning red and emitting steam is the second gear of the rubber fruit!

In this state, Liu Yun not only increased his strength, but also skyrocketed in speed!

And this second-grade state is indeed the same as analyzed by His Holiness the vest.

However, the current second gear is still different!

Simply put, this is the second gear of the enhanced version!

Because Liu Yun’s attributes at this time are definitely much stronger than Luffy, who also cast the second gear!

So the situation that the second gear that His Holiness said about not last long does not exist at all!

If Liu Yun is willing, his second gear can last for a long, long time!

There is also the power of the pride of the vest Venerable!

You know, just now Liu Yun was mainly testing the speed of the second gear, and he didn’t use much power at all!

Since the vest Venerable is so confident in his strength, it is better to defeat him.

“But is your strength really stronger than mine?”

Liu Yun immediately chuckled and stopped in front of the vest Venerable.

“Rubber Jet Machine Gun !!!”

As soon as the words fell, his fists suddenly turned into a round of afterimages and burst out blatantly!

At this moment, the air flow was turbulent, and a punch burst out!

The vest Venerable’s face suddenly changed drastically, and without thinking about it, his arms muscles tightened and he was in front of him!

The muscle power under his body was gathered on his arms by him.

However, in the next instant, when countless fast fists wrapped in powerful power attacked, the vest Venerable was shocked and was directly stunned!


On the other side, the sexy prisoner had just walked out of the big hole covered in dust, and immediately saw the vest Venerable follow in his footsteps and flew out upside down!

At that moment, he froze directly.


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