One Step to The End

Chapter 1013: Deciduous valley

"My God! It's so beautiful..."

The four girls looked out of the car window together. The car had already driven into the deep mountains far away from the human population. The rolling hills were green and yellow, dotted with colorful flowers, and the cracked asphalt road was covered by fallen leaves, and the wheels were rolled up. Pieces drift apart.

"It won't be beautiful right away. Fallen Leaf Valley is a forbidden place in the forbidden area. The demons were rampant hundreds of years ago..."

Zhao Fei saw the smoke slowing down, and it didn’t take long for the asphalt road to come to an end. A dirt road without grass appeared in front of it, like a dragon, deep into the mountains, and a warning sign was pinned to the side of the road—high-risk area, take risks. Do not enter!

"Who built this dirt road? Why doesn't grass grow..."

The new girl was curiously lying on the car window. Zhao Feisui replied: "Ancient ancestors, this road was called the official road in ancient times. It has a history of more than 6,000 years, and there were originally many ancient villages in the mountains. And evil spirits are not uncommon!"

"Oh~ I'm getting nervous about what I said..."

The girl asked again: "Brother Fei! Then why is there a monastery here? Did ethnic minorities come in in ancient times?"

"This place was not a forbidden area when Garan was rebuilt. A bunch of golden retrievers came to this kind of tobacco and coffee. In order to increase their popularity, they built a monastery and asked the nuns to bless the coffee beans every day..."

Zhao Feisui shook his head and said: "The workers on the farm gradually became believers and began to settle in Luoye Valley, but more than 300 years ago, they fell into the Dragon Valley and a large number of monsters ran out and killed all the people in Luoye Valley. Sister White was born!"

Skylark wondered: "You Zhao family army can't get rid of it, this place is not too precipitous?"

"It's harder to find it than to kill it. The monastery has long been blown to ruins..."

Zhao Feisui said depressed: "Sister White ran away when she encountered a large army, and the small army couldn't do it. There are several powerful monsters nearby. Once a small group of masters invades, they will be dispatched in groups and gradually change. It has become a stubborn illness here, otherwise how could people be worth 10,000 points!"


Zhao Feizui slowly stopped the car, and a large area of ​​ruins appeared in front of him. Dense cannon pits covered the entire valley. Judging from the flying steel and cement blocks, it used to be a modern village, and there were still a few cars that were rotten to iron. The truck turned around.

"Go up the mountain! Find a commanding height to observe..."

Zhao Guanren patted Zhao Feisui, and Zhao Feisui drove up the mountain from the side road. The army’s artillery fire covered the area. Many mountains were destroyed. The artillery pits are almost everywhere. But if you want to kill the evil spirits, you can It's as difficult as a cannon hitting mosquitoes.


The off-road vehicle plunged into the grassy mountain road. If it weren't for the trees on both sides as a guide, it would be difficult to tell that this was a gravel road, and the plantation was almost all deserted, and only sporadic coffee trees, flaming red. The beans are extremely dazzling among the grass.

"The Spirit Seeker did not respond, Sister White was either in the cave or too far away..."

Zero has never forgotten his role as a "spokesperson", holding a radar antenna and shooting left and right, while the finder is only the size of a tablet computer, with only two meters and a row of small lights on it, but Zhao Guanren has tested this thing. It is normal. The next is pretty reliable.

"Can't drive up, the road is gone..."

Zhao Feisui reluctantly parked the car on the mountainside. Fortunately, the mountains here were not too high and not suitable for growing coffee beans. Seven people got out of the car and put on equipment, but Zhao Guanren took out mosquito repellent water and cooling oil. Let everyone spray and smear on the body.

"You are so thoughtful. The temperature in this place is higher than that in the camp. There must be a lot of mosquitoes..."

Lin Duoduo hurriedly sprayed mosquito repellent water, but Zhao Guanren took out an industrial mask again and said, "You really treat me as if I don’t do anything all day long. Illusion is generally divided into light and shadow type and inhalation type. Masks can avoid inhaling hallucinogenic substances. Of course there is also a mentally invasive type, I hope not to run into this kind of high-end goods!"

With that said, Zhao Guanren began to teach them how to use guns and throw thunders. The girls each carried four thunders. Zhao Guanren even hung them around his waist, but only he and Ling were dressed lightly. Zhao Fei looked at the scales of the ancestral fish. A is put on.

"I'm going! Sister Doctor, you are going to mine mine, you are wearing iron pants..."

Zhao Guanren looked at a new girl. The little ladies actually wore a red copper plate armor, a rifle in one hand, a medical box in the other, and an iron helmet. He panted and said, "My mother brought me here. The Tiefutu, she bought it from the auction house for a big price!"

"This is a fake, Tiefutu has no plate armor at all, you. Mom was deceived..."

Zhao Fei looked at her and shook his head. Zero also said: "This thing is not made in good manner. Only a heart-guard is an ancient relic, and even if it is true, it is also a heavy cavalry equipment. It's better to wear a military stab-resistant suit!"

"Oh! My mother, that fool, bought fakes again..."

The little doctor took off the plate armor depressed, and put on a stab-resistant vest, then put on a backpack to keep up with the team, and Zhao Guanren, who had amnesia, did not succeed, and directly let Zero lead the team. He followed closely behind with his rifle.

"My God! It's so big, where can I find a ghost..."

The girls were dumbfounded when they climbed to the top of the mountain. They looked all over the undulating hills. Not to mention the wild ferns were as high as half a person. Throwing Yao Ming in would not be able to see the top. The wooden house village at the foot of the mountain was also bombed. Abandoned, only a few shack branches are scattered everywhere.

"Ah! There is something below, coming up..."

The little doctor suddenly screamed, Dan Dan also jumped behind Zero, but Zhao Guanren raised his gun for three bursts, and a big wild boar crashed to the ground, but Zhao Guanren fired a few more shots, killing the wild boar family. The child has been resolved.

"Now you know why I brought a gun. There are not only monsters and monsters in the mountains, but also wild animals..."

Zhao Guanren sighed on the muzzle proudly, but Skylark said, "Brother! There is one that is not a wild boar, it seems to be a second-level protected animal, hurry up and bury it, if anyone finds it against you, the size is the same. A troublesome thing!"


Zhao Guanren scratched his scalp awkwardly, and Zero had already pulled out the soul-seeking compass, frowning and said: "The spiritual finder shows a weak signal from the west, but the compass has no response. The target should be beyond two kilometers, and the compass is also tracking. Not anymore!"

"If the straight-line distance is two kilometers, it will take a long time..."

Zhao Fei looked nervously at the dense forest in the distance, but Zhao Guanren said: "If the White Sister was only active in the Fallen Leaves Valley, she would have been killed hundreds of years ago. Moreover, the monastery is not in the Fallen Leaf Valley, but the Eighteen Station on the opposite side of the mountain. , An ancient inn!"

"how do you know……"

Zhao Fei stunned and said: "My ancestors have guarded the Dragon Mountain Range for generations. I have heard the legend of the White Sister since I was a child. Besides, the believers in Fallen Leaf Valley, why should the monastery be built outside?"

"Because soldiers can't tell the difference between a church and a monastery..."

Zhao Guanren pointed to the distance and said: "You obviously haven't read Zhenyuancheng County Annals. The post is the old site of the plantation. As the population increases, most people moved to the Fallen Valley and built a church, so they were bombed. It was the church that fell, not the monastery!"

"It seems that you have done a lot of homework, you have long wanted to choose here..."

Zhao Fei looked at him suspiciously, and Zhao Guanren said: "I am not the only smart person. I dare to challenge our four groups. They must have discovered the mistake in the legend, and the White Sister is a local evil spirit, a monster from the devil world. There is a big difference, you can surrender it if you find the trick!"

"What's the difference between evil spirits..."

Now even Zero was completely confused, but Zhao Guanren turned his head and walked down the mountain, dragged up a small furry animal, and threw it into the pool on the mountainside. The others had to follow him down and look for it. The signal of Lingyi is getting stronger and stronger.

"Awesome! This device surpasses the ancient compass, it's not a lie..."

Zero nodded very satisfied, and put away the ancestral compass, and he entered the mountain as if he had gone home, walking freely in the grass.

But other people couldn’t do it. They waved their knives to chop the plants and waved their hands to drive away the mosquitoes. The girls were sweaty before they walked far, and occasionally they screamed when they encountered a snake, including Lin Duoduo and Skylark, almost the same. Did not ride to the man's neck.

"Stop calling..."

Ling turned his head and said in a cold voice: "Your cry is like blood and gore. It will draw all the demons. The spirit finder has detected more than a dozen targets, not including zombies. If you want to go back alive, just shut your mouth. Don't yell no matter what you encounter!"


The girls nodded weakly, Zhao Guanren also drew out the residual knife to chop the weeds, but the two kilometers in a straight line was the same as Zhao Feisui said. They walked down the mountain and up the mountain for more than an hour, not relying on satellite positioning. Lost his way.

"Everyone cheer up, and you will reach the Eighteen Station after crossing the mountain in front..."

Zhao Guanren put away the satellite locator, speeded up his pace, and walked up a hill. Who knew that there was white mist behind the hill, and there were no posts and monasteries in sight. Only a circle of coffee trees could tell that this is the real place. Plantation.

"The fog is strange, the wind can't blow away, and the compass still can't detect anything..."

Zero complexion dignifiedly took out the compass, the ancestral compass actually lost its function, Zhao Guanren's soul chaser was the same, only the spirit finder was swaying, but the signal was also disturbed to some extent, and the indicator light kept flickering. Ming flies off.

"No wonder the army can't find Sister White..."

Zhao Feizui looked down at the mountain and said: "The military believes in the function of the compass too much, and the enemy does not know it. This fog should be the legendary white magic fog. If you inhale too much, you will have strong hallucinations. Everyone wears masks. It's tight!"

"Found the monastery! At ten o'clock, move closer to us..."


Calling sounds came from several people’s headsets at the same time. Everyone’s expressions changed, and Zhao Guanren immediately said dumbfounded: “Fuck! How can these people run faster than us? The old road was obviously destroyed by a landslide. Now, how did they get in?"

"Helicopter! Brother, this point will be robbed..."

Lin Duoduo punched him in irritation, but Zhao Guanren curled his lips and said, "Sister White is not a coffee bean. Let them find the way first, let's go around to pick up beans!"

Zhao Guanren walked down the mountain as he said. A group of people soon disappeared in the thick fog, but at the back of a mountainside, dozens of people were squatting in the dense forest holding a telescope. The armadillo headed was still wearing Listening to the headset, he said in doubt: "Someone has taken a step ahead and has found the monastery!"


A bald head was surprised: "We came here by helicopter. Who can be faster than us. Besides, we have to challenge to score points, so that we can double the points, but the four teams on the soul-relief card. Are people so stupid?"

"do not care!"

The armadillo took off the headset and said, "Let's group the team first, and go directly to the group to fight the green five, grab his equipment and share it with everyone, and let's go!"

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