One Step to The End

Chapter 1212: There is no king (plus more)


Zhao Guanren slammed the pistol forward, and at the same time shouted loudly. Li Wanhe hugged his head in shock and fell to the ground, screaming like a girl.

"Bah~ It's a veteran, you're a little **** veteran, you're a soldier at best..."

Zhao Guanren spat in disdain, and disassembled the pistol into parts in threes or twos, and threw them all on Li Wanhe's body. More than twenty policemen were dumbfounded. Li Wanhe was notoriously brave and fierce. Thinking of three or two, it settled for him.

"The Inspectorate Hears!"

Zhao Guanren turned his head and said loudly: "Li Wanhe tried to shoot his superior and handed it back to the procuratorate for trial. As for the guy who insulted the superior, he was taken back to confinement for three days. There were also two people who did not pay attention to hygiene and spit on the ground. They were fined ten. Bucks!"


A group of police officers were speechless in consternation and looked at him at a loss, but he said angrily: "Are the inspectors all deaf? You indulge Li Wanhe to shoot his superiors. If you don't commit crimes, I will take you personally. Copy back to interrogate!"

"Cuffing people!"

A middle-aged inspector hurriedly ordered the other inspectors to take out the handcuffs, but Zhao Guanren took out the mini tape recorder and said with a smile: "Li Wanhe! You two hundred and five have been used as a gun. The people of Xing Dao are watching. You joke, I will make your memory up!"


Zhao Guanren smiled and pressed the play button, only listening to someone in the tape recorder saying: "Don't hide under the bed, put it on the fluorescent lamp, click...OK! Come down, Zhao Jiacai will definitely come to interrogate Zhou Jingxiu, and he will definitely mention the leak. people!"

"What has been done is very concealed. It stands to reason that someone shouldn't leak the secret..."

"Zhou Jingxiu is not a god. No one has revealed why she let people try the poison. The Zhao family is the undercover agent sent from above. It is very likely that we have been found out..."

"Yeah! The boss also said the traitor, he has already slapped Li Wanhe to make trouble..."

"Li Wanhe? The two hundred and five under investigation..."

"Two hundred and five are not afraid of big things. Let Jingzheng and Zhao Jiacai bite the dog. Let's tear down his platform together and get rid of the kid and talk..."

"Bad son! I'm **** your eight generations of ancestors..."

Li Wanhe was sitting on the ground and shouted. The two detectives who were guarding the door were all pale. The fool also heard that they had put the tape recorder, but the two pigs did not confess.

"Dongjiang Police really opened my eyes. The level of business is terrifyingly low..."

Zhao Guanren mocked: "Big soldiers investigate economic crimes, gangsters come to conduct criminal investigations, whisper under the tape recorder they put on, and leave fingerprints on it. But if you go to a regular police academy for a few days, you will not commit such a low-level crime. mistake!"

"Mother! It turns out that you are making a ghost, who is your boss, is it Wang Baisheng who lends money..."

The middle-aged inspector suddenly rushed to grab the two of them and handcuffed the two of them fiercely. The two nodded eagerly and said yes, quickly fabricated a lot of reasons, and even sang with each other.

"What's your name, Director Duan, right..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and raised the tape recorder, looking at the middle-aged inspector and said: "Just said that your business is not good enough, why did you jump out to find a smoke? The tape recorder is still recording, you are here to confess, what is this behavior? do you know?"

"Do you understand business?"

Director Duan argued angrily: "How many years have I been in criminal investigations? You dare to educate me when you have been a police officer for a few hours. This is a normal interrogation when a suspect is arrested. How can it be regarded as a confession? You don't understand. Don't buckle people's **** pots!"

"I'm talking about a confession, not a confession..."

Zhao Guanren said with a smile: "Since you are a senior, then you can explain to your colleagues, the difference between confession, confession, deception and confession, and according to the forty-third of the "Inspection Regulations." Article, what should we do now?"


Director Duan got stuck at once, his face flushed with his mouth open, but not only the other police officers were shocked, but even Hu Min looked incredible. Why did he become so familiar with the business when he was transferred?

"Listen! Article 43 stipulates that once a dereliction of duty is discovered, if a police officer thinks that he needs to be given administrative sanctions or be dismissed from his duties, he can make suggestions to the relevant departments and not be interrogated by us..."

Zhao Guanren sneered: "Old man! Your son is about to take the college entrance examination, and your wife is studying with him. Advise you not to wade in this muddy water. You people can't afford to wade. They sent me down to investigate the big case. I don't want to take the small shrimp. , But you guys don't hit me with a knife, understand?"


Director Duan immediately bent over in fear and said: "Yes, I'm sorry! It's me who relied on the old and sold the old, and had no eyes to know Taishan. I voluntarily accepted the punishment, and immediately wrote an inspection when I returned. I must review myself and listen to your arrangements to do my job well! "

"That's right..."

Zhao Guanren said loudly: "You are the police. You must lead by example and learn to refuse temptation. Our country will get better and better, and the people will get richer and richer. Don't be greedy for the small gains in front of you. what!"

"Yes! The leader said so well, everyone applaud..."

Director Duan suddenly turned into a flatterer and desperately took the lead and clapped his hands. The applause immediately rang out, and even the doctors and patients who were eating melons in the distance clapped their hands vigorously.

"Okay, okay! Don't disturb the patient to rest..."

Zhao Guanren pressed his hands and said, "Take the two people from Xing Da, and Li Wanhe will let them go. They are a bit stupid but not bad, but don't want to slip away with those two who spit, go and mop them clean. , I will definitely help you settle your grievances through the investigation!"

"Hey! Thank you leader..."

A group of economic investigators nodded their heads in gratitude. Li Wanhe was also unshackled, and when he got up, he slapped both of his mouths severely. He also bowed deeply to Zhao Guanren and personally escorted the two detectives, vowing to himself. The requirement of guilt and meritorious service.

"Li Wanhe! Pick a few courageous and reliable people to follow me, and I will take you to do meritorious service..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and turned and went downstairs. Zhou Jingxiu quickly followed behind him. Hu Min handcuffed her and pushed Zhao Guanren aside and asked: "Frankly explain! Which department do you belong to, even me? Dare to lie!"

"You stupid girl! I have memorized the regulations, how can I lead the team without standing up..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and gave her a booklet, which was actually the latest "Inspection Regulations" manual. Hu Min dumbfounded and got into the car with him. Da Huyou also started the car with a smile, and drove the car into a secluded guest house compound. .

"Huh? Why are there troops here..."

Hu Min looked out of the car in surprise. Although this place had a "State-owned Guest House" sign, there was a pond in front of it and a garden behind it, with a "convex" four-story building in the middle. The conditions were no worse than a four-star hotel. And there are soldiers guarding the roof.

"In order to protect Sun Chuci and his students, this place has been taken over by the Security Bureau..."

Zhao Guanren parked the car in front of the guest house, followed by three police cars. Li Wanhe picked six investigators and detained the two criminal policemen, but they were immediately stopped by the armed police. After checking his documents Report again.

"Xiao Zhao! Why did you catch the police..."

Sun Chuci hurriedly greeted him. In addition to his three students, there were also two security bureau leaders who had just been dispatched. They had met at the city bureau meeting and shook hands with Zhao Guanren.

"The problem is big! Let's go to the conference room and talk..."

Zhao Guanren led the group into the meeting room, closed the door and said, "Dongjiang punishment is so bad that the poison is theirs. The inspection team tried to cover up and secretly recorded my conversation. I don't believe anyone except Section Chief Hu. I can only get people here for interrogation!"

Sun Chuci said angrily: "It's really hateful, it sucks!"

"Team Zhao!"

Hu Min said seriously: "Today I almost chilled my heart, but I will definitely support you to the end. It's just that there is not enough manpower at this point. I don't know how many people will be involved. I will call a few old colleagues over. Personality guarantees their quality!"

"Okay! You immediately take the portrait to photocopy, and then issue a co-inspection order..."

Zhao Guanren took out two portraits and held them in his hands, and said: "The thin one is named Zhang and his identity is unknown. The slightly fatter one is called Zhu Helei. He is not only the vice president of Jinhui MLM Corporation, but also the kidnapper who kidnapped Sun Chuxue. They are behind them. The mysterious organization called Daxianhui!"

"Daxianhui? Did you find out so soon..."

The security bureau leader came forward with surprise, and Sun Chuci also excitedly said: "Xiao Zhao! You are so amazing. You have found these gangsters so soon. Do you know where these people are?"

"I don't know! We've already stunned the snake, Zhu Helei must have hid..."

Zhao Guanren said: "He should be the main agent behind the poisoning. Ms. Zhou recognized his portrait. It is estimated that he is deeply rooted in Dongjiang's crimes, and Xing Da has a deep connection with him. The two detectives should not be silent. Only by committing crimes and meritorious deeds can you save your life!"


The two detectives glanced at each other, and the young man said coldly, "We are not poisoned, and the voice in the tape recorder is not us, and you have no right to interrogate us!"

People from the Security Bureau scolded: "If you collude with spies to poison and kill people, we have the right to censor you!"

"Since you are shameless, then I'm not welcome..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and said, "Hu Min! You immediately draw up a confession, and I will sign it. They said that they identified the Xie brigade, accepted huge bribes from Zhu Helei, hired a murderer to kill Zhou Jingxiu, and Wanhe sent someone to their home. Let their family be poisoned!"

The two roared: "You bastard! It's not a disaster for the family, just come at us if there is a species!"

"Ha~ I gave you another class. This is called a confession..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and said: "It seems that the Xie brigade is really the mastermind. If you catch him, you should be able to touch Zhu Helei. Now the olive branch is placed in front of you. As long as you tell the truth, I will not blame you for the bad things you did before, and I promise to take Xie Jiangsheng away. Shot!"

"Team Zhao! Leader..."

One person stomped annoyed and shouted, "It’s not that we don’t want to say it, but we can’t live if we say it. We still have family and children. You can do it. If you don’t believe me, just call to ask and see MLM. Where is the company's President Huang!"

"Oh! You won't be let go, right..."

Hu Min quickly took out her cell phone and asked, but her face changed quickly, she hung up the phone and said in frustration: "President Huang was strangled to death by someone in the same cell. The other party has intermittent mental illness. Xie Jiangsheng asked before the incident. I went to recuperate outside of the country after sick leave!"


Sun Chuci slapped the table angrily and said: "It's almost lawless. I just poisoned people at noon, and strangled another in the afternoon. Does this Dongjiang still have a king's law?"

"They are King Fa in Dongjiang, and they can do everything with money..."

A detective sighed: "Hey~ Pull out the radish to bring out the mud. If Xie Jiangsheng is caught, a large number of people will be unlucky. Few butts are clean. The same is true for the investigators who call for injustice, so don’t you. No matter how hard it is for us!"

"Go and copy the nest of Jinhui Company, I don't believe they can kill everyone..."

Zhao Guanren raised his head and said: "Two leaders, Jinhui is a scam company. I asked Ms. Zhou to make a list and arrest all the core figures and bring them to trial. If you find Zhu and Zhang, you can dig. Out of the spy organization!"

"Okay! No problem, if there is evidence, we can bring Xie Jiangsheng back together..."

"Dean Sun! Could you please come out..."

Zhao Guanren called out Sun Chuci alone, and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Sun! Tell me the truth, did the roe beetle reproduce? Daxian will call it a scarab, and promised to send one to each person. And the plan will be completed soon!"


Sun Chuci confidently said: "The reproduction process is very complicated. We only conquered it three months ago, and our defense level has increased by one level, so we will never lose out. I can guarantee this!"

Zhao Guanren asked again: "If they use your daughter as a threat and change a female worm, can you change it?"


Sun Chuci hesitated immediately, but Zhao Guanren shook his head again and said, "Needless to say! Your daughter must be in their hands. Zhu Helei announced the scarab two months ago. They have been paying close attention to you, and they are waiting for you to overcome it. Reproduction problem!"

"Then, what should I do, I don't want my daughter to be okay..."

Sun Chuci looked at him pitifully, and Zhao Guanren comforted him: "Don't worry! I will find your daughter. Before that, you must not compromise. If anyone tries to threaten you, you must tell me. Dead..."

(Thank you for your continued support. Today is the third watch again. Be careful not to pay tribute!)

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