One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 112 I want to open up a way of life for our descendants!

The perspective moves downward.

The roots of the entire giant tree are deeply embedded in the depths of the planet of Isidena, constantly extracting nutrients.

Under the tangled roots that cover half of Isidena are countless special pipes dug by the digging insects.

The pipes are transporting naked humans with their eyes closed.

After being touched by the roots of the giant tree, these humans will turn into a pool of blood and be completely absorbed.

In the strata under the countless roots, Lin Yi saw storage rooms similar to "beehives".

There are disgusting insect eggs stored in them, and the ones hatched in the eggs are not black sickle insects.

But human babies, and even human children.

Lin Yi felt his scalp tingling.

For the first time, he realized how humiliating and desperate they were to the human civilization of Isidena!

Endlessly enslaved, even their own offspring, those innocent children, have become the established food of the Black Scythe Zerg since birth.

The Zerg is like a cancer, it parasitizes on the human civilization of Isidena, not only to grind teeth and suck blood, tap bones and suck marrow, but also to completely destroy the future of this civilization.

Just when Lin Yi was still planning to continue to use soul search to find the location of the Zerg Mother, Lin You trembled all over.

The next moment, the deep purple in her eyes disappeared.

The picture transmitted through empathy was also completely interrupted and disappeared.

"What happened?"

Lin You shook his head: "Just now I temporarily entered the neural network of the entire Zerg through its authority, but just now a higher-level manager consciousness discovered my invasion."

"So I was kicked out."

Lin Yi sighed in his heart.

The collective will of the entire Zerg is too strong. In fact, it is not easy to see the picture for a moment.

"How is it, did you find the Zerg Mother?" Sun Dachuan asked.

Lin Yi shook his head: "No, I only saw a small part of the picture."

"What should I do?"

Lin Yi pondered for a moment, looking at the insect tide in the distance, and recalled the dungeon strategy he had studied for the past three days.

Finally, he made a decision.

"Go find the resistance army in Isidena."

"Maybe they know the location of the insect mother."


Thousands of kilometers away from where Lin Yi and Sun Dachuan were.

In a natural canyon.

The dilapidated tents, the sound of hammers, and the groans of the wounded.

The whole camp was dead.

Some people sat on the ground, stroking the damaged mecha.

Some people lay on the ground, covering their eyes with their hands, and shedding hot tears with blood.

This is the ninth base of the Isidena resistance.

Just a few hours ago, they carried out a rescue operation against the "granary" of the insect swarm.

This operation was successful.

But it was no different from failure.

In the tent of the ninth base.

The man tore off the black mecha that had been broken into pieces on his chest and threw it on the ground.

Then he rushed to the bucket and dived in.

He opened his bloodshot eyes, and the water, which was not clean to begin with, stung the man's eyes.

But he still endured the sting and kept his eyes open.

It seemed that the blurred reflection in the water could make him forget everything he had just seen in the "granary".

The man's name was Terris, the head of the 9th Corps of the Isidena Resistance Army.

Half a month ago.

Their last batch of scouts exchanged their lives for an important piece of information.

It was a cultivation room that stored thousands of newborn babies.

It was also commonly known as the "granary".

Unlike the technology tree of the Isidena human race, which was steam and machinery.

The technology tree of the Black Scythe Zerg Clan was genetic modification and life cultivation.

The Zerg swarm continued to multiply and expand, and now half of Isidena has been completely incorporated into the territory of the Zerg tide.

A large population, no, the Zerg population, needs food supply.

And other creatures native to Isidena have long been devoured by them.

Finally, they could only choose to use the cultivation technology of the Zerg to keep a large number of humans in Isidena in captivity.

Then force these people who were deprived of their will to become breeding machines without self-will.

Batches of human newborns were born, and then relying on the cultivation technology of the Zerg.

In just three months, they can complete the development cycle that normally takes eighteen years to complete, allowing them to fully grow up.

This time, Terris planned to completely eliminate the Zerg around the grain, and then save these thousands of human newborns from the hands of the Zerg.

However, just half a day ago, they lost hundreds of brothers and finally killed the Zerg guarding them completely. After entering the granary.

Break the insect egg cultivation chamber and release thousands of newborns.

However, the scene that happened next made Terris feel heartbroken.

Although the thousands of newborns still maintained their human appearance.

But inside, they had completely turned into monsters that were no different from the Zerg.

They were cannibalizing each other.

You eat my fingers, and I bite off your ears.

Blood flowed like a river, a scene of hell.

No matter what means Tyreese and other resistance fighters used, they could not change this fact.

They killed all the bugs.

But they could not change the fate of those newborns.

"Tyreese, cheer up!"

"Tyreese! We still have hope!"

"There must be... there must be a way!"

"Have you forgotten the prophecy?"

"In the eternal night when the sun sets in the west and will never rise again."

"When the insect tide multiplies to its peak."

"The Apocalypse Knight who controls thunder and enslaves all insects will come."

"We must burn the last of our glory, turn into fireflies, rush towards the raging fire, clear the fog for him, and guide the way."

"Then, the Apocalypse Knight will end it all, and he will bring the dawn of a new life to Isidena!"

Another man who was also covered in blood comforted him.

He is Simon, Teres's adjutant.

Terris suddenly pulled his head out of the bucket and shouted at the top of his lungs: "No! No hope!!"

"All our armors are broken!"

"All our engineers are dead!"

"Five years ago, we had nine corps, but now there are only three!"

"Of our 100,000 brothers and sisters, there are less than a thousand left!"

"I can only watch them being drowned by the insect tide one by one, and I can only watch them tell me one by one, don't give up, there is still hope, and then die for me!"

"I am unwilling!!"

"I can die! All of us can die!"

"I just want to open up a way of life for our descendants!"

"But today I found out..."

"I can't do anything... I can't do anything!!!"

At the end, Terris, the tough guy, fell to the ground and burst into tears.

Simon also burst into tears when he heard this.

That night, the Ninth Camp removed all concealment measures and destroyed all steam mechas.

They gave up resistance!

However, when one night passed.

When Terris opened his eyes again, he felt a huge sense of loss.

Why didn't he die?

Why didn't the bugs come and kill them all?

Terris walked out of the tent, looked at the still dark sky, and glanced at the time.

It was 10 o'clock in the morning.

But the sun had not risen!

Terris was stunned.

Because he found that the reason why the sun did not rise was because the night was actually a swarm of bugs!

The swarm of bugs covered the sky, but did not prey on them!

Then, he saw that in the swarm of bugs, there were people riding on two giant bugs, slowly descending towards them.

Terris's mind was blank.

The prophesied day is coming at this moment!

It's a new month, brothers, please vote for me~!

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