One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 206 How can someone ban other people's normal attacks?


Everyone in Zhao Enquan was dumbfounded.

The other nine people who heard the conversation between Lin Yi and Zhao Enquan were also stunned.

An instant-cast skill that seems to have no ballistic restrictions and can wipe out your opponent with just a snap of your fingers.

Is it a basic attack skill with no limited cost? !

Damn it!

It’s so outrageous!

How do other professionals play with this?


The door to the lounge was knocked again.

Several people wearing uniforms of the event organizing committee and hanging work badges pushed open the door and entered.

The leader looked at Lin Yi and said, "Player Lin Yi, a player from the mid-level group is challenging you for a forced battle again."

"According to the rules of the competition, you have a 20-minute rest time. Please follow us for the pre-match inspection process again after 10 minutes."

After speaking, the staff members nodded to Zhao Enquan and left one after another.

After watching several people leave, Guan Xingwu, who was closest in age to Lin Yi and had the most exchanges with him in the past few days, was surprised: "With such a terrifying performance by the captain, does anyone dare to challenge him?"

Guo Yinglong pursed his lips and motioned for everyone to look at the big screen: "It was someone from the Curry Country who challenged me again. It seems that he is still a brother to that Dirang."

On the big screen, Lin Yi's matchup information has been refreshed.

But according to the rules of Lien Chan resting, he was placed in the third game later.

But the opponent information can be viewed by everyone.

[Barik Salin VS Lin Yi]

Dirang, who was instantly killed by Lin Yi before, also had the last name Salin.

Unexpectedly, there are actually a pair of brothers in the representative team of a curry country.

No wonder this brother named Barrick dared to challenge Lin Yi as if he had lost his mind.

His brother's bones were all broken, and there was not a single piece of good flesh in his body. He was lying in the ward in critical condition, and the cost of treatment was sky-high.

How could he not be angry.

"Lin Yi, get ready and do the pre-match inspection later."

"This Barrick challenges you again. He probably not only wants to avenge his brother, but also thinks that you can't use that finger snap skill frequently."

"In other words, at the stage before the game starts, they will choose to directly ban your skill."

When Lin Yi heard this, he asked doubtfully: "Leader Zhao, I didn't have time to read the rules about forbidden skills. Can you tell me about it?"

"Also, I am currently in the low-level group. Will I be promoted to the high-level group in the future?"

Zhao Enquan slapped his thigh, took out a rule book issued by the tournament, and sent it to Lin Yi: "It's my fault that I forgot to give you the rule book."

"But you don't have time to read it slowly now. I'll tell you clearly the rules of the knockout round, and your two questions will be answered."

"The entire knockout competition lasts for four days. 20 people will be eliminated every day in the first three days. If the elimination indicators are not met on that day, the game will not end."

"On the last day, 24 people will be eliminated to determine the final top 16 and enter the final stage."

"Then there is the issue of grouping. According to this year's new rules, once the grouping is determined, there will be no possibility of promotion from the low group to the high group in the knockout stage."

"The organizing committee officials are deliberately widening the gap between the three groups and raising the importance of the group competition."

"But it is possible to drop from the high group to the low group. If you lose once, you will fall. Then if you lose once in the low group, you will be eliminated directly."

"However, the low-ranking group will not always be a loser without any choices. As long as you win three times, you will have the qualifications to actively challenge others."

"Then there are the rules for banned skills. Players who enter the low-level group with 0 wins will have three banned slots. Players in the mid-to-high-level group can use these three slots when they play against you."

"Those who enter the low group with 1 win will only have 2 slots."

"Every time you win a game in the future, you will have one more slot. For example, you now have 4 banned slots."

"The disabled position can not only disable skills, but also equipment. It is very flexible."

Lin Yi finally understood why it was said before that players in the high-ranking group would have a huge advantage.

After the knockout rounds enter the third day, players from the high-ranking group will compete.

In these two days of fighting, a large number of mid-range players will definitely fall into the low-level group, and their signature skills will definitely be exposed.

By then, those high-level players who have been recharging their energy in these two days can completely study and select their opponents, and then disable their skills and equipment.

This is how you can win every battle.

"I see."

Lin Yi nodded, thanking Zhao Enquan for his explanation.

"According to past practice, most players who fall into the low group will only last two or three times at most, even if they have a counterattack."

“It’s true that there has never been a situation where someone from the lower group with 0 wins has directly advanced to the top 16. The most realistic situation is that as the number of battle rounds increases, the number of banned columns will increase to seven or eight, or even exceed 10. ”

"Most professionals have two or three skills that can be added to high-level and specialized to high-level. If they are disabled, their combat power will be greatly reduced."

Zhao Enquan expressed his concerns.

Lin Yi chuckled: "Leader Zhao, don't worry."

"Give him another 20 ban bars and they won't be able to ban all my skills."

20 minutes passed quickly.

When Lin Yi took the stage again.

The audience in Daxia gave extremely warm applause and cheers!

Opposite Lin Yi stood a professional with a tall and thin figure, lightly dressed, and a composite bow on his back.

Barrick had a gloomy face. He looked very different from his brother Dirang. In many cases, they did not even look like brothers.

But they had a good relationship.

His brother was dying, so he did not care about it and chose to challenge Lin Yi again.

"Daxia boy, you dare to beat my brother like that!"

"I will shoot you with thousands of arrows!"

Facing Barrick's provocation, Lin Yi just said lightly: "He still owes me more than a hundred lives."

"Are you here to help him pay it back?"


He was obviously uncomfortable with Lin Yi's retort.

But he was not a reckless man like Dirang, who would fall into a rage when provoked.

"Your skill is indeed very strong."

"But you should not be able to use it now, right?"

Barrick's eye sockets were sunken, and his vulture-like eyes stared at Lin Yi.

"However, for safety's sake, I'd better disable this skill of yours!"

Barrick laughed sinisterly.

"Referee, I'm going to use the banning authority of the middle-level players!"

"I'm going to disable his [Finger Snap] skill, and at the same time, I'm also going to disable his skill called [Gravity Field]!"

"Finally, I'm going to disable his weapon!"

"And any piece of equipment he's wearing!"

He was very cautious.

Since he had the advantage, he had to use it to the fullest!

He used all of Lin Yi's four ban bars.

Barrick looked at Lin Yi jokingly.

I really wanted to see a panicked look on Lin Yi's face.

However, he also saw an expression on Lin Yi's face that was almost exactly the same as his.

Lin Yi wanted to laugh in his heart.

How could someone really ban his own normal attack?

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