One Step to The End

Chapter 1062: Shocking Secret


Lu Datou ferociously grabbed Zhao Guanren by the collar, stared and said, "This is Zhao Daguanren, who is like a fake replacement. The hero you see in your textbooks, the savior printed on fifty dollars, but he finally connects himself It can't be saved!"

"Big head! Don't deceive a person with amnesia, it's not good..."

Zhao Guanren took away his hand and said: "You should be very clear in your heart that if you become a demon because of me, I will never suppress you. Don't treat me as a fool anymore, okay, just like you said Lin Duoduo is a ghost. Same, although I am amnesia, I am not stupid!"


Lin Duoduo's eyes widened subconsciously, and he stammered: "You, how do you know, Brother Lei! I really didn't tell anyone!"

"You don't know how a rascal can talk..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her and said, "Duodu! Your nickname is Lin Piaopiao, but no one called you Apiao. I didn't know until a few days ago that Apiao was Chen Wucang's nickname, who betrayed me the day the tower was opened. It's her, you're carrying a scapegoat for Chen Wucang!"

"Zhao Guanren! I didn't lie to you, nor did I betray you..."

Lu Datou sternly said: "Chen Wucang forced her to carry the black pot, but you wanted to kill me back then and let me die with the enemy, but we have done so many things for mankind, why did you fall to this point? Do you know who forced you to the tower?"

"You say that, it should be a human..."

"The Zhao family! The descendants of Zhao Ziqiang, their family's bones and blood are all criminal genes..."

Lu Datou said bitterly: "Sixty years ago, the main force of the Zhao family was missing in the monster war. The outside world thought that they were killed in the battle. In fact, you killed more than half of them. In the end, I was seriously injured and let me explode with beads. Why? To bury them?"

"What did you say?"

Zhao Guanren was shocked and said: "Sixty years ago, how long have I been in Jialan? How many years have you sealed my memory?"

"You don't even remember the big man, right? Sixty-two years have passed, good brother..."

Lu Datou poked his chest and grinned: "I tell you something super exciting. You must have **** with Qin Shuiyue. She is your great-great-great-great-grandson. The Chen family's big room is all your blood. Zhao Fanxue and Zhao Feisui are also your offspring!"

"Big Brother!"

Zhao Guanren almost cried out in shock, holding his legs softly and saying: "This is not a joke, you must not scare me, can we speak well?"


Lu Datou smirked and said with a smile: "Have you not noticed that Zhao Fei saw the children in that room, all of them have the same eyebrows and big eyes as you, and their personalities are different from those in the other rooms. Qin Shuiyue's ancestors are all mixed blood, so they are with you. Doesn’t look alike!"

"Just tell me what happened back then..."

Zhao Guanren grabbed him anxiously, and Lu Datou sneered: "Aren't you a detective? Go check it yourself, but I am not hurting you by making you amnesia. I just want you to stop being so great, no matter how much you save them. Once again, they will continue to die!"

"There is a boss in Bai Ze, is it you..."

Zhao Guanren let go of him and stepped back. Lu Datou stepped forward and opened the door and said, "It's not me! But he made me figure out a lot. I'm going to a meeting soon. Come and listen. After listening to my speech, You consider whether to join or not!"

Big head Lu went out after speaking, and Lin Duoduo said embarrassedly: "Brother! I'm sorry, I am really unspeakable. I and I have gotten better with Brother Lei, and I will accompany him on the way, but I sincerely hope that You can get back together!"

"We have never turned our faces, it's just that there are differences in concepts, but even if he falls into the devil's way, he is still my good brother..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head slightly. Lin Duoduo smiled comfortably before running out. Zhao Guanren walked into a large conference room. There were no more than a hundred people sitting on rows of chairs, many of them wearing masks and cloaks. , I can't wait to make myself invisible.

"Why there is no applause, don't you welcome me? Not only will we become collaborators, but I will also become your savior..."

Lu Datou smiled and stepped onto the podium. There was barely a round of applause from the audience. It could be seen that everyone was cautious, for fear of being a victim of being used by the demons, while Zhao Guanren stood silently in the corner.

‘Soul Chasing Sky Eye! open……'

Zhao Guanren suddenly wiped his eyelids with his two fingers. Before, his skill was not enough to start this trick in "Nine Turns Back to Heavenly Art". After Chen Nishang helped him break the seal, his strength instantly increased to seven stars, allowing him I saw the soul through the clothes.

‘Zhao Feijia? Why is this kid here too...’

Zhao Guanren scanned the crowd silently, and found that in addition to Zhao Feijia, there were six young and middle-aged people in the Zhao family. There were also several people from the Chen family. The only exception was the Sanfang from the Black Lanhua family, other important sects and other important sects. There are also people from the family.

‘Something's wrong! Why didn’t Crow’s cronies come...’

Zhao Guanren immediately discovered the problem. At this time, Lu Datou had already begun to give a speech, mainly expounding the concept of coexistence between humans and demons, and wanted them to join the big family of traitors, but traitors were said to be the savior of the world, and he kept emphasizing that heroes emerge from troubled times. reason.

"What you are talking about is very general, so let's talk about some practical benefits..."

The armadillo wearing a mask suddenly took the microphone, and Lu Datou smiled and said, "Smelly fish! The advantage is that you don’t have to sneak in when you play with other people’s wives, and people don’t dare to trouble you. For example, I made you bigger Wife’s belly, do you dare to turn your face with me?"

"What did you say?"

The armadillo suddenly jumped up from the chair, and Zhanlong pulled him in the wild without holding him, but his wife Luo Xiaoxiao was actually indifferent.

"How do you think you escaped from me? Your wife is my mistress..."

Lu Datou smirked and said, "The same goes for your brother Wantong’s girlfriend. Every time they say to do their hair, they actually come to me to open a room together. When you call her in the evening, your wife reminds me to take my time. Stop moving your fetus, she is so gentle!"

"You fart!"

Armadillo grabbed Luo Xiaoxiao and roared: "Tell me, is what he said is true? Is he lying to me?"

"You have so many wives, why don't you think that you also have a wife..."

Luo Xiaoxiao said coldly: "If you want to die, rush up, or sit down if you don't want to die. If I hadn't been a middleman, people wouldn't play with a licensee at all. All the vital points, they just don't want to attract God's punishment!"

"Yes! Heaven Punishment! Zhao Ziqiang was forced to death by Heaven Punishment..."

Lu Datou put up a finger and said, "This is the power of God. If you do too much, you will be punished by God. The demons now understand this truth, so after learning from the pain, they proposed the three The concept of ethnic coexistence!"

"I have a question……"

Someone raised his hand and said, "Demons are all cannibals. We humans are their food. What do they guarantee? They will not commit any crimes with us. What if they turn their faces after the occupation, or if they can’t control their own ferocity? ?"

"Good question! This is what I used to worry about the most..."

Lv Datou said loudly: "The demons will soon show their utmost sincerity. They will take back the 18 towers without bloodshed. As long as the local people agree to coexist, they will open the protective cover and allow humans to live in the reserve. Inside, they live outside the reserve!"

"What a joke..."

Someone immediately questioned: "How can it be possible to take the Soul Rejuvenation Tower without a soldier? Not to mention that the Soul Rejuvenation Tower has been banned. Unless the demons eliminate the human force, they will not be able to come to the tower!"

"Don't forget, you can see the Soul Resurrection Tower just like in the soul world..."

Lu Datou propped his hands on the podium, grinning and said: "The Black Soul Tower is the nineteen towers occupied by the demons, and you only need to wait and watch the show. The Soul Resurrection Tower will turn black one by one, but then you It's too late if I want to join again, the cake has already been divided among others!"

"I join..."

"I also join..."

When someone took the lead in holding up the watch, other people hardly hesitated and started to hold the watch. Regardless of whether Lu Datou's words were true or false, all they had to do was wait. Everyone would like to see the rabbit or the eagle. Dry.


The armadillo raised his hand with a wimpy face, and his wife could only swallow his voice when the wife was asleep, but Lu Datou followed with a smile: "Very good! Since no one is stupid, then please everyone take off their masks and get to know each other. Now, don't flood the Dragon King Temple!"

"This is Meng Weilan, Soul Hunting Bureau, please take care of me..."

Zhanlong was the first to stand up and reveal his face in the wild. Luo Xiaoxiao also took the armadillo and stood up, and generously took off his mask to introduce himself. The rest of the people followed suit one after another. Only the Zhao Chen family hesitated the most. , The Demon Suppression Family became the spies of the Demon Race, this is definitely a shocking scandal.

"Reveal! If you want to do big things, you have to be determined..."

Lu Datou knocked on the table impatiently, but Zhao Guanren suddenly yelled slowly, covered his headset and pretended to be shocked: "No! The army has already surrounded this place. Everyone should evacuate from the secret road with me. There must be something here. spy!"

"Fuck! How did you do security..."

Everyone quickly put on their masks and ran out in a hurry. Big head Lu immediately slapped the table and said angrily: "You don't know if it's good or bad. Don't listen to his nonsense. This guy is the real spy. You will come back to me and catch him. !"

"Something happened! The outside is full of military and police, quickly evacuate from here..."

The real guards rushed in from the side door. Lu Datou looked at Zhao Guanren in surprise again. Zhao Guanren smiled and walked to the podium, saying: "It's not against you. I pity the women who stumbled. I called the police and surrendered. By the way, I reported. This poison nest!"

"I think you will never change your will, and you will always be used as a gunman by Zhao Ziqiang..."

Lu Datou glared at him in horror, Zhao Guanren stretched out his hand and said: "You are my best brother alive. There is no one. I don't care about Garan's troubles in the future. Don't mix with the bad things of the demons. The two find a group of girls to be local tyrants by the beach, and spend the rest of their lives in a cool manner, okay?"

"Why? I want Garan to pay the price and kill all the little **** in the Zhao family..."

Lu Datou slapped his hand and slapped Lin Duoduo quickly and left the venue. Zhao Guanren could only sigh helplessly, turned his head and ran to the place where he came, and suddenly kicked a hidden door in the corridor. Two guards are disassembling the hard drive on the monitor.

"Puff puff……"

Zhao Guanren suddenly drew his gun and shot over two people, but he suddenly discovered that there was a camera installed in the secret monitoring room, and the intercom also rang suddenly. He only heard the grinning voice of Brother Crow: "Little Green! Your skill." It's not small, but...see you in the next life!"


With a loud noise, the mansion was suddenly exploded into a big hole. The soaring flames illuminated the dark sky. As the courtyard was overwhelmed by the police, gravel and gravel scattered...

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