City D, by the sea.

The ambitious Deep Sea people fell into the brutal siege of heroes.

The silver-haired boy not far away looked at this scene and suddenly shook his head, his face showing disdain.

This silver-haired boy is none other than a hungry wolf!

After the great battle a few days ago, he did not follow Bungu back, but left and embarked on the road to find stronger power!

That what flowing water rock crushing boxing gym, of course, there is no need to go back, because he has a higher goal!

That is…. Defeat the Monkey King and then dismantle the entire dimensional union!

In his opinion, this dimensional union is probably the same as the Hero Association, a hypocritical organization that uses some great name to achieve its ulterior goals!

Such an organization does not need to exist in the world.

As for defeating Sun Wukong, it is even more needless to say, after all, the last time he fought with Sun Wukong, he had not yet divided the victory and defeat.

Although he had later learned the true terrifying power of Sun Wukong from the mouth of Hell Blowing Snow, the hungry wolf was not discouraged, but became more and more excited.

Isn’t such an opponent more furious?

There is also the behemoth of the dimensional union, thinking of the scene after its disintegration, the corner of the hungry wolf’s mouth can’t help but appear a smile.

Of course, it is obviously very difficult or even impossible to achieve these grand goals with the current strength of the hungry wolf.

At the simplest point, even if he wants to participate in the recruitment conference to contact the people of the dimensional union, but if he does not have strong strength, it is difficult to succeed!

So, before the recruitment conference, he has to get stronger!!

And these people in front of them seem to be good training targets!

Thinking like this, the hungry wolf suddenly moved, like a lonely war wolf, and suddenly rushed into the crowd!


Screams erupted.

In addition to the weirdos, there are also heroes!

Hungry wolves don’t care what weirdos and heroes are, anyway, they just fight when they see people!

Seeing this, the Deep Sea King and the sexy prisoner and the others suddenly froze.

A big scuffle, just like that.


The other side.

Temporary stronghold of the Dimensional Union.

Hell Fuyuki looked strangely at Liu Yun and Sykes, who were paired up again.

It had been several days since she had been to the Dimensional Union stronghold, and this was at least the fifth time she had seen it.

Therefore, Hell Blowing Snow came to the conclusion that the relationship between Liu Yun and Sykes is definitely not simple!

Facing the strange gaze of Hell Blowing Snow, Sykes couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Her relationship with Liu Yun is certainly not simple.

To say that it is a male and female === relationship is paradoxical.

All in all, it’s complicated.

Of course, Sykes didn’t want to.

But lately she’s been a little confused.

After witnessing the battle between Son Goku and Saitama and Poros, she couldn’t help but have some doubts about life.

Originally, her ambition was also very big, to create the Weird Association, subvert the Association of Heroes with a high status among mankind, and even conquer the world.

But suddenly, she was confused.

Especially after witnessing the strength of the Monkey King.

Even if the incredibly powerful Uchiha spot, as a result, Sun Wukong’s strength seems to be even stronger!

That’s simply cosmic-level combat power!

And don’t forget, even such a powerful Monkey King is only a member of the dimensional union!

So how powerful is this guy Liu Yun, as the president of the dimensional trade union!?

Simply …. Unthinkable!

It was because of this idea that Sykes couldn’t help but get confused.

With Sun Wukong, the dimensional union, and the existence like Liu Yun, why did she conquer this world!?

And in comparison, if you want to achieve your ambitions, it seems that becoming the president’s wife is faster?

It is precisely because of this idea that Sykes has been very cooperative with Liu Yun no matter what he has done recently.

As for the change in Sykes’ attitude, Liu Yun naturally noticed it.

But he didn’t feel too strange.

Because he knew very well that from the moment Sykes “joined” the dimensional union, she was already doomed to be conquered by herself.

And for now, it just confirms his previous thoughts.

For Sykes’ active cooperation, Liu Yun is naturally very happy.

But what made him happier was that with Sykes’ cooperation, he also began to join the weirdo potion that was studied, and there was new progress.

It is worth mentioning that Bakugan and Qiao Ze and others at the martial arts conference have fully proved the effect of the weirdo potion.

It is said that it is a semi-finished product, but it also has a good effect.

But Liu Yun was not satisfied with this.

So after returning, he also joined the research, provided Sykes with many novel ideas, and even did not hesitate to use a doppelganger to assist her research experiments.

As a result, the weirdo potion soon progressed.

The current weirdo potion probably shouldn’t be called the weirdo potion.

Instead, it should be called: Superman Elixir.

This superhuman potion, Liu Yun is ready to use it as a prize for the recruitment conference, as long as it is successfully recruited, it can be obtained.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun couldn’t help but look forward to the recruitment conference in the near future.


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