One Step to The End

Chapter 1231: Not so cheap

"The Soul Town Tower likes hiding in this kind of ghost place, maybe I can run into another..."

Liu Tianliang raised his flashlight and looked around. They have been walking in the cave for more than an hour, at least as far as a kilometer underground. They have passed many fork roads and caves, but the winding cave still has no end in sight. No one will lead the way. lose the way.

"Little Er! You went wrong again, let me lead the way..."

Chen Guangda suddenly yelled from the rear, Xia Buer quickly withdrew from the fork, and said depressed: "Uncle Guang! This is different from our world. There are more forks and longer distances. I now completely believe that this is a Parallel world!"

"It's really different, but there are still traces to follow. You are impetuous and ignore the details..."

Chen Guangda took a short spear and led the way, Zhao Ziqiang smiled with a cigarette in his mouth: "Little Er classmate! Do you want to rush to reincarnation? If you want to win, you must first adapt to this world. If you always think of yourself as an alien, The world will not accept you either!"

"Second son! I know what you're anxious about, you are the eldest brother to be responsible to the brothers..."

Zhao Guanren also laughed and said: "But who is not the big brother here, Liu Tianliang is the king of the Northwest, Chen Guangda is the king of corpses, Zhao Ziqiang is the king of half immortals, even Lin Tao who has never come is a ghost king, and I belong to Prince Yongshi. Brother tens of millions, no one needs you to be responsible, you just need to manage yourself!"

"When you say this, it seems that I am the best dish, it seems I am really worried..."

Xia Buer scratched his head awkwardly, Zhao Guanren walked forward and smiled: "You are not the king of the summer, and we are not your little brother. You should not be anxious here. The two old guys in front are more slippery than you. Ten thousand times! Haha~"

"Who is going to sing a song? No noise, ears can't stand it..."

Chen Guang shouted without turning his head, Fatty Wang immediately sang: "I am drunk alone, and when I get drunk, I will put you to sleep with my legs on my shoulders. I just want it to fly in the future. I said, I don't have any tactics. , You said, you don’t take medicine, I’m overwhelmed, you are heart-stirring, shouting together..."


A group of people shook their heads and followed along with them. You play Solitaire one by one, and the flashlight flutters like a lamp ball, forcibly turning the cave into a rural disco, but in the end, a tunnel collapsed by an underground river. Blocked the way.

"It would be great if Lin Lamor was here, blasting is his specialty..."

Zhao Guanren waded across the river and squatted in front of the tunnel. He pushed a large stone away and looked in. He didn't expect that a half-person wide gap was left at the bottom of a large number of rubble, but there were bones and clothes on his body. All become ragged strips.

"It's collapsed artificially, like preventing something from coming out..."

Zhao Guanren put on a mask and lay down, shining a flashlight on the opposite side and listening quietly. Zhao Ziqiang also rarely got serious. He sat at the side of the hole and closed his eyes. After feeling for a while, he said, "Non-human, with sharp claws. The number is not less than hundreds, let me come!"

After Zhao Ziqiang finished talking, he took off the backpack. His blood escape can be used three times. This kind of place is most suitable for him to clear the way. Everyone also came up to rip off the obstructive gravel. After expanding the hole, he tied it to Zhao Ziqiang's back waist. Rope.

"Be careful! Don't collapse the stone..."

Zhao Guanren patted him on the back. Zhao Ziqiang bit the flashlight and crawled into the small hole. We no longer need weapons in this kind of place. The tunnel has a depth of 56 meters.

"The rescue team, I guess they came down to find someone..."

Zhao Ziqiang climbed to the bones, looked at the work clothes and climbed forward, finally climbed to the other end and stood up, untied the rope and said safety. Everyone then crawled into the hole one after another. Disgusted.

"Ahem~ It seems that the bugs are not small..."

Zhao Guanren patted the dust on his head. There were a pile of gray crusts scattered on the ground, as well as strange sharp claws and dried meat. It was obvious that someone had detonated the explosive and died with the monster that was chasing after him. There were rescue team members not far away. Pieces.

Chen Guangda picked up his sharp claws and knocked them, and said: "Some are like corpses, but the defense is several levels worse!"

"Photon! Let's wake up early, and have a late episode..."

Liu Tianliang curled his lips and said: "An expedition team came here. The rescue team came down to find them. Finally, the remaining woman took the scarab out. She said it would be the end in more than an hour, but we walked for three hours. , Definitely not this way!"

"I'm lucky, what can I do, let's get ready to do it..."

Chen Guangda hung the foldable flashlight on his chest, held up the Bayi rifle by pressing the AK, and strode towards a tunnel, which was full of strange sour smell and blood marks from the predecessors. This shows that the destination is almost here.

"Huh? Why is the front shining brightly..."

Liu Tianliang straightened his head suspiciously. The tunnel looked like a big space. The flashlight shone from far away and it was shining, but when they got closer, his scalp suddenly became numb.


Chen Guangda took a deep breath. The huge cave was full of **** beetles, the smallest one was comparable to a morning dish, like a big crab with a spider's body, densely covering the whole cave, dots and dots. The light is their eyeballs.

"Why is there no movement? Could it be because of hibernation..."

Zhao Fei murmured strangely, but Chen Guangda said: "Hibernating your sister, haven't you seen the eyeballs spinning there? You must be waiting for us to cast ourselves into the trap. When we walk in, we will swarm up. Or you can try and see. Will they **** you?"

"I'm not going! I don't want to bet on my life..."

Zhao Feisui shook his head like a rattle, but Zhao Ziqiang suspiciously said: "So many insects, which one is the ancestor of insects, I can't kill them all, when will they be killed?"

"I tell you an unfortunate news, this is not a bug's nest at all..."

Zhao Guanren took a bulletproof shield and stepped forward and said: "Since the soul killer wants to take eggs, these insects must not be viviparous, but no one can be seen outside, indicating that the nest is still deeper. There are no insect ancestors here either!"

Zhao Guanren walked to the entrance of the cave and put the shield on his head. Who knew that the bug did not attack him, but made a strange rustle. After he gestured backward, he slowly moved forward with the shield. Walk across.

"What's the matter, is it really hibernating..."

Chen Guang took two steps out in a daze, but Zhao Guanren had already walked into the opposite cave. Zhao Feisui and others immediately walked out quickly. The insects still did not attack until Xia Buer entered the cave last. Suddenly jumped down.

"Not good! It's been calculated..."

Chen Guangda's expression changed and he was about to run away, but he didn't run too far until he discovered that the insects were just stuck in the entrance of the cave and didn't mean to get in at all.

"what happened?"

The others were also confused, but Zhao Guanren followed in no hurry, and smiled: "You uneducated hooligans know how to play girls all day long. Can't you learn if you have nothing to do?"

Chen Guang was shocked and said: "What? Do you still know entomology?"

"I don't know entomology, but I asked Sun Chuci humbly for advice and knew their habits..."

Zhao Guanren said: "These insects outside are equivalent to worker ants. In the absence of food, they can only drink water or gnaw plants throughout their lives. Priority should be given to ensuring the nutrition of the insect mothers, and living creatures are the best food, so as long as we don’t run away , They will not actively attack!"

"Damn! If you didn't tell me earlier, let's just walk over and get it..."

Chen Guangda rolled his eyes, but Zhao Guanren said with contempt: "I said that there are worker ants outside, and there are soldier ants around Chongzu. They will chop off our limbs and wrap them in mucus for the Chongzu to enjoy. Chongzu is just a big fat bug!"

"It's easy to get in, but difficult to get out..."

Chen Guangda opened the kettle and took a big mouthful. He tore the candies and chocolates and ate them. Others followed suit. Finally, he took out grenades and explosives from the bag, leaving only a few bundles of rope on his back, and threw them all. Pack lightly under the backpack and move forward.

"Come! Get ready..."

Zhao Guanren ran and took out a flare gun, and suddenly shot a signal that popped out, suddenly lighting up a huge cave, comparable to a stadium that can hold a concert, and Chen Guangda and others also threw grenades and crashed before the exit. Explode.


Several **** guys were blown up from the entrance of the hole, four signal rods were thrown out one after another, the rifle also rang at the same time, as long as there were shadows out there, they were shot off, but when they rushed to the entrance of the hole, ten Both of them were dumbfounded at the same time.


Zhao Feisui almost vomited out. The huge cave was hundreds of meters deep. There were densely packed insect eggs everywhere in the sky and underground, which made people suffer from intensive phobia, and the entrance of the cave was opened on a cliff. There are still dozens of meters high from the ground below.

"I'll go! This is the insect ancestor, how can I kill it so big..."

Liu Tianliang stretched out his head in surprise. The huge insect ancestor is like a flattened octopus, but the gray one is the size of a basketball court. It is flat on all sides and convex in the middle. The whole body is full of thick tentacles, as if The roots of the tree are as intertwined.

"Hurry up! There's no time..."

Zhao Ziqiang suddenly ignited a bundle of explosives and threw it down without hesitation. There were several wide tunnels on the opposite side. A large number of scarabs spewed out like a blowout, and hundreds of large-sized soldier insects were constantly growing. Climb up.



With an abrupt gunshot, the explosive exploded in the air. Not only did it blow down the soldiers on the cliff, but countless insect eggs also crackled. Even the tower guards were shaken, but they used the signal. With great fire, he looked diagonally across in surprise.

"Quick! Grab the insect mother egg..."

A moustache was standing at the entrance of the cave with a gun, and a dozen of his men jumped down, but everyone’s eyes burst together. The moustache was exactly the same as Xia Buer's. The only difference was that he was more mature. Like a forty-year-old Xia Buer.

"Second son! Who is this from your family again, how come you are here..."

Liu Tianliang looked at Xia Buer in disbelief. Xia Buer's face was pale, and he stammered: "He, he is not a relative of my family, he is another me. We found his credentials in the cave of the Zhenhun Tower. , He went back more than twenty years ago!"

"Fart! This guy's eyes are black and he is not a person at all..."

Zhao Guanren stared at the middle-aged version of Xia Buer, and said in a dark voice: "I said that the task will not be so simple, and the soul tower will not be so cheap for you. He actually promised to meet your wish. This guy is your demon, it It is the obsession that comes out of your heart!"

"Inner demon? Me, mine..."

Xia Buer tremblingly looked at him, Zhao Guanren looked back at the scarab beetle, and said sharply, "Isn't it you, isn't it me? Only your obsession is the heaviest here. If you don't get rid of it by yourself, you Just wait to fall to **** forever, kill! Kill them..."

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