One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 150 Gravity Points! Great Wilderness Star Falls! Earth-shattering Star!

[God-given Mantra]

[Type: Passive Skill]

[Level: Ninth Level]

[Section: General System]

[Effect: Your understanding of magic has reached a new level. The truth of magic and endless knowledge are like God-given in your mind. ]

[When you release magic below the eighth level, the magic will come true as long as you think about it. ]

[When you release magic above the ninth level, the mantra required to chant the spell will be replaced by mantra. ]

[Note: All laws have been passed, and the great way will be achieved. ]

After the passive skill of fast chanting is upgraded to the ninth level.

The effect becomes simpler.

Even just looking at the skill explanation, it is completely impossible to understand the deep meaning.

However, at the moment when Lin Yi obtained this skill, he suddenly felt that an illusion appeared in front of him again.

It was a towering palace floating among the sea of ​​stars.

In the palace, 22 hazy and majestic shadows stood.

These 22 shadows glanced at Lin Yi.

The next moment, Lin Yi felt that there seemed to be a vast area in his mind that had never been developed, and it suddenly opened up!

Then, these 22 phantoms turned into 22 constantly changing symbols.

These symbols seemed ordinary at first glance.

But as long as you look closely, you will find that there are endless mysteries in them, as if they contain the truth of magic!


The next moment, these 22 symbols turned into a vast amount of knowledge, pouring into the unknown area that had just been opened up in Lin Yi's mind!

Lin Yi felt the infusion of knowledge, or truth.

His understanding of magic has reached a higher level!

When he opened his eyes again, a terrifying aura burst out of Lin Yi's eyes.

"So... the so-called mantra is like this!"

Lin Yi did not study in detail how many characters and syllables there were in the original forbidden spell chanting spell.

He only knew that there were at least thousands of them!

It is very energy-consuming and brain-consuming to chant a complete spell.

For the forbidden spell of Thundergod's Wrath, when he faced Ix.

Fortunately, the first syllable of the spell is exactly the same as the pronunciation of "Yi".

He can rely on the invisible Holy Spirit to quietly open the big in front of Ix.

But now Lin Yi no longer needs such cumbersome procedures.

The original need thousands of syllables to chant the Wrath of Thundergod.

Now Lin Yi only needs 2 syllables to use the mantra.

That's right, just two mantra symbols can replace the original thousands of magic spells!

Say two words, and the forbidden spell will come immediately!

This is [God-given Mantra]!

Qualitative change!

From the eighth level to the ninth level, this skill has really ushered in a qualitative change!

Lin Yi put away his excitement.

Continue to add points.

This time he set his sights on the gravity system.

The third specialization to add to the forbidden spell level, Lin Yi has decided to be the gravity system.

After all, it is an extremely rare skill tree, and I think it will not disappoint me after adding it to a high level.

[Consume 500 skill points, your rock ball is upgraded, you get a new spell: Weightlessness! ]

[Consume 2000 skill points, your weightlessness is upgraded, you get a new spell: Superweight! ]

[Consume 5000 skill points, your superweight is upgraded, you get a new spell: Gravity Field! ]

[Consume 10000 skill points, your Gravity Field is upgraded, you get a new spell: Gravity Cannon! ]

[Consume 50000 skill points, your Gravity Cannon is upgraded, you get a new spell: Gravity Crush! ]

[Consume 100,000 skill points, your Gravity Crush is upgraded, you get a new spell: Gravity Micromanipulation! ]

[Consume 500,000 skill points, your Gravity Micromanipulation is upgraded, you get a new spell: Gravity Field: Chaos! 】

【Consume 1 million skill points, your Gravitational Resonance: Chaos is upgraded, and you get a new spell: Forbidden Spell·Great Wilderness Starfall! 】

Spending more than 1.6 million skill points in one go, Lin Yi chose to directly add the Gravity skill tree to the ninth-level Forbidden Spell level.

Then, he began to check the Gravity skills one by one.

After a few minutes, Lin Yi felt that his imagination of the Gravity system was still a little lacking.

The Gravity system highlights that it does not keep idle people.

In addition to the initial stage of the Rock Ball skill, the subsequent skills are all unique and have extraordinary effects.

And just like the Thunder system has the characteristic of dealing real damage, Lin Yi also discovered the iconic feature of the entire Gravity system-must hit!

The core skill of the Gravity skill group is the fourth-level skill: Gravity Field.

Relying on this field, all Gravity skills will mark the targets affected by the field with Gravity Resonance, and all subsequent skills will target these marked targets.

Fight to the death!

Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will follow you to the end until I hit you!

Out of curiosity, Lin Yi clicked on the eighth-level skill of the gravity system [Gravity Field: Chaos], and then previewed what the evolved eighth-level gravity system was like.

Then, he saw a familiar name again.

[Earth-shattering Star]!

Wow, there really is an Earth-shattering Star!

Well, the original eighth-level skill of the gravity system is a rare skill that does not target a group, but only targets a single person.

But the alienated eighth-level skill becomes a skill that targets a group in a very large range, which is comfortable!

Finally, Lin Yi looked at the ninth-level skill of the gravity system.

That is the final forbidden spell!

【Desolate Starfall】

[Type: Active Skills]

[Level: Level 9]

[Department: Gravity Department]

[Effect: Your control of gravity has reached an advanced level. After spreading the field of gravity to outer space, it will cause a meteorite to fall from the sky and bombard the target. 】

[Meteorites will cause huge physical damage to the target point and all targets within a large range around it. 】

[A short period after the meteorite hits the ground, a violent explosion will occur, causing huge physical damage to all targets within a huge range. 】

[For all targets that have been put into the gravitational resonance state by you, even if they are not within the range of the bombardment and explosion of the meteorite, they will still cause the same amount of damage. 】

[Remarks: The sky moves and everything changes, and mountains and seas take shape. 】

That’s the flavor, right!

Just pull the meteorite and smash it down!


Finally, Lin Yi invested some of the remaining skill points into the damage-increasing passive skill [Elemental Creation].

Added it to level eight.

Sure enough, as he guessed, the upgrade of this skill only affects the numerical value.

There are no changes to the mechanics.

The overall damage of restraint damage and mutual bonus has been increased to 40%+40%.

The damage-increasing passive skills that professionals come with are generally independent of the final settlement range, so adding this skill will significantly increase the damage of Lin Yi's current skills.

After this wave of adding points, Lin Yi felt very happy.

Take out the Hand of Nirvana.

Lin Yi equipped it on his right hand, and then embedded the three forbidden spell skills [Thunder God's Wrath], [Eight Desolate Sky Meteor], and [Great Desolate Star Meteor] on the source energy slot one by one!

The next moment, blue, red and purple lights were flowing continuously on this glove, making it look extraordinary.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the panel with all his attributes exceeding 15,000, as well as extremely terrifying health and mana values.

His hard work this day was not in vain. Now, compared with before, his strength can be said to have entered a new realm!

PS: I won't post the gravity skills one by one. They are all set up. It will probably take several thousand words to post them. They will be described as hydrology. I will post them later when the protagonist uses them. .

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