One Step to The End

Chapter 1216: Say break up after daybreak


The pickup truck slowly drove up a hillside and concealed the car in a woods. Zhang Ziyu turned off the lights and did not turn off. Suddenly he slapped Hu Min's big **** and jokingly said, "You can lie down, your **** is It’s almost up to the sky. Isn’t it possible to pose for your husband in this pose?"

"No! Me, my husband passed away..."

Hu Min hurriedly got up from his lap, blushed and unbuttoned the wet bra on his face, and looked at the dark car outside, nervously: "Brother Ziyu! Has the killer left? Who are they? And What are those female monsters and scorpions?"

"I should ask you this, I just passed by..."

Zhang Ziyu put the pistol on the dashboard, took off his black jacket and said: "Scorpions should be very important to them. They called their accomplices to block the road nearby. We can only temporarily avoid it. You take the first aid kit behind. Give me!"

"Oh~ you got shot, are you okay..."

Hu Min finally realized that he had been shot in his right arm, and quickly took the first aid kit on the back seat, but when she turned her head, she was shocked. Zhang Ziyu had already taken off her woolen sweater, revealing a very strong tendon, so strong. She has only seen Zhao Guanren for her good figure.

"Don't be lustful! Pour iodophor and bandage..."

Zhang Ziyu turned on the flashlight and shook her. Hu Min immediately made a big red face and quickly recovered from the coveted state. Fortunately, Zhang Ziyu was not shot, but a slightly deeper wound was grazed by the bullet, but the wound was also already. Half healed.

"You are from Guoan, do you know Zhao Jiacai..."

Hu Min turned on the iodophor proficient disinfection, Zhang Ziyu took out the work permit of the "Cultural Center" and smiled: "I don't know! I'm not from Guoan, I just happened to pass by the neighborhood and came over when I heard gunfire, but you guys How could a group of policemen be ambushed?"

"It's a long story! We are here to find the missing person, Sun Chuxue..."

Hu Min took out gauze to help him bandage, and explained the general situation, concealing important information such as "Daxianhui".


Zhang Ziyu said in surprise: "Sun Chuxue's rewards are flying all over the sky. I thought she would have been killed a long time ago. I didn't expect to hide in this place secretly. Could the group of killers also come to her?"

"It should be, we were betrayed..."

Hu Min collected the first aid kit and said, "Sun Chuxue's identity is very special. I can't say too much in detail. But someone rushed us half a step, but they didn't know where Sun Chuxue lived. They ambushed us in order to find her. Got it!"

"Don't worry about others, your trouble is not small..."

Zhang Ziyu lit a cigarette and said: "You killed two colleagues by mistake. If no one testifies to you, even if you hand over the big scorpion behind, it may be difficult for the procuratorate to accept your words, and I... don't want to provoke these. trouble!"


Hu Min frustrated: "Thank you! You have saved my life, I can't drag you down anymore, I will find a solution myself!"

"If you can guarantee that my name will not be published, I can help you..."

Zhang Ziyu blew the smoke at her and laughed: "But I have a condition. You have to tell me Sun Chuxue's information. I want her father's one million bonus. Of course! Once I get the bonus, I can divide it. How about 30% for you?"

"Everyone wants a million, but Sun Chuxue is too dangerous, you will be dead..."

Hu Min shook his head helplessly, but Zhang Ziyu said nonchalantly: "I ask for wealth and danger. This money is worth my risk. Don't worry about me. I will testify for you. You can help me find Sun Chuxue. , It was such a happy decision, come! High-five!"

"You are like a colleague of mine, you both are bold and brave..."

Hu Min smiled bitterly and patted his hand. Unexpectedly, a car light suddenly turned on at the foot of the mountain. Zhang Ziyu hurriedly pressed her to his lap, put out the cigarette **** and shrank.

Hu Min said shyly: "You, you go up a little bit, don't push me like this!"

"You are too sensitive, you have been single for a few years, do you have a concubine..."

Zhang Ziyu smirked and touched her waist. Hu Min shuddered like a cramp, and said anxiously: "Hate! I'm still in trouble, I... I had a boyfriend before, but he was a liar, so I got angry. I broke up with him!"

"You are not brave! The policewoman dare to lie, I will avenge you when I look back..."

Zhang Ziyu looked out the window with both eyes, and continued to stroke her waist with his right hand. Hu Min's body temperature obviously began to rise, and his breathing became more and more rapid. However, he looked up and asked, "You are a deputy of a cultural center. Long, how can you shoot?"

"Get down! People haven't walked far..."

Zhang Ziyu pushed her back again, and whispered: "I am a sharpshooter among the militia, otherwise I can't tell the gunshots, right! Can you help me get a joint defense certificate? I can check it if I have the certificate. Convenient, I happened to take a long vacation this time!"


Suddenly, Hu Min was taken aback, looked at him from the bottom up, hesitated: "You really look like my ex-boy, he also... Forget it! Don't mention him, I can help you get your documents, but Don't interfere with the police, the Dongjiang police are in a mess now!"

"I'll make money and find a girlfriend by the way..."

Zhang Ziyu suddenly turned her over, hugged her and kissed her abruptly. Hu Min snorted, beat him twice in panic and fear, and said, "No! What are you doing? The killer is still catching us. Well, you, calm down!"

"Your body is as hot as a stove, and it calms me down..."

Zhang Ziyu hugged her with a smirk and said: "The more I die, the more I like to do crazy things. If we can't go out alive today, I hold a big beauty and do nothing. Wouldn't it be a ghost in the underworld? Laughing to death, what do you mean, big beauty?"

"No way! How come you just met, uh..."

Hu Min's mouth was kissed fiercely again, and her mind suddenly became confused. She was in a daze as if Zhao Guanren was hugging her and kissing. She was still familiar with the car shock mode. In just a few seconds, she sank and instinctively hugged her. Zhang Ziyu's neck.

"Hmm~No! Not here..."

Hu Min suddenly pressed the belt buckle in a panic, but Zhang Ziyu just took out the hand table from her waist, pressed the "auto search" button and then turned to kiss her mouth, and Hu Min was also completely confused, closing his eyes and panting. Response.


The beating frequency suddenly stopped, and only listened to someone in the mobile station saying: "Retreat! That kid is a master, he must have taken the policewoman to copy the path, but they always have to go back to the city. Let's go to the city to block them. The scarab must be snatched back!"

"Understand! Let's take a look on the main road first..."

A man responded calmly, and the roar of the engine suddenly came from a distance, and Hu Min, who was sitting on someone's lap, hurriedly retracted his tongue and listened, and said in a low voice: "Go! Really a member of the Great Fairy Club," We caught the scarab!"

"What are Daxianhui and Scarab..."

Zhang Ziyu looked at her in confusion, and Hu Min hesitated before explaining: "You can't say to the outside. Scarab is a kind of mutated insect. It can parasitize in the human body and make people stay young forever. Sun Chuxue's father, Sun Chu Ci is an expert in this area!"

"Sun Chuci? Is Sun Chuxue's father from Hangzhou..."

Zhang Ziyu straightened up abruptly, and Hu Min nodded suspiciously, "How did you know, ah! Why are you also accented in Hangzhou, aren't you from Tianan?"

"I just work in Tianan City..."

Zhang Ziyu Zhengse said: "My hometown is in the Xiasha District of Hangzhou. Sun Chuci is a bit famous in our place. I didn't expect that his daughter was missing, right! Is Sun Chuci also in Dongjiang? He should be...forty this year. How old is it?"

"Yes! He is protected by National Security, Daxianhui is an overseas spy organization..."

Hu Min nodded and climbed back to the co-pilot. Unexpectedly, Zhang Ziyu also suddenly pressed over. It was exactly the same as Zhao Guanren's routine. He suddenly flattened her chair back and pressed her to kiss without any explanation, and smiled: "It's okay. I'm going to kiss you later!"

"No! You will never end up taking advantage of it, get up, and then I will be angry..."

Hu Min pinched and punched in annoyance, but Zhang Ziyu didn't care at all. He grabbed her earlobe and shook her whole body. He whispered, "Beauty police flower! I saved your life, let me feel. Can't you be gentle?"

"I already let you kiss, you still want to, ah! Brother, I have a boyfriend..."

"Forget him! Brother touched porcelain to raise you..."

"No! I, I haven't told him to break up, don't be like this..."

Hu Min resisted powerlessly and helplessly, but although his mouth was shouting no, his eyes closed uncontrollably, and both hands fumbled on Zhang Ziyu's back until the body of the pickup truck went down fiercely. Once it sank, the faint sound of resistance disappeared instantly.



"Hey? What did I do on my forehead, it's so green..."

Zhao Guanren grabbed his head suspiciously at the bathroom mirror. He was naked and not bandaged. He only put a piece of gauze on his back.

Huang Lily wrapped a bath towel and walked to the door, chuckled and said, "You are not stupid, the neon lights outside are shining!"

"If you want to live a good life, you have to have a little green on your head..."

Zhao Guanren smiled bitterly and walked out of the bathroom. He hugged Huang Lily and walked to the bed. Huang Lily’s big eyes were immediately covered with mist and shyly said: "I will stay with you tonight. Are you happy? I have never been outside. Overnight, you must not treat me badly!"

"I always have an unknown hunch, your sister is not stealing people..."

Zhao Guanren sat on the bed weirdly, Huang Baihe sat on his lap angrily, and said depressed: "Big brother! What do you think, my sister went to the West Lake early, you will eat the bowl for me, and worry about the pot. Inside, otherwise I will go home too!"

"I'm not shy, I'm a virgin, I'm afraid I will behave badly..."

Zhao Guanren scratched his head brazenly, Huang Baihe suddenly pushed him onto the bed, and leaned down and laughed playfully: "What do you mean by this? It's not the first time for anyone. I don't understand how bad you behave. , I won't laugh at you either!"

"I'm a little nervous, why don't you do it..."

Zhao Guanren "shyly" covered his chest, and Huang Baihe was also worried: "I don't know how to do it, I even gave you the first kiss, you haven't seen the video tape, or... let's find it. I’m afraid you’ll hurt me if you don’t understand!"

"No! I'm just ashamed, you lie down and tell me if you feel comfortable..."

"Um! The headlights are off, I am also a little nervous, don't mess around if you don't know, hehe~ itchy, but it's quite comfortable..."

"Call my husband!"

"Ah! What are you doing, it hurts..."


"Ring Ling Ling..."

A harsh telephone ringing rang, Zhao Guanren got out of the bed and leaned against the bed, hugged the muddy yellow lily beside him, and picked up the phone refreshedly.

"What? You were attacked by a scarab..."

Zhao Guanren straightened up abruptly, and said in shock: "Who helped you kill the Scarab, bullshit! You can't do it alone, Hu Min! Why are you lying to me, you are a dish in front of the Scarab, what is it? You? Keep it secret..."

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