One Step to The End

Chapter 1055: Do nothing but never stop

On the huge golf course, thousands of dignitaries, including the waiters, were stunned. The news tonight was really a wave of waves. Mei Lingxiang announced that the Chen family was the murderer on her front foot. Qin Shuiyue blew herself up on her back foot. Five violations resulted in pregnancy.

"I'm really sorry, this kind of thing is really hard to say..."

Qin Shuiyue held the microphone in tears, and said: "That day I defeated the Black Mountain Demon King, and Mr. Mei Renzhao led the remnants to evacuate. I didn't blame him. Even if he stayed, he would not be able to beat Black Mountain, but I never expected it. , Lv Xiaowu actually knew Heishan and took away the half-conscious me!"

"Lv Xiaowu, a scumbag, a beast..."

The Chen family cursed one after another, but Mei Renshi's face was green and his forehead was green. The series of blows made him almost crazy.

"I am a virgin, this is the first time I encountered this kind of thing, I really don't know what to do..."

Qin Shuiyue said with weeping: "I cried for several days before daring to disclose this, but I can't let Mr. Mei Renzhao be ashamed of me, and I can't ruin the marriage plan of the two families, so I decided to dissolve the marriage contract. His younger sister Chen Wucang succeeded, she is a clean virgin!"


Hei Lanhua stared at her in shock and anger. Zhao Guanren didn't expect Qin Shuiyue to be so bad, so he pushed her sister out of the way.

"Everyone! My daughter's humiliation is small, and Garan's future is big..."

Qin Shuiyue’s father also jumped onto the stage, hugged Qin Shuiyue who was sobbing, and said loudly: “I am here to announce on behalf of the Chen family that Chen Wuchang and Mei Xian’s nephew will continue their marriage. Brilliant, please applaud!"


The guests clapped subconsciously, but many people were puzzled. The Chen family’s marriage with the Mei family was simply to erode the Zhao family. By the way, they suppressed the third house of Chen Wucang’s family, although they were all Chen’s daughter-in-laws. But it makes a big difference for individuals.

"Wait! I can't make this marriage either..."

Hei Lanhua suddenly jumped onto the stage to grab the microphone and said, "Mr. Mei Renzhao! The little girl is not worthy of you. Besides, I already know what I belong to. I don't want to let him down, so please choose another one in the big room. The girls in the big room are excellent!"

"Fuck! Lao Tzu is a man of the pot, right..."

Zhao Guanren yelled angrily, but Mei Renzhao suddenly broke out, jumped onto the stage and stomped down. Not only did the stage crack open with a click, but the three Chen family members were all sent out by shock. Fell into the crowd.

"Fuck you! I'm martial arts, but you kick me around like a ball..."

Mei Renzhao angrily said: "I thought your Chen family was so amazing. I will put the words here today. From tomorrow on, I will use your Chen family first. I will not only let you get out of the four big families, but also To ruin you, you will all be waiting for Lao Tzu!"

"Brother! You drank too much, you can't talk nonsense about this, come down quickly..."

Brother Crow stood on the edge of the stage and waved his hand, without any intention of going up and stopping, but Qin Shuiyue's father also furiously said, "You little bunny, thinking that by picking up a dead man's bone, you will be invincible in the world. Don’t you..."

"Fuck him! The Chen family will go with me..."

Zhao Guanren smashed out a wine bottle, hitting Meiren on the back of his father's head and stabbing a hornet's nest. Mei and Zhao's family members were all practicers, and they immediately hit one piece with a punch, and Mei Renzhao even more. A group of people blasted away with a palm.

"Asshole! Beat Lao Tzu to death..."

Qin Shuiyue’s father yelled furiously. The Demon Suppression Family is not a fan of dry food. There are many ruthless people who have been on the battlefield. In the blink of an eye, they entangled Mei Renzhao. The rest of the Mei family are only to be beaten and lack virtue. Zhao Guanren even handed out the knife.

"Leave this girl to me, I will kill her..."

Zhao Guanren screamed and rushed towards Mei Lingxiang. Mei Lingxiang had no intention of doing anything. She frowned when she rushed, but when she wanted to make a move, she heard a scream and Zhao Guanren flew upside down.

"Ah! What a great skill..."

Zhao Guanren yelled exaggeratedly, and fell into the chaotic crowd. The people who fought did not care about him, but he suddenly drew the pistol in his arms and squatted on the ground with two "pupu" shots, just in time. Mei Renzhao's prosthetic leg.


Mei Renzhao exclaimed that she was about to fall, but Qin Shuiyue and her father went out to sea with a double dragon, and was blown out. By coincidence, she fell beside Zhao Guanren, but Zhao Guanren was already "unconscious" with his head tilted. He jumped up when he slapped the ground with both hands.


Suddenly, Zhao Guanren grabbed his back collar and pulled it down fiercely. Mei Renzhao’s clothes on his entire back were torn apart, and a dog fell on the ground after eating shit, but Zhao Guanren immediately laughed and said: "I love Dajiba, you pervert! Hahaha..."


Many onlookers laughed. Mei Ren Lighting showed that the "tattoo" was cleaned with a laser, but he still left clear and discernible scars on his back, which can only be recognized by literate people-my name is Mei Human nature, I love Dajiba!

"I killed you!!!"

Mei Renzhao roared in shame and anger, jumped up on one leg and punched Zhao Guanren, but Zhao Guanren was waiting for this trick. The irrational Mei Renzhao opened his door wide. He was at a speed that no one could think of. Fist blasted past.


The punch hit Mei Renzhao's dantian, and Mei Renzhao's eyes burst in mid-air, and his eyeballs almost didn't burst. Zhao Guanren not only took the top pill that had soared in strength, but also used desperate and specialism. "Break the ox from the mountain" with broken body protection.


Mei Renzhao flew down on the stage. The onlookers didn’t take it seriously. It was difficult to break his defenses without being a master of the moon, but until he spewed out old blood, everyone realized that the situation was not right, but Zhao Guanren had already jumped. On it.


Zhao Guanren flew a punch to his abdomen. Not only did the fist collapse the stage, the two of them also sank together, and Mei Renzhao spouted blood again, waiting for him to open his eyes dizzy. Suddenly saw Zhao Guanren's own face.

"Hey~ Mei humanity! I said that I will take your dog's head within ten days..."

Zhao Guanren grinned and patted his face. The handsome face of Mei Ren's photo suddenly became distorted, and he shouted in horror: "Little Green Five! No! Don't kill me. You said you will come back in ten days. Now You can't kill me before ten days arrive!"

"Yeah! So I just used your anger, I am very trustworthy..."

Zhao Guanren stood up triumphantly, Mei Renzhao was shocked to realize that the sea of ​​qi was abolished, and the uncontrollable profound energy rushed everywhere in his meridians. This was more uncomfortable than letting him die. He screamed like crazy, but Soon he convulsed and fainted.

"Don't fight! Mei Renzhao has been abandoned..."

Zhao Guanren changed back to Lin Yutang's face again, picked up the picture of Meiren and jumped out, arrogantly threw him down the stage, clapped his hands and said contemptuously: "Return to the second floor of the **** Sun, what kind of rubbish, we are the Chen family. The surface is the strongest! Yeah~"


The Chen family cheered excitedly, and all the onlookers were stunned. Even the crow brother Liu Jia was dumbfounded. When Mei Renzhao's father rushed over to support Mei Renzhao, he suddenly raised his head and said in anger: " You abolished my son’s anger, killed him, killed him for me!"

"Man of the Chen family, don't do it, never stop, shovel the Hanyu Palace..."

Zhao Guanren kicked old man Mei with a big foot. The Chen family shocked him. He didn't expect this kid to be so vigorous, but he didn't turn his head back when he opened the bow. The Chen family rushed to kill him this time, even if he didn't kill. Destroy them.

"Don't fight! Stop it..."

Brother Crow was really anxious this time, but no one listened to him at all. The vassal sect of the Chen family also rushed to do it, and the sect that had a feud with Hanyu Palace, a piece of sect that rushed up and fell into trouble, forced Mei Ling. Xiang had to do it.

"Little Nizi! Do you still dare to quit Hanyu Palace..."

An old woman suddenly shot out from the side. It was the ancestor of the Chen family. The strength of the third level of the Moon Realm was no worse than Mei Lingxiang, and she was over a hundred years old and had more experience than her. Ayaka retreated steadily.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise that shook Mei Lingxiang upside down. A golden beam of light shot directly into the sky. Everyone looked at the ancestor of the Chen family in surprise, only to see her crumpled skin cracked and silvery white. The hair quickly became jet black.

"My ancestor is rejuvenating, long live my ancestor..."

The Chen family cried out again with excitement, that there is only one chance to rejuvenate, and they will definitely not survive for a long time, that is, sixty years, but it is very likely to break through the bottleneck, and the old ancestor Chen clearly has such a sign.

"The sun! The sun! The sun..."

The Chen family didn’t care about the fight. They all shouted in unison with piercing eyes. When Old Ancestor Chen suddenly exploded his clothes and broken skin and released a dazzling light, the Chen family instantly let out a shocking cheer. Obviously it was Break through to the realm of the sun.

"Ancestor! Please dress..."

Sisters Qin Shuiyue both knelt forward, took off their coats and held them respectfully. The guests all over the room quickly turned around. Only Zhao Guanren stepped forward and stared, exclaiming: "No wonder the Chen family is all beautiful. , It turns out that there is a hybrid gene!"

"Hehe~ brat! Look at you again..."

A sweet laugh came from the front, and Old Ancestor Chen wrapped both coats around him. They have become a light mature woman with tall legs and white skin, and she also has the style of a beautiful ethnic minority, more than any one. The stars are not inferior.

"Come here! What's your name, whose child..."

Old ancestor Chen raised his slender jade hand and hooked it. Qin Shuiyue’s cold sweat suddenly came out, but Zhao Guanren ran over and smiled: "Beauty Sister! My name is Lin Yutang, and my mother’s name is Chen Wanfang. I’m Chen Shengnan’s little cousin. I’m 21st this year and unmarried!"

"Bastard thing! Who do you call sister, this is the rejuvenation of the old ancestor..."

Qin Shuiyue pretended to yell in anger, but Old Ancestor Chen smiled charmingly: "I haven't heard someone call me a beautiful girl for many years. Let him call me that. I really feel like I'm born again. It's really likable, but it's a generational younger sister!"

"Not bad!"

Zhao Guanren laughed and said: "You look about the same age as me. People believe that you are my sister, and your body is awesome. Even the first-class supermodels are not better than you. I will call you when there is no one. Your sister, sister beautiful!"

"Little hooligan! You are so cheap..."

Old ancestor Chen gave him a strange look, and stepped forward and said, "Okay! Let's stop here, there is something insignificant in Hanyu Palace, and it is considered that they are overwhelmed. I think they have picked up the eight major sects. The plaque of the gate, let the eight-pole gate replace it, to show punishment!"

"Old ancestor Xie speaks honestly, and the Bajimen are grateful..."

All members of the Bajimen knelt in excitement, and everyone in Hanyu Palace dared not say anything. Chen's ancestor's status is not generally high. Only the Zhao family's ancestor can be compared. They can only knock down their teeth and swallow blood. The fainted disciple left angrily.

"Old ancestor! Taking advantage of today's big day, grandson has a suggestion..."

Qin Shuiyue’s father suddenly ran up and pointed at Zhao Guanren with a smile: “Lin Yutang has the courage and conspiracy to abolish the master of the sun by himself. This is an unprecedented feat. It is better to let him choose a day with Nan'er. Get married, is it okay to have a kiss?"


Zhao Guanren was completely stunned. He didn't expect this to go around, and eventually came around him, but the Chen family originally had the vice of cousin marrying, and other people applauded and agreed...

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