One Step to The End

Chapter 1250: Town Magic Division

The autumn morning...

The common people in Luoyang City are used to getting up early, working early in the morning, farming the land, and studying, but the "cross street" of Pinglefang is overcrowded. They all surround Zhao Guanren’s new house and stand on tiptoes. Eat melon to watch the excitement.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

An octagonal copper bell strung with only red wires was hung in a large circle around the courtyard wall, letting the wind blow crisp and sweet, but the front courtyard wall was smashed out of a large hole, and the inside was a large bluestone slab. The courtyard, but a huge amulet array was painted with gold lacquer on the ground.

"Who read it, what is written on it..."

The melon-eating crowds shouted one after another. Several craftsmen were turning the hole into a doorway. The moon door in the inner courtyard was also equipped with a wooden door, but a bulletin board was erected next to the doorway, and one was pasted with paste. Notice in black on white.

"Uh-huh~ The Demon Division of Luozhou Prefecture, hereby tells you that little monsters have been circling to commit crimes recently, causing chaos in the village..."

A scholar read aloud: "This department has opened this hospital to set up a large array of evil spirits. Anyone who has evil spirits and hysteria in the home can be sent to this hospital to exorcise evil spirits, idle people, etc., and those who are healthy and healthy Inside, whoever provides clues to the dormant monster will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver!"

"Oh! This is a newly opened yamen dedicated to dealing with evil spirits..."

"Aren't there seven doors? Why did you open another Yazhen Devil..."

"Seven doors are not useful, this is the residence of the bad commander-in-chief, Lord Yin, and the wolf demon was killed by him..."

The common people started talking about it. How did they know that several young women suddenly appeared, lined up from the moon gate on the side, with red charms painted on their faces and hands, and collectively came to the center of the golden array and put them down. Meditate cross-legged on the futon.

"Huh? Isn't this the thrush of Yuchunlou? How come she has been wicked too..."

A romantic talent recognized the thrush, but someone immediately interrupted and said: "Last night, there was a bat monster in the Yujiang King’s outer house, and he almost ate another prince. The one in front of her was the prince’s concubine. It's like a ghost with messy hair, it's scary!"

"No! My cousin is in Guanglifang, saying that the bat monster flies up to cover the sky and **** human blood..."

"The big one is the Bat Demon King, followed by hundreds of little monsters, and the seven doors are simply no match for..."

"Yes! Fortunately, Master Yin arrived in time and cast a spell to defeat the Bat Demon King..."

The people who eat melons talk more and more exaggerated, and the more they spread, the more mysterious it is, but suddenly white mist in the courtyard, and a stream of water vapor rushes against the ground, not only shielding the Demon Formation and the women who are meditating, but also bursts of reports. The refreshing aroma can not help but refreshing.

"Shuai Yin is casting a spell, the fairy formation is on, everyone is going to be immortal..."

A few old ladies screamed in the crowd. The people immediately squeezed to the door and sucked in the steam, but then watched Zhao Guanren walk out, wearing a white brocade robe with large sleeves and holding three thick dragon incense sticks, and strode to him. In front of the incense table already set.

"All stand up and worship the heavens and the earth..."

Zhao Guanren held up the dragon incense with a stern expression. A dozen women with spells stood up and folded their hands respectfully. Even the people outside the courtyard worshipped together. After three respectful and pious worships, the three dragon incense was just inserted into the incense burner. middle.

"One is for heaven and earth, two for ghosts and spirits, three for gourd baby, four for Jenny tortoise..."

Zhao Guanren is serious nonsense, don’t ask, the gourd baby specializes in fighting snake monsters, Jenny Turtle is the nemesis of bat monsters, but he took out two talismans with hands and feet, and lightly swept them on the candles to light them. , Automatically fly into the sky and turn to ashes.

"Ten thousand evils don't invade! The demon retreats..."

Zhao Guanren pulled out the Scarlet Moon Demon Sword abruptly, and walked to the front of the case with a **** wave, but when the people repeatedly exclaimed, when the women bowed their heads to worship, he never thought that he would take a step forward and almost pulled an egg. Not to mention, the question mark beads in the sleeves suddenly slipped off.

'not good! Bad food...’

Zhao Guanren was shocked. He had just exchanged question mark beads with Chen Guangda. The "good points" were only more than 300. A messy weak chicken would definitely pop up, but it was too late to pick it up. The beads were already dripping. Rolled to the center of the big formation.


Suddenly a burst of white smoke burst out of the question mark beads, which made everyone exclaimed, but after the smoke slowly dissipated, Zhao Guanren was dumbfounded. He only looked at a half-old bear child with antlers, green hair, emerald scales, and dragons. The tail looked around with a dull face.

"Little dragon guy? What did you do when you came out..."

Zhao Guanren's eyes widened in surprise, and he accidentally exploded the "Xiaolongren", but the Xiaolongren scratched his head and said in a daze, "You asked me to come out, so why do you ask me in turn, what's wrong with me? I'll go back to sleep if it's okay!"

"Longzi! Master invited Longzi to the mortal world..."

The people outside the courtyard immediately blew their nests, knocked their heads in surprise, and the women like thrush almost cried with joy, and the people around the dragon were like smashing garlic, but Zhao Guanren realized that the dragon was also a dragon, so serious. The son of a true dragon.

"Hehe~ I am asking your father, it seems that your father is not at home..."

Zhao Guanren walked over and hugged Xiaolongren's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Our gods are not peaceful recently, and there are monsters in the city. Now that you have come down, I would like to send you a blessing and bless our Datang Guotai and the people! "

"Ryoko! Please bless the Nujia, the Nujia has caused the monsters to miserably..."

The maidservant of King Yujiang hurriedly crawled over, pouting his **** and cautiously poking his head over, and actually kissed Xiaolongren’s feet. How did he know that Xiaolongren suddenly raised his hand to the outside of the courtyard, tilted his head and said: "There are monsters outside, Bai The clothes!"


Zhao Guanren suddenly lifted the knife, and the people outside the courtyard suddenly dispersed, letting out a handsome young man, and his face changed abruptly. Before Zhao Guanren lifted the knife and rushed out, the white robe on the other party suddenly Burst.


The son-in-law suddenly turned into a white-haired mouse sperm, just like the master of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with a strong body of tendon meat, slamming the long and slender tail of a mouse, and hitting the courtyard with sharp rat paws. Go straight to Zhao Guanren's head.

"Bold evildoer! Look at the knife..."

Zhao Guanren swiped the demon knife and was about to slash it over. How did Xiaolongren gently raise his hand, a golden light shot into the opponent's eyebrows like lightning, and the mouse spirit immediately let out a piercing hiss, and fell to the ground with a "thump". After two blows, he died.


The women were all frightened and dispersed, but the people were extremely excited. They poured in from outside the door to watch the mouse sperm. The body of the mouse sperm kept shrinking, and finally turned into a giant white-haired mouse. , The size is comparable to an adult wolf dog.

"Xiaolongren! You still have this ability, you are disrespectful..."

Zhao Guanren didn't expect to shake out a big guy with a low score, but the little dragon man smiled naively, and "sucked" back into the question mark beads. When he picked up the beads again, the little dragon man was already floating in it with his eyes closed. , The score has also been deducted.

"My lord! You are really a god, even Longzi can invite you to come to the mortal world..."

The people praised and saluted excitedly, all of them were too excited, and some people stabbed the rat sperm with a harpoon.

"The folks have praised, in fact, the officer invited the Dragon King of East China Sea..."

Zhao Guanren also smiled and said: "Isn't it raining for a while? I wanted to rain the demons and slaying demons, but at the same time it rained in time. Who ever thought that the Dragon King was not in the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Prince was invited down by mistake. , Let everyone see the jokes!"


The people laughed kindly, and after Zhao Guanren played another mess, everyone happily plugged in rat sperm, and went outside to show off like the Chinese New Year. At this time, several people who claimed to be evil were caught The family sent over to meditate together in the formation.

"Everyone is here to cultivate one's morals and nature, the official is going to the government office for business, and he will return after he finishes it..."

Zhao Guanren called out a few aunts to maintain order, and rode out of Pingle Square on his horse. He went to the teahouse facing the street to sit for a meeting and watched the people burn the mice from a distance. He went downstairs after the news almost spread throughout the city. Go straight to the Luozhou government office.

"Good morning, sirs..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the back hall with a smile. A dozen officials were drinking tea and discussing matters. Master Shao Yin Xu was sitting alone in the first place. Suddenly he saw him squirting a sip of tea and hurriedly wiped his mouth and asked: "I heard you are here. Pinglefang opened a government office privately, can this happen?"

"My lord! There is ambiguity in what you have said, but this is an official order to do an errand..."

Zhao Guanren took out an imperial decree from his sleeve and handed it over and said: "The saint canonize me as the commander of the bad people in the Luozhou government. It is inevitable that the functions overlap with the seven doors, and the subordinates were named as the Sword Demon Division!"


Mr. Xu sullenly said: "How did you read this book? Who told you that the word'special division' is actually a secretary of the same government. You are a bad commander and have no grade or rank. You are not even an official. What's the point? Qualified to open a government office, are you trying to rebel?"

"That's good! From now on, this clerk will work in the prefecture and live within the government..."

Zhao Guanren folded his hands and said: "You will be my immediate boss in the future. I will chase or be chased by demons in the future. The humble position will quickly report to you or ask for help. I believe that someone will take it for me. I am really grateful for the humble position. Endless!"


Master Xu suddenly realized that something was wrong, and his master hurriedly whispered: "My lord! This dead star is being chased by a monster. King Yujiang was almost killed last night. You left him in the mansion. Wouldn't it be that you led the wolf into the house? The sage still sees him not pleasing to the eye!"

"Huh~ what a mere demon..."

Master Xu patted the coffee table heavily and snorted coldly: "This mansion is admonishing you to behave in a proper manner. You have to inform this mansion of such a big thing, but the emperor has asked you to do his job exclusively, this mansion. You can't resist the decree, and you will be under the control of the King Kong Temple in the future!"

"My lord! I have already gone to the King Kong Temple. They said that bad people are under the control of the state government and have nothing to do with them..."

Zhao Guanren stretched his hands and said, "Actually, I don’t want to cause you trouble. Just now, Pinglefang caught a white-haired mouse, who was sent by the demon clan to assassinate me. For the sake of your adults, I’d better leave the Demon Division alone. It is better to separate out, otherwise the monster clan can't find me and will definitely find me to go to an official!"


The officials looked at each other nervously. In the end, Mr. Xu was very cunning and asked a seventh-rank hapless person who had just taken office to become the demon envoy of the demon division, and Zhao Guanren served as the demon demon envoy, and everything was unlucky. Egg report.

Zhao Guanren's powers were also divided into two. He was able to raise fifty masters of evil spirits by himself, only to slay demons and evil spirits. The bad guys should be taken care of by others. In short, he was cut off from the state government and anything went wrong. It has nothing to do with Mr. Xu.

"My lord! Good things are taken up by you, and you can work hard in your humble position..."

Zhao Guanren said neither insidiously nor positively: "But my mansion’s house, axe, hook and fork, and food and clothing, you should always pay more attention to it. Slaying demons is not fighting bandits, if I don’t even have a place to defend. , My head can move at any time!"

"The old Hyogo in Nancheng allocated it to you. This mansion will pay for the food and salaries of fifty people, and the rest will be self-financed. There will be nothing to come to me in the future, bad luck..."

Master Xu walked away with a sullen face, Zhao Guanren immediately grabbed a steward and forced him to place a big seal notice to inform the people of the city that the town magic division was established, and he also put the big seal he had carved for the record. Then I walked out contentedly...

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