Whoosh! !

Several more lightning-fast slashes came.

Unfortunately, Lin Yi was completely immune to the attack.

In the sublimated state of the fire element, Lin Yi is least afraid of this type of slashing skills.

But Lin Xiaohe on the opposite side didn't seem to want to give up.

While using his high agility, he continued to distance himself from Lin Yi.

While constantly swinging sword wind slashes, testing the limits of Lin Yi's elemental skill.

Lin Yi's flying speed in his fire element state alone was not enough to catch up with Lin Xiaohe.

"Classmate Lin Xiaohe's tactic was to kite Lin Yi!"

"What happened today? I actually saw a melee swordsman using his sudden movement and high speed to pull the mage?"

The whole place burst into laughter.

This scene is indeed a bit exaggerated.

I have never heard of long-range professions such as mages and archers, who use their attack distance advantage to pull over other melee professions.

But today it was completely the other way around.

But at the same time, many people who understood this battle entered Lin Xiaohe's perspective.

I quickly understood why.

Because at this moment, Lin Yi was surrounded by a terrifying high temperature field.

He didn't dare to get close to Lin Yi.

If you get close, you will be burned to death.

Lin Xiaohe is waiting.

Wait for Lin Yi's skill to pass.

All status skills basically have a duration.

It would be outrageous if it could be used permanently.

Therefore, Lin Xiaohe planned to wait until Lin Yi's skill ended, and then he would find a way to get close.


Lin Yi is not a professional with short legs.

His sudden movement ability.

Not inferior to Lin Xiaohe in the slightest.


Lightning flashes!

Lin Yi's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Lin Xiaohe, who had been controlling the distance, shrank his pupils.

He's very fast.

Reaction speed is faster.

He had realized that danger was coming.

However, he is not faster than lightning, nor is he faster than thunder!

The next moment, the hair on Lin Xiaohe's body exploded, and Lin Yi's figure had already arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Blue fire, high temperature is coming!




Continuous crackling sounds like exploding beans sounded, and more than a dozen invisible wind walls that had been surrounding Lin Xiaohe were heated to the extreme in an instant.


Just like the three blast groups given by Lin Yi's fifth-level skill, Wings of Wind, can withstand damage.

The Storm Swordsman also has similar life-saving skills.

It's just much more powerful than Lin Yi's Wind Wings.

Under normal conditions, Lin Xiaohe was surrounded by no less than 30 invisible wind masses.

These wind masses will also change according to the opponent's attack form.

However, it was just a close visit.

Thirty wind masses were all burned.

At the same time, Lin Xiaohe's health bar also dropped to the dead line in the blink of an eye.


Another flash, and Lin Xiaohe's figure disappeared.

Windwalker was able to dodge quickly, and he used it at the critical moment!

Put some distance between you and Lin Yi again!

But this scene has deeply shocked the host and countless people watching.


If you touch this, you will die!

What Lin Yi didn't expect was that after today, he would get another nickname in Shenxiao——

The god of death with blue fire!



Lin Xiaohe flashed into the distance and gasped for air.

The moment Lin Yi approached him, Lin Xiaohe even saw his grandmother, who had been dead for many years, waving to him...


Is this still a mage?

However, he didn't wait for a reaction.

A gust of wind swept across the entire arena again.

This gust of wind was not caused by him.

The next moment, a figure like him, riding on the wind at extremely fast speeds, completely extinguished Lin Xiaohe's last hope for victory.

Lin Yi seemed to have used exactly the same skills as him.

Get close again quickly.

In fact, Lin Yi had ten thousand ways to kill Lin Xiaohe, who was already at the end of his strength.

But he still chose the one with the most interesting mentality.

Skills you know.

I can do it too.

And the means are more than yours!

A flash of thunder!

A flash of wind!

The power of wind and thunder is so terrifying!

In the end, Lin Xiaohe's health bar was completely emptied.

Lin Yi's B-level promotion battle is over!

The total fighting time is still less than 20 seconds!

It wasn't until the results of the battle were announced on the big screen and the animation of Lin Yi's successful promotion was played that everyone reacted!

He won!

He wins again!

Although most people can see that Lin Yi's strength is much higher than Lin Xiaohe's.

But who would have thought that after Lin Xiaohe struggled hard and showed his professional high-speed advantage, he still lost in speed.

Are you fast?

I'm faster than you!

If you don’t want to get close to me, then I will take the initiative to find you!

A swordsman was defeated because he was approached by a mage.

This is really an exaggeration!

By the time the audience cheered and applauded, Lin Yi had disappeared from the ring again.

He has even left the arena gate.

Go straight to the dungeon sanctuary.

On the Shenxiao Forum.

Posts discussing the two battles just appeared one after another like crazy.

"The founder of the arena instant kill style, this new kid can't be offended!" 》

"Thunder Sword!" Nuclear explosion! Who can defeat such a monster? ! 》

"It feels like Lin Yi will be promoted to A-level in a few days!" 》

"Who is the next victim?" 》

As soon as these countless posts related to Lin Yi were published.

Countless melon-eating people came one after another.

They were all curious about what new tricks the strongest freshman in history, who had already made countless big noises before school started, had come up with.

When they read the post, they were all stunned.

Then they all joined in the discussion.

"Let me choke you, who the hell can beat him!"

"We have to find a way to study him. If this continues, he will become invincible!"

"How to research? You can only pray that he doesn't catch his eye!"

"You're right, but this is Lin Yi. He has specialization in five elements: undead, thunder, fire, ice, and wind. His skill range is large and wide, and his skill damage is high and painful."

"There are countless summons, mechanisms that ignore armor and magic resistance, and control skills."

"It also has a variety of flash displacement skills, elemental skills that are immune to physical attacks, nearly unlimited mana, and passive skills that can directly cast high-level spells without chanting."

"As soon as the blue fire comes out, go ahhhh!"

"The scariest thing, haven't you noticed? The survival skills that all professions have, we haven't seen in him so far!"

"We don't know how much health he has and whether he has any damage reduction skills!"

"He is a mage after all. With such a strong output ability, maybe he has almost no survivability?"

"It's possible that the blood volume is only a few thousand!"

"Stop talking! Brothers, this B-level can't stay for a while. I wonder what I'll do if I fall to C-level!"

"I'm at the bottom of the fucking B-tier right now. I feel like I'll be chosen easily by him!"

For a while.

Everyone was discussing how to target Lin Yi.

The building began to gradually become crooked.

It became "How to avoid being targeted by the Blue Fire Reaper".

A group of senior students from Shenxiao who were at the bottom of the B-level and who were very likely to be selected by Lin Yi to challenge them began to panic all day long.

There are even people who actively challenge the C-level rating and get downgraded!

A long time after that.

There is a vicious curse circulating among Shenxiao's senior students who are rated and ranked higher than Lin Yi——

"You will be challenged by Lin Yi tomorrow!"

This curse is so vicious that many upperclassmen are terrified.

After being circulated for a while, it quickly became a taboo.

Even if you scold me, you can't curse me for being targeted by Lin Yi!

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