This moment.

Sensing the power similar to the armed color domineering burst out from the super alloy black light, Liu Yun’s face became solemn.

Sure enough, all bald big devils are not simple, even if they are low-end versions!

Of course, ordinary physical power cannot have this effect.

So it is very likely that the super alloy black light is breaking through its own limits!

It was precisely because he had broken through the limit that his physical strength was endowed with incredible power, capable of harming Liu Yun’s rubber body!

Realizing this, Liu Yun couldn’t help but be a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he was a little relieved.

After all, in this world, things that break through the limits happen from time to time.

The most classic example is naturally Saitama, the real bald big devil.

Originally just an ordinary person, he continued to break through the limit in the difficult battles with weirdos again and again, until he completely broke the limiter and became stronger infinitely.

And the later hungry wolf, also gained strong power between life and death.

And the Phoenix man, and even the sexy prisoner.

In fact, when Liu Yun looks back now, he suddenly finds that the tornado that fought with him before should have also broken through the limit, otherwise her mental power could not be so strong, and even comparable to Shigeo Kageyama, who he played, in addition to hurting the elementalization of the light fruit’s ability.

In this way, it is naturally not surprising that the super alloy black light can break through the limit.

It’s just that what Liu Yun didn’t expect was that he really became the touchstone of the super alloy black light, allowing him to verify the body of steel and break through the limit.

There is no doubt that the current super alloy black light is more difficult to deal with than before!

Their stalemate is about to be broken!

And then, as if confirming Liu Yun’s thoughts, after the super alloy black light mastered that strange power, it suddenly became more and more courageous, and the next moment, it burst out a black light strong fist, directly knocking Liu Yun’s huge figure into the air again!

This time, due to the attachment of that strange power, Liu Yun was in pain, and he could no longer maintain the third gear, and his figure was instantly deflated and shrunk.

Seeing this, the onlookers suddenly moved.

“Hey, it’s a kid again!”

“The straw hat kid seems to have been injured!”

“That’s right, I found out too!”

“So, the final winner is still Lord Super Alloy Black Light!?”

“Then it is necessary to say that this straw hat boy’s strength is indeed good, but it is obviously not comparable to the super alloy black light!”

“That steely body is really terrifying!”

At this time, everyone naturally saw the clue.

The stalemate has been broken, and from the current situation, it is obvious that the power of the super alloy black light is superior.

At this time, the super alloy black light did not pursue Liu Yun in the form of a child, but proudly looked down at his body, as if he had won a victory and said to Liu Yun: “You are a good opponent, but you are still no match for my steel-like body that has been cultivated for many years.” ”

Of course, as things stand, he is indeed qualified to say such things.

It’s just that when Liu Yun heard this, he couldn’t help but laugh.

At this moment, his heart suddenly moved, and he opened his personal page at this time.

[Host]: Liu Yun

[Power]: 10000

[Agility]: 10000

[Spirit]: 10000

【Physique】: 10000

[The average four-dimensional attribute of the average person is 10].

[Current Character Template]: Monchi D Luffy

[Current role-playing completion]: 80%.

[Current character strength level]: Perfect

[Has character template]: Hawkeye Mihawk [100%], Yellow Ape Borusa [80%] Lino, Shigeo Kageyama [100%] Monchi D Luffy

[Possession ability]: Transformation, god-level sword skills.


It is worth mentioning that in the battle with the super alloy black light just now, Liu Yun was not without gains.

During that time, the system also sounded a tone to get an increase in the completion of the role!

So, at this moment, his completion of the play has quietly reached 80%, and he has obtained the power of Luffy’s perfection!

In other words, now he already has the power of Luffy after being taught by Renly for two years!

Under such circumstances, he couldn’t help but laugh a little when he heard the super alloy black light proud of the power of his flesh.

“Hehe, your physical strength is very powerful?”

“But among the people I know, there are many people whose physical strength is stronger than yours, Whitebeard, Kaido…”

“And there is… I! ”

At this time, Liu Yun finally returned to his original body shape again, but at the same time, he blew into his arm sharply!

As the mist rose, Liu Yun’s body swelled abruptly, as if a large number of explosive muscles had grown in an instant, directly bursting his shirt.

At this moment, the upper body exposed by Qi Luo was even more amazing than the super alloy black light!

Immediately afterwards, black lines quickly lingered, like a devil tattoo, imprinted on Liu Yun’s body, making those muscles look more impactful and powerful!

At this time, Liu Yun was simply like a demon god!!!

At this moment, seeing the willow clouds like a demon god, the onlookers were suddenly frozen.

As for the super alloy black light, it was stunned.

Liu Yun’s words brought him a strong impact.

There are still many people whose physical strength is stronger than the current one?

Whitebeard? Kaido? Even including Liu Yun himself?

How can it be!?

Immediately looking at Liu Yun’s devil-like form at this time, the super alloy black light couldn’t help but ask in amazement: “What kind of move are you?” ”

Hearing this, feeling the powerful power in his body that was about to explode because it turned into the fourth gear, Liu Yun suddenly smiled evilly.

“You don’t have to know, all you need to know is….. Next, your so-called Man of Steel will be powerless to fight back! ”

As soon as the words fell, Liu Yun’s figure suddenly disappeared in place!



To all dear and lovely book lovers.

Important Notice Ha.

This book is about to hit the shelves.

After twelve days, we finally came to this point.

Tonight, at twelve o’clock in the morning, it will be on the shelves, and when the time comes, all the saved manuscripts will be put up, probably five or six more.

It will definitely explode on the day of the shelf, tentatively ten changes, maybe more.

Here, first of all, thank you to many book lovers.

Without your supportive comments, flower reviews, this book would not have come here.

Secondly, I would like to thank the editor Prodigal Boss, who also helped me a lot.

Finally, thanks for this special period.

To be honest, the younger brother has always been a person who can’t make up his mind, and the previous books have not been well updated.

This time in this special period, I made up my mind and wrote this book well.

In terms of data, it also gave me a lot of feedback, which is the best data in so many books I have written.

Of course, I know that this period is not to be thankful for, but to worry and be vigilant.

In fact, the reason for the protagonist’s crossing I wrote at the beginning has the meaning of a reminder warning, which I believe many people have also noticed.

These days, in addition to writing books, what I am most concerned about is the situation of the epidemic, and I have to brush up on the latest situation several times a day.

The closer I got to the shelf, the stronger my thought became, and that was to donate to the frontline.

Aside from staying at home and contributing, that’s probably all I can do.

So I have now officially decided that I will donate a part of the first month’s manuscript fee on the shelf.

According to my current observations, the most reliable person is the good person surnamed Han, then donate it to her!

In the end, of course, it’s the usual subscription!

I ask all book lovers to subscribe to it, the book keeper should also be slaughtered, and the crazy update mode will be opened after it is put on the shelf.

Of course, if you don’t think it’s good, you can also abandon the book, but after reading the love of twelve days, I hope to give a dime for the first order [laughing and crying! ] 〕


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