One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 189 The Emperor of Flame arrives, Shura Lin Yi!

Daxia, over the East China Sea.

A sky patrol ship is flying at high speed towards the depths of the East China Sea.

The entire sky patrol ship is a miniature version of the main ship of Shenxiao.

It is obviously made by the same craftsman.

"Strange, we are not off course, are we?"

"Why did the Fengsheng Island mark on the route disappear?"

In the cockpit, Nangong Ling just hung up the communication with Lin Yi and received the report from the navigator.

Nangong Ling walked to the screen and found that the Fengsheng Island marked on the Lingjing screen could not return any geographical location information.

After the catastrophe era, Lingjing technology rose, but the communication between countries was blocked, and Blue Star did not have the conditions to launch low-Earth orbit satellites.

Therefore, the current sea charts and navigation can only rely on Lingjing technology to search the geomagnetic field for planning.

"Maybe there is a problem with the geomagnetic sensor. Since we are not off course, let's continue forward..."

Before Nangong Ling said the last word "enter", he suddenly saw the Lingjing screen flashing a dangerous red.

At the same time, alarms sounded throughout the ship's cockpit!

"Warning! Warning!"

"A large area of ​​abnormally high temperature has appeared in the airspace ahead!"

"Range calculation..."

"Temperature calculation..."

"Warning! The outer temperature of this area exceeds 8000 degrees Celsius, and the internal temperature cannot be calculated. Please avoid it immediately!"

"Warning! The temperature has far exceeded the limit temperature of the ship's external insulation layer. Please avoid it immediately!"

Nangong Ling was stunned, and dozens of other people also panicked.

Is this a trap set by the Japanese? !

"Oh my God..."

"Look... Is that sea burning?"

Several girls who were close to the porthole and could see the situation clearly in front suddenly exclaimed.

Others came to the porthole, tiptoed, stretched their necks to look forward, and then took a breath of cold air, shocked!

I saw a large area of ​​sea ahead was burning with golden fire, the sea water was boiling, and circles of huge waves due to cold and hot convection and strong winds spread outward with the burning sea as the center!

A large amount of water vapor evaporated into the air, covering the sky and the sun!

No wonder the detector sounded the alarm just now.

"Is it... is it an underwater volcano erupting?"

"It's terrible!"

"That location seems to be where Fengsheng Island was before!"

"Where is the island???!"

"Is it that the scum of Japan did so much evil and was finally punished by God?"

"I heard that Fengsheng Island and Leiming Island are islands formed by volcanic eruptions. Is it the underwater volcano below them that erupted again?"

"Such a low-probability event can be encountered!"

Nangong Ling held his forehead.

She has realized that this may not be a natural disaster!

The way of heaven may not punish those beastly acts of the Japanese.

But Lin Yi will.


Just when everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, there was a knock on the porthole.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw that it was Lin Yi outside.

Nangong Ling's face showed a trace of panic. She hadn't seen this face for a long time.

She couldn't tell whether it was missing or dependence. A lot of complicated emotions suddenly surged in her heart, and it was difficult to calm down for a while.

She even felt her nose sore and tears were about to come out.

It's great that he is safe.

Nangong Ling took a deep breath and ordered the hatch to be opened.

The moment the hatch was opened, hot air suddenly poured in, making everyone feel dry.

Fortunately, Lin Yi and the woman and baby he rescued were safe.

"Senior sister, this is the last Daxia person I saw on Fengsheng Island, and I rescued him by chance."

Nangong Ling resisted the urge to give the young man in front of him a warm hug.

The mission is important, and reminiscing about the past will be discussed after everything is over.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'm glad you're okay."

"Is this your work?"

Lin Yi nodded.

"All the Japanese troops stationed on the island are dead, and the island itself has melted and sunk into the sea."

"Don't worry, I did it very cleanly."

Lin Yi said this lightly.

But to other people, it was like a thunderclap!

Fuck! Isn't it an underwater volcano erupting?

This big devil did it? ! !

In the blink of an eye, an island covering thousands of square kilometers was destroyed, and the entire sea was ignited!

What a shocking power!

It's so terrifying!

It turns out that the strength shown by this big devil in the arena is just the tip of the tip of his iceberg? ? ?

"Where is Thunder Island?"

After seeing several medical staff and priests from Shenxiao settle the mother and son who were too frightened and had fallen asleep, Lin Yi looked at Nangong Ling and asked.

Nangong Ling gave Lin Yi a complicated look.

She wanted to say something -

Stop it, Ayi.

But after seeing Lin Yi's determined eyes and unquestionable momentum, she said nothing.

She just came to the spiritual crystal light screen and clicked a few times.

[Navigation position has been locked, navigation route planning...]

[Planning completed! ]

Nangong Ling said lightly: "Start acceleration mode, gear adjustment: forward two!"

The original mission goal was to evacuate the overseas Chinese to Leiming Island.

Now they finally returned to the main line.

Lin Yi heard the sound of the patrol ship's engine being supercharged and overloaded. Then, he felt a violent push on his back, and his speed suddenly increased!

The distance of more than 1,000 nautical miles only takes more than ten minutes in the Forward 2 mode.

More than ten minutes later, Lin Yi could already see the end of the skyline in the distance, the overwhelming sky fleet and a large number of Daxia professional wing cavalry.

Although the number of overseas Chinese from Great Xia who need to be rescued on Thunder Island this time is only over 400.

But the number of rescue troops sent by Daxia was scary.

Saturation rescue is never just talk.

On the contrary, Lin Yi felt that the space search ship he was on was just a small boat in the ocean of aerial fleets.

Flying closer, Lin Yi's eyes narrowed.

Sure enough, there are a large number of Japanese professionals on the entire Thunder Island and in the sea area around the island.

From a distance, the airspace occupied by Daxia was very large, but in reality, it was barely half of it.

As if on purpose, Lin Yi saw more than 400 overseas Chinese from Daxia being pressed to the ground at the southern port of Thunder Island.

Their clothes were in rags and their faces were sad.

These people are already considered hostages.

What is foreseeable is that if the Japanese side dares to continue to advance the massacre plan.

Then this war will really begin!

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a violent storm was brewing.

The atmosphere was extremely tense.

Nangong Ling felt that his palms were sweaty.

Even if he is more knowledgeable, he has never seen such a scene!

There are about 100,000 professionals from the two countries gathered on this small island, and the two sides are facing each other in a tense situation!

"Junior... don't act rashly!"

"Look, our army has also..."

Nangong Ling swallowed and considered.

However, when she turned around, she found that Lin Yi had disappeared at some point.

A bad premonition emerged in my heart.

Nangong Ling took a few steps to the porthole, his eyes narrowed, and he suddenly saw tens of thousands of ships confronting each other in the sky.

A figure completely wrapped in golden flames appeared!

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