One Step to The End

Chapter 1292: Take charge of the city

A "peasant uprising" tore off the gorgeous veil of the Tang Dynasty. No one thought that more than 10,000 farmers would break through the imperial city. Whether there were hundreds of monsters or not is not important. The key is that the emperor flees in fright and personally. The last fig leaf was torn off.


Carriages full of corpses passed by Tianhe Street, and there were also corpses carried out and thrown on the carts from all quarters, from the ministers of the princes to the people of the Li people, and there were many corpses that couldn’t be completed, family members. I didn't recognize it when they came, so I had to get them in a car and take them away.

"Regardless of what you think, the officer must either hand in the armor or kill..."

Zhao Guanren rode a war horse to the general’s mansion. A large number of demon slayers had surrounded the "Baili" house, but there were also many private soldiers. Nearly a thousand people were all armed and armed with guns, but General Baili’s personal soldiers were only five. Ten people, the rest of the armor can be dealt with according to treason.

"Removal! Turn in..."

The eldest son of the Baili family, "Baili Hongqi", came out, waved his hand depressed and irritably, and then frowned and asked: "Li Chengma! Don't be awe-inspiring in front of us. Did Yang Pingchuan find him? He was killed. For my four uncles, I have to find him to take revenge!"

"Prince Baili! I didn't stop you from taking revenge..."

Zhao Guanren pointed to the back and said, "The Cui family’s second room was almost wiped out. The children and the women were all armed with knives and guns, and they were ready to go to Fuzhou to find the Yang family to settle the general ledger. But the elders of your family all shrank and did not dare to go out. Seeing that you are paralyzed rebelling-you know to shout!"


Baili Hongqi, who was unable to refute, could only stare at him. Zhao Guanren shook his head and kicked the horse and left. After he had confiscated the armor of the Baili family, he continued to rush to several other wealthy families, and everyone saw the combat effectiveness of the Demon Division. , Those who don't want to kill their lives can only turn in obediently.

"The newcomer puts on the armor, puts the red silk on the left arm of the town devil, and the excess is stored in the warehouse..."

Zhao Guanren rode a horse to continue the raid. The workers and domestic slaves he raised also came out. These people usually trained with the demon slayer, put on armor and immediately became fighters. The army instantly expanded to 5,000 people, and the city defense army and all roads The skirmishers also put him under control.

"My lord! You are here..."

A leader of the Summoning Division walked out of the Guogong Mansion and intervened and said, "The 136 members of the Yang family, including the pro-accompanied family of Princess Gao Yang, have been co-opted to capture or kill, but Yang Pingchuan has not been found. He has fallen, but none of the nine doors have been opened, so he should still be hiding in the city!"

"Continue searching! At the same time tell the people, singing and dancing, dancing..."

Zhao Guanren led the cavalry forward quickly, and soon came to the gate of Luoyang City. The big stone blocking the door had been removed, but the soldiers blocked the street and were not allowed to approach. When he dismounted and came to the blockade, several people The official greeted him immediately.

"My lord! The emperor sent a letter, and Jin Wuwei is really confused..."

The defender stepped forward and handed a letter, saying: "Didn't the Tiger Army go to encircle and suppress the cult? They remembered that there was no one on the way. They arrived at the Longwu Army camp in the early hours of the morning. The emperor heard that the anti-thief had been killed. Let you guard the nine gates, and the army will return to the city tomorrow!"

"Which fool led the way, I thought something happened to the emperor..."

Zhao Guanren opened the letter and looked at it. The old emperor’s letter was also stamped with a big seal. He called the postman to ask about the local situation and learned that there was another prince who was escorting the driver. It was the fastest King Yujiang, but The old emperor refused to let him enter the camp.

"My lord! The emperor doesn't believe in the Nanya ban..."

The guard smiled bitterly: "Nanya lost the palace guard this time, and the escaped Yulin army is also wrangling. The emperor transferred the Longwu army to the outside of the city. He definitely wants to chop off a large number of heads and clean up the wastes at home. Turn around and attack the Yang family again!"

"The Yulin Army speaks of awe-inspiring, and it is faster than a rabbit in a battle..."

Zhao Guanren waved his hand and said, "Don’t look at the jokes anymore. Send me all the'Tabaai' to investigate. Don’t make any more mistakes on the bones. There are a lot of officials waiting to fill the vacancies. You can listen to my package. Guan Jinjue!" "Thank you, Lord Ma, for your support, you must do everything in your humble position..."

A group of officials excitedly ran to give the order, "Tapbai" means to explore the horse, and Zhao Guanren climbed to the top of the city and took a look around. There were still many people and merchants outside the city. So he gave another order and only opened the front gate. People go in and out, but those who leave the city must be scrutinized.

"Zhouquan! Wang Dagui! You are here to stare, don't let Yang Pingchuan run away..."

Zhao Guanren went down to the tower and returned to the inner city. He called all the officials in the city to the palace. Of course, he didn't enter the middle palace privately. The meeting place was set in the conference hall of the outer palace. Matter person.

"Tsk tusk~ The carved columns and jade masonry should still be there, but Zhu Yangai, things are not human..."

There were two rows of Grand Master’s chairs in the hall. Zhao Guanren was sitting first on the left, but the Shangshu of the Three Provinces and Six Departments was almost dead, and there was no one left. There were only a few old men in the purple robe besides him. Which also includes the Zhao family father.


After the officials came in, they were also sluggish for a while. The number of officials in red robes was reduced by more than half, and even fewer were eligible to sit. There were only four of the Seven Princes left, and there was only one Prince Bi left in the city. Seven or eight little kings who don't usually go to court, and the princesses who come to find out the news.

"Prince Bi! Amazing, master..."

Zhao Guanren gave a thumbs up with a smile, and nine princes died overnight, and Prince Dumiao was naturally the biggest winner.

"Li Zhiping! You don't want to be yin and yang weird..."

King Bi walked straight to him and sat down, frowning and said: "Why the imperial army is replaced by yours? Since all the anti-thieves have been killed, even if you don't need the waste of the Yulin army, you should be handed over to the Shenwu army, you What is the purpose of controlling the imperial city?"

"The emperor is outside the city, what purpose can you say to me..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the tea bowl in no hurry, but Wang Bi was interrupted when he wanted to refute, and a senior citizen clapped his legs and said angrily: "Okay! Li Mingma! Where is the emperor now, the prince and the empress are good." , Is Yang Pingchuan caught by the anti-thief?"

"The Queen Empress is here!"

An **** shouted outside the back door, and a room of people hurriedly knelt down to greet him, but a veil screen was carried in first, and the queen was helped out by the **** before the first place in the middle. Did not show up.

"Sirs, please be flat..."

After the queen sat haggardly on the screen, she personally announced the death of the prince. She also recounted what happened yesterday. Finally, Zhao Guanren was asked to take out a letter and read the will of the old emperor. King Bi suddenly had nothing to say.

"Prince Bi! You can see clearly, the official decreed to defend the city..."

Zhao Guanren handed the imperial decree to Wang Bi, who turned his head away with a cold snort, and the officials of his party did not say anything.

"Oh~ Thanks to Zhiping for fighting the enemy bravely and turning the tide..."

The queen whimpered: "My **** can restore peace overnight. Zhiping has made great contributions. The emperor let him continue to guard the capital. This is not only a kind of trust, but also a compliment to him, Zhiping! Take advantage of everyone. It’s all here, let’s say something together!"

"Xie Niangniang Gold Award, to safeguard the safety of the God Capital, we still need all my colleagues to work together..."

Zhao Guanren sat back and said: "The vacancies in the three provinces and six departments are severe. One less link will cause trouble. I think it will be managed by the highest official in each department for the time being. Our company will send inspection officers to supervise and evaluate, and then submit it to the emperor for reference. How is it?"

"The Madam's remark is reasonable, and I am waiting for my full support..."

A large group of officials were immediately excited, and all of them uttered a variety of words of approval, and Wang Bi was really no one to use. Right now there are so many crooked melons and jujubes, which can only let them become officials and then win over, and other little kings even more. It is a recommended candidate for jumping up and down.

"Everyone! The old man has a word not to say anything..."

Cui's three masters stood up and said in a cold voice: "Why did the sun-shooting cult want to destroy my grandchildren, why Li Zhiping was unscathed, and his father-in-law and Laozi's house did not hurt anyone, besides, someone saw Yang Pingchuan as a monster. Hua, why did Li Zhiping hunt him all over the city?

"Old Cui Ge asked this very well, and this king also has questions..."

King Bi stood up and said, "The Devil's Division has only more than a thousand soldiers, why suddenly you have 5,000 more people, and you quickly assembled after the incident, there are as many soldiers and horses, and you wait for the city to be destroyed. Just go to help, what on earth do you intend to do?"

"I do not know either……"

Zhao Guanren smiled and lit a cigarette, and said: "Just tell me what I want to do, no one in this room is a fool, let everyone listen to you, maybe you can wake up the dreamer with one word!"

"If you don't report it, raise the thief with self-respect..."

Prince Bi said angrily: "You knew that the cultists would rebel. You secretly mobilized your forces and waited until they took action before jumping out and doing meritorious services. But when they were originally going to kill you, you misled the rebels and went to the Cui family. Your whole family will be unscathed!"


Grandpa Zhao was frightened and said: "The emperor summoned me at the time, and Mr. Zhang personally picked me up. What is the connection with my grandson-in-law? You are looking forward to my death in Zhao's family, right?"

"I have a certificate, bring it in..."

King Bi suddenly waved his hand, and the soldiers immediately escorted three men in. One of them was horrified and said, "Lord, please beg your mercy. The villain just followed the instructions of the master book of the Town Demon Division and replaced the card of Yilefang with Pinglefang. The rest I don't know anything!"

"This matter has nothing to do with me, we are just apprentices to the Demon Slayer..."

A man wailed: "The day before yesterday, I received an order from the Shangguan to train people who have been in training for more than ten days. They will all enter the city from the four gates. They went to wait in the vicinity of Pingle Square at noon yesterday. When we arrived, the square of Pingle Square The card has been removed, and the three words Pinglefang are no longer visible!"

Bi Wang said cruelly: "Li Zhiping! What else do you have to say?"

"It turns out that the cultists are all Xinqiu (fools), so they don't recognize the place if they change the brand..."

Zhao Guanren smoked a cigarette and laughed and said, "Isn’t anyone telling you that there is no such official position in the Suppression Devil Division? And where my people want to go, do you need your consent? Besides, on the day of my husband’s wedding Can't you call in more people to protect me?"

"There is a master book, he showed me his waist card, his surname is Huang..."

The craftsman immediately yelled loudly, but a demon slayer said in embarrassment: "The master book of the Demon Slayer is called the director. There are three waist cards for the whole department. The rest only have special work permits. There is no Huang above the director. Did you make a mistake?"

"Huh~ I didn't deliberately mislead the anti-thief, who would change the shop card if nothing else..."

Wang Bi asked again: "Li Zhiping! You have mobilized five thousand men and horses to come in, and you are fully equipped. Do you need so many people to protect your safety? I am so eloquent, but everyone in this room does not believe in the ball, even if you do not dare to expose you. Everyone knows it!"

"You have to put these two unrelated things on my head forcibly, right..."

Zhao Guanren sneered and said: "And I don't understand it. You were almost killed by the Yang family. You didn't seek revenge from others. On the contrary, they made things difficult for me, a meritorious official, King Bi! This is ruining your treason plan. I will delay you from becoming the emperor!"

"Fart! You dare to talk nonsense about such a rebellious remark, are you really lawless..."

Wang Bi's eyes rounded angrily, his party members also scolded one after another, and the Queen Empress couldn't help but slapped the case table and shouted angrily: "Come on! This anti-thief will be taken down by the palace. Ten, break into the jail, and listen to the emperor's sentiment!"


A group of internal guards rushed in immediately, and Wang Bi smiled grinningly: "Li Zhiping! You raised the bandits and caused the unforgivable crime, wait... Hey! Why are you arresting this king? It is Li Zhiping that you are arresting?"

"It's you who caught you, you, a rebellious wicked obstacle..."

The Queen Empress yelled again, and Wang Bi was suddenly pressed to the ground, and his soldiers were also held by the guards...

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