One Step to The End

Chapter 1276: Defeated like a mountain

The loyal monarch and loves the people, and the news spread all over the city for a long time. Businessmen who wanted to invest money took their hands, but even if a modern engineer came, it would be useless. Whether or not a match was made is no longer important. It’s huge. Not everyone can fill the shortfall.

"Oh! This nap is so beautiful..."

Liu Tianliang lazily walked out of the mansion, four beautiful concubines followed out yawning, and the leader put a big cloak on him, and said, "Master! The concubine will not really run away. Hundreds of people went looking for it, but no one was found for eight days!"

"You won't have any part in 80 days, just take care of yourself this year..."

Liu Tianliang put on his cloth shoes and went to the study. After a while, he changed his outfit. He wore four large gold rings on his ten fingers, a large gold chain and small gold medals around his neck, a crocodile leather briefcase, and a mink. The fur coat, with a breath of nouveau riche, went out.

"Master! The carriage is ready..."

A maidservant was waiting outside the door early. She was beautifully dressed and attractive. It was the maid-in-law Qiaomei bought by Zhao Guanren. The groom who drove was her father. All her family came from Mingquan County, where she wanted to help the poor. Tianliang, a contracted worker in Mingquan County, can be regarded as a half fellow.

"It's cold! Wear more clothes and don't freeze my little girl..."

Liu Tianliang took Qiaomei into the carriage. His father nodded and drove the carriage. After Qiaomei put down the curtains, she opened her waistcoat and smiled: "Master! The slave is wearing an open coat, you If your hand is cold, put it in the arms of the slave!"

"What's wrong?"

Liu Tianliang lit a cigarette and smiled: "Do you think your master is weak, or do you think your master doesn't hurt you anymore, and you want the freshly broken melon again?"

"Why! In your words, it's called pai noodles. The slave's master must have pai noodles..."

Qiaomei blushed and said: "The sons of the big family have cold hands. They are all warmed in the arms of slaves and maids. They are called meat stoves. In the suburbs, a group of official prostitutes will be surrounded by the cold wind, called prostitutes. People’s bed warmers are really warm, so they’re just picking the hottest girl into the quilt!"

"Don't worry about these mischievous things, our family is not a palace..."

Liu Tianliang shook his head dumbfoundedly, and took out a small porcelain jar from his purse. After opening it, he squeezed out a candied date to eat, but Qiao Mei snatched it away and exclaimed, "Yin date! Who is this? Didn’t I buy it from the workshop?”

"Ah! What's wrong, I bought it at an official shop, saying it's a big supplement..."

Liu Tianliang nodded in astonishment, and stomped his feet with a clever girl: "Those **** who have been plagued by the disease have actually deceived you. This is what they took out of their urine. The jujube pot is their spittoon, Lord Ma. Don't even touch it!"


Liu Tianliang plunged his head out of the window and vomited directly. The angry Qiaomei also threw the porcelain bottle and quickly took out the ginseng soup to rinse his mouth. After the carriage stopped outside a restaurant, he took it with him. Qiaomei got out of the car and walked in.

"Little Er! As usual..."

Liu Tianliang went to the second floor of the familiar door, and went to the private room facing the street to look out. The Suppressor’s Yamen was not far away. After all the refreshments were available, Qiaomei consciously guarded the door. In addition, a middle-aged man dressed as a shopkeeper walked in.

"My boss! The Town Demon Division is bragging, and the only people who resume work are the two sugar shops, and the fire is resting..."

The shopkeeper sat down and said in a low voice: "There is a person named Baili Hongle who has been sitting at the Demon Division in the past few days, but he is not a businessperson either. I heard that he came up with an idea similar to'Meng Cai', and he was complacent. The show off caused Master Kang to scold him!"

"Meng Cai? What is Baili Hongle from? Is it an official..."

Liu Tianliang's heart moved, Mengcai was an ancient lottery, but he also checked the classics to find out that Datang had banned it more than a hundred years ago, and even the regulations were more detailed than modern laws, so he was able to come up with such a bad idea. The guy is definitely not from Datang.

"No! The **** of General Baili's family, Shenducheng's famous wine bag and rice bag, but Master Kang actually asked him to manage the business, I don't know which way he was crazy..."

The shopkeeper whispered: "He told me to pay 300,000 taels in advance, and packed it with smoked candies. What kind of instant noodles, songhua eggs, hand-pressed water wells, and asked me if I want dynamite, it's all strange tricks. Coincidentally, I want to sell for another 200,000 yuan, and my brain made the donkey kick it!"

"Haha~ You go to find out again, which fairy is that thing..."

Liu Tianliang laughed happily. The other party is a modern person, but not any modern person can invent. Zhao Guanren also spent many years in the big man before he gradually understood these things. He was only in the group of six. Have this ability.

"Hey! Wait a minute..."

Liu Tianliang suddenly found a carriage in the palace. After stopping outside the town’s devil’s division, several eunuchs came down. He immediately took out a stack of silver bills and stuffed them to the other party. After whispering to the other party, the shopkeeper’s eyes lit up. Pi Diandian ran down.

"My boss! The chief executive has invited you here, come out soon..."

After a while, the shopkeeper yelled from outside. Liu Tianliang put on his hat and walked out hurriedly, just watching a few big inner guards come up and observe around, followed by "Duke Wei" who walked up with his head raised and said, "Listen. Say you have a big deal, right?"

"My lord! If there is no big business partner, how dare the villain invite you to come..."

Liu Tianliang stepped forward and smiled: "The little surname is Peng and the name is Donglai. He is a merchant from Hedong Road. Hearing that the Town Demon Division is hiring agents, the villain came here admiringly. He did find two good things. I hope my lord can mediate from this and enter into it for a while!"

"It just happens to be exhausted, let's have a good cup of tea, just talk, let me listen..."

Chen Guangda waved lazily, and the guards immediately drove the individual customers off, even Qiaomei and the shopkeeper were not allowed to come up, but after Chen Guangda walked into the private room, he suddenly pointed to the waist card on his waist, and then did it. Made a silent gesture.

"My lord! What do you think of this pot of tea, the silver tea that just came out of the oven..."

Liu Tianliang took out a large stack of silver tickets and closed the door with a smile. The two deliberately discussed the business for a while. After Chen Guangda took off his waist card and stuffed it into a copper box, he whispered: "Just ascended. Officer, the dog emperor sent someone to monitor me day and night!"

"I found it! The soul killer behind Master Kang is Baili Hongle from the Baili family, bastard..."

Liu Tianliang talked about the matter with his ears, and Chen Guangda nodded slightly and said, "This guy is probably Liu Wuya or Lu Datou. They are very cautious in doing things. Baili Hongle is probably just a cover, but it must follow this vine. Can touch them!"

"Aren went to meet Lao Zhao, but the Black Sun Demon King didn't even have a slight eyebrow..."

Liu Tianliang whispered: "We have to take care of one of the two tasks. If Lao Zhao comes back with him, I will immediately take the money back to Mingquan County to help the poor. If Lao Zhao does not come to Luoyang, it means that Mingquan’s affairs are very troublesome. I'm afraid it can't be solved with money!"

"The second task is definitely more difficult than the first. You are afraid that you are going back to help Old Zhao..."

Chen Guangda frowned and said, "If you count Baili Hongle, the Soulkillers have found three, but the other two are newcomers. They don't even recognize my face, and Baili Hongle didn't contact them either. But you can silence one quietly and ask them what their mission is!"

"Yeah! When Aren comes back, he will be bored..."

Liu Tianliang took out a porcelain jar from his bag, poured a few yin jujubes into the tea tray, pinched one and threw it into his tea bowl.

"Kang Eleven hung up in a hurry, and the work simply can't go on..."

Chen Guangda squeezed one and threw it into his mouth, muttering: "The old emperor has bloodied his scolding. He doesn't even have room for excuse. The work is all arranged by him, but how exactly does Xiao Renzi fill the gap? The reputation of the Town Demon Division is already stinking!"


Liu Tianliang picked up the tea bowl and blew it, put it back without drinking it, and said with a wry smile: "I also asked this question, but he asked me back, have you ever seen a MLM filling pit? He didn't want to fill it at the beginning. pit?"

"If you don't fill in the hole, you can't play anymore, there must be a back hand..."

Chen Guangda tilted his head thoughtfully. After the two chatted a few more words, he ate another yin jujube and wondered: "You candied jujube tastes a little weird, with some sourness in the sweetness. There are still some in the astringency...Anyway, it looks like a girl!"

"Yin jujube! Big tonic..."

Liu Tianliang took out another can and placed it on the table. Chen Guangda spit out his tongue and cursed: "Nima! You didn't say it earlier, it's no wonder that you have a familiar taste. You guy's taste is so heavy, you keep it for yourself. Eat, I want to eat. There are a lot of talented people who will make it for me!"

"Hey! The queen is not pretty, so I will arrange a noble concubine for my brother another day..."

Liu Tianliang looked at him eagerly, Chen Guangda stood up and patted him on the shoulder, and said bitterly: "Brother advises you not to go down the evil road. You don’t understand the suffering of the harem. The beauties are three thousand and three, and three thousand and two are all. Virgin, I am a bridegroom every night and I can't straighten my waist!"

"Fuck off! Da Shao Bao..."

Liu Tianliang pushed him away unhappily, Chen Guangda took out his waist card and walked out with his hand. Liu Tianliang could only send him down again. How did he know that a fast horse suddenly galloped past and knocked down two vendors. , But still ran away without looking back.

"Eight Baili rush, this is the frontline military situation..."

Chen Guangda murmured subconsciously. After a wink at Liu Tianliang, he quickly went out and climbed into the carriage and let people drive straight towards the Ministry of War. Only two eunuchs were brought into the office hall, just in time to see the haggard pawn. He collapsed on the ground and drank water.

"Not good! Tubo made 150,000 troops and raided Nanzhao five days ago..."

An attendant just opened the bamboo tube that sent the letter and held up the military newspaper exclaimed: "Nanzhao has no defense, fifty thousand defenders...none, one hundred thousand rebels from Tianzhu also launched a fierce attack on the same day. Ask for help, Mojie Jiedushi asks for help, Benja and Nanzhao both ask for help!"

"How can they go south? How can they go south, don't they want their nests..."

The Bingbu Shangshumu cried out, even Chen Guangda in the courtyard frowned. Tubo's reaction was almost abnormal. It is estimated that the Nanzhao Jeddu envoy had just received the imperial decree, and they had already called, and Xia Buer was also on the way, far away from the Longyou Army.

"My lord! I'm afraid they had sent troops before they realized that Tubo was going to rebel..."

An attendant solemnly said: "The Longyou Army is not good at attacking the city. Tubo only needs to retain 50,000 troops and it can be delayed for several months. They definitely want to take advantage of the fact that they are not ready to take down Nanzhao. I have already set off, and I can arrive in Nanzhao within ten days at most!"

"My lord! Reinforcement won't come out..."

The postman shouted angrily: "Jiannan and Lingnan defenders said that they have not seen the imperial decree, and they must not send troops privately. They met King Yan and King Ning's subordinates this morning. They have not yet gone out a hundred miles, and they are still hunting in the mountains. I'm going to bury the pot and cook!"


Shangshu of the Ministry of War spit out old blood, turned his head and fainted. Chen Guangda turned his head and walked out. He knew that the imperial decree would definitely arrive. If he didn't arrive, it was an excuse. The soldiers and horses who rebelled were all desperate, drunk and drunk. The officials didn't want to die.

"Oh, hey! Lord Fu Ma, Lord Fu Ma..."

The little **** suddenly exclaimed, only to see Zhao Guanren galloping in alone, jumping over the courtyard wall and into the courtyard, shouting loudly: "My lord! The big thing is not good, there are a large number of forest monsters assisting the Tubo rebels. I'm afraid I will go south to siege the city!"

"What is Lin Yao?"

"It's the monster in the woods, good at jungle warfare..."

"Nanzhao is a plateau, and the battlefields are all open areas. Where does the jungle come from..."

"Ah! Missing words, fighting in the mountains, wading through the mountains and rivers, like walking on the ground, extremely vicious..."

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