One Step to The End

Chapter 725: Deck Pharaoh

"Damn it! The lotion is gone again, I obviously save a lot..."

A young and beautiful French girl was standing in front of the bathroom mirror. Her female companion was sitting on the toilet, holding her cheeks, and shrugged: "This is the mistress, Kate can use it in unlimited amounts, and we can only wait for cheap gifts. Begging!"

"I have to trouble Song Qian, that hypocritical **** must be in stock..."

Tina threw down the empty bottle and said, "Those demons are too united. In order to get Song Qian to be promoted, they did not eat to raise funds for her, and bought an A6 position for Song Qian. Song Qian therefore caught up with Qiao. Ni, has become a high-level A4!"

"Boom boom boom..."


There was a sound of glass knocking, and the two women looked at each other in shock, hurriedly wrapped their bathrobes and ran out. Who knows that it was not the corpse fish that flew up to the eleventh floor, but a white-clothed guy standing on the balcony. , Opened the door and shouted in English: "Surprise! Happy birthday!"


Tina glanced at her female partner suspiciously. Her female partner shook her head blankly, but the other party handed over a birthday card and said through the translator: "Who is Miss Mihir, this is from Mr. Surprise." Gift, I brought a big birthday gift bag!"


The two women took the card and looked at each other. Tina whispered to her female partner: "This fool gave the wrong room. Mihir is Song Qian's English name. Tell him you are Mihir!"

"Yes! I am Mihir, thank you..."

The little foreign girl pretended to be surprised and hugged each other. Zhao Guanren immediately handed over a translation headset, then unloaded the backpack and took out a large box of chocolates. He smiled and said, "Miss Mihir, next is a question and answer session, as long as you answer correctly. , I will keep giving you gifts!"

"what is the problem?"

The two women looked at the backpack hesitantly. There was a pile of stuff in it, but Zhao Guanren actually smiled and asked, "It's getting started! What is one plus one?"


"Yeah~ That's right..."

Zhao Guanren handed the chocolate to each other. The two women immediately opened the box and ate a few of them, but Zhao Guanren asked another large box of high-end cosmetics and two boxes of shiny jewelry. Three legs?"

"Three legs?"

The two women blinked stunnedly, and they said several things in a row that were wrong. Seeing Zhao Guanren put away the cosmetics, Tina immediately stepped forward to hold him, and said in a charming voice: "Mr. Surprise is not there anyway, you just Give us something!"

"No! You have to answer the question, but I can give you a little hint..."

Zhao Guanren pouted with a smirk. Tina gave him a kiss without even thinking about it. Zhao Guanren immediately stuffed her with cosmetics. Hey Tina gave him a fierce kiss, but he picked up the jewelry and asked: " When is Mr. Surprise’s birthday?"

"Tell us, give you another kiss..."

Tina hugged him, this time Zhao Guanren shook his head like a rattle, and squinted at another golden retriever. The little golden retriever came up to kiss him without saying a word. He took the jewelry and smiled: "I'm too Love this gift, do you have any more?"

"Yeah! Big prize..."

Zhao Guanren took out a stack of black cards from his pocket, held it up, and said, "This is a five-tier shopping card for supermarkets. One card represents one thousand points, which can be consumed and redeemed. There are fifty cards in total and fifty thousand credits. Points, you only need to answer my two questions!"

"When the shopping card was issued, why don't we know..."

The two women stared suspiciously at the black card. Zhao Guanren immediately walked to the landline and pressed the hands-free button, then simply pressed the fast dial button of the supermarket, and asked the two women to come over and inquire after they were connected.

"Yes, ma'am!"

A black woman with a strong accent said: "Hei. Card. We just issued a joint shopping card. You can enjoy a 10% discount. Do you need us to deliver it to your room?"

"Not for the time being! Thank you..."

The two women hurriedly hung up the phone and glanced at each other with joy again, followed by one left and one right around Zhao Guanren, and kept sending kisses to his face. Anxiously, he shouted: "No! The last link." I have to make a video, this is what my husband explained!"

"No! You don't need it, you just need to give us the shopping card..."

Tina directly pushed Zhao Guanren down on the bed and grabbed the shopping card in his hand. The golden-haired babes quickly ran to lock the door behind him, then rushed to Zhao Guanren's side, and said in a bewitching way: "Have you tried a French woman? , We will take you to the sky!"

"Don't take my clothes off, I will be fined, my God! French girls are too wild..."

Zhao Guanren was lying on the bed and struggling, his clothes and bathrobes fell on the ground one by one. For most people on this boat, fifty thousand points is definitely a huge amount of wealth, enough for two French chicks to go crazy. Do everything possible...

"Boom boom boom..."

A knock on the door suddenly rang, and two French girls popped out of the bed like an electric shock. They quickly pushed Zhao Guanren and said in a low voice, "Quickly get out! Our man is here, let him find that we are all dead, don't wear it, quickly Take everything out!"

"Don't push!"

Zhao Guanren picked up the clothes and ran out. The two French girls were also extremely fast, and the filth was stuffed under the bed like a wind, and the TV was switched to a channel, but neither of them noticed. There was one on the balcony. A small sports camera.

"Come! Here comes..."

Tina opened the door pretending to be sleepy, only to see Jonny walk in alone, with two black guards guarding the door.

"Are you sleeping? Why are you sweating..."

Jonny sat on the small sofa in a puzzled manner. Little Golden Retriever got out of the bed and opened a bottle of whiskey. He poured a glass and gave him a smile, "I thought you were not coming tonight. Tina and I did some wonderful things." , I fell asleep when I was tired and paralyzed!"

"Oh! You two gluttonous kittens..."

Undoubtedly, Jonny untied his tie, took a sip of the drink, and said, "The **** primitive man hurt me miserably. The colonel asked me to report to him on the ship early in the morning, and stay away from the ninth floor tomorrow. That long-haired primitive man is a dangerous man!"

"Long hair? Is that person long hair..."

The two women looked at each other in astonishment. Unexpectedly, their expressions changed again. Zhao Guanren actually squatted on the balcony and did not leave. He smirked at them with a grimacing face, and his long black hair was curled on his head and tied into form. Got a greasy ball head.


Jonny took off his jacket and said, "He is the only man with long hair on the boat, wearing a red ancient costume. It is said that he is very good at Kung Fu. Hey, what are you two thinking, please make me happy, before midnight. Go back to sleep!"

"Good, good!"

The two women came over with pale faces and hurriedly closed the door curtain, but a corner was tilted under the door curtain, and the sports camera took the whole shot of the room...

"What did you do? Don't you want to live anymore..."

Song Qian suddenly saw Zhao Guanren crawling back again, and quickly put down the dog and opened the balcony door.


Zhao Guanren walked in and sat on the sofa, put his pants and socks beside him, and then lazily lit an afterthought cigarette, and smiled: "Go happily, Jonny's eyes on women are really good, those two French The girls are the best!"

"You, you assaulted others..."

Song Qian was surprised to cover her small mouth, but Zhao Guanren rolled her eyes and said: "Things that can be solved by spending money, I want to do that kind of disgusting thing for Mao, you don't know how crazy Tina is, you see me on my neck She has no teeth marks, it's all she bit her girlfriends!"

"Impossible! Tina is an A6 employee, she would not do such a thing, let alone her girlfriend..."

Song Qian shook her head and looked unbelief, Zhao Guanren took out the sports camera and adjusted it, and raised it in front of her mockingly: "Look! I violated them, or they violated me. It’s just that I’m not very happy tonight and just wanted to score twice. Jonny is here!"

"What? Jonny went to their room..."

Song Qian sat down again in disbelief, Zhao Guanren pulled the video to the end, and handed it to her to let her see for herself. Song Qian's face suddenly turned pale.

"You don't know their relationship, you are all semi-public mistresses..."

Zhao Guanren looked at her funny, but Song Qian said after turning off the camera: "I know you despise me very much, but I'm really not a junior. I didn't intervene in their marriage. You know... men have needs, and I need to live too!"

"You call self-deception..."

Zhao Guanren took a sip of her coffee and said, "If you don't care about him, your face will not be so ugly. He must have promised you a lot, saying that your marriage is not happy, you know. That was a lie, but you still plunged in!"

"Why are you so cruel, I didn't offend you..."

Song Qian suddenly cried out: "I admit that I have done a small third job, but if I have a choice, I will definitely stay away from him. Their hope of not being bullied, I can’t fall down!"

"What are you yelling at me, swallow the **** you eat..."

Zhao Guanren pinched out the cigarette **** disdainfully, Song Qian covered her face and cried, "Tina is his secretary. He told me that he had broken Tina. After the vaccine is developed, he will immediately take me to the base for injections. Go to Australia to marry me, because his wife can't bear children, he wants to divorce!"

"You are also a person who has been in the entertainment industry. You believe this kind of nonsense, too lazy to talk about you..."

Zhao Guanren shook his head and stood up. After giving her a few shopping cards, he walked into the balcony, turned a deaf ear to Song Qian’s screams, and jumped straight down to the nine-story iron cage. Who knew he had just found the small hole opened by him. A black shadow suddenly fell from the sky.


A woman smashed in front of him hard, and just slammed into the small hole to "poof", her calf was torn and stuck on the iron cage, and the **** upper body fell into his patio, splashing blood on his face. In shock, he jumped backward and looked up in surprise.


Zhao Guanren's eyes suddenly burst, just as Reporter Jin stretched his head to look at him on the top floor, and made a silent gesture with a strange expression. His head shrank and disappeared, but the frigate suddenly lit up, and a beam of light shone straight toward him. He...

(This is another surprise. Are you happy or surprised?)

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