One Step to The End

Chapter 1079: Counterattack the soul world

"Boom boom boom..."

The artillery shells were shot into the sky in pieces, not only fully covering the fishbone town in the soul world, but also rockets and missiles were also hitting at fixed points. The soul exploded off guard.

"Wow! It's magnificent, but can ordinary shells really kill the demons..."

The young children of the two families climbed up the hill, just watching the mushroom clouds rising constantly, illuminating the dark sky with fiery red, and helicopters with soul-seeking radars, constantly searching for targets in the sky, the artillery pointed out Bomb the target.

"It can't be killed because the power is not enough. As long as the power is strong enough, the old black demon will have to get down..."

Zhao Guanren was sitting on the rock and smoking a cigarette, and said: "Devil-killing bombs are all gimmicks made by arms dealers, just to make more money. Fortunately, the invasion of the demons 60 years ago made humans begin to attach importance to ordinary ammunition. Otherwise, there would be no such thing. What cheap shells are for you to use!"

"Battle! It turns out that the Liu family has been deceiving us..."

Zhao Feisui cursed angrily: "The Liu family is the largest arms contractor. It has been claimed for hundreds of years that ordinary ammunition is not harmful to the black soul, and it is fake and fake experiments for everyone to see. I don’t know how much money he has earned. !"

"You two have not contributed to the flames, none of them are good things..."

Zhao Guanren contemptuously said: "For the sake of the students of the martial arts school and the sale of cold weapons, you are trumpeting the uselessness of arms. The satellites are all up to the sky. No nuclear bomb was made!"

"What is a nuclear bomb?"

Many people were scratching their heads in doubt, but they heard a roar before they fell silent. They just watched a huge black shadow shot into the sky at a very fast speed. The children drew out their swords and prepared to go personally. Before facing off.

"Swish swish..."

Small missiles shot into the sky from below the mountain. Although the speed is not very fast, they will automatically track when they are large in number. They are almost bombarding the black shadow one after another. The flames keep exploding on it, the soul of white light. The shield also flickered.

"Broken defense!"

The children exclaimed for a while, only to hear the black shadow let out a miserable howl, and the soul shield was destroyed at once, causing two missiles to blow down to the ground, followed by a series of small bombs, and heavy machine guns firing frantically. All armor-piercing and magic bullets are used.

"Behead Team B! Don't kill it, stay alive..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled, and jumped down the mountain with his legs kicked. The young people from the two families had not seen this kind of battle, and they ran along with them. Finally, they rode on the horse and sprinted quickly. Came to a wilderness.

"General! Hit a big guy, this is a soul general..."

A group of soldiers waved and shouted in excitement, Zhao Guanren jumped off the horse and walked over, stepped on a gorilla-like charred monster, and sneered: "Oh~ I actually got a corpse for myself. I'm tired of being a ghost, right, your soul handsome Who is the boss and where is it?"

"Kill me if there is a species, I won't be a traitor..."

The gorilla roared angrily, and Zhao Guanren grinned and said, "It seems that you don't know who I am. Back then, I chased lawlessness and chased down six streets with two watermelon knives, and Luo Jia's soul was taken out by me, you Do you want to try it too?"

"You, you are Zhao Guanren..."

The gorilla trembled in shock, Zhao Guanren patted its ugly face and said, "You are smart! Where is your boss and who is the new soul master?"

"Master Zhao! If I knew you were here, I wouldn't dare to come here to kill..."

The gorilla cried and said: "I haven't heard of a new soul master. The soul commander above me is called Thunder. My soul is sealed in its body. I will fly away when I say its whereabouts. You will treat me like a Let the fart go, I will definitely set up a longevity tablet for you!"


The onlookers were quiet for a while, and the souls were already terrifying in their hearts, and the great master who could tear the sun realm, did not expect to hear Zhao Guanren's name, but he was even better than his grandson.

"Don't say yes, then I will take out your soul and see for myself..."

Zhao Guanren pressed a palm on its Tianling cover, and the gorilla yelled in fright: "For mercy! Thunder is in the Shitou Village 15 miles west. It brought an ambush for a sneak attack. As long as the artillery stops, it will attack. , I know so much, eh~"

The gorilla suddenly twitched his whole body, and he straightened his chest and expelled a black breath, while the onlookers Zhao Feisui took a moment to look at the soul chaser in his hand, and said in surprise: "The soul is really gone, the demons are really insidious. Even kill his own people!"

"You are stupid! What is a black soul that is not insidious, they have always been cannibalism..."

Zhao Guanren clapped his hands and straightened his body, and said, "Fei Sui! Notify the artillery to bomb Shitou Village. After three rounds, I will change the missiles. Then gather all the cavalry to follow me and let the photography team take an armored vehicle. Cut the soul handsome!"


A group of young people turned pale instantly, and even Zhao Feijia, who had always been arrogant, was dumbfounded. The Soul Commander was able to sling anyone's existence. Bai Ze was only at the Soul Commander level, but the military order was like a mountain, and everyone could only bite the bullet and climb onto the horse.


Zhao Guanren took the lead with a long horse, and soon joined the 3,000 heavy cavalry, and rushed to Shitou Village without stopping. He was really fast, and the film crew also took three armored vehicles and followed behind the team without knowing it. .


A swaying explosion sounded, and the small stone village was blown up to the sky. The four armed helicopters were still sniping at beyond the visual range. The black souls could be clearly seen through the instruments, but the black souls could not see them at all. They were confused by the rocket explosion.

"Casefire! Throwing materials, double snake formation, alternate charge..."

Zhao Guanren seemed to be back on the grassland of the Han Dynasty, without even thinking about a series of orders, but except for the elite cavalry who trained for a long time, the young men of the two families were all dumbfounded, watching them abandon the excess supplies and split into two teams before reacting.

"Three shots of magic arrows are ready, volleys are ordered..."

Zhao Guanren pulled out the strong crossbow from his horse bag and bit two demon-breaking arrows in his mouth. The horse that had been trotting began to speed up. From a distance, he could see the flames soaring in front of the sky. The entire village was razed to the ground, and many demons were staggering and climbing. stand up.

"Two rounds! Projectile..."

Zhao Guanren raised the crossbow and roared. Thousands of demon-breaking arrows shot out like locusts. There was a scream in front of him. The demon must have never expected that humans would dare to fight hand-to-hand. After they reacted, the second round of arrows The rain came again.

"Free shooting!"

Zhao Guanren suddenly shot through a black soul, inserted the crossbow and lifted up Ma Fu. The three-meter-long Ma Fu Guang had a sharp blade of more than half a meter. The elite cavalry of the two families also carried their guns like a forest. Was thrown away, can only be forced to beat soy sauce.


Zhao Guanren pierced the enemy's chest with a single shot. While the opponent screamed and turned into fly ashes, Ma Jian pierced two black souls one after another. The last shot pierced a soul general, and the other side shouted and wanted to counterattack. , But a golden light suddenly arrived in front of him.

"Puff chuff~"

A spear light actually ignored its soul shield and pierced its head at once. The tower-like soul general knelt on the ground, and was pierced through the chest by Ma Li again. Only when Zhao Guanren yelled, it was abrupt. Picked it up in the air.


Zhao Guanren's roar resounded through the world, and the cavalry with him as an arrow was like a broken bamboo. When the young masters reacted, the cavalry had already stabbed the enemy through. It was never expected that the demon, who has always been vicious, would be so vulnerable. .

"Kill them!"

The young master soldiers are also very excited, and they are very likely to die together with the demons. Although the demons are strong but not able to cooperate, they become a mess if no one is directed. The film crew followed behind and yelled, desperately capturing the excitement. Picture.


A young lady screamed and fell a horse, followed by several young masters. The power of the cavalry lies in the charge of a powerful group, and the young masters fight separately, which is not much better than the demons. Some people simply abandon their horses and join forces.

"Things that do not live or die, I tore you to pieces..."

A large group of black air suddenly rushed into the sky, forming a huge skull. This momentum looked like a powerful soul commander, but suddenly someone shouted: "Barun! You parallel imports dare to call yourself a soul." Handsome, get out and call Grandpa!"


The devilish skull stopped moving immediately, and soon after its devilish energy was taken away, it fell out of a gray bald head. He knelt down on one knee and flattered and said: "Who I said is so brave and handsome, it turns out to be my family. Master Zhao has arrived, the younger one pleases you!"

"What's the matter? I'm tired of being in the underworld, and I want to die again, right..."

Zhao Guanren beat his horse slowly and walked over, and Ba Bo Ben quickly got up and laughed: "Master! This time is the flag that Bai Ze shook. I want to pick up two leftovers. I don't know if you have come to Garan to sit down. If you send someone to let me know , I've already picked up the dust for you!"

Zhao Guanren crossed the **** Ma Li and asked, "Who is Bai Ze's boss, have you ever heard of Ye Yuntian?"

"Ye Yuntian? Never heard of..."

Ba Boben scratched his bald head in puzzlement, and said, "I heard Huo Coquettish talk about it. There is still a big hand on top of Bai Ze to support it, otherwise it can't support such a big scene, but I have not seen who it is. Yes, I have always been playing soy sauce, not participating in their conspiracies!"

"Huo coquettish? That red-haired babe..."

Zhao Guanren looked at it in surprise, and Ba Bo Ben quickly nodded and smiled: "Yes! You gave it the name. That lady is also handsome now. She is nesting in Zhenyuan City. I will let her take one. How about sending a beautiful woman over to accompany you to drink flower wine?"

"You can pull it down, it's all hanging ghosts, and its tongue is longer than my trouser belt..."

Zhao Guanren threw a cigarette to him, and the panting cavalry were dumbfounded. Like a dogleg, the murderous soul commander floated in the air to light a cigarette for him. The remnants and defeated generals stopped.

"What's the matter? Why did it all run away..."

The young masters and ladies were tired like dogs. At least one-third of the people were injured, especially Zhao Fanxue, who was too hard. She knelt on one knee and almost collapsed. As a result, she turned her head to see that Zhao Guanren was hooking with Hunshuai. On the back, there are a group of female ghosts dancing.

"Fei Sui! Let the brothers cease fire..."

Zhao Guanren turned around and shouted: "The film crew all get out of the car, and then make up some fighting shots, and then take all the corpses on the ground, and find a village that has not been bombed. You take the lead and charge once, and you must behave tragically. And handsome!"

"You are deaf, all go and cooperate..."

Ba Bo Ben waved his hand to let his subordinates go to work. This time, even the film crew was stunned. After playing for a long time, it was actually to make a movie. The extras were all demons, but the photographer quickly became excited, even if " "Pseudo documentary" also made him an instant hit.

"Makeup artist! Quickly make up the four female heroes, and the young masters took off their armor..."

The film crew got busy with excitement, and soon watched the various concave shapes of the "brothers and sisters" team. The vicious demons have become toolmen, lying down for a while, flying to the sky, and pretending to be fierce with their mutilated limbs. The elite cavalry looked silly.

"Oh~ we are really lonely, because I was so desperate just now..."

Zhao Fanxue complained very depressed, but Mei Ayaka shook her head and said: "You only see the surface, not the inner struggle. If Zhao Guanren does not show strong strength, how can the soul commander easily give up? It's an unfamiliar wolf!"

"Look! The temptation is coming, these hypocritical wolves..."

Mei Lingxiang's willow eyebrows raised, Zhao Fanxue also took a deep breath, only looking at the big mountain in the distance, all the demons were all black, and a female soul commander also floated to Zhao Guanren. ...

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