Liu Yun’s headache came without warning.

This caused him to lose his mind and be beaten away by Saitama.

And when he was flying, Liu Yun saw an incredible vision.

With a flicker in front of his eyes, he saw that the space was shattered, the terrifying black marks spread in all directions, and under the continuous expansion of the invasion, the huge A City actually went to destruction!

However, the vision came and went quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Liu Yun’s vision in front of him was restored, turning into a picture far away from Saitama.

Saitama was overpowered, and once again turned into a streamer.

Liu Yun’s eyebrows frowned, facing Saitama, who was getting stronger and stronger in the Vietnam War, he didn’t care much about it.

Maintaining second gear, he fought Saitama again.

Bang bang bang!!!

The fists collided fiercely, and Liu Yun once again gained the upper hand.

There is no doubt about that.

After all, after opening the second gear just now, Liu Yun once again surpassed Saitama, plus at this time, he suddenly obtained all the strength of Qi Mu Nanxiong, and naturally strengthened.

But one thing that surprised Liu Yun was that after his strength reached a perfect level, he had not only improved his ability to control power, but even his own superpower power seemed to have improved a lot.

In this way, it caused Liu Yun to be a little unable to contain his current strength.

While suppressing Saitama, it also caused extremely horrific damage to the surroundings.

Genos and Hell Blowing Snow and others had to retreat madly.

At this time, Bond, who was on the other side who was healing the S-class heroes, once again wanted to cry without tears.

He looked at the amazing aftermath of the battle in the distance, and his face was like a bitter melon.

Sure enough, just as he thought, these human peak powerhouses fighting must be destroying the heavens and the earth.

At the moment, the solid building of the headquarters of the Hero Society is being destroyed by the aftermath of those battles at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye.

Even looking at this posture, it may affect their side.

At this moment, Bond also had to lead his subordinates and quickly transfer the S-class heroes.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The fighting intensified.

Every punch that Liu Yun threw was able to force Saitama back and even fly.

The surrounding buildings, the ground, were as fragile as tofu, and they exploded one after another.

But over time, the situation changed little by little.

Saitama’s speed is getting faster and faster, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and even when he sees and smells, he begins to become pure and green.

In this way, Liu Yun’s advantages were smoothed out little by little.

He had to superimpose the use of Nian Power to maintain a slight advantage.

But it is clear that if it continues to be delayed, Liu Yun will obviously fall into the predicament of fighting Saitama with a white beard before.

That is, the speed of getting stronger cannot keep up with Saitama.

Because now, Liu Yun’s playing completion is not so easy to improve.

Saitama, on the other hand, is like a spring, and the more he suppresses, the more he rises.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun’s face suddenly froze.

At this time, Saitama’s expression became more and more excited!

The feeling of reuniting after a long absence, began to emerge again.

He could feel that the entire body cells seemed to be cheering.

Liu Yun’s terrifying power, while bringing him strong pressure, also brought him majestic motivation!

Under the action of this momentum, he has become obviously stronger again!

Saitama feels that his limits are constantly breaking through!

Stronger, stronger, stronger!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

At this time, Saitama slammed out three punches, one punch was stronger than one, and one punch was more terrifying than the power caused by one punch!

The first punch, he and Liu Yun’s fists collided, and they were evenly divided!

The second punch, he directly repelled Liu Yun!

With the third punch, he destroyed all the Nian power around the willow cloud, and then completely knocked the willow cloud away!

At this moment, under the condition of constantly getting stronger, Saitama’s power once again surpassed Liu Yun!

And under the excitement, Saitama had no intention of stopping at all, and as soon as his steps shook, the figure suddenly chased away.

But at this moment, Liu Yun, who flew out upside down, suddenly fissioned his body, and suddenly divided into more than a dozen doppelgangers.

As soon as these doppelgangers appeared, they were immediately wrapped in powerful power, and they rushed towards Saitama in the air!

As for Liu Yun’s body, it is still retreating!

“Your doppelgänger is useless to me!”

Seeing this, Saitama immediately smiled and went straight to greet him.

This time, with a great increase in strength, he didn’t have to deal with these doppelgangers with one punch, but decided to do it with one blow.

“Serious Series…”

He let out a low sigh, and his figure began to fission.

“Seriously and repeatedly jumping !!!”

In the lightning jump, Saitama unexpectedly released a doppelganger, and more than a dozen phantoms appeared.

And then these phantoms, punch at the same time!


In a continuous loud noise, Liu Yun’s doppelgangers were all destroyed with one blow!

Seeing this scene, Genos and Hell Blowing Snow and the others suddenly looked shocked again.

The dozen doppelgangers released by Liu Yun were actually dealt with by Saitama’s punch!

At the same time, Liu Yun’s body also turned slightly condensed when he saw this.

However, he didn’t expect those doppelgangers to be able to deal with Saitama, so his purpose in releasing the doppelganger was just to delay Saitama’s pursuit.

And now, apparently, it has been done.

Liu Yun’s mind immediately turned, and the golden pupils in his eyes were transformed into a circle of strange patterns, like reincarnation!

It is reincarnation that writes the eye of the wheel!

At this moment, Liu Yun suddenly had the same idea as when he played Whitebeard before.

It can’t be delayed any longer, and we must use more powerful forces to get Saitama in one fell swoop!

Otherwise, even if he could still support the current power consumption, he would not be able to keep up with Saitama’s sky-defying strengthening!

And as soon as the reincarnation writing wheel eye came out, Liu Yun’s body was full of visions.

A huge blue monster suddenly rose up from him!

It’s Susano!

Liu Yun didn’t say a word, and directly opened Susanoo to the fourth form, that is, completely Susanoo!

At this time, Susanoo was already wearing Tengu armor, as if it were an entity.

It stands to reason that Liu Yun in this form should rise to the point where Susano’s head is used as the core control.

But at this time, he did not rise, but his figure began to rise.

It is one of Liu Yun’s superpowers, getting bigger!

At the same time that Liu Yun’s figure became larger, he was completely able to condense, like an armor, covering Liu Yun’s huge body.

It is another use of Susano, armor!

So, a giant wearing a dazzling blue hideous battle armor appeared in place.

There is no doubt that under the giganticization and the increase of the battle armor, the power at this time has also increased greatly.

But that’s not the end of it.

Then Liu Yun’s mind suddenly moved, and the superpower continued to riot.

On his huge hand, a metal material giant sword condensed out of thin air!

This metal material giant sword immediately became sharper and stronger under the blessing of Liu Yun’s super power.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Yun grabbed this giant sword and rushed towards Saitama, who continued to rush, and suddenly fell like a heaven and earth!

At this moment, the overlord-colored domineering and god-level sword skills in his body also swept out without reservation!

This sword that gathers many abilities, even Liu Yun can’t predict its terrifying power, the only thing that can be sure is that it is definitely the strongest blow that he has played so many roles!

At that moment, Genos, Hell Blowing Snow and the others’ faces changed greatly.

Hara Hekubuki Yuki saw Yanagi release Susano, and felt strangely familiar, but his attention was quickly attracted by that earth-shattering sword!

At this moment, even Saitama froze for a moment.

I saw the heaven and earth in front of him, a monstrous Jedi blue light surged up, and where he passed, a large area of distorted pitch-black traces appeared in the sky!?

Is that…. The space was cut off!?

Saitama was shocked, he didn’t have time to excite, and immediately mobilized the powerful power in his body and struck out!

“Serious punch!”

Where the fist landed, it also caused spatial shocks.

Then when the two terrorist attacks collided, Liu Yun seemed to see the vision just now.

There are large swathes of horror in the sky, and they are constantly spreading!


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