One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 220 The Plague of Immortality, You're Next!


"If he is too weak, there is no need to devour him..."

Pei Junxi ignored Jin Meihui, who had been eliminated, and just looked at Lin Yi, who was hundreds of meters away from him.

As if aware of Pei Junxi's gaze, Lin Yi also looked over.

Pei Junxi showed a smile on his face and did not look at Lin Yi again.

Slowly walked into the preparation area.

In the next game, he happens to be playing.

Suddenly Lin Yi's heart moved, and he felt like a light on his back.

He looked back suddenly.

He found that the leader of the Japanese representative team, with black cloth over his eyes and tattoos on the exposed skin of his hands, was also facing him.

The eyes under the black cloth were probably staring at him.

Japanese team, No. 1 captain, Shigeru Mitsui.

Originally, Lin Yi had planned that after the high-ranking group in the knockout round was eliminated, the first person he would challenge was Pei Junxi.

Then there is Shigeru Mitsui.

These two people were the two people who were the greatest threats that Lin Yi had targeted before.

Unfortunately, contrary to expectations, he entered the top 16 directly.

After the analysis was completed, Zhou Xinyu stepped down.

There was a break of about ten minutes, the second game.

It was the first battle in the lower half where Lin Yi was.

Information about both sides of the battle was also displayed on the big screen.

Ding Yue (Daxia 4) VS Bae Junxi (Korea 1)

Maybe it was the loss in the group match that aroused his fighting spirit.

On the contrary, in the subsequent knockout rounds, he made great progress, won four consecutive victories, and reached the top 16.

Then in the draw, he directly hit the favorite to win the championship.

It’s impossible to say there’s not much pressure.

But after receiving the blessing of Lin Yi's light wings.

Ding Yue became visibly more confident.

"I will win."

Ding Yue said something to everyone and also walked into the preparation table.

He is also going to take a pre-match test.

Lin Yi shook his head secretly in his heart.

Putting aside the gap in hard power, you will win this sentence.

FLAG is already full.

More than ten minutes later.

Ding Yue and Pei Junxi took the stage.

The game officially begins.

The countdown begins, ten seconds is not long.

But Ding Yue did not waste these precious ten seconds.

He also has charge skills.

As soon as the countdown started, a dozen balls of liquid metal flying in the air flew out from beside Ding Yue.

The liquid metal then begins to shape itself.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant heavy cannon that needed to be held with both hands and carried on the shoulders to hold it steady!


As the muzzle of the cannon began to accumulate energy, the muzzle of the heavy cannon was also slowly growing in size!

Sweat dripped from Ding Yue's forehead!

It was obvious that maintaining this terrifying power-charging skill placed a huge burden on him.

On the big screen, information about Ding Yue's skill was also given in a timely manner.

[City-breaking heavy artillery]

[Level: Level 6]

[Depending on the frequency level and energy storage time, it will cause increasing damage. 】

[Current gear: G4]

[Current magnification range: 220%~580%]

[Maximum storage time: 10 seconds]

[Theoretical damage: 8.76 million]

"With the BUFF given by the captain."

"Now I have the power to blow you into pieces."

"Although it's a bit overwhelming..."

"But it will be over soon and you will have no pain."

Ding Yue was breathing heavily, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

He also has an S-level talent.


The higher the gear is turned on, the greater the burden on oneself.

But at the same time, the multipliers for all skills are even more terrifying.

For example, the current G4 level can already cause 2.2 times the damage at the base level.

After the energy is fully charged, it is close to six times!

But before getting the heaven-defying BUFF given by Lin Yi, with his strength and endurance attributes.

Can only control G2 gear.

During the outbreak, the G3 gear can be turned on.

Now go directly to G4.

No wonder he was so arrogant and dared to make such bold statements when facing Pei Junxi.

"Player Ding Yue plans to end this battle with one shot!"

"He used his strongest skills. As the energy storage continues to increase, the theoretical damage is also rising rapidly!"

"Just three seconds have passed, and the theoretical damage has exceeded 10 million!"

"His combat effectiveness is still rising!"

Seven or eight seconds passed.

The theoretical damage of this shot on the big screen has exceeded 30 million.

This is so far, except for Lin Yi, a pervert who can fire tens of thousands of fireballs with just a wave of his hand, the first player to expose such horrific theoretical damage.

In addition, what Ding Yue is carrying on his shoulders at this moment can no longer be called a heavy artillery.

The entire muzzle has expanded enough to encompass an entire adult.



"Game start!"

As the countdown ends.

The siege heavy artillery that had been fully charged suddenly fired a huge energy bomb from the muzzle.

boom! !

Everyone just felt their eardrums stinging and their minds were in shock!

When he looked at the ring again, he found that Ding Yue was pushed to the edge of the ring by the terrifying recoil.

The floor tiles on the arena were also cracked by the shock wave just now.


Another muffled sound came from the distance!

Following the sound, it turned out to be a hill dozens of kilometers away in the direction of the cannon!

Ding Yue's shot directly blasted a hole more than ten meters long on the hillside of the hill!

Even the hill in the distance was severely damaged, so what about Pei Junxi who was the first to bear the brunt?

The answer is——

It has been broken into countless meat paste and blood plasma!

The ring is full of paste!

At first, Ding Yue couldn't believe what he saw.

Then, he laughed wildly.



"I won!"


He was halfway through laughing, and suddenly felt something stuck in his throat.

Unable to make any more sounds.

Then, Ding Yue only felt something warm moving on his neck.

Looking down.

It was a mass of meat paste mixed with blood and minced meat.

But this mass of meat paste opened an eye.

It was Pei Junxi's eye.

"Such a sweet power..."

"It belongs to me."

Ding Yue also heard Pei Junxi's voice in his ears.

But at this time, his voice no longer had the majesty and indifference when he ordered Jin Meihui before.

Now there was only endless greed and evil.

Ding Yue felt powerless all over.

The flesh of Pei Junxi on his neck drilled into his skin.

Along his blood vessels, he didn't know where it went.

This was the last scene Ding Yue saw before he fell into a coma.

[Undead Plague]

[Level: Level 7]

[Effect: ? ? ? ]

The big screen also gave a rough information about Pei Junxi's skill.

But the effect was blank.

"Don't overestimate your ability."

"This kind of jumping clown also thinks he can beat the captain?"

"These Daxia people know nothing about real power."

"Brother Junxi is invincible."

Several Korean players on the sidelines smiled.

They had foreseen this result long ago.

"Captain Zhao, help him admit defeat, otherwise he will die."

Lin Yi's eyes were deep.

Wake up Zhao Enquan who was also in shock.

Zhao Enquan heard this and glanced at Lin Yi.

He gritted his teeth and finally chose to unconditionally believe in Lin Yi's judgment, and shouted to the referee on the sidelines: "We... admit defeat!"

Please recommend votes, monthly votes~!

I was discharged from the hospital today, but my chrysanthemum is not completely healed yet.

But at least I don't have to continue typing on my phone, it's too torturous.

After returning home, I feel that my thoughts are clearer.

In the past month, I also feel that there are some problems with the plot and rhythm, but I don't want to open a separate chapter to talk about it.

I just want to say that I am grateful for the tolerance of the readers who have read all the way here. I know that I don't write very well, but I will continue to work hard and will definitely finish this book.

In fact, the plot of this book has reached the middle stage. Because it is a high-opening invincible flow, it is destined to be short. I will finish it and give an explanation to everyone who supports me.

No more, thank you again!

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