
The extraterrestrial meteorite summoned by the tornado was blasted by the terrifying giant ape fist like this!

That terrifying power stirred, and even seemed to burst the space!


An earth-shattering thunder.

In the void in front of the super giant ape, a terrifying space black hole suddenly appeared!

The dark marks showed fluctuations that made people’s scalps tingle.

The faces of the Tornado Hell Blowing Snow and the others suddenly changed drastically.

But then, something happened that they never expected!

In that terrifying space black hole, a figure suddenly burst out.

Wearing a cape jumpsuit, but covered in blood and with a signature bald head!

Not Saitama, who else could it be!?

At the same time that the super giant ape broke the space, Saitama also defeated the Void King, and with the explosion space, he miraculously connected to this side and returned to the one-punch world!

“Whew…. Is it back? ”

At this moment, Saitama landed from mid-air, looked around at the seemingly familiar buildings around him, and suddenly breathed a slight sigh of relief.

But at this time, Tornado and Hell Blowing Snow and others stayed.

What’s going on?

Isn’t that Saitama!?

How could he suddenly emerge from the space black hole?

Thinking like this, Dragon Scroll and Hell Blowing Snow and others suddenly remembered the disappearance of Saitama.

It seems that during this time, Saitama did not know where to go.

Because Genos has been looking for Saitama with great fanfare, causing Tornado and Hell Blowing Snow and others to also know one or two.

But I couldn’t find it, but I didn’t expect that it suddenly appeared now, or from that terrifying space black hole.

“By the way, the last time he disappeared, it seems that he also disappeared into the space black hole?”

Immediately afterwards, Dragon Scroll and Hell Blowing Snow and the others suddenly remembered the last time Saitama disappeared.

It seems that it also disappeared into the space black hole!

Vaguely, people like Tornado and Hell all thought of something.

At this time, suddenly a surprised voice sounded.

“Saitama-sensei !!!”

A mechanical figure with golden hair suddenly shot rapidly in front of Saitama, who landed.

It’s Genos!

It turned out that he was not defeated by the super giant ape just now, but because the body was damaged, it was slower to rush back to the scene.

But what Genos didn’t expect was that as soon as he returned to the scene, he saw Saitama suddenly appearing!

For him, it naturally doesn’t matter where Saitama went, nature is his return.


Immediately afterwards, another exclamation sounded.

It’s a sexy prisoner, and he’s okay.

There are also super alloy black light, vest Venerable, atomic warrior, flash Frys, zombie man, pig god, etc., except for the metal bat, almost all S-class heroes have returned to the battlefield again.

Seeing this, Hell Blowing Snow and the others immediately lifted their spirits.

Sure enough, these S-class heroes are also monsters, and they can’t be defeated so easily!

Of course, although he returned to the battlefield, it did not mean that he could defeat the monster of the super great ape.

The S-class heroes are also well aware of this, so their faces tend to be dignified.

“Ah, Genos, long time no see!”

“And you too, what happened, why are you all injured?”

At this time, Saitama was happy.

The appearance of Genos and others completely proved that this was the world he was familiar with.

And he hadn’t seen humans for a long time, and he didn’t expect to see Genos and the others when he came back.

It’s just that what makes him a little puzzled is that including Genos, these S-class heroes are all injured, what’s going on?

“Hey, it’s not the time to catch up!”

At this moment, the cold voice of the tornado came from midair.

Everyone immediately followed the sound, and their eyes froze again.

Tornado is right.

Now is not the time to reminisce.

Because after the super giant ape burst the extraterrestrial meteorite, he gasped and swept his scarlet eyes towards everyone present.

For this monster, S-class heroes are naturally no strangers.

Saitama was a little puzzled: “Huh? Is this big guy a weirdo? ”

When Genos heard this, he quickly explained to Saitama.

After all, Saitama has just appeared, and it is normal not to know the situation.

At the same time, other S-class heroes, including Tornado, once again attacked the super great ape!

It’s just that the results can be imagined.

The super giant ape that did not wear the azure battle armor just now was able to suppress all the S-ranks, and now with the increase in the battle armor on its body, it is naturally needless to say!


So, after a few loud noises, the S-class heroes were suddenly beaten to pieces, and even the tornado turned pale.

Hell Blowing Snow and the others were shocked again.

Genos’s face changed.

“Saitama-sensei, you seem to have been seriously injured, so let’s stay away from the battlefield first.”

As soon as the words fell, Genos was about to cheer up his figure and shoot towards the super great ape.

As for his advice to Saitama, it was naturally because he saw Saitama’s bloodstained appearance.

However, at this moment, before Genos could start, a gust of wind surged in place, and Saitama’s figure disappeared instantly!


Genos was stunned, his eyes subconsciously swept up, and he suddenly found that Saitama appeared in the mid-air in front of him.

And in front of him, is the super giant ape!

Seeing this, Genoston froze.

At the same time, the people such as Dragon Scroll and Hell Blowing Snow naturally also saw the figure of Saitama who suddenly flew out.

“Huh? What is he going to do? ”

“Do you want to make a move on that monster?”

“Will he still be able to fight?”

Dragon Scroll and the others all looked moved.

Especially the people such as Dragon Scroll and Hell Buyuki, after witnessing Saitama coming out of the black hole of space covered in blood, vaguely guessed Saitama’s experience during his disappearance, so they also thought that Saitama should not have much combat power.

But what he didn’t expect was that at this time, he took the initiative to shoot towards the super giant ape!

Is it to shoot?

But the question is, can he really deal with the super great ape now?

Don’t send it to death!

And just when Dragon Scroll and the others were thinking like this, Saitama’s figure was already approaching the super giant ape!

At this time, the super giant ape obviously also noticed the flying Saitama, and the blood flashed in his scarlet eyes, and without hesitation, he stretched out an ape fist wrapped in battle armor and slammed out!

The corners of Saitama’s mouth suddenly turned up, and without saying a word, he also waved his fist.

Yes, he just wants to shoot at this monster!

Originally noticed the existence of the super great ape, he became interested, and after listening to Genos’ explanation, his interest increased even more!

Defeated a super giant and possessed a monster with weird abilities to suppress many S-class heroes?

Isn’t such an existence just used to confirm his further improvement power!

And so, that’s it.

Under the gaze of Dragon Scroll and the others, two fists with vastly different proportions collided together!


An earth-shattering thunder.

The spatial rift reappeared, and the terrifying aftermath of the power swept in all directions.

At this moment, the scene that made the pupils of Dragon Scroll and others shrink appeared!

I saw that the moment the two fists touched, the battle armor on the super giant ape’s fist burst open, and then, under the terrifying power chain, the battle armor on its body also burst, and then the entire mountainous giant body suddenly burst out a blood mist!


The super great ape fell on his back!

The incomparably strong shock burst out, and even, it shook the hearts of Tornado and the others!

One punch!!

With just one punch, Saitama blasted the super great ape’s armor and even hit it hard!?

At this moment, Dragon Scroll and the others finally saw Saitama’s horror thoroughly.

But then, let them do something unexpected…. It’s here again!


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