One Step to The End

Chapter 1082: Storm is coming

Seven days passed in a flash...

In a large conference room, all the backbone young people of Zhao and Chen's family attended, but they all looked at a fat manager, and Qin Shuiyue asked in astonishment: "One second? You didn't make us happy, did you? , Does anyone really buy that kind of stuff?"

"How is it possible! The half-length model of your four sisters has been fired to a high price..."

The fat woman smiled excitedly: "The official website is sold out in one second. The scalper sells a set of 168,800. As long as it is listed, it will be a second kill. The most popular ones are Wu Cang and Miss Sheng Nan. The pirated copies are sold for more than 8,000. , The four brothers are also very popular, fried to more than 20,000!"

"So expensive?"

Chen Wucang couldn’t believe his charm anymore. He looked around at his brothers and sisters, hesitated and said, “I don’t pay much attention to the Internet dynamics, maybe I bought it by myself. A toy with a cost of more than 200 yuan is really good. Are you selling so much money?"

"Oh, don't be humble, your four sisters are now more popular than the big stars, and my phone calls have all been blown up..."

The fat lady said with a smile: "Your'Combat Records' has been cut into five episodes. Only three episodes were released and the server was paralyzed. The last two episodes will be released tonight, and the copyright has been sold for 1.2 billion. , The game adaptation rights are under negotiation, and the total value is estimated to be around 8 billion!"


The dozens of people took a cold breath. Even if they were born in a rich family, such a huge sum of money made them unable to calm down anymore. After all, they didn’t do anything. The world came out and took some additional shots.

"Three brothers!"

Zhao Feisui suddenly turned his laptop over and said in surprise: "Someone is selling your autographed photos on the Internet, one thousand and five. Why did you sign so many, are they real or fake?"

"Uh~ it should be true..."

The opposite Zhao Feijia flushed immediately and said embarrassingly: “I met female fans on the street yesterday and wanted to take a group photo. As a result, there were more and more fans. I was afraid of an accident, so I packed a cafe and asked them to line up to sign and take a photo for the first time. Being an idol, I am not ashamed to refuse people!"

"Me too! I was waived by the boss when I went to dinner, so I had to take a photo with me..."

Zhao Feilong also laughed loudly, but Chen Wucang was puzzled: "Wait a minute! We made a documentary, but how could it be cut into a series? Even if the focus is on a few of us, it won't turn into Star idol, right?"

"Sister! Are you not surfing the Internet? The documentary has been turned into a movie. It has a plot..."

Chen Xiaomei picked up the remote control and clicked it, and the LCD TV on the wall immediately began to play, and a burst of thrilling music also sounded, just watching Qin Shuiyue and Chen Wucang fall from the sky, both landing on a tall stone monument full of blood .


The background music suddenly became desolate. The camera looked up at the two sisters on the stone tablet, and saw the two women holding blood-stained long hairs, wearing broken armor, cold faces, white skin and long legs, with painful and tragic eyes, overlooking the devilish spirit. The monstrous battlefield.

"Warriors! Your blood will not shed in vain, we will surely let the Demon Race's blood pay for it..."

The camera suddenly zoomed out. The corpses were everywhere on the vast battlefield. There were Jin Wuwei kneeling and panting, and the demons were squirming on the ground. The number of corpses on top of each other was innumerable, and after the two sisters soared into the sky, they were stunned. The heroic posture and the light effect of the ultimate move, it is almost like a goddess descending from the earth.

"My God! I'm too goddess, I'm almost falling in love with myself..."

It was also the first time Qin Shuiyue saw the film, and she covered her mouth in excitement and surprise, but Chen Wucang smiled bitterly, "I don't remember you saying such lines. This is a professional voice actor. I also spliced ​​the three battlefields together, and I almost don’t recognize it!"

"The value of beauty is justice! I finally understand the meaning of this sentence..."

Qin Shuiyue smiled very satisfied: "The strength is strong and it is not beautiful and useful. The public's focus is not on cultivation. Goddess and male gods are the objects they pursue. My husband is really amazing, he said. Every sentence is fulfilled!"

"There is another thing beyond our expectation..."

The fat woman laughed again: "Ms. Zhao Fanxue, who has not appeared much in the picture, is now the third in the hot list. She and Mei Mei are called Hanbing Shuangjiao. Countless people are urging to buy their hands, but I didn't take them. To the authorization, can Miss Fanxue sign an authorization letter for us?"


Zhao Fanxue, who was watching the movie, was taken aback for a moment, and quickly waved his hand: "I can do charity activities for free, but I don't want to give out any toys. On the way here, I saw an old man hugging Wu Cang's bust model and kissed him again. Touching, it's so...disgusting!"

"What? How could such a perverted person..."

Chen Wucang slapped the table in anger, but he was dumbfounded before he fell silent. The glass curtain wall of the conference room was made of one-way glass. The busts of the four sisters were placed in a row in the office area. How did you know Zhao Guanren appeared wanderingly? , Going up is a chest-grabbing dragon claw hand.


The young people in a room laughed. Zhao Guanren not only attacked Chen Wucang’s model, but also the two sister-in-laws. He felt their minds and kissed Qin Shuiyue, and then picked up one. A poster of "Bing Bing Shuang Jiao".

"Hey! We are in a meeting..."

Qin Shuiyue yelled in embarrassment, but the soundproofing effect of the conference room was too good. Zhao Guanren stared at the master and apprentice with a squint, and touched Chen Wucang greasyly, and finally put away the poster happily. The four sisters were all packed in boxes to be taken away.

"Brother-in-law! Why are you touching someone? Let my sister know what to do..."

Chen Xiaomei opened the door with a smirk, and the meeting room burst into laughter again. Zhao Guanren's old face was flushed, but she said solemnly: "Nonsense! I'm checking whether the product is qualified or not. Public welfare products can't be adulterated!"

"Why don't you say a word when you come back, I'm looking for you everywhere..."

Qin Shuiyue hurriedly got up to resolve the embarrassment, the fat woman also suffocated a smile and left quickly, Zhao Guanren strode in and closed the door, only to find the one-way glass curtain wall, and quickly asked: "Boys of the Zhao family, Liu Wuya takes over. Is Qingyang City already?"

"I have taken over all, and the Lin family has also taken over..."

Zhao Feizui nodded and said: "The Liulin family was worried about fraud. They transferred the original garrison. They sent people to conduct inspections every day. They also invited the lawyers to study the terms of the contract. After several days of tossing, they took over with peace of mind, but we still didn’t understand. Why do you want to give Qingyang City to them?"

"I can't bear my wife, I don't want to color the wolf, Qingyang City is not a good piece of fat..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and took out his cell phone, dialed a number, and said, "Hey! Is the Styxdu station? This is Zhou Keming. Liu Qiuchang is my uncle. I saw the Soulkiller at the Styx Port, right! Ten! Several people are going to poison the reservoir, send someone over!"


After Zhao Guanren hung up the phone, everyone in the room looked at him in surprise. As a result, he changed his cell phone to call the police, and finally called several newspaper offices.

"Grandpa! I understand..."

Zhao Feisui was the first to react and said excitedly: "You want to trick Liu Crow into attacking the forbidden area. The new official Liu Crow is eager to act. He will definitely send troops to exterminate the demons, but Styx crossing is very dangerous. As long as they are defeated, we will be able to do so. Take over again!"

"Your kid is beginning to be savvy, but you are only half right..."

Zhao Guanren lit a cigarette and smiled: "I'm not spreading rumors. There are indeed many demons and soul killers in Styx. Both Bai Ze and Leiqiu may be hiding in them. So I gave Liu Crow ten courage, and he didn't dare. Really send soldiers to attack, at best pretend to be!"


A group of young people were confused again, but Chen Wucang slapped the table and smiled: "Understood! We have two armored units being mobilized. The day after tomorrow, they will pass by the vicinity of Qingyang City. As long as you change the direction, you can reach Styx Ferry in at most half a day. , Copied Liu Wuya's back path!"

"Smart! I just want to burst his chrysanthemum..."

Zhao Guanren smirked: "Let’s put a cannon on his **** and directly bomb the Styx Fort. Liu Crow was caught between the two armies. He wanted to retreat by colluding with the demons. Let’s bombard them together. I can go desperately with the demons!"

"Liu Wuya shouldn't be so stupid..."

Zhao Feijia frowned and said: "Before sending troops, he will definitely block the road. Our large forces will enter Qingyang City. He will receive the news as soon as possible. He only needs to send a few companies to block them. Unless we fight with them regardless of the consequences, we will continue to fight. Hedu can't get in!"

"Let’s dispatch an army observation group, but it’s not too much. If you enter the mountain observation group, you will get lost. It’s normal..."

Zhao Guanren stretched his hands and said: "The observation team asked for help. It happened that a fraternal unit was nearby, bringing reporters and artillery in to rescue people. It was reasonable. Even if it was stopped by someone, there would still be a pontoon bridge force to cross the river to rescue, unconditionally. Join the battle, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Wow! Grandpa, you are so insidious, but I like..."

Zhao Feisui smiled and gave a thumbs up, but Zhao Guanren knocked on the table again and said: "The operation will begin tonight. To avoid someone's mouth failing to open the door, all the communication equipment is handed in, and he declares that he will enter the mountain to make a movie and leave by helicopter tomorrow morning! "

Zhao Feijia couldn't bear to look directly at him and asked, "Don't you want us to show again? Isn't it too obvious to do it continuously?"

"Being a fart show! Meeting Bai Ze is likely to be a fight to the death..."

Zhao Guanren got up and said: "You are used to keep you secret. Your parents’ social circle is complicated, and disappearing or saying the wrong words can be fatal. This time, you only need to do the scheduling step by step, but if something goes wrong, your parents will take turns. I have a table, do you understand?"


Dozens of young people agreed in unison. After Zhao Guanren confessed a few more things, only Qin Shuiyue and Zhao Fanxue were left, and the rest turned over their mobile phones and left.

"Yueyue! Go and close the door..."

Zhao Guanren leaned on the chair and said, "Fanxue! Call your uncle master later, clean up and prepare to go out with me, and a few licensees of our Jinling team, they will also go with us, let's Go find your mother!"

"My mother? Do you know where she is..."

Zhao Fanxue immediately walked up to him in surprise, but Zhao Guanren smiled and said, "How can I let a dead race run around? I always know where she is, but you are going to face the hardest choice tonight. , You have to think clearly if you want to kill or not!"


Zhao Fanxue bit her lip embarrassedly, and tears flowed out, but Zhao Guanren turned her head and said, "Little black bitch! Her mother is running around the mountains, and your mother is also making trouble. I think you two should bow down. Make a group called the Bitch Sisters Group!"

"What's wrong with you my mother? Although she is a little careful, she wants to have children for you. You can't say that to her..."

Chen Wucang crossed his waist angrily, but Zhao Guanren picked up the mobile phone she handed in, dialed Yan Rulan's number and pressed the hands-free, and smiled: "Listen! You. Mom will say it badly. Someone caused me to have a miscarriage, and the doctor said my baby could not be kept!"


Chen Wucang's eyes widened in astonishment, and suddenly Yan Rulan cried on the phone: "Daughter! I was pushed down the stairs, and there was a lot of blood underneath. I was just taken to the hospital by an ambulance. The doctor said My child is gone. Someone must have deliberately harmed me. Let Xiaowu come over! Oh~"


Zhao Guanren raised his head and laughed. Chen Wucang seemed to understand something, his entire face went red and red...

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