Liu Yun had a smile on his face.

Inheriting 40% of Whitebeard’s power, his shock fist is greatly enhanced!

It almost reached the level of shattering the atmosphere!

Therefore, whether it is the rocket artillery explosion energy of the zombie man, or the zombie man himself, the terrifying power of that punch destroys the decay!

There is no doubt that this temporary battle with the zombie man, he made a lot of money!

But what Liu Yun didn’t expect was that there was also an unexpected gain!

“Ding! Kill powerful creatures to gain huge amounts of energy, and the current role-playing completion level begins to increase! ”

“Ding! +1% current role-playing completion! ”

At this time, Liu Yun’s playing completion has actually improved!


Hearing the system’s prompt tone, Liu Yun couldn’t help but be stunned.

What’s going on!?

He looked at the scorched black and bursting body of the zombie man in the distance…

Is this dead?

Speaking of which, the zombie man should also be regarded as a powerful creature, so if you kill him, it is estimated that you can get energy like the vaccine man and the Asura unicorn fairy.

But is he dead? Not an immortal body?

Also, the strength of the zombie man is not too weak, how can he get so little energy?

Liu Yun couldn’t help but be a little puzzled.

But at this time, under his gaze, the zombie man’s scorched black and bursting body began to heal again!

There is no doubt that this is the immortal body working again!

Didn’t die!?

Liu Yun raised his eyebrows, and couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

If the zombie man is not dead, then why does the system prompt him to get a kill to the other party? And also gained energy?

What’s going on?

Under doubt, taking advantage of the gap between the zombie man’s recovery, Liu Yun secretly asked the system.

After listening to the explanation of the system, he suddenly realized!

But at the same time, Liu Yun couldn’t help but look a little strange.

It turns out that it is because of the undead body of the zombie man!

Although the zombie man is an immortal body, he turned over three or four times, and after the injury was too serious, there would be energy overflow on his body, so he was recognized as dead by the system!

And this is also the reason why Liu Yun can obtain energy to improve the completion of the role.

As for why only such a little bit of play completion has been improved, it is also because of the immortal body.

Because the zombie man is not really dead, the energy that spills is only a part.

This reason, seemingly complicated, is not difficult to understand.

When he came back to his senses, Liu Yun’s heart moved.

“In that case, doesn’t that mean that when he fights a zombie man, he can not only improve the completion of the play by playing, but also improve by obtaining energy?”

In this way, it is really a bonus!

“Goo la la la!!! What’s wrong, don’t get up yet? ”

Realizing this, Liu Yun was suddenly in a good mood and laughed at the zombie man and said.

Hearing this, the zombie man seemed to be stimulated, the speed of recovery accelerated, and soon he killed Liu Yun casually!

Liu Yun naturally didn’t say a word, clenched his fist and greeted it, and the shock ability burst out again!

This time, he didn’t keep his hand anymore, and every punch and every move burst out with amazing power, killing the zombie man!

After killing the zombie man four or five times, the system’s prompt tone came again.

“Ding! Kill powerful creatures to gain huge amounts of energy, and the current role-playing completion level begins to increase! ”

“Ding! +1% current role-playing completion! ”

The level of play completion has been improved again!

Although it was still improved a little, it made Liu Yun’s spirit lift and bombard harder.

Over time.

The system tone keeps coming.

Liu Yun’s expression became more and more open, but on the contrary, the zombie man’s face gradually became gloomy.

“What’s going on!?”

Killed by Liu Yun again, the zombie man couldn’t help but feel shocked emotions in his heart.

With the ability to immortalize, he is certainly not afraid of being killed by others.

Of course, his immortal body is not without consumption, but it will still consume some strength.

But the power consumed was very little, which is why he was once able to fight continuously for more than a hundred hours.

You know, in that battle, he died more than seven hundred times!

It’s just that at this time, when the zombie man was shocked, he was killed dozens of times by Liu Yun, and the strength in his body was actually a little outstretched!

It’s as if every resurrection now consumes a lot more power than before!

How can it be!?

Even if Liu Yun killed him every time now, it would not consume so much!

Thinking like this, resurrected again, the zombie man’s face suddenly became extremely solemn.

And the other side.

The sexy prisoners watching the battle were mesmerized to watch.

He was shocked and excited.

The vibration power that Liu Yun is using now is even stronger than just now!

This seems to prove more and more that this power is more worthy of his learning!

As for Kenos, as well as Lily, Hell Blowing Snow and the others, their expressions gradually became alarmed.

Don’t forget, what they are in now is not a special battle field, but a wide passage in the underground research institute!

Although the material of this passage is also relatively strong, it obviously cannot withstand the aftermath of the battle between Liu Yun and the zombie man!

Especially Liu Yun!

As his seismic force grew stronger, the passage clearly showed signs of collapse.

Even now, it’s shaking!

Realizing this, both Kenos, Lily, Hell Blowing Snow and others retreated.

Especially Lili and Hell Blowing Snow and others, they have not forgotten, they came to find Liu Yun, but they did not come to see this white-bearded man fight with the zombie man, although the battle between the two is very attractive.

Coming to their senses, Lili and Hell Blowing Snow and the others immediately urged the sexy prisoner to leave and let him go together to find Liu Yun, who played Luffy.

The sexy prisoner hesitated, but said, “You guys go first, I’d better wait.” ”

In his mind, if Liu Yun, who played Luffy, was really captured by the Asura Unicorn Immortal, it wouldn’t help him to find it now.

But stay here, if he learns that kind of vibration power, maybe he and the Asura Unicorn Immortal have the power of a battle.

With such an idea, the sexy prisoner also let Lily and Hell Blowing Snow and the others leave first.

Hearing this, Lili and Hell Blowing Snow and the others were stunned, but they didn’t say anything more, but quickly left here.

Seeing this, Kenos’ eyes flashed, and he quietly followed.

Even if everyone left, the sexy prisoner still stared intently at Liu Yun’s movements, sighing.

But the next moment, his face suddenly changed greatly!


With a scream, the sexy prisoner’s scalp was numb, and he didn’t want to think about it, but he turned around and fled!

What did he see!?

He saw that Liu Yun punched the zombie man again!

It’s just that this punch was wrapped in an unprecedented strong white halo, falling into the void, and suddenly exploded one after another cracking white marks!

The space seems to have exploded!?

Seeing such a terrifying sign, where the sexy prisoner still does not understand, the passage will definitely not be able to withstand it, and even he who is watching the battle may be affected!

And then, as if to confirm his idea!

Almost at the moment when the sexy prisoner turned and fled, an earth-shattering bang exploded!

As the white marks of the crack spread, the passage burst directly, and the terrifying power swept through, instantly destroying everything around!


At this time, the sexy prisoner was suddenly hit hard, and flew out in severe pain!

On the way to fly upside down, he glanced at it and saw an extremely amazing scene!

At this time, the zombie man seems to have ceased to exist!

Unexpectedly punched… Blasted into slag!!


PS: Ahem, hit the face, crazy update, but ten a day can not write ah, at the end of the day, except for eating and sleeping, still can’t write ah.

Originally, after it was on the shelf, I planned to change five times a day, but the results were still good, so I wanted to fight it. As a result, I can’t spell it, and I can probably only go here today. But tomorrow I will still aim for ten, the minimum guarantee is five, in short, I can write as much as I can, I hope book friends will be more considerate!

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