One Step to The End

Chapter 720: Security Point No. 7

In the early morning of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the entire Yutian County was boiling. From a distance, a large number of imperial cavalry were seen surging in. The black pressure seemed to be a large tide, which made the people evade in horror.

However, although the Forbidden Army is well equipped and powerful, in front of the Dragoons, they are like a group of young soldiers. The dragoons who crawled out of the dead pile are so angry that they are scarred all over the body, whether they are people or horses. There are only 8,000 people. Just crush the fifty thousand forbidden army to death.

"My God! Why are the Dragoons here? Those who celebrate the New Year will not make corpses..."

The people shrank in fear on both sides of the road. How did they know that a large number of white-clothed field guards appeared in the rear, escorting a golden dragon, the dragon flag of the Han Empire was flying high, and the people hurriedly knelt down and made trouble for a long time. It turned out that the queen arrived.

Fairy Villa!

A very tacky name, but the big archway is blocking the only way to enter the mountain. There are also security rooms and ticket offices on the left and right sides. A brown wooden sign also says-National Five-Star Scenic Area, Tickets The price is 200 texts, including accommodation and fishing once.

"Lao Tzu tells you, your good days are not a few years away..."

Zhao Guanren sat in the truck and pointed to a group of sons, and said: "After you are twelve years old, you will all be responsible for eating and drinking. This is the family rule of our Zhao family. If you are not able to get ahead at the age of twenty, you will go to the scenic spot to sell tickets. Bar!"

"Father! Am I not the emperor in the future? How can I get ahead..."

The little prince bit the sugarcane and looked at him cutely, but Zhao Tiannan disdainfully said: "You are so beautiful! Your second brother can make soy sauce. You prince may not be able to do it for a few years. What a good thing, sitting in the palace every day to read and write, I'm exhausted!"

"You are afraid that you have lost your mind..."

The little prince retorted: "How fast is the emperor's money? Find a wife who can take care of the affairs of the court. What books and words are you reading? Did you see my father read and write? When we get rich, we will fish during the day. Hunting and sleeping with big **** girls at night, isn't she fragrant?"


Zhao Tiandong, the eldest son of the Zhao family, stretched out his hand and said contemptuously: "Prince! You are so clever. You have a small body and want to sleep with a big butt. You can't touch the girl who is still in bed. Don't talk nonsense, and quickly borrow my money. Give it back to me, otherwise the profit will be tripled!"

"No money! I borrowed it by my ability, so why would I pay it back..."

"Do you dare to reckless, brothers beat him..."

"Just you have brothers, brothers who have spent money go together..."

The two gangs of bear children started playing ping-pong. Zhao Guanren sat on the side, laughing and crying. After the convoy came to a halt, the two gangs of children had already been beaten with blue noses and swollen faces. After jumping down, they were divided into two groups of curses, even the girls Run over to stand in line to cheer.

"Do you want sugar cane, one or two silver pieces..."

The boys from the head of Lu’s family came over carrying the sugarcane, but the two gangs picked up the sugarcane and fought again. It was no surprise that the Queen Dragon got out of the carriage. Instead, she secretly stuffed her daughter with a sugarcane and tripped the prince. Happily slipped away.

"Go up the mountain!"

Zhao Guanren strode towards the valley. Many houses have been built in the valley. The cavern of wreckage on the mountainside has also built a splendid temple. After rebirth, Bai Ming and Xue Ji came one step ahead. Waiting at the gate of the temple with a baby.

"What are you doing? Are you paying tribute..."

Zhao Guanren walked into the compound with a stunned face. Ge Chuchu stood in the courtyard with a big belly, and was counting the piles of goods. She turned her head and smiled: "This is a gift for mother-in-law and sisters. You can't go back empty-handed!"

"Please! I'm not going home to visit relatives, there are also corpses over there..."

Zhao Guanren picked up an ivory sculpture and said nonchalantly: "Even if there is no corpse, this thing is contraband in my hometown. If you land, you have to be arrested by officials. Don't worry about it. My mother has too much money to spend. Don't lose it, it's rich than the enemy's country!"

"Oh, courtesy is light and sentimental, so I don't want to bring a few of them, so that people say that we don't understand etiquette..."

Xue Ji forcibly stuffed a box of things for him, and the Zhao family’s wives and children also came in one after another. The Dragon Queen handed over a booklet and said: "This is the envoy Wen Di. Tell your emperor, many friends. There are many ways to make an alliance with my big man, but there is no harm in it!"

"Okay! I must take the words to..."

Zhao Guanren put away the booklet dumbfounded. He really couldn't explain to a group of ancient people what the concept of a country without an emperor was. The Queen of Dragon always believed that whoever took the lead was the emperor, but just changed the name.

"Boss! You can leave it to me..."

Lu Datou walked over with many family members and handed over a mobile phone and said: "Since today, I will live in the villa and wait for your news. I am your strongest backing, but you must put my video on They see, you can’t go back and pretend to be forced, I'm anxious!"

"Don't worry! I must let Lao Qu know how miserable you have been all these years..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head and accepted the phone, and then bid farewell to his wives and daughters one by one, and a bunch of bear children with bruised noses and swollen faces. Only then was the red dragon robe trimmed, and a heavenly treasured sword was carried on him. A hundred masters walked into the Daxiong Hall.

"Counselor! Report on Shen Qingwen's location..."

Zhao Guanren stood in the center of the main hall with a knife, a virtual human appeared in front of him instantly, and a holographic globe also appeared. In addition to the sixteen green dots on the globe, there was also a red dot representing Shen Qingwen on a small island. Flashing continuously.


Suddenly, Zhao Guanren was taken aback. He hurriedly zoomed in on the holographic image and watched it carefully. He pointed to the No. 7 mark and asked in surprise: "Isn't the No. 7 security point in the East? Why did you suddenly ran to a small island? Is there something wrong with your system? "

"No! It's just that the safety point has changed..."

The virtual person shook his head and said: "A nuclear explosion occurred at the No. 7 security point, which is no longer suitable as a transmission point. The temporary No. 7 security point is also unstable. The personal transmission risk coefficient is 2%. For an object of one cubic meter, the risk factor will increase exponentially, please consider carefully!"

"Depend on!"

Zhao Guanren frowned and said: "Unexpectedly, the nuclear explosions will all come out. It seems that the situation is very critical. What date is the earth now, are there anyone else around Shen Qingwen?"

"Insufficient power! Only one person was detected, no infected body has been found..."

As the virtual person reported the year and month of the earth again, Zhao Guanren muttered with his chin, "It seems that the time difference is getting smaller and smaller. It has been fifteen months since I left, counselor! If I take two people there. , What is the risk factor?"

"16.8%, once a teleportation accident occurs, the fatality rate is 100%..."

The virtual person looked at him very seriously. Zhao Guanren stared at the holographic image without saying a word. Shen Qingwen was also on an overseas island. He didn't know which country the island belonged to. Anyway, it was more than 300 kilometers away from the safe point, but it was also the nearest safe place. Clicked.

"Brothers! Go out, I'll go by myself..."

Zhao Guanren turned helplessly and said: "Shengxue! Pandan! Seventeen! There was an accident in the landing place. The more people who go, the more dangerous it is. Only I can go alone to ensure safety. You can rest assured to wait at home, I I will return safely!"

"Boss! I'll go with you, two people are safe too..."

Lu Datou let go of his wife and children and walked over, but Zhao Guanren waved his hand and said, "No! No one will understand the operation after you go. Anyway, I can return immediately if I encounter danger. You can wait for the news with peace of mind. I will land safely. Let the counselor inform you!"

"Hey~ this broken machine..."

Big head Lu sighed depressed, but Zhao Guanren smiled again: "Don't worry! The earth is my main battlefield. The army of the dead was not able to destroy me back then. I will definitely protect myself, my sons! Take good care of me. You old lady, you will be men after I am gone!"

"Father! Don't worry, go, my child will burn paper for you..."

A bear kid waved his hand happily. An angry **** nearly blasted his head. Zhao Guanren rolled his eyes and stepped back and waved his hand and said, "Daughters-in-laws! I'll go back to my hometown and wait for me and help me. Teacher! Teleport...Start!"


A flower suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Guanren's eyes, and he went directly into a colorful twisted tunnel. Unexpectedly, he would not even give a countdown, and he found sadly that he had not even brought a packet of dry food except for a few personal belongings.

"God bless you, don't have any trouble, I don't want to wander into the universe..."

Zhao Guanren put his hands together and prayed vigorously, but he soon realized that the technology teleportation was actually the same as the spiritual teleportation, and even the space-time tunnel was the same.

It's just that the supernatural transfer is like a shared bicycle, where you have to ride on your own, and the technology transfer is like Didi, with a full-time driver to pick up and drop it, and the speed is much faster than a bicycle.

"I will arrive safely, please prepare for landing..."

Suddenly the voice of the counselor came from the electronic watch. Zhao Guanren's eyes flashed again. Suddenly he saw a blue sea at his feet, and an island quickly enlarged in front of him. Then his legs sank suddenly and landed steadily. To the ground.

"Haha~ It's still a reliable car, the driver of the black car can't believe it..."

Zhao Guanren laughed triumphantly, and subconsciously raised his head to look at the blue sky and the sun hanging high above his head, and found that it was no different from the sky of Dahan, and there was no sense of familiarity or unfamiliarity at all.


A broken sound suddenly sounded from the side. Zhao Guanren turned his head abruptly. It turned out that he was standing in a small courtyard. Four men and women fell to the ground. They all looked at him with horrified expressions. Long instant noodles.

"Don't be afraid! I'm not a ghost, I'm an actor, Peng Yuyan Dongjiang Fenyan..."

Zhao Guanren smiled and waved his hand. At this time, he was dressed in a red dragon robe, a black gold sword on his waist, a crocodile skin jade belt, a pleated skirt and cowhide official boots, and a big golden dragon on his chest. Wearing a wingless black gauze hat on his head, a standard brocade and fleece dress.


The four of them scrambled and ran away, shouting "Axi" or "Xiba". Zhao Guanren was slightly startled when he heard it. He looked up at the small building next to him. The words on the signboard It's all circles, only two words he understands-homestay!

"I'm going! Stick..."

Zhao Guanren kicked his legs with a bewildered face, and suddenly jumped onto the fence more than two meters high. He suddenly found that this is an island tourist town, and stinky corpses were wandering in the street, waiting for a while. When the sea breeze blew behind him, the corpses immediately roared and looked at him.

But the only one who answered them was: "Hey~ It's free to go abroad, and the sunset red tour group is officially open! Haha~"

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