One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 140 Galaxy-level treasure! Hand of annihilation!

Lin Yi's plan was simple.

Since these rewards were moving at a very fast speed and their trajectories were unpredictable.

Then we just had to find a way to stop them.

Three black ices appeared, and the rotation speed of the entire sand sea vortex began to slow down.

Lin Yi could already hear the sound of ice crystals condensing and spreading.

With a flash of his figure, Lin Yi first grabbed the material required for his fourth-level task, the third leg of the sand bandit king Roger.

Then, he stuffed it into his personal space.

Then, Lin Yi used the sand walker to move in the vortex that was getting slower and slower, and put the three materials needed by Ke Mengyuan and others into his backpack.

Finally, Lin Yi looked at the two golden lights below. Anyway, they were all bought for zero yuan.

He accepted these two big prizes with a smile!

Lin Yi swam to the bottom of the vortex at the fastest speed. However, after the cold air of the three black ices spread, Lin Yi found that it was not only the rotation speed of the entire vortex that was slowing down.

He was also affected.

After all, he was in a vortex at the moment, and many of the wind-based acceleration skills were not applicable in this environment.

He was truly in the yellow sand, and there was no air for him to use.

When Lin Yi was still four or five meters away from the two golden streams of light, Lin Yi found that the surrounding sand sea was close to the critical point of complete freezing.

Using [Sand Walker], he was almost unable to move.

The black ice was like a prison, surrounding him from all directions.

Was his movement faster, or was the black ice spreading faster?

Lin Yi didn't know.

He only knew that when he got closer, the information of the two golden streams finally appeared in front of him.

[Hand of Nirvana]

[Primordial Fire Seed]

The rest of the attributes could not be seen at all.

That's right, even the Eye of All-Knowing needs to stare for a longer time to continue to interpret the essence of the two golden streams.

This actually also indirectly shows how precious these two things are.

Lin Yi's eyes condensed.

Looking at the approaching black ice, he dodged and used the Swift Wind Flash.

There was no air under the sea of ​​sand, so the distance and speed of the swift wind were severely weakened.

The two golden streams of light were also separated by a distance.

Lin Yi could only choose one of them to take.

He had no time to think about which one to take, so he could only choose the closest one.

When his fingers touched the golden light ball, Lin Yi had never thought that the impact of this golden light ball was so great that he almost didn't catch it and let it escape from his hand.

At the critical moment, a pair of hands emerged from the void.

Lin You's hand held Lin Yi's hand, and completely held the light ball firmly in his hand!

This was not Lin Yi's initiative to release Lin You.

But she took the initiative to come out.

The moment Lin You appeared, her whole body was already covered by a large amount of black ice.

Lin Yi quickly transferred Lin You back to the dead spirit space, and Lin You also knew the power of black ice.

Those parts of the body infected by black ice were abandoned by her and melted into the sea of ​​sand.

Then, Lin Yi also took the golden light ball in his right hand back to the portable space.

Everything is done, now we have to find a way to escape!

However, the next moment, Lin Yi found that his entire right hand was completely trapped in the black ice after being hit by the golden light ball.

It was too late to pull his hand out now.

Lin Yi felt that his right hand had begun to lose consciousness.

This meant that his right hand was also slowly turning into black ice.

The characteristics of black ice that did not distinguish between friend and foe gave Lin Yi a headache.

Fortunately, the next moment, Lin Yi's body was covered with blue flames.

The advantage of elementalization was reflected again.

After the right hand was completely elementalized, Lin Yi chose to abandon the parts that had been eroded and assimilated by the black ice.

Then, a flash of lightning appeared.

The thunderbolt was used by Lin Yi at the critical moment.

Lin Yi's elementalized figure appeared above the sand sea.

He looked at Ke Mengyuan and the other three people who were confused.

He shouted: "Go!"

"Leave the copy!"

After speaking, Lin Yi directly chose to exit the copy!

Ke Mengyuan and others also reacted quickly.

They had discovered before that the entire sand sea vortex had stopped rotating and was beginning to cool down rapidly.

It was not difficult to guess that Lin Yi had probably used that terrifying ice skill again.

"Let's go!"

Ke Mengyuan shouted, and chose to leave the dungeon!


Kassanis, outer space.

A giant starship was slowly approaching.

In the command room at the head of the starship, under the huge porthole, there were countless people wearing the uniforms of the Interstellar Treasure Hunting Company, looking at Kassanis in the deep space outside the window, with a blank face.

"Are you sure we are near Kassanis?"

"Report! Sir, according to the star map, we are indeed near Kassanis..."

At this moment, outside the porthole.

A planet that was mostly covered with black ice, completely lifeless, and lifeless appeared.

This was very different from the planet they remembered, which was covered with yellow sand and looked yellow from space.

"Report the changes here to Lord Roger!"

"What happened to Kassanis during the time we were away..."

In a luxurious room somewhere in the starship.

Roger, with his head full of white hair, frowned more and more as he listened to his subordinates' reports.

More than ten minutes later.

The starship landed in Kasanis.

Roger walked down the starship with a cane.

He was instantly shocked by the scene in front of him.

In the cold wind, the entire entrance of the Sand Sea Gold Rush Competition and countless sand boats were completely frozen in black ice.

The warm desert planet.

It became so lonely and dead, which made him feel cold.

Then, he suddenly remembered something, his face changed, and he ordered: "Quick! Go to the center of the ruins!"

"Check the two treasures in the sand sea vortex!"

As the first sand bandit.

Kasanis is the starting point of his career.

As the hottest treasure hunting planet in the Terrence galaxy, in order to maintain the popularity of the Kasanis Sand Sea Gold Rush, Roger naturally put two treasures that were famous throughout the galaxy in the prize pool.

As the final grand prize, it attracted countless desperate people who came to pan for gold.

These two treasures cannot be selected by themselves, and can only be obtained through random rewards.

The probability of obtaining it is one in a million, but in reality it is zero!

Whether it is selection or salvage, it is all done by professional salvage workers in his company.

There are too many means of operation.

He has explored so many treasure planets of this level, but he only got five.

How could he give it away?

Not long after, the message came back.

"Lord Roger..."

"No... It's bad! The sand sea vortex has also been completely frozen. Several of us who are planning to explore the ice are all starting to have that kind of black ice on our bodies. We are about to die!"

"Use the detector to sense the treasure breath under the vortex. Most of the purple and blue treasures are still there, but the hand of annihilation, one of the two treasures, is gone...!"

Roger was so angry that he trembled all over when he heard this.

He looked at the world covered by black ice and said angrily: "The remnants of [Eternity]...are not yet completely dead!"

"Investigate! Investigate thoroughly! Who did it!"

"Report to the Alliance! Want him! Catch him alive!"

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