One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 187: Forbidden Fire Spell, Fall of the Eight Desolate Sky!

Even so, Lin Yi did not relax his vigilance.




Three terrifying [Gravity Crush] were used by Lin Yi. The entire Xiaolin family mansion was crushed into crumbs, and the corpses were even crushed into fuzzy meat patties.

Last-hitting is a good habit.

After confirming that these people could no longer die, Lin Yi leaned down and started to use [Touch of Reincarnation].

For these scum, Lin Yi extracted their attributes and skills without any psychological threshold.

Waste is to squeeze out the last bit of value.

[Tip: A large number of nearby targets that can obtain rewards from reincarnation are all killed by you. You can use group extraction to target a large number of targets at once. 】

Lin Yi's eyes lit up.

It turns out that I killed him and used [Touch of Reincarnation] to have such a convenient function.

After activating his talent, phantoms appeared in front of Lin Yi's eyes.

However, after Lin Yi took a few glances, he had no interest in continuing to read.

Because my blood pressure is about to explode!

These Japanese people who are living a good life have done countless things!

Lin Yi saw rows of overseas Chinese from Daxia who were tied to the ground and struggling painfully.

Women were brutally violated and ravaged, and then brutally killed.

Others basically had their eyes gouged out and their ears cut off, and died in extremely painful ways.

He finally knew why Daxia was so angry this time and why Shenxiao issued an emergency mission to assist in the evacuation of overseas Chinese.

Lin Yi opened his eyes, and the last trace of compassion and respect for life in his heart were wiped away by him.

Because these people are inferior to pigs and dogs and are not worthy!

[Extraction successful! 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained the following attribute values: 】

[Strength +1863, Agility +1902, Spirit +1833, Endurance +1911, Constitution +2029]

[You have gained a special skill: escape into the shadows! 】

[Similar limited skills obtained repeatedly have been converted into skill strength corresponding to the number of times the skill is used! 】

It turns out that the limited skills obtained through [Touch of Reincarnation] are not completely incapable of being strengthened. They only need to be obtained repeatedly.

Lin Yi looked at the limited skill he had obtained, and his eyes lit up.

【Escape into the shadows】

[Type: Active Skills]

[Level: None]

[Department: None]

[Consumption: None]

[Effect: When you remain motionless for 1 second, you will enter the shadow lurking state, making it impossible for others to detect you. 】

[After entering the shadow state, when you move again, this state will continue for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, you will leave this state. 】

[Escape into the shadow state will not be broken by detection and anti-stealth skills below level 7. 】

[There is a 10-second cooling time between escaping into the shadow state twice. This skill can be turned on or off. 】

[When it is turned off, even if you stand still, you will not escape into the shadows. 】

[Current status: closed]

[Usable times: 39 times. 】

This is a stealth skill. Although the limit is to stay still for 1 second, it is already a very useful skill for me.

Just imagine, an invisible mage comes around behind you and casts a forbidden spell on you. The scene is so beautiful.

Lin Yi chose to activate the state of escaping into the shadows and stood still. After just one second, Lin Yi felt his whole body light up, and a layer of black gauze-like shadow covered his body.

Then, Lin Yi dodged, and lightning suddenly appeared. He had already used the thunderbolt to dodge and fly high into the sky.

After mastering the gravity system, Lin Yi no longer needs to use wind magic and can fly in the air as he wishes.

Flying high, Lin Yi overlooked the entire Wind Rope Island, his eyes wandering around the island.

Lin Yi saw a large number of Japanese professionals patrolling the island.

After escaping into the shadows, none of these professionals noticed Lin Yi.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Lin Yi caught a glimpse of a group of people gathering at the harbor east of Wind Rope Island.

Lin Yi flew at high speed for a while, and when he approached the harbor, his eyes moved.

He saw a middle-aged woman in ragged clothes, with pimples on her face showing despair, collapsed on the ground.

In her arms, a baby cried.

There were hundreds of Japanese professionals at the scene surrounding her.

In front of the woman were two huge pits. On the soil layer of one of the pits, Lin Yi also saw several arms and severed feet emerging.

Let’s look at the scene of the feedback from the touch of reincarnation just now.

This is where the Japanese garrison on Wind Rope Island buried more than 100 overseas Chinese from Daxia alive this morning.


"My daughter is still young, she doesn't understand anything! She has no ill intentions towards you!"

"You can kill me, you can humiliate me, you can do whatever you want, but can you let her go!"

The middle-aged woman burst into tears and kept kowtowing to beg for mercy.

She was not begging for mercy for herself, but for the child in her arms.

Lin Yi took a deep breath. What this woman said was Daxia dialect!

This should be the last Daxia person who was not buried alive on Feng Sheng Island.

In the Japanese professional camp surrounding the live burial pit, a man who looked like an officer frowned and listened to the translation of the people around him, then showed a cruel smile.


"I didn't expect you to hide so well, you almost missed us."

"You can only blame your child's crying, which exposed your position."

"I was going to bury you and your child alive together."

"But now, I've changed my mind..."


The officer snapped his fingers, and a soldier came forward in an instant.

"Bring the gasoline, I want to see them burn to death."

"Nothing is more wonderful than seeing these pigs being roasted..."

"Remember, scream louder, otherwise I won't have enough fun...Hahaha!!"

For a moment, the rest of the entire Japanese professional army also laughed.

Soon, a barrel of gasoline was opened, and a Japanese soldier carried the barrel and poured it on the woman's head.

The woman trembled all over and clenched her teeth.

She held the child in her arms tightly with both hands, fearing that she would be drenched with gasoline.

Later, she arched her whole body and protected the baby very well. This posture, whoever saw it, would say that motherly love is touching.

However, it could not move these beasts.


"Pull her hand away!"

"I want to see that little kid burn to charcoal!"

The officer shouted angrily.

Several Japanese professionals lowered their heads: "Hey!"

Then, they stepped forward quickly and were about to pull the woman.

But the next moment, they heard an extremely cold voice above their heads.

"I am too kind after all."

"I never thought that there would be scum like you in this world."

Lin Yi also changed his mind. He originally wanted to use gravity magic to raze the entire Fengsheng Island to the ground.

But now, he thinks this is too cheap for them.

"Lin You, don't let them die so quickly, I want them to watch themselves burn to charcoal."

Lin You's figure emerged.


Lin Yi's body was covered with blue fire, and he uttered two obscure mantras.

Two mantras mean ninth-level spells.

What Lin Yi used was the forbidden spell that he had obtained a long time ago but had not used yet -

Fire forbidden spell: Eight Desolate Sky Meteorite!

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