Bang! Bang! Bang!

City B battle scene.

Earth-shattering loud noises rang out one after another.

Terrifying space black holes, formed one after another.

The tornado and the others who had retreated to the extreme distance were all looking at the battlefield with shocked and solemn faces at this time.

At the same time, further afield, almost the outskirts of City B.

Bond, the head of the Hero Guild, and a large number of staff members watched in horror as the sky of B City continued to bloom.

It is worth mentioning that they were also there at the Martial Arts Conference Stadium just now.

However, later the tornado avoided affecting the innocent, and while diverting all the audience, it also transferred them out.

After being transferred out, Bond and others were not inactive.

Especially Bond.

With his previous experience, he knew what kind of damage these peak powerhouses would cause when they fought.

So, he immediately led those staff and began to evacuate the citizens of the entire B city!

Yes, it’s the whole city B!

Bond felt that when those peak powerhouses were fighting, the precautions that ordinary people needed to do would not be excessive.

In fact, that is, the previous battle was more restrained, otherwise, according to Bond’s estimate, I am afraid that twenty-four cities have disappeared several by now.

So Bond, for the sake of safety, simply did not do one and the other, and directly evacuated the entire city.

And the next situation also proved that Bond’s approach was correct.

The war is getting more and more intense, and City B is really in danger of destruction, if it were not for the support of the tornado, I am afraid it would have caused even greater disasters!

At this moment, Bond and the others became worried.

Seeing this, needless to say, those ordinary citizens all had a strong sense of the end of the world.

Of course.

Their feelings are not wrong, because even the current Dragon Scroll and others have gradually felt this way.

As Saitama and the Golden Great Ape fought fiercely again, the pressure of tornado protection became lower and lower, but the frequency of space black holes was getting higher and higher.

Some of the space black holes, even at the moment of appearance, quickly healed and subsided, but still stayed in place, emitting scalp-numbing fluctuations.

In this case, it is no longer a space fragmentation, but a space fragmentation!

Once such a space black hole exists in large numbers and persists, the horrific consequences can be imagined!

But the good thing.

As time went on, Saitama seemed to become stronger and stronger, and began to compete with the golden great ape.

In this way, I believe that it will not be long before he will be able to suppress the Golden Great Ape in turn and even defeat it!

Realizing this, while Dragon Scroll and the others breathed a sigh of relief, they couldn’t help but be a little shocked.

It seems that, like the Monkey King just now, Saitama is also becoming infinitely stronger!

And the magnitude of the increase is not much weaker than the Monkey King!

As long as he gets a buffer opportunity a little, he seems to be able to break through the signs again, surpass himself in the previous moment, and burst out with amazing power!

And at this time, Saitama naturally noticed this, and the more he fought, the more excited he became!

At this time, he no longer cared about the strange situation of Sun Wukong turning into a golden giant ape, in his mind, as long as he could defeat this golden giant ape, perhaps, he really had the qualification to be able to brush the dimensional union alone!

Thinking about it like this, Saitama looked forward to it.

On the contrary, Liu Yun at this time was a little more anxious.

Yes, it’s Liu Yun!

It is worth mentioning that after turning into a golden giant ape, Liu Yun’s consciousness did not pass out!

The reason for this is probably from the beginning.

Just now, Liu Yun’s playing degree increased again, and he obtained the power of the perfect level of the Monkey King, but he happened to see the moon, which caused the Saiyan bloodline to be activated again because of the regrowth of the tail!

And a more powerful Saiyan bloodline!

At that time, Liu Yun knew that it was going to be bad.

It’s just that he was not eroded by the violent thoughts that came from the Saiyan bloodline, but relied on amazing unyielding, always protecting his consciousness and keeping a point of clarity.

I don’t know how long it took, Liu Yun’s consciousness finally gained the upper hand, and he was not rendered by the idea of rage.

But his consciousness did not revive this, but like a bystander, he began to probe the situation in the outside world, and silently watched the instinctive and violent golden giant ape and Saitama start a fierce battle.

This state is very similar to the situation when Yanagi Yun played Shigeo Kageyama before.

At that time, he also fell into a violent walk, but his consciousness miraculously did not fall into a coma.

It’s just that next, seeing Saitama, who should have been crushed, under the “connivance” of the golden giant ape, turning over a little bit stronger, Liu Yun couldn’t help but be a little anxious.

If Saitama really surpasses the power of the current golden giant ape again, maybe the Monkey King he plays really can’t get Saitama, because for a while, he doesn’t know how to improve the completion of the role.

And realizing this, Liu Yun’s originally quiet consciousness suddenly launched an attack on the violent thoughts that filled the mind of the giant ape!

No, he can’t sit still!

No matter what, he has to regain control of his body and take the initiative!

Even if you don’t defeat Saitama, you can’t be a monster dominated by violent instincts!

And immediately afterwards, I don’t know if Liu Yun’s idea was too strong, or if he had escaped from Shigeo Kageyama’s experience before, and as time went on, his consciousness really gradually covered that violent thought!

The next moment, the golden giant ape who was fighting fiercely with Saitama, the huge body suddenly shook, and then the red light of his eyes faded, revealing a clear color!

Liu Yun, back!

He managed to regain control of his body!

At this moment, naturally, Liu Yun’s huge ape-like body began to contract violently.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Yun changed back to human form!

But at this time, he was very different from his appearance just now!

There was a tail like a steel whip behind him again, and the fierce qi that originally lingered around him completely converged, and his hair turned back to his original black, but the eyeliner turned bright red, which looked extremely strange.

The most amazing thing is Liu Yunluolu’s body, except for the front of the chest, the rest of the body is covered with a layer of red soft hair, which looks like an extra layer of scarlet armor!

This is…. Super Saiyan 4!

Liu Yun controlled the body of the golden giant ape, which was equivalent to completely controlling the bloodline of the Saiyan, so naturally, he entered this absolute form!

And after becoming Super Saiyan 4, Liu Yun did not fight back towards Saitama, but gathered his hands for the first time, and burst out an unprecedented powerful turtle school qigong in the blue light flash!


The space shattered, and a blue light like a pillar of heaven instantly shot up into the sky, directly shooting towards the huge full moon in the sky!

Immediately afterwards, in the shocked gaze of Dragon Scroll and others.

The blue light didn’t know where it extended, but the huge full moon in the line of sight shattered violently!

Liu Yun, who reappeared, actually burst the moon with one blow!?


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