One Step to The End

Chapter 1282: Soul piercing sequelae

Hexi Village is probably the first compensation village for demolition in history. Not only did the villagers receive compensation, their new houses and land were better than before. The slack farming industry could also enter the government to do odd jobs, causing nearby villages to see the word “demolition”. Greedy, chasing all day long... Can our village be demolished?

"Cover! Shoot! Go to the wall..."

Zhao Guanren was riding a war horse with a spear. More than two thousand monsters were training in batches, and the huge "training base" was an unmanned town. It seemed to practice street fighting for the purpose of killing monsters, but the town had an ancient city wall, so he turned his head. Can go to practice siege warfare.

"Practice a round of Fumo Lei throwing, and practice again after the lunch break..."

Zhao Guanren looked at the sky and beat the horse and left. He added insignificant silver powder to the grenade, and declared that it was a vampire mine that can drive away evil spirits. The artillery shells are vampire bombs, and there are several batches of recruits training in the depths, thousands of acres. The land has been turned into a military restricted zone.

"Charge! Charge..."

A shout sounded from the outer racecourse, but in fact only 30 cavalrymen were in training. Datang has very strict control over the horses. The Ministry of War will spot checks from time to time. No matter how many people throw their thighs, it is easy to say, but it is never allowed to sneak cavalry. The 30-person Qingqi is still a post pawn.

"My husband! The bones are so tough, I wear a single coat in the cold weather..."

Having said that, a team of military officials came over on donkeys and horses. The Demon Division is only responsible to the emperor at the moment, but the business is so complicated that several departments can manage them, and the training base is under the jurisdiction of the military. Came to eat the big family.

"Haha~ Master Wu, this is a pinch, let’s eat lamb in red soup for lunch today..."

Zhao Guanren was familiar with taking out cigarettes and distributing them, but a few people unexpectedly refused, and Master Wu asked carefully: "Master Ma! I heard that you were lowered by someone two days ago, and a dozen people fell in one breath. , Is there such a thing?"

"Ha~ You are afraid of being infected..."

Zhao Guanren lit the cigarette and laughed: "There are indeed brain-disabled people who are dropping their heads, and they are still dropping their heads by the plague. This is to kill them all together, but as long as the correct medicine is prescribed, the victim has been quarantined. It will be fine in a few days!"

"My husband! I'm afraid that this matter was done by the Sun-shooting cult. They are taking revenge on you..."

Master Wu suddenly said with hatred: "The sun-shooting cult not only has many evildoers, but also dared to besiege the imperial officials. Taiyi Dao suffered heavy casualties. The head was besieged and killed by masters. Master Lu broke his arm and was unconscious, Tianyangzi. My lord is also missing!"


Zhao Guanren was shocked and said: "There are more than a thousand Taiyi Dao masters, haven't even a village been taken down? Is this **** Sagittarius trying to rebel?"

"What's more! There are a thousand soldiers rushing to help, but it is said that the mountains and plains are full of cultists, all of them are like crazy demons, and they dare to rush forward if they are unarmed..."

Master Wu said in frustration: "Taiyi Road was almost completely destroyed, and more than half of the 1,000 soldiers were killed or injured. The emperor smashed the tea bowl in court today and sent a tiger army to encircle and suppress it. Thanks to your timely discovery, otherwise these cultists will be there. On the side of Luoyang, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"Zhou Siguan!"

Zhao Guanren turned his head and yelled, "Spread three hundred volt magicians to aid the tiger's army, and bring 3,000 masks and detoxification pills. Beware of the cult's lowering of the head. If you find the victim, you must be isolated in time. Report the change in time!"


A steward immediately rode away, but people came in the palace before the word fell. The emperor asked them to increase the intensity of investigating the cult. No village in Datang was allowed to let go. Zhao Guanren took the opportunity to ask for two thousand horses, and he deliberately weakened it. Troops, the name is—Quick Response Team!

"It's a lot of fun this time, I have a hornet's nest..."

Zhao Guanren rode out to the camp by himself. He knew that the shooting school was not easy to provoke, so he deliberately asked Lu Poyan to try the water, and then let Liu Tianliang take the opportunity to infernal affairs. Who knew that the combat effectiveness of these lunatics had exploded, and he was so famous. Taiyi Dao was destroyed by the group.

"Go! Go back to the city for dinner..."

Zhao Guanren yelled when he left the camp. Fifty light cavalry immediately followed. There were also two hundred crossbowmen and swordsmen who accompanied them. General officials would never be allowed to bring so many soldiers, but everyone knows that he has many enemies. The emperor specially approved him a "two hundred and five."


"Jiu Niu! Red Bean Niu Niu..."

A beautiful young lady was sitting on the side of the street with her back leaning on her own shop. There were more than ten bowls of fermented rice on the table in front of her. Regular customers threw down the copper coins and even took the bowls away, but she was in her twenties. At her age, she is dressed as a girl who has not yet come out of the cabinet.

"Miaoqin! Your hand is so clever, let's help a lady sew her pants..."

An old woman came over with a basket on her back. The little lady enthusiastically took a pair of trousers, and skillfully picked up the needle and thread to sew them, but after halfway through the stitching, another guest came and picked up a bowl of fermented rice and asked: "Lady Lin, you How much is a bowl of tofu?"

"Don't be happy about the Nujia. The Nujia only sells fermented rice, not..."

The little lady raised her head with a smile, but her smile froze before she finished speaking. Only when Zhao Guanren was standing in front of her with a bowl, a long soldier stood along the street, she suddenly sighed and whispered: "Come in, my mother is choosing food on the opposite side!"

"Huh? I thought you would continue to act, why did you lie flat..."

Zhao Guanren carried the wine into the shop, but no one was seen in the outer hall, and Lin Miaoqin also followed in silently, saying: "I've been lying flat a long time ago. I am the one-eyed girl in the wasteland pass. You spared my life. , I didn't fight you in the last level!"

"Oh, hello~ this is really the back door of the crematorium-to deal with acquaintances..."

Zhao Guanren sat down and ate two sips of fermented fermented rice, and smiled: “Your fermented fermented fermented rice is really good, but you’re a bit stinky and shameless. Did you think I didn’t find you in the last level? Even God made me kill you!"

"Maybe I am here to repay you. We wasteland people occasionally say credit..."

Lin Miaoqin also sat down and said, "I have never been unconditionally let go. They either snatched my food or assaulted me, and they had to pee on my head. When I let go, I thought I was dead... I saw an angel!"

"Yeah~ Brother is just a ray of light in the world, so warm that you panic..."

Zhao Guanren smirked and straightened up, lit a cigarette and said: "This round is a big mark. Maybe we are going to fight here for ten or eight years. Hurry up and get something valuable, or I will catch you back. Maid, slap you three times a day!"

"Okay! Whoever doesn't slap, who is a dog, this is heaven to me..."

The one-eyed girl sat down and said: "There is no endless killing, no unpleasant acid rain, and you can sleep all night until dawn. I am willing to stay here for the rest of my life, and I don’t want to be like Leiqiu and the others. I would rather keep the painful memories. I don’t want to lose myself!"

Zhao Guanren frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"You must know that the sequelae of soul wear is very big, otherwise you won't be able to wear flesh..."

The one-eyed girl said sternly: "Every time we change our bodies, it is equivalent to an extra personality. Some people who have come here have confused memories. Before dying, Jiang told me that he doesn't remember the appearance of Garan, and there is too much in his mind. Many parents, he doesn't know where his home is!"


Zhao Guanren asked solemnly: "Have you talked to Leiqiu recently? Is he in this situation? I haven't seen him in three levels!"

"Talked! I asked him what the planet Garan is like..."

The one-eyed girl gently shook her head and said, "Leiqiu said that the folk customs of Garan are simple and honest. You two sold crayfish together. They were all raised in your own pond. But he couldn't say it halfway through, because Liu Liangyu said, "You are here." There is no pond in Jialan's home, you are talking about the earth!"

"Hey~ that's not the earth, that's the big man..."

Zhao Guanren sighed: "I ran into an armadillo in Wasteland Pass. I called him his real name. He didn't respond. He asked me how I became mature. At that time, I knew the problem was big and he almost forgot who he was. Unexpectedly, the big head would be like this!" "There is even more terrifying, Liu Ziyang is a woman in the last stage..."

The one-eyed girl said with a weird face: "I was frightened by him after a brief return. When Liu Ziyang smiled, he would cover his mouth, and sit with his legs up and slanted. He would bite his lip when he saw a handsome guy, indicating that he has not been in a feminine state. In other words... his personality disappeared!"

"Liu Ziyang? Liu Wuya, his cousin..."

Zhao Guanren shuddered, and said disgustedly: "So pure men have been bent, next time Soul Killer will not be able to be on again. If it is not possible, it will be bayonet, right! Do you have any information, otherwise it is true? I caught you back and slapped you?"

"You're catching someone who shoots Rijiao, Lin Miaoqin is a cultist, or a maid of Jingxiang..."

The one-eyed girl whispered: "There is a black soul group veteran who is in the Sun-Shooting Cult. I was probably afraid of something bad. After he found me, he threw a note and asked me to lie down and wait for instructions. There are secret notes in many places, and I lowered your head!"

"how do you know?"

"Yesterday I went to Boyang Houfu to deliver the fermented rice noodles. I accidentally discovered that their young grandmother's left shoulder was burned with three small smoke scars. That is the mark of the third grade bidet, which means that she has let a great law king go whoring..."

The one-eyed girl chuckled and said: "If I made it clear that I used her, I didn’t expect it to be four pregnant women, and set up a magic circle. I asked a knowledgeable warlock about it. This is a very vicious head-down technique. There is no one else but to deal with you, right?"

"It's really a head-down technique, do you know where Dafa King is..."

Zhao Guanren lay on the table, but the one-eyed girl shook her head and smiled: "Big brother! Although I am not selling my own person, but let people know that I am too small to survive. Let's take ten thousand taels of silver and I will move. Get out of the city, stay away from right and wrong!"

"It's not a shame..."

Zhao Guanren took out a large stack of silver tickets and handed it to her, saying, "You can do it with me. I won this level and let you escape from the Soul Killer and settle in Garan. How about?"

"Forget it! It's hard for me to believe in a person, and I don't want my dream to be shattered in the end..."

The one-eyed girl took up the silver slip and said, "I will leave after I say it. If I get any more news, I will send someone to send you a letter. If you miss me, let me get rid of the soul killer and let you later. Just slap it, let me set you a longevity tablet!"

"Okay! Don't be dead when you go out of the city, just talk about it..."

Zhao Guanren smiled bitterly and nodded, and the one-eyed girl whispered: "It is said that there are only two Dafa kings, second only to the mysterious leader. The four big belly women were prostituted in Tianxianglou. That is the place of King Ning. How old, thin and tall, with a broken eyebrow on the left, it should be easy to recognize!"

"Sure enough, it is King Ning, I can't kill you this time..."

Zhao Guanren got up and walked out. The one-eyed girl called her cheap old lady, and quickly closed the stall. She left the back door alone with a burden on her back. She went through several alleys before getting into a rental carriage, but the carriage was actually sitting in the carriage with Princess Gao Yang.

"I'm right, he will definitely come to you before the wedding..."

Gao Yang calmly held a cup of tea, and the one-eyed girl whispered: "Brother Armadillo! I didn't expect to find me on my head. I was scared just now, but Liu Tianliang left, Zhang Wuji was also out of town, and the rest of the guards It's weird that the tower did not appear!"

"The number of people in the first three passes suddenly decreased, and only six can be seen, Zhao Guanren! Liu Tianliang! Zhao Ziqiang! Chen Guangda! Lin Tao..."

Gao Yang frowned and said: "There is another Zhang Wuji who is a new face. He only knows that he is nicknamed the second son. Currently Liu Tianliang is missing. Zhao Ziqiang is a grass bandit in the country, but they will not let Zhao Guanren stand alone. Lin Tao and Chen Guangda should be in the city. Inside, or a training base outside the city!"

"Have you contacted anyone else? The four of us are dangerous..."

The one-eyed girl looked at her eagerly, and Gao Yang said faintly: "The Black Soul Group are all meat-eating masters. We expose our identity to death, but I found some clues. It seems that someone has reincarnated as a prince, so let him replace him. This princess has a scapegoat, haha~"

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