One Step to The End

Chapter 1288: Rebelled


A large amount of smoke rose into the sky, almost covering the entire palace. The imperial palace that had been standing for hundreds of years collapsed. As the so-called emperor’s three faults, three faults are the highest ritual system and a symbol of imperial power. It means that Datang is about to end.

"With my blood! Enshrine the Lord! Eliminate the evil spirits! You must be in bliss..."

Thousands of fanatics ran away completely and rushed towards the imperial city with their swords and guns in a torrent. Their force was not high at all, and many of them didn’t even know how to use kung fu, but their attitude toward death was too terrible, and there were a lot of people who blew themselves up. Fighting for life.

"Quickly stop them and let go! Let go of the arrow..."

A horseman rushed to the street, followed by hundreds of soldiers, but they did not expect that they also had tactics. The woman who seemed to be fleeing changed her body, lit the explosives on her body and threw them into the crowd. Tossed.


The explosions sounded one after another. Teams of soldiers were blown up, crying and crying. The city defense army guarding Luoyang was only a few thousand people. The total number of soldiers and horses was only more than 20,000. The large troops were all stationed in the outskirts. It will take a long time to arrive.

"Don't set fire, shoot the man carrying explosives to death, throw a rock down..."

The voices of the leaders of the left and right guards were all screaming, and the imperial city was not breached when Datang fell. At most, the emperor escaped, but the madman at the moment dared to rush in against the door, and there were others who could not get in. The dynamite cart that comes will blow up the Wengcheng together.

"My lord! Look at the street..."

A soldier yelled in horror. Two huge white cloths rose to the flagpole. On them was a portrait of a man with a fairy wind and bones. There was an obvious break on his left eyebrow, and a line of large characters was written on the cloth-- King Yang Pingchuan, the ruler of Japan!

"Yang Pingchuan! Erye Yang! The Yang family rebelled..."

The generals took a deep breath, no wonder that the coming was so ferocious that the Second Taibao family in Fuzhou turned out to rebel, and the fanatics are not only thousands of people now, but the side gate of the imperial city has also been attacked. explode.

"Long live the King! Kill..."

The cultists saw that the banner was erected, and they were all excited like chicken blood. Ordinary believers rushed out of the house one after another, tied the black cloth with the logo on their heads, took knives, guns and clubs to join the rebellion. The ranks immediately increased the strength of the cult.

"The emperor! The Yang family is rebelling, Yang Pingchuan raised a banner outside, claiming to be the King of Japan..."

An **** rushed into the hall, and the whole family of the old emperor came out. The concubines and show ladies ran to this side lifelessly, while a large number of palace ladies and eunuchs trembled around, but there were only more than two hundred castrated. The guard was guarding, and Jin Wuwei was fine and could not enter the palace.

"Dog offal!"

The old emperor gritted his teeth and cursed: "No wonder the old man Yang is going to sneak into the city, but it is the opposite of the creator of Lao Tzu. What a young Lao San, what a second Tai Bao, Lao Tzu would break your corpses into pieces and uproot them. I swear not to be human!"

"The emperor! It is not suitable to stay here for a long time..."

Chen Guang Dalian hurriedly stepped forward and said: "The sun-shooting cult has been established for more than ten years, which shows that Yang Laosan has been planning for a long time. His Yang family has many disciples in Luoyang, and Princess Gaoyang is everywhere. If you dare to rebel, you must be certain. Sitting down, you still..."

"No need to say more!"

The old emperor suddenly interrupted him, and said angrily: "I have 300,000 troops outside the city, and I will be able to arrive before dark. The soldiers and soldiers are not eating idle meals. I just haven't arrived yet. I want to be here... …"


Two loud noises suddenly sounded on the city wall, and a large number of forbidden troops were blown out. The old emperor ran out of the hall in surprise. A large rain of smoke and blood blew down the wind, and felt dazzling and choking across the distance. The concubines cried.

"What happened, why did my own people fight..."

The old emperor’s eyes widened in disbelief. The forbidden army on the head of the city was actually smashed into a ball, but before the words fell silent, they exploded one after another. Everyone saw clearly that there were cultists in the forbidden army, and finally let the old emperor. Dismayed.

"Fuck! It's a lot of fun this time, it's already deep into my bones..."

Chen Guang looked left and right suspiciously, and suddenly found two palace ladies walking quickly. He knew that he was not from the inner palace when he looked at Fulu. He immediately yelled and dragged the old emperor back. The lady of the palace also suddenly violent.


The two women exploded in mid-air. The explosives were obviously filled with steel grit. The guards in front of the temple were suddenly blown over. The steel grit even pierced the gate, hitting the concubines and court ladies in the temple, women. Screamed like a bomb.


The old emperor suddenly opened his arms and stomped his feet, and a domineering aura suddenly exploded. He actually blocked the dense steel grit abruptly and stood steadily in front of the hall without moving, and Chen Guangda was shaken over. Somersault quickly touched a handful of blood on the eunuch's body.

"The emperor, go, I'll break the queen for you..."

Chen Guangda jumped up and wiped the blood on his face. He looked like a loyal old slave, but when the words fell silent, he saw a few people rushing over. This time even the eunuchs in the outer palace were there, and they were obviously put in by the imperial army. Yes, the scared guards quickly shot down arrows.


The corpses shot were exploded one after another, and Chen Guang was almost stunned by the explosion. He really didn't expect these people to enter the palace, and the Jinwu Guards finally rushed in on horseback, yelling humiliatedly. , All let the old emperor leave quickly.


Chen Guang said anxiously: "Don't take the concubine and the palace maid, especially the women from the Yang family. There are big thieves in the palace to join them inside and outside. You go out and join the army immediately. Don't believe any foreign ministers. The old slave stays to protect the ladies. !"

"Good job! You are waiting for me, I will bring my soldiers back tomorrow..."

The old emperor patted him on the shoulder again, and quickly ran down the hall to greet him. The leader of Chen jumped off his horse and said loudly, "The emperor! The thieves are all mobs, but there are too many explosives. There are two thousand elite soldiers outside the Longxing Gate. I can take care of you!"

"Go! Get out of the city and kill him with a carbine..."

The old emperor leaped on his horse with murderous aura, and rushed straight to the back with his horsewhip, without looking at the hundreds of concubines in the hall, only the empress dowager who had just come out.


The queen in a phoenix robe was dumbfounded, and watched hundreds of riders whizzing away, only taking away the emperor's old lady. She asked dullly, "The emperor is... where is this going?"

"Out of town! Where else can I go? Follow me if you want to survive..."

Chen Guangda suddenly changed like a person, leading more than a hundred inner guards and ran down, the harem beauty followed out in a hurry, only when Chen Guang yelled: "The newcomer and the outer palace all go back to the house, and those who stay are killed. Without pardon, let me go to Xingzhengmen in the inner palace!"

"Go, go! Listen to Mr. Wei's words..."

The eunuchs hurriedly drove the people from the outer palace. It was difficult to remove the inner palace to the outsiders. The chance of a cultist was naturally very low. However, Chen Guangda grabbed the queen’s hand and quickly left the middle palace under the **** of the guards. .

"Close the door and block it..."

Chen Guangda kept issuing orders along the way. Two or three thousand people followed him in torrential torrents. He also took the opportunity to pull the **** queen and whispered: "The queen mother! You have been looking at me not pleasing to your eyes. If the anti-thief comes in, I can only say sorry!"

"You're bullshit! How long does my palace look at you are not pleasing to the eye..."

The queen pinched him angrily, and whispered: "It's just the empress dowager that favors you, this palace can't grab her, right? It's always a posture. Anyway, you protect me well, this palace will definitely do it. Reward you well, and if something happens to me, the emperor can't spare you!"

"The emperor left you alone and ran away. Who cares about you? The counter-thief rushed in for the first round. Who made you the empress..."

Chen Guangda disdainfully wanted to release her hand. The queen quickly clasped his fingers in fright. She couldn't care about the etiquette and manners. Chen Guangda defeated and whispered a few words to her and pinched her ass. The queen immediately beat him in an annoyed manner.


"How can it be? How can it be like this..."

More than a dozen men and women **** with five flowers knelt in the attic, looking at the imperial city in horror. One of them was the hall master of the undercover Qianniuwei. Do you frame Yin Zhiping?"

"Huh~ You are of low grade, naturally I don't know the tricks of Lord Altar..."

A middle-aged man snorted coldly: "It's a pity that the country idiots are illiterate. They regard Yilefang as Pinglefang, and Cui Xuanma as Li Xuanma, making Yin Zhiping a dog's life, but I teach that big things will happen , The lord of the altar will personally wait for me to ask for credit!"

"What Lord of the altar, where's the Lord of the altar..."

The hall master was astonished and said: "Which one are you guys in the altar? My teacher has never established the position of altar master. The top manager of the altar is the envoy of the left and the right, and the uppermost is the Dharma king. I will wait for the order of the Dharma Left. The murder of Yin Zhiping did not mention the rebellion at all!"

"We are from the Huyang branch of the altar. The owner of the altar is Wu Yifan. We received the order half a month ago to come to Luoyang secretly to meet..."

The middle-aged man proudly said: "We know that you are going to kill Yin Zhiping, but you don't need a sledgehammer to kill chickens. We have a more important mission to accomplish in the division. King Yang personally met with me this morning, your little hall master. But there is no such honor! Haha~"

"Fool! Do you know who I am, I am the maiden with flowers under the throne of Fa Yang..."

A woman in white immediately said angrily: "His Lord Faye has been staying in Yuyin Pavilion. He hasn't left the house at all in these two days, and he hasn't called anyone to rebel. You have fallen into other people's tricks. What a rebellion, God. If you don’t get dark, you will be killed!"

"Yuyinge, right? Go grab someone..."


Zhao Guanren walked up with a smile, and a group of people suddenly changed their colors, but there was a man in a cloak behind him. After seeing him, the middle-aged man cried out in shock, "Master Altar, what is going on? "

"Hang you guys, do you invite you to dinner..."

The man in the cloak slowly took off the cloak, Zhao Ziqiang's old face appeared impressively, and ridiculed: "Your shooting school thinks that the structure is tight, and the upper and lower levels are all single-line connections, but when you leave the county, you don't know each other. It's ridiculous to be able to control the entire division!"

The white-clothed woman was surprised: "Yin Zhiping! This turned out to be your trick. How would you know that we are going to harm you?"

"Lao Yang likes white prostitutes and big belly women. I have looked for seven or eight in ten days. Who doesn't know..."

Zhao Guanren smirked: "But you are really stupid. So many comrades did not know that they came here, and it is written on the door of my house that Zhao Mansion is written on the door of my house. Put a Houyi totem in it, one by one automatically ran over and knocked their heads, laughing at me!"

"You dog thief, our leader will definitely break your body into pieces..."

The woman in white screamed angrily, but Zhao Guanren grabbed her by her hair and smiled grinningly: "I'm looking for your leader. I will give you a chance to tell who he is, otherwise I will let you blaspheme your god. Will fall into the abyss forever, and can no longer ascend to the heavenly realm of bliss!"

"I will not blaspheme God Lord, God Lord save me, God Lord save me..."

"Come here! Take out the pee she just peeed and drink it to her god..."

"No!!! Please, let me go..."

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