One Step to The End

Chapter 1206: Be beaten

As the cold rain was falling, Zhao Guanren drove a second-hand Cherokee slowly into an auto repair shop in the city. The shutter door was immediately opened in half. He drove the car directly into the workshop and got off. I saw a few tower guards who had just assembled.

"What kind of situation do you guys beat..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the reception room suspiciously, Liu Tianliang and Cong Xiaowei also came, only to see that a big bag swelled on Zhao Feisui's head, Dongbing put a bandage and splint on his left forearm, but Guo Bisi had his head broken. Besides, the other people involved in the operation were fine.

"We just added it up, it should be Xia Buer, but it's probably a coincidence..."

Liu Tianliang got up and said, "Jiushan and the others are loading money in the company. The fourth child crouched by the car to watch the wind. Two masked men came out from the side. He heard someone say, "How did the back door open? Well, following him, I was found to be knocked out!"


Zhao Guanren sat on the chair and asked, "Fei Sui! Do you see the opponent's appearance, or do you judge it from their skill?"

"The four are all black masked men, using four steel pipes, the length of which is the same as the corpse claw spear..."

Zhao Feisui said depressed: "When I went out, I saw Dongbing lying on the ground. Three people were moving our money. I was singled out with the tallest one. Three tricks turned me upside down. I was able to play the pipe so slippery. People, I have only seen one Chen Guangda!"

"It's definitely done by the corpse collector..."

Dongbing hung his arms and said: "They are holding steel pipes as spears, and they all greet me on the head. At first glance, they are used to stabbing the head of the living corpse. The formation and routine are similar to those of the corpse collector, but they did not kill. , Ran away after grabbing a few million!"

"It's really possible that it's Xia Buer, he is also short of money..."

Zhao Guanren nodded slightly and said: "Old Zhao once said that he inexplicably ran into Xia Buer at this level. Xia Buer took a few brothers and completed the task without waiting for him to take action, but in the end he chose the reward for leaving. , Did not continue to break through!"

The corpse collector Lele asked, "Is Xia Bu'er our disciple and grandson?"

"I don't know too well, Chen Guangda doesn't know him either..."

Zhao Guanren took out a cigarette and scattered around, and said: "I found the cause of the mission. Sun Chuci's unit is studying a kind of bug. According to the description, it looks like a corpse bug. They modified it and created a kind of night ghost. Virus, but an organization wants to acquire this virus!"

Cong Xiaowei said in surprise: "Could it be that the other party kidnapped his daughter and killed it again if the threat failed?"

"No! Sun Chuxue might not die, at least not in the dormitory..."

Zhao Guanren said: "The other party once wanted to buy Sun Chuci, but he tactfully refused. A few days later, the other party raised the price. After being rejected again, he only said that he would agree to it, but he never contacted him again. I know that the other party is a man in his forties and his surname is Zhang!"

Liu Tianliang asked: "What is the origin of the other party? Has he ever doubted this group of people?"

"The background is definitely not small, otherwise you won't know this kind of high-level secret..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head and said: "After Sun Chuxue disappeared, Sun Chuci has been investigating the other party, but the other party is just like the world has evaporated, and the mobile phone number is also a fake identity, but he just promised me, regardless of whether his daughter is dead or alive, etc. He will destroy the virus when he returns!"

Liu Tianliang worried: "I'm afraid it's not that simple, I'm afraid it will become the second Lei Ye!"

"If the virus outbreak can be prevented, the second task will definitely be much easier..."

Zhao Guanren got up and said, "Liangzi will take a group of people to Hangzhou tomorrow. I told Sun Chuci that you are retired scouts. On the one hand, you can protect his wife, on the other hand, you can help him investigate the murderer, and wait for me to gain his trust. You will destroy the corpses and viruses!"

"Okay! Sangbiao join me, she has experience lurking..."

Liu Tianliang nodded and said: "We have assembled 22 people, and only Zhao Ziqiang, Lin Tao, Su Yue, Lan Ling and Fire Pig are left. These five people are missing, but I guess that Zhao and Su Yue are together and deliberately left behind. Just to soak her!"

"Impossible! Old Zhao won't be confused about this kind of thing..."

Zhao Guanren waved his hand and said: "Old Zhao is used to fighting alone, but he is also a face-saving person. He neither wants to resign as the captain, nor does he want to be the captain, so he simply hangs up and plays by himself, letting me as the deputy captain take the lead. got it?"

"Depend on!"

Liu Tianliang smiled bitterly: "You still know him, but what's the matter with Lin Tao?"

"How would I know……"

Zhao Guanren glanced at Cong Xiaowei, turned his head and picked up two large bags of cash from the ground, and said, "Dongbing! Take good care of your injuries these days. Don’t go out if you’re okay, Jiushan, you guys, take the MLM company. The matter is resolved!"

"Don't worry! Let's go to the finishing touch..."

A group of people split up immediately. Zhao Guanren took two packs of money and got on the car. He went to major hotels to find Xia Buer and others. There are only a handful of hotels in this era. You can ask for guest information for a small amount of money. It is impossible to live in a small hotel for more than five million.

"It's weird! How could it not happen? Is it impossible to rent a house..."

Zhao Guanren found nothing for a long time, but Xia Buer would not leave Dongjiang City. No matter which side they were from, the task would definitely revolve around the night ghost virus. He had to find well-informed gangsters and spend money to find "Zhang Ziyu". ".

"Hey! Officer Hu, you're hungry, I'm sending you a supper..."

Zhao Guanren slowly parked the car on the side of the road. From a distance, he saw the Ruilin company building. There were several police cars and cars parked. After a phone call, Hu Min came out and climbed up to the assistant driver and asked with a smile: "You are here. The railway bureau has fished a lot, right? Is this a cell phone and a car again?"

"Second-hand! With the money you make from stock trading, have you finished your work..."

Zhao Guanren handed her a box of dumplings and drove slowly into a small road. Hu Min ate the dumplings and muttered: "People are terrible now. Twelve gun guards have been knocked down safely. The two million that was robbed of nothing left has already alarmed the province!"

"There must be someone inside and out..."

Zhao Guanren gently stroked her thigh, and Hu Min said as usual: "Well! We also feel that there is a **** to help. The robbers are very familiar with the company's situation, and their money is unknown. Only more than three million yuan has a withdrawal record. The person in charge has been evasive!"

"Check it carefully, maybe you can find a big case again, I believe you have good luck..."

Zhao Guanren parked the car in the woods near the lake, turned off the lights and inserted a tape. The cold rain hit the window of the car as if to accompany lyrical songs, giving people a feeling of relaxation and joy.

"I have to go home after sitting with you for a while. I still have a task tomorrow morning..."

Hu Minton felt that eating dumplings was too horrible. He quickly covered the lunch box and placed it in the back seat. He also picked up Zhao Guanren’s teacup to drink water and rinse his mouth. Zhao Guanren was also very defensive. The seat is adjusted to the maximum.

"What are you doing? Don't be foolish, be careful to get caught as a gangster..."

Hu Min covered his chest with one hand and pointed at his nose. Zhao Guanren put her legs on her waist and asked with a smile, "Dongjiang Prison is about to be built. I heard that the welfare benefits are better than that of the city bureau. You Have you ever thought of being transferred to be the warden?"

"You all know this, the news is very well-informed..."

Hu Min hugged his neck and smiled and said, "The organization is seeking my opinion. I also want to challenge myself in a different environment, but I can't be a warden at my level. I can only be promoted to deputy office!"

"Sooner or later, you will definitely become our number one female warden in Dongjiang..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her with evil eyes, suddenly took out the handcuffs from her waist, and slammed their hands together. He smiled evilly and said: "Prisoner Hu! The prisoner 0327 reports to you. My highest respect!"

"Don't fool around, saying these things is unlucky..."

Hu Min Yanbo looked at him wanderingly and couldn't help but kissed him on the mouth, but Zhao Guanren pinched her chin again and said, "No! I am a stinky hooligan now, and I will bully the policewoman, little police flower! Come on! Call a good brother, or you are not welcome!"

"Hehe~ Smelly rascal! You have been arrested, yeah! I was wrong, good brother, don't..."


The black Cherokee kept swaying by the lake, and several car windows were covered with steam. A small hand suddenly slapped on the glass, twisted and painfully grasped the seat belt, and finally loosened it suddenly and slumped feebly. Go down...


A pager suddenly rang, Hu Min turned over with a disheveled hair, took the pager from the pants in the back seat, turned around and said, "You are necrotic, bullying people in such a place, please lend me your phone. My sister must be looking for me in a hurry!"

"Call my husband! Otherwise, I'll take you on the car tonight..."

Zhao Guanren sat up with a smirk, Hu Min lifted up his barefoot and kicked his chest, yelling "husband" softly and blushing almost dripping with water.

"Well! The husband's call is really comfortable..."

Zhao Guanren finally avenged the revenge of the year, and satisfactorily unfastened her handcuffs, took out a box of new mobile phones from the glove box, and handed it to her, "Give it to you! Don't let it go, my husband has made a lot of money in stocks. , Give you a mobile phone to share the joy!"

"Thank you! But..."

Hu Min lowered his head and whispered: "Actually, I am not ready yet. If our relationship becomes public, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble, so... don't let people know for now, okay, I'm sorry for you!"

Zhao Guanren pretended to be helpless and sighed, and said, "Oh~ I know that you are in the rising period of your career. I will give you time, take your time!"

"Husband! You are so kind..."

Hu sensitive gave him a kiss, put on her coat and smiled and opened the phone case. She saw that it was the latest flip palm treasure. She stuck out her tongue in surprise and joy. The phone plus the number selection fee and the call fee. It's almost 20,000 yuan.

"Hey! Sister, why are you looking for me so late..."

Hu Min put on his clothes while calling, and after hanging them up, he was depressed and said: "My niece ran away again, saying that she was going to sleep at a classmate’s house, but some people said that she saw them at the supper and was with the two lads. You can lend me the car for a while, and I'll take it to you tomorrow morning!"

"Give it to me when you have time. Anyway, I'm fine..."

Zhao Guanren started the car and said, "You can get me the certificate of the joint defense team tomorrow. I promise to help Sun Chuci check the civil relations, otherwise I will check everywhere, people always ask me what I do, and my work permit does not matter. Use it!"

"You clever ghost, if you help him find his daughter, I will have to call you to lead in the future..."

Hu Min smiled and squeezed his face. Who knew that her pager rang again. After returning a call, she smiled bitterly: "You sent this mobile phone in time. We have already found the rape. Not enough to call me to help!"

"Is there a rape? Who..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her pretendingly in surprise, and Hu Min combed her short hair and said, "There was a security guard who responded. The manager of the rival company gave him one hundred thousand yuan and asked him to open the back door to make a fire alarm. He promised to give him another two million yuan afterwards. Let's go to copy the house now!"

"I'm going to watch the excitement with you, Rarity, I'll help you find her, some of my friends know her..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and took out his mobile phone and dialed directly to Liu Tianliang. Who knows that Liu Tianliang is panting like an old donkey. He wondered: "Who are you going to be so tired of at night? Okay, are you okay?"

"Zhang Ruirui and her classmates are here with me, the two little fairies are very powerful, what's the matter..."


Zhao Guanren almost drove the car into the lake and glanced at Hu Min with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, there was a song in the car and did not let her hear. He hurriedly said loudly: "Hu Min asked me to find her niece. Go out and look for it. You found it. Notify me!"

"No! Didn't you hear clearly, they are both under me..."

"Yeah! Fortunately, you can go to the nightclubs and night markets to find them..."

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