One Step to The End

Chapter 1268: Princess of the North

"No! I don't have any stolen money, I'm really an honest official..."

Xu Shiming knelt on the ground and kowtowed, crying, and his stern voice made people look into his heart. Even the small official who was in charge of copying the house shook his head and said: "The surname Xu is only beautiful. The wife and daughter wear two or three years of clothes, so we didn't copy. After such a poor fourth-grade official, two domestic slaves ran away!"

"Xu Shiming! If you don't pay, your daughter will have no face to see people..."

Zhao Guanren stared at each other reluctantly, and Xu Shiming shook his head in tears: "Master Yin! Except for the money and courtesy that everyone receives, the official can swear to God that he has not greeted a penny of dirty money. There are more than a dozen in my hometown. Mu Susukada, if you don’t dislike it, I will give it to you!"

"My lord! Our family really doesn't have any money, I'm an official, he's really not greedy..."

Madam Xu’s crying nose bubbling, and the two daughters almost fainted. Even Li Sheyue couldn't bear to look at it. He hesitated and pulled Zhao Guanren's sleeve.

"Xu Shiming! I still have some sympathy for you..."

Zhao Guanren said contemptuously: "But now it seems that you are a selfish shameless villain who deserves to be smashed to kill a donkey, Liuer! Go and figure out his stolen money and let his wife and children take a good look. What kind of face is this great upright official!"

"Come here! Open the floor tiles of the study for me..."

A beautiful concubine clapped her hands in disdain. Xu Shiming suddenly raised her head. Several strong guys ran in with tools and digging in the study in the courtyard. Zhao Guanren also waved his hands to kill Xu Shiming. The whole family took it.

"Wow! Master, there are so many silver bars under here..."

One guy shouted in shock, and the Xu family raised their heads in surprise. The four guys were surprised to find two thick bamboo sticks and picked out a dozen large porcelain cylinders one after another from under the floor tiles, each with a big cylinder. It was stuffed with silver bars or ingots.

"Official, official! Where does this talent come from? It's not yours. Talk to you..."

Madam Xu turned her head back in horror, her man slumped to the ground like a gray face, staring at the ground without saying a word.

"Aren't you an upright official? Didn't you swear to heaven? Why don't you talk anymore..."

Zhao Guanren said in disgust: "You dare to make false accounts based on your level. You have embezzled 150,000 taels of silver in the Town Demon Division. You were greedy for more than half of the money!"

"Asshole! You damn..."

Mrs. Xu yelled frantically, and her two daughters also cried and yelled at the same time. Before, she naively thought that the honest father was wronged. How could he know that he would rather be stripped of his wife and daughter than give him the embezzled money. Hand it over.

"Okay! Your crime is enough to kill you now, don't want to spend money to come back after exile..."

Zhao Guanren walked over with a smile, Xu Shiming was completely persuaded this time, crying bitterly and begging him to spare his life, Zhao Guanren asked him to be dragged into the wood house.

"I will give you a chance to survive..."

Zhao Guanren squatted down and said: "The day you framed me in the old palace, who gave you advice behind your back? After I was escorted into the carriage, there was a man talking to me outside the carriage. I never heard his voice. Who is this guy?"

"Lord Jin, Jin Wuwei Chen, you should have seen it..."

Xu Shiming whispered: "Lord Chen suddenly found me that day and said that he had found you adulterated the princess, and asked me to do what he said. He taught me what I said, and he was the one who blocked you. There are six CPAs who are leaving!"

Zhao Guanren was surprised: "What the **** is Taibao?"

"In the past, there were the well-known Thirteen Taibaos, all brave and invincible, and the emperor was surrounded by thirteen great masters, and those who slapped horses called them the Thirteen Taibao..."

Xu Shiming explained: "Most people can't see them. They will be little guards and eunuchs for a while. That day they will pretend to be my servants of the Dali Temple. I didn't recognize them at first, and I overheard Chen Commander's words. , There are six Taibao masters, and that kid is doomed to escape!"

"Thirteen Taibao is it!"

Zhao Guanren nodded and stood up, and took Xu Shiming out and said, "Come on! The youngest of the Xu family follows the rules of the imperial court. The women send to the education workshop, and the men go to work. No one is allowed to harrass and humiliate the female relatives. Xu Shiming takes him away. Exiled for three thousand miles!"

"Master Xie Yin is forgiving, your great kindness is unforgettable for the villain..."

Xu Shiming bowed in gratitude and thanked him, his wife immediately rushed to slap him, grabbed him by the hair and yelled at him. Two yamen quickly separated the two and put a rope around Xu Shiming's neck, so that he was led away like a bereavement dog. NS.

"Master! Your little wife's **** is for nothing..."

Cuiyu came over unhappily and wanted to take off Mrs. Xu's pants, but Li Sheyue said, "Mother! That kind of feeling is too painful, and it can really ruin a woman's life. Master, his mouth is cruel and soft, let's just Don't commit evil anymore!"

"That's right! My little wife is sensible..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and touched her head. He stepped forward and asked people to pick all the money back. Who knows that a little maid ran in from outside the courtyard and said in salute: "My grandfather! Miss, please visit the mansion for a while. I have something to do with you. discuss!"

"Auntie? You belong to the prince's concubine, right? What's the name of the prince's concubine..."

Zhao Guanren greeted him curiously, and the little maid smiled "pouch" and said: "Auntie! Miss is no longer the princess, she is your daughter-in-law, my lady's name is Zhao Bilian, the fifth oldest in the family, you can also call her a little girl. five!"

"Zhao Bilian? Don't have a blue face, how do you call this unlucky name..."

Zhao Guanren murmured subconsciously, and the little maid stomped and groaned: "What are you talking about? Heyin is slanted by Bicui, and the lotus shadow divides dividends. The young lady's name comes from this poem. The sixth lady in our family is called Zhao Biying, which is very poetic and artistic. Name!"

"Zhao Biying? Her father wouldn't be called Zhao Qingtian..."

Zhao Guanren’s expression suddenly turned weird, and the little maid said in amazement: "Look at what my uncle said, even if you don’t know the name of Master Yue, Master Longyou Jiedu should know, Zhao Qingtian is not your Master Yue. NS?"

"I'm going! Eight million for one person, Grand Marshal White Fire..."

Zhao Guanren almost stared his eyes out. Zhao Qingtian was the Grand Marshal in the middle of Garan Secret Realm. The first time they met the white fire class boss, and this group of people went to conquer the devil to protect the "Great National Master", and the eight million troops all fought. Died in secret.

"Mofeihai is Yongye? It's not right, it doesn't look like it at all..."

Zhao Guanren looked up at the sky in surprise. The eight million army finally won and sealed a ray of the remnant soul of the old black demon in the skull tower. Unfortunately, they did not know that the Great Kingdom Master was a hypocrite and became the famous for future generations-Yong King of the night.

"Uncle! The carriage is already outside, are you going..."

The little maid waved her hand in doubt. Zhao Guanren, who had recovered her senses, nodded quickly and asked Li Sheyue and the others to **** the money back, and they got into the carriage outside the courtyard with the little maid and went all the way to the house of the princess.

'wrong! Yongye is from Garan. At this time, Garan hasn’t had an accident...’

Zhao Guanren secretly secretly said: "After the accident, Yong Ye and the old black demon fell out, and went to other places to start a new stove, and eventually became a great master of eight million people. This definitely has nothing to do with Fahai, but Zhao Qingtian They all appeared, and Garan was afraid something was about to happen! ’

"Uncle! Zhao Mansion is here..."

The carriage slowly stopped outside the gate of a large mansion. The Zhao family compound was built on a hillside, occupying half of the square, only a few hundred meters away from the imperial palace. The Zhao family’s door was already wide open, and the old man of the Zhao family was wearing a formal dress. , Led the family to greet him at the door in person.

"Grandfather! How can you greet you personally, my son-in-law is flattered..."

Zhao Guanren jumped out of the car and walked forward quickly. The old man was Shang Shusheng's right-hand shooter, and “push-shooting” means being in charge. The official rank of the second-ranking member has been counted as the end of his official position in Datang, but his position is said to be the prime minister. Unpleasant is a nameless job.

"Oh! My son-in-law, we finally meet again..."

The old man called him grandfather as soon as he heard him coming up, and he immediately pulled him to greet him with a smile, and introduced him to his family one by one. Except for the "bride" who returned to the furnace, the Zhao family almost all came to greet him, even his sister-in-law Zhao Biying. Out.

'I go! It really is the princess of the North...’

Zhao Guanren instinctively looked at Zhao Biying. Zhao Biying is now at most fifteen or six years old. In later generations, she was taken away by the clone of the old black demon, washed away her memory and became a princess in the north, and her poor elder brother just let her transgender into a woman. .

"What are you staring at me..."

The little girl raised her fist immediately and yelled: "Do you want to try this young lady's fist? I'm not as easy to deal with as my sister. If I lose, I beat you into a bamboo bear!"

"Xiaoying! Don't fool around, call brother-in-law..."

Grandpa Zhao pointed at her with a smile and cursed, but Zhao Guanren suddenly stepped forward and whispered: "You have a birthmark on your left butt, and a red mole on your belly button. Hurry up and call your good brother-in-law. Take a bath by the river!"

"You, you shamelessly, I will enlarge the fat and bite you..."

Zhao Biying's face flushed immediately, and she ran back furiously. Zhao Guanren laughed, and the Zhao family also laughed. They all regarded Zhao Biying as a child. It seemed that she could become a princess in the North for at least ten years.

"My son-in-law! The banquet is ready, let's talk while eating..."

The old man Zhao led him to the house. He was very happy. He should have learned that Zhao Guanren's sudden emergence had helped him resolve the crisis of trust in his son. Not only did he not have to go to war, he also put the hat of rebellion on others. On the head.


A handsome "brother son" came out of the inner house. It was the princess who was dressed as a man. She was still wearing a soaring ponytail, a white robe embroidered with silver patterns, and a paper fan in her waist. The two headlights are bulging, and they don't have a handsome charm.

"Haha~ Isn't this my wife? No need to salute this time..."

Zhao Guanren sprinted in front of her, and the princess's pretty face turned red with a swipe, angrily twisted his waist, and stared: "When did you salute? You are so proud of you last time. I haven't played enough, this time let you carry it home and play slowly, Grand Prince!"

"Am I proud?"

Zhao Guanren smirked and said: "For my husband, I will tell you a few allusions. There are three major sufferings in life: punting, ironing, and selling tofu; there are three hard things in life: bolts on the door, bricks in the ground, and birds in the crotch; there are three greens in life. , Watermelon peel, **** lid, prince!"


The princess covered her mouth and smiled, but Zhao Guanren said: "There are three major leisures in life, the money of corrupt officials, the prince’s daughter-in-law, and the monk’s bird; there are three major lapses in life, the concubine is pryed, the wife is soaked, and... Be caught and marry home!"


The crown prince’s face changed suddenly, and she was frightened and said: "You think I am a remarried woman, not worthy of your unmarried high-ranking official, right? Then you go to the emperor and regret the marriage, but I am not begging. You marry me, you don’t want to marry me or you don’t want to marry!"

"I can see that you really don't want to marry..."

Zhao Guanren said coldly: "The prince is an asshole. He is not playing with rabbits, but by rabbits. He encourages you to pretend to be a woman, isn't it just to be a rabbit? You haven't walked enough through the back door, or you are addicted to it. Disgusting me by dressing like this?"

"I didn't mean it, I didn't expect those..."

The crown prince stomped her feet anxiously, and ran to her boudoir in frustration. Unexpectedly, when she heard a bleating cry, Zhao Guanren thought there was a sheep, but instinctively turned her head to see that it was actually a head. Adult panda wearing a collar.

"You dare to bully my sister, big fat! Give me a bite of him..."

"Damn! Isn't it illegal for you to raise this thing? Don't chase me..."

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