
“Did you hear you right?”

“Defeat the Yellow Ape Borusalino!?”

At this moment, Liu Yun’s voice also spread clearly to the world through the live broadcast equipment.

Hearing this, the audience of the live broadcast was also stunned.

They have anticipated many rules of recruitment conferences, such as like martial arts conferences, each battle against each other, layer by layer elimination, the final winner is admitted, the first few admissions are obtained, and so on.

But I never expected that Liu Yun would amplify his move as soon as he came up, and it was actually to let those contestants defeat the yellow ape Borusalino?

This is already considered a fight, right?

But the problem is that the one who guards the ring is actually a member of the dimensional union, which is too difficult, right!?

As we all know, the members of the dimensional union are all powerful and perverts one by one.

Now the audience knows that this wretched middle-aged uncle is the yellow ape Borusalino, but even this one is extremely powerful!

At the same time, the participants on the scene were also stunned.

When they came back to their senses, most of them turned pale.

In comparison, they naturally knew better than those audiences the terrifying members of the dimensional union and the terrifying of the yellow ape.

In particular, the atomic warriors who have lost in the hands of the yellow ape, as well as the atomic warriors who have seen the strength of the yellow ape, the shining Frys, and the hell blowing snow and others.

There is no doubt that the combat power of the yellow ape may not be as perverted as Sun Wukong, but it is definitely at the same level as the tornado.

If you want to defeat him to join the dimensional union, the difficulty of this recruitment conference is simply terrifyingly high, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is hellish.

It was at this time that they suddenly understood why after the network screening, the personnel left behind were at least B-level strength.

Because only heroes with C-level strength and others are afraid that they can’t even catch the yellow ape’s move, let alone defeat him!

However, a small number of people, except for a slight movement in their faces, did not react much.

Among them, there are the pretentious hungry wolf and Joe Ze.

In addition, the black-robed figure in the crowd that made Liu Yun pay a little attention did not react much, but it stared at the condensed body of the yellow ape photon, and the gaze under the black robe was slightly strange.

As for the tornado, it goes without saying.

She once let the yellow ape escape, and now let her deal with the yellow ape again, naturally there is no big problem.

Most importantly, during this time, she did not stand still.

Although she lost successively at the hands of Shigeo Kageyama and Nanao Saiki, she also benefited a lot from it and her strength soared.

However, just when people were amazed by the rules, Liu Yun’s voice sounded again.

“Of course, I know that this rule seems simple, but for many people, it is undoubtedly difficult.”

“So here, I’m going to give everyone a benefit first.”

As soon as the words fell, Liu Yun sat on the seat and suddenly said something.

At this moment, a large number of granular things flew out, and then landed incomparably accurately in the hands of everyone involved, even Hell Blowing Snow.

“This is!?”

Hell Blowing Snow was stunned.

Tornado and others were also stunned.

But Qiao Ze in the crowd, looking at the familiar granular things in his hands, couldn’t help but move.

This particle thing turned out to be very similar to the weirdo potion he obtained before!?

So this is?

And then, as if to prove his idea, Liu Yun’s voice continued to sound.

“Now this thing in your hands is called the Superman Elixir.”

“It is our dimensional union that has spent countless manpower and material resources, as well as astronomical resources, to develop a genetic product!”

“Its effect, simply put, is that it can greatly stimulate your potential in a short period of time, and it is useless!”

Hearing this, Qiao Ze was suddenly stunned.

Superman potion? Freak potions?

If he guessed correctly, the weirdo potion he got in the last martial arts conference should be similar to this superhuman potion, right?

So, the woman who handed out the weirdo potion last time was someone from the dimensional union!?

Dimensional union, what is the purpose of fighting?

And this time, this superhuman potion that seems to work better than the weirdo potion, why did they release it again?

Is it really just a benefit? Or is there another ulterior motive?

And at this time, Dragon Scroll and the others naturally vaguely realized that something was wrong.

Drugs that greatly stimulate potential and have no sequelae?

Is there really such a precious thing?

Even if there is, why should Liu Yun be given out as a benefit, don’t they need it in the dimensional union?

But those audiences, hearing this, suddenly became sensational again.

“Oh my God, Superman potion!?”

“When you hear the name, you know it’s not easy!”

“Being able to unleash potential without sequelae is simply a miracle medicine, okay?”

“Is this a free distribution? The dimensional union is really a big deal! ”

“Depend, I already knew that I had signed up, even if I was unsuccessful, I would have earned a lot by obtaining this superhuman potion!”

“I’m more curious about whether this superhuman potion is as miraculous as he says.”

The audience was excited to talk about it, and some even shouted that they regretted not signing up.

And then, as if in response to their curiosity, among the people at the scene, someone really began to swallow the superhuman potion!

It’s a B-class hero, a mountain ape!

At this recruitment conference, the B-level strength is definitely at the bottom, not to mention defeating the yellow ape, and even dealing with other personnel is a little choking.

So in the case of knowing that it was hopeless, the mountain ape did not think much and resolutely swallowed the superhuman potion first!

Hell Blowing Snow suddenly changed his face.

Others also looked towards the mountain ape.

At this moment, incredible changes appeared on the mountain ape!


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