One Step to The End

Chapter 1253: The emperor has no more food

Zhao Guanren has accepted concubines, there are more than a dozen of them, big and small, but two hundred and twenty-three concubines in one go. This is something he never dreamed of, and they were just concubines who had not been caught. He also redeemed them. After more than 600 people have been assigned by officials, there are thousands of domestic slaves alone.

"My God! How can this be settled..."

Mother Zhang was stunned when she stood outside the market. The sky was getting dark. Just watching Zhao Guanren riding a black horse and countless beautiful women following me mightily, one could smell the powdery air soaring from a distance, as well as a large number of homes. The slave followed with his bag.

"Little sister sent me Dilang, hey~ I sent it to Damendong..."

Zhao Guanren shook his whip all the way and hummed a little tune. Many high-ranking officials watched eagerly. Most of the concubines took charge of the fields and real estate. Use it, but outsiders can't believe it, what should I do?

Ever since...

Zhao Daguan is the best choice. He has no background and is not a local. A small official is not afraid that he will turn the sky upside down. The key is that he has his own yamen, and he can justify buying people back and take the national teacher. Two shares worse with the emperor, very irony!

Unfortunately, there is only one Zhao Guanren, and it is impossible for anyone who has nothing to do with him to find him. He can only temporarily prevent others from buying the charming concubine and beautiful maidservant, and observe for a few days before making a decision.

"Don't watch it, all go home, it's closed now..."

Many gangsters scold passers-by outside the market. There are too many concubines in Luoyang City. It's not that there are fierce wives in the family who are not allowed to take concubines, or the quota of concubines is full. , And more will be caught tomorrow.

"Cut~ These are not official materials, the only thing in the crotch is in my eyes..."

Zhao Guanren murmured contemptuously. In fact, he didn't react at first, until King Bi took the initiative to hand in sixteen concubines, and he had been confiscated with a large number of family properties.

The old emperor used the check of the foreign concubine to rob the family property and fill the treasury. As for who bought the foreign concubine, the old emperor would not care...

Just look at how these people conceal the sky and cross the sea logically. If you conceal it, you have the ability. If you can’t lie it, it will be a waste. Otherwise, Zhao Guanren bought so many people in one go, and even made Dali Temple Shaoqing crazy. The old emperor had already sent people. Intervened.

"Get out of the way! Lord Slayer Envoy is here..."

Bad people ran out to protect their drivers and clear the way, and the newly hired Fumagists also came out. Bad people are the small speakers of various workshops. It has long been spread that Zhao Guanren borrowed money to buy "yin girls" and used his aunt to make charms. Now, many people ran out to welcome them.

"Don't worry, folks, everyone will have the evil charms, and they will be distributed for free..."

Zhao Guanren rode on the horse and smiled again and again, and came all the way to the new house of Pingle Square. How did he know that his alley was almost crowded, and they all gathered in front of the wall hole to pay the tribute, and everyone wanted to take a bite of "Little Dragon Man". "The fairy spirit.

"Mother Zhang! You brought people into the right courtyard, and the master and servant separated..."

Zhao Guanren jumped off his horse and walked into the crowd. The people suddenly gave way in excitement. When he looked into the newly-built doorway, the inner courtyard was actually full of people, all dressed in white clothes for practicing exercises, sitting cross-legged in the "Fu". The Great Array" breathed out.

"Guys! The Ming Japan Division will be open for a while, you only need to line up to register and you can enter..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and flicked. The courtyard was full of people who spent money to buy places. When he coaxed everyone back for dinner, he entered the inner courtyard to find the landlords and wealthy people. The welfare of the little dragon kowtow.

"Master! Let's get rich, we sold more than eight thousand taels..."

The young lady in the outer courtyard ran over, shivering with excitement, Zhao Guanren screwed her **** and smiled: "Look at you for this, master, I bought more than two thousand slaves and maidservants, and spent a lot of money. Wan, hurry up and ask the kitchen to start a meal, Lord will have a reward tonight!"

"Hey! Thank you Lord..."

The little lady kissed him and ran away. At this time, people sent by officials from various quarters also arrived. They also asked two accounts to help him settle the accounts. At the same time, they sorted out the land deeds and took out the map of Pingle Square and led him. Tour the new site of Banzuofang.

"Master Yin! You left us in this ruined place, what is the matter..."

As soon as Zhao Guanren walked into the back garden of a right house, he saw nearly a thousand beautiful concubines. The people all went to other houses. They stood or sat eating melons and fruits, chatting and comparing in a relaxed atmosphere, without being slaves at all. For the embarrassment of the maid.

"Sorry! There are too many little wives, who are you..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and walked to a beautiful young woman and touched her face. The other party frowned and slapped his hand away, and shouted, "Be careful, I'm King Qin's woman, but it's just a moment. Under your name, you are not really a concubine!"


Zhao Guanren gave her a mouth when he returned his hand and pulled her from the stone bench on the ground. The little ladies in a courtyard were shocked. They looked at him incredibly, and King Qin's concubine was even more shocked: " Do you dare to hit me, I let the prince chop off your head!"

"Ding Guanshi! What did the princes say..."

Zhao Guanren proudly held his hands back, and a steward rushed in and said, "The princes have said that if there are people who do not obey the discipline, you will be at your disposal. If you don't dislike it, you will treat it as your own shame. Concubine, they are your slaves!"


The little ladies in a courtyard were immediately dumbfounded, but Zhao Guanren smiled and said, "You are fortunate enough. Tell me to the princes and adults. If you don’t have someone, you can buy it again. If you don’t have an official, you’ll be gone. Now the court wants to use soldiers. , To spend money like water in a war, look at how far-sighted Bi Wang is!"

"The villain... got it..."

The discolored Guan Shi hurriedly ran out, and many smart women also realized the problem. The emperor checked the concubine as a fake, and it was true that the concubine was fined.

"You really treat yourself as officials' wives. The emperor personally assigned you as slaves. You don't want to get registered in your life, and no one dares to change it for you..."

Zhao Guanren looked around at the women and sneered: "You pig brains still dare to lose their temper with me. Each of you has at least three slaves. Why did I only buy one? Because they only gave money to one person for half a month. Living expenses!"

"you're lying!"

A young lady exclaimed in anger: "Just now, the family told me that the master paid enough money to eat and drink here for a year, and will not make us suffer. When the limelight passes, we will be redeemed. You swallowed our money!"

"You belong to Mr. Qian, don't you know the characters? I will show you the ledger..."

Zhao Guanren took out the account book from his shoulder bag, opened it, and said, "Keep your eyes open and take a good look. You have four concubines in one residence. Each concubine’s ransom fee is fifty-two, and four female concubines are sixty-two, leaving eighty. The two are living expenses. If you follow the standards of the next person, you really have enough food for one year!"

"This is impossible……"

The little lady snatched the ledger anxiously, and looked through it anxiously with other women. She said anxiously: "The master said that he gave you a lot of money. Let's live, it can't be this way!"

"You also know that I bought half a square, and more than two thousand people live in 19 houses, squeezing you to death..."

Zhao Guanren disdainfully said: "There are people in the mansion just now, take your illegitimate children away, and keep your hidden private property for you. This is the reason why you were redeemed. Their money is in your hands, of course there are still some. Not tired of playing!"

"Asshole! He lied to me, I am not a slave, I want to go out..."

The little ladies cried and threw down the ledger. They slammed away from the crowd and were about to run. The six sturdy servants rushed in and pressed her to the ground and slapped her face. The scared others did not dare to say anything. I can only cry in grief and grief over my mouth.

"Be locked into the firewood room! Sold to Ma Hao as his wife tomorrow..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the account book with a cold face, the little ladies immediately rushed over in horror, and kowtow begged: "My lord! I was wrong, I will never dare to do it again, no! Master, I am your slave, you forgave the slave maid. One time, the slave and maid must take care of you!"

"Close it!"

Zhao Guanren kicked her away coldly, and the little ladies were immediately picked up by the servants. The women who were frightened by crying shivered, but another group of women came in on the table, and the table was covered with small bamboo boards like waist cards.

"The one who reads the name stands behind me, your ex-husband gave enough money..."

Zhao Guanren took out another booklet and said, "You have your own room, and someone will serve you. You open a small stove every day and pay the monthly bill. The four people in a house that I didn’t read about will come to the cafeteria every day for big pot meals. No one will serve you. , Take care of all trivial matters!"


The women immediately widened their eyes nervously. After Zhao Guanren said the name, they immediately ran behind him in cheers and went to the table to receive a red-headed numbered card and perform simple identity registration. They were all happy.

"Oh! With me and me, my prince still loves me..."

King Qin's favorite concubine yelled excitedly. After Zhao Guanren gave her a cross, she immediately frightened like a good grandson, bit her red lips and walked over, but she became the last one, nearly a thousand people. Only more than a hundred people were called.

"My lord! I'm Zhang Wang. Didn't my officials give money..."

A light mature woman rushed out quickly. After Zhao Guanren turned over the account book to her, she suddenly cried like crazy: "I am not a brothel singing girl, I am a good concubine with my own dowry. I will give birth to him. Parenting, why does he treat me like this?"


The women were all crying and grabbing the ground with her, stubbornly swearing, and a lot of them slumped on the ground as if they were silly, the money was gone, the body was gone, and they had to be slaves and slaves. Really human. Money is empty and miserable.

"Don't cry, Lord will find you a way to survive..."

Zhao Guanren said loudly: "I will open a few workshops. I will do some delicate work that is not tiring. I will pay a buck a day. However, the crafts I teach are unique. No worries for sure!"

The women immediately looked at him eagerly and asked: "Master! If we save enough money, can we redeem ourselves?"

"You don't need to redeem yourself, I will do it for a year, no! Do it for me for a year, I will help you get registered as a good..."

Zhao Guanren said: "Girls! Backers will fall, and everyone will run away. Only those who are the most reliable and willing to work come to register. You can advance half a month's wages in advance and receive your maidservant. My maid will provide food and drink, but the money will be paid. Do it yourself, do you understand?"

"I work! Don't rely on stinky men, I will rely on myself in the future..."

A woman rushed over with tears, and others followed over to register. Only a small group of women were unwilling, or desperate, and still slumped on the ground blankly.

"Master! How do we do..."

The concubine of the dead ghost King Qing came over, her daughter Li Sheyue was still in shackles, and her granddaughter followed pathetically.

"Cuiyu is right, you are slaves bought by the Lord, different from them..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and said: "Go find something to pry off your daughter's shackles, and then help settle these women, and let this king see how you are capable. If you are smart and capable, help me do things. If you are just a vase, enter the inner house. The rules of the palace are all. Same!"

"Hey! I see, master..."

Cuiyu nodded in surprise, but as soon as she pulled her daughter away, Li Sheyue suspiciously said: "Mother! Did you just hear that? He actually calls himself the king, and said that the rules of the palace are the same?"

"Just your ears, so many princes' concubines are offering him, he can't shake his majesty..."

Yucui gave her an angry look, but Li Sheyue still looked back at Zhao Guanren and whispered: "I always feel that he is not like an ordinary person. He is not only a hero, but also a royal style. Should he? Will it be... the emperor's son?"

"Oh~ It's really possible that you said that, the emperor's son is about the same age as him..."

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