One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 121: Garden of Eden, Ix's Dream of Eternal Life

Eat the crumbs.

Ix watched the black larvae grow wings and fly high.

Fly out of this garden.

Fly out of the endless world boundary.

He became stronger.

Killed one monster and behemoth after another who wanted to prey on him.

He gradually grew up.

He had the right to reproduce.

He mated with another queen from the edge of the wild world.

That ignorant, blind queen.

She got some of the power hidden in Ix's body and opened her spiritual wisdom.

She gave birth to countless offspring for Ix.

And his offspring, in turn, bred more offspring with other of the same kind.

The first swarm of insects was born.

Ix became the first king of the swarm.

After the swarm devoured the small world he was in.

Ix led them to leave the withered world and head for a brand new world.

Continue to reproduce!

The queen of the swarm who followed Ix would age, die, betray, and abandon.

But Ix won't.

He seems to never age and never die.

That piece of bread crumbs gave him the right to eternal life.

Ix's heart gradually developed more desires.

His mind became more mature.

After an era.

His swarms of insects spread all over the universe.

Ix's name has become a feared existence in countless worlds in the universe.

Entering a new world, the swarms will multiply to their peak.

Then leaving the dead world, the swarms gradually withered in the long migration.

After countless reincarnations, Ix finally found a new world he had dreamed of.

The people of this world called it Isidena.

It means eternal paradise.

In the world of Isidena, there is a giant tree that reaches the sky.

This giant tree, like him, seems to have endless vitality.

It will not wither and will always flourish.

So Ix used it as his eternal nest.

Here, the swarms of insects plundered the nutrients of the giant tree and began to multiply and expand without limit!

But Ix also encountered the most tenacious resistance from the native civilization of this world.

That was a human civilization.

They controlled the technology called steam and electricity.

Everyone was a determined warrior.

His swarm was defeated by those mecha warriors.

That energy called electricity seemed to be a weakness engraved in the bones of him and his swarm.

The war between the swarm and the mecha lasted for hundreds of years.

Ix had the last laugh with his perseverance.

And he also found that as long as he relied on Yogdahir, even if his body died.

He would be reborn in the core of Yogdahir.

And every time he was reborn, he became stronger.

He won.

The native civilization of the world of Isidena was completely swallowed up by him, leaving only a few humans who were still resisting stubbornly.

At the same time, Ix also found that since then, humans from other worlds who had mastered special powers have begun to enter this Isidena.

It seems that there is an invisible pusher behind them.

The purpose of the pusher was to curb the development of himself and the swarm.

However, Ix sneered at this.

Through these "professionals" from other worlds, he learned about a world called Blue Star.

Ix's heart was moved.

A brand new door opened in front of him.

A great plan was conceived in his heart.

He not only wanted to conquer Isidena and other worlds around Isidena.

He also wanted to conquer this advanced world called Blue Star!

Absorb the essence of these professionals.

It can make his strength grow rapidly and reach a higher level.

So, he set a trap and drilled a small gap in the boundary of the world of Isidena, which is always connected to the world of Blue Star.

Unfortunately, perhaps because the power of the swarm is too weak.

The two-world channel he opened is one-way.

Only advanced worlds like the Blue Star world are qualified to pass through the channel to the world of Isidena.

But he and his swarm.

But they cannot pass through this channel to enter the world of Blue Star.

Ix knows.

He needed to absorb more power from "professionals".

For this reason, he deliberately left some humans from the native civilization of Isidena and did not kill them all.

Let those professionals from the Blue Star World enter this world to help those resistance forces and carry out some ridiculous "resistance".

Those professionals thought they had accomplished great achievements in this world.

But they were just clowns under the watchful eyes of Ix.

In order not to alarm the Blue Star World and let it completely close the entrance to the two worlds.

Ix would intermittently abduct some professionals, but not all.

This situation lasted for a long, long time.

Until one day.

Ix discovered that among the surviving humans in Isidena, a prophecy had been circulated at some point.

The source of the prophecy.

Ix could not find it.

It should be the work of that mysterious pusher again.

However, Ix, who had long been arrogant, sneered at the content of the prophecy.

What apocalypse knight.

It's a fool's dream!

Until, he was pierced through the body by the world-destroying thunder gun.

Nailed into the ground of Isdna.


All images are shattered like mirrors.

Ix opens his eyes again!

Only then did he realize.

Everything he saw just now was just a dream like a revolving lantern.

He went through his whole life.

However, this time, when Ix opened his eyes.

Found that he was back in the garden full of life.


"Why did Xiaolu wither and die..."

"Mom, why?"

Xiaolu is a tree.

It is also the only dead tree in this garden at this moment.

The gardener cut off the roots of the small green tree and found streams of black water flowing from them.

"Miss Alina, this tree is infested with insects."

"So it withered away."

The little girl Alina tilted her head: "Insect..."

"Is it a creature like Xiao Hei?"

"Yes, Miss Alina."

Ix saw the little girl Alina turn her head.

The figure became extremely tall in an instant!

Glare at him!

"Bad little black! Bad little black!"

Ix saw himself being pinched by Alina's giant hand, which made him miserable!

However, no matter how much he cried out for mercy.

Alina had no intention of letting go.

The next moment, Ickes felt like he was being thrown out of the garden.

The body was in pieces.

Consciousness gradually blurred.

On his deathbed.

He saw a butterfly, which also stumbled into the garden.

"Mom, mom, so beautiful!"

"what is that?"

"That's a butterfly."

"Is it a bug too?"

"Yes, Alina."

"Mom, it's so pitiful. Can I feed it something?"


"Mom, the little flower is also a bug. Will it make our trees die?"

"Yes, Alina."

"But it doesn't matter, Alina, there will always be new trees growing in the Garden of Eden."

"When the time comes, let's think of a solution!"

"Okay! Mom, then I'd better feed it my favorite bread, right?"

"Go ahead, Alina."

The butterfly flaps its wings.

I don’t know which world will cause another storm.

However, those things have nothing to do with him anymore.

Ix's eyes gradually fell into darkness.

What greeted him was not the next reincarnation.

But real death.

Eternal life...

It's just a dream.

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